Sl Final Review

  • October 2019
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NAME __________________________________________ STREET LAW: FINAL EXAM REVIEW SPRING 2007

DATE __________________________

DIRECTIONS: The review is worth up to 21 extra credit points. The extra credit points will be added to the final examination point score. The review may be used as a resource for 15 minutes during the final examination period. Material can be found in your Street Law textbook, and in your notes, handouts, readings, and assignments. The concepts are separated into categories that match the chapters in your textbook. All work on this review must be your own. No extra credit will be given for copied work. You will not be able to use a copied review as a reference during the exam. Tuesday, May 22 Wednesday, May 23 Thursday, May 24 Friday, May 25 Saturday, May 26 Sunday, May 27 Monday, May 28 Tuesday, May 29 Wednesday, May 30 Thursday, May 31 Friday, June 1

Complete terms 1-36 Complete terms 37-68 Complete terms 69-95 Prom Day Look up any vocabulary words you do not know Work on graphic organizer Memorial Day. Relax and enjoy. Complete terms 96-120 Complete terms 121-133 Complete terms 134-160 Complete terms 161-183

I. IDENTIFICATION OF CONCEPTS. Identify or define the following concepts. This is Part I of the final exam. Each class will take this part of the exam on the day of their final was assigned. INTRODUCTION TO LAW 1. agency 2. statutes 3. civil action 4. appeal 5. lobbying/lobbyists 6. felony 7. misdemeanor 8. Gideon v. Wainwright 9. executive branch 10. legislative branch 11. judicial branch 12. majority opinion

13. dissenting opinion 14. judicial review 15. ordinances 16. jurisprudence 17. Supreme Law of the Land 18. Bill of Rights 19. checks and balances 20. U.S. Supreme Court/William Rehnquist 21. District Justice Court 22. Court of Common Pleas 23. Superior Court/Commonwealth Court 24. PA Supreme Court 25. voir dire 26. guilty beyond a reasonable doubt 27. preponderance of the evidence 28. adversary system 29. contingency fee 30. attorney-client privilege 31. plaintiff 32. defendant 33. negotiation 34. mediation 35. arbitration 36. precedent INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS 37. 1st Amendment

38. defamation/libel/slander 39. commercial speech 40. time, place, and manner restrictions on free speech 41. obscenity 42. clear and present danger test 43. balancing test 44. incitement test 45. Goss v. Lopez 46. due process 47. legal classification (race, color, gender, etc.) 48. sexual orientation 49. Fricke v. Lynch 50. affirmative action programs 51. reverse discrimination 52. strict scrutiny test 53. symbolic speech 54. public forum 55. limited public forum 56. Tinker v. Des Moines 57. Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier 58. shield law 59. gag order 60. prior restraint 61. establishment and free exercise clauses 62. Wisconsin v. Yoder 63. Lee v. Weisman

64. Freedom of Information Act 65. right to privacy 66. Roe v. Wade 67. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey 68. Family and Educational Rights and Privacy Act

FAMILY LAW 69. joint custody 70. paternity 71. annulment 72. community property state 73. separate property state 74. equitable distribution 75. no-fault divorce 76. irretrievable breakdown 77. bigamy 78. joint marital property 79. separation agreement 80. battered spouse syndrome 81. Michigan v. Francine Hughes 82. burning bed defense 83. Protection from Abuse Act 84. prenuptial agreement 85. palimony 86. alimony 87. rehabilitative alimony

88. common law marriage 89. legal age for marriage in PA 90. cohabitation agreement 91. tender years doctrine 92. best interests of the child doctrine 93. age of majority 94. living will 95. estate HOUSING LAW 96. warranty of habitability 97. month-to-month lease 98. tenancy for years 99. tenancy at will deposit 101.waiver of tort liability 102.fixtures 103.eviction 104.right of entry 105.sublease 106.right to quiet enjoyment 107.consideration clause of a contract 108.acceptance clause of a contract CONSUMER LAW 109.Caveat Emptor 110.Better Business Bureau 111.Food and Drug Administration

112.warranty 113.bait and switch 114.warranty of merchantability 115.secured credit 116.default 117.collateral 118.interest 119.debtors 120.lien TORT LAW 121.preponderance of the evidence 122.tort reform/medical malpractice insurance costs 123.deep pocket 124.negligence torts 125.intentional torts 126.strict liability torts 127.products liability 128.settlement 129.Beulah Mae Donald v. United Klans of America 130.nominal damages 131.compensatory damages 132.punitive damages 133.comparative negligence CRIMINAL LAW 134.principal 135.accomplice

136.accessory 137.before the fact 138.accessory after the fact 139.solicitation 140.attempt 141.conspiracy 142.elements 143.motive 144.criminal intent/state of mind 145.crimes of omission 146.strict liability offenses 147.embezzlement 148.extortion 149.PA Sex Offenses (forcible rape & statutory sexual assault) 150.1st degree murder - PA 151.2nd degree murder - PA 152.voluntary manslaughter - PA 153.involuntary manslaughter - PA 154.PA DUI law - penalties for 1st & 2nd offense drunk driving 155.PA Controlled Substances Act - penalty for selling controlled substances within a school zone 156.right to remain silent - 5th Amendment 157.Miranda v. Arizona/Miranda warnings 158.public safety exception to Miranda 159.exclusionary rule 160.probable cause 161.reasonable suspicion/school searches

162.2nd Amendment 163.Terry v. Ohio/Terry stop 164.searches without a warrant incident to a lawful arrest 166.insanity defense in PA 167.guilty but mentally ill 168.entrapment 170.plea bargain 171.preliminary hearing 172.arraignment 173.motion for change of venue 174.restitution 175.incapacitation 176.rehabilitation 177.deterrence 178.retribution punishment 180.lethal injection 181.juvenile system/intake 182.juvenile system/adjudicatory hearing 183.PA Juvenile Act The following sections will also appear on the exam. It is not necessary to have notes on these parts to receive extra credit for the review. This is Part II of the final exam. Students will take this part during their regularly scheduled final exam period. The format is multiple choice. A. ANALYSIS OF CRIMINAL RESPONSIBILITY. You will be given a situation in which you will have to analyze who is the principal, accomplice, accessory before the fact, accessory after the fact, and who has no responsibility. You should be familiar with those terms and concepts.

B. ANALYZING A STATUTE. You will be given a short Pennsylvania law statute. You will be asked questions about the statute. C. ANALYZING A COURT OPINION. Attached is a copy of a judge's opinion in a Chester County Court of Common Pleas case. The case involves a police search. You will be asked questions about the opinion on the exam. A copy of the opinion will be given to you on the exam. You should read the opinion and make sure that you understand it. D. ESSAY. The essay questions for the final exam will be given during the marking period. The scores for the essays will be counted as part of the final exam score.

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