Skill Camps2008 Recommended for boys in the 46 though 8e grade.All Participantswill receiveindividual skill instruction &om St. Loufu High Performance's elite volleyball staff The skill sessionswill Fovide detailedinstructionin the fuldamentalsandtacticsofeach skill. Eachsession will focuson differert skills aodtechniques.This meanstbat you canatterd multiple sessionsandexperiencea new skill andfocus at each. LOCATION: St.Louis Sport'sCenter,6727LangleyAvenue,63123 COSTr I Session - $30 3 or more sessions- $20lsession session#1: october 2nd6r30-8:30PM(choose one Skill Below) _ Passing& Ilittitrg _ Serving& Defense Se$lion#2: October th 6r30-8:30PM (ChooseOne Skill Below) _ Hitting & Blocking _ Settiog& Defeffe Session#3: October l5o 6:30-8!30PM (ChooseOneSkilt Below) _ Setting& Hitting _ Passing& Defense Sessiontt4: October 22'o 6:30-8r30PM(ChooseOneSkill Below) _ Serving& Hitting _ Passing& Setting Pleasemakecheckspayableto St Louis lligh Performance YBC andsendto: St. Louis High PerformanceVBC 6917CheshiraLane St.LouisMO 63123 For more infomation you cancoltact the club at 314-49G2359or at
[email protected] more iDfomation on St. Louis High Performance VBC pleasecheakout our websiteat !!ry:qllbigbpelblg4gggleglq.