SpecialtyCamps2008 Recommended for boy's in the 8s through 12frgrade.All Participantswill receiveindividual positional instructioofrom St l,ouis lligh Performance's elite volleyball staff. The specialtysessionswill provide advanceddetailedinstructionin the firndamentalsandtacticsof each position.Eachsessionwill focus on different skills andtechniquesfor eachposition.This meenqthat you can attendmultiple sessionsand experiencea new training focusfor eachone. LOCATION: St.Louis Sport'sCenter,6727LangleyAvenue,63l23 COST: I or2 Sessions - M0lsession 3 Sessions - $30/session 4 or moresessiors- $2Slsession Session#1: Septernber96 6:30-9PM (ChooseOnePositionBelow) _ Outsides& Rightsides _ Setters Session#2: September11&6:30-9PM (ChooseOnePositionBelow) _ Middle Blockers _ Liberos Session#3: September16h 6:30-9PM (ChooseOnePositionBelow) _ Mddle Blockers _ Setters Sessionl#4:September18t 6:30-9PM (ChooseOnePosifionBelow) _ Outsides& Rigbtsides _ Setters Session#5: September23d 6:30-9PM (ChooseOnePositionBelow) _ Outsides& Rightsides _ Liberos Sessiontt6: September25e 6:30-9PM (ChooseOnePositionBelow) _ Mddle Blocken _ Setters Pleasemakecheckspayableto St Louis High Performance VBC and sendto: St. Louis High PerformanceVBC 6917CheshireLane St.LouisMO 63123 For more information you can contactScott Meb raer at 314-496-2359or ar
[email protected] more information on St Louis High Performance VBC pleasecheckout our websiteat @.