Introduction to Skin Care for Younger Children Lesson Plan Lesson: Introducing skin care and hygiene Objective: Informing kids about skin care and exposing them to an idea of a routine. Materials: Face Wash, Lotion, Headbands, Sunscreen Procedure: 12:00-12:15 Asking the children what they known about acne and taking care of their skin 12:15-12:30 Slide presentation with many visual aids about how and why we wash our face 12:30-12:45 Introduce washing face with little kits containing headband, face wash, lotion, and sunscreen. 12:45-1 Wrap up why it is important with a question and answer period of the session making sure to hit the main point and asking if they will continue on at home. Homework/Takeaway: Give them the task of washing their face at least once at home and showing their parents while teaching them something new.