Sk B1 Family Liaison Fdr- Draft Zelikow Letter To Be Sent To Family Members On Behalf Of Kean-hamilton 538

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Download & View Sk B1 Family Liaison Fdr- Draft Zelikow Letter To Be Sent To Family Members On Behalf Of Kean-hamilton 538 as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 746
  • Pages: 2
Dear Families of the Victims 9-11 and the bombing of the World Trade Center 1993, The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (9-11 Commission) was signed in to law by President Bush in November of 2002. Although we had a Joint Inquiry that reported much of what happened on that fateful day, a Family Steering Committee with the help of many in Washington were instrumental in getting this Commissioned formed to do a more extensive investigation of 9/11. Attached is a list of several questions frequently asked about the Commission that will give you a better understanding of the makeup and goals of the Commission. As Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Commission, we wanted to reach out directly to as many family members as possible to introduce our family liaisons who are available to you to keep you informed about the progress of the Commission and to receive your input if you wish to bring any questions or information of your own to the attention of the Commission. Ellie a family member whose husband, John, worked for Fiduciary Trust and was on the 92nd floor of the south tower when the second plane struck. Emily Walker was working in World Trade Center 7 that day. She is a survivor. She will be managing the New York office of the Commission as well as working on the team investigating the Immediate Response in New York and at the Pentagon. Our New York office is at 26 Federal Plaza in lower Manhattan. Please feel free to call 1 8000 xxx xxxx . That number will announce the schedule of, and directions to our hearings and you can also reach one of the family liaisons or leave a message on that line. We also have an email address specifically for the families'- families® 91 The Commission has its own web site at www.91 The last two hearings were video taped and are available on that site under archive video. Future hearings will be posted on that site as well as general information about the Commission. We will be holding additional hearings in September, October, November, January, and February. We do not have the exact dates or topics but we will post that information as soon as we can. We want to assure you that the Commission is committed to finding out the answers to questions that you all have suffered with for so long, and just as important we will be making recommendations to the government and the nation that will help prevent another terrorist attack. If you want to be involved we welcome your input. The job will continue once the Commission has written its report. Putting the recommendations into effect will be very challenging and we look forward to your participation. Sincerely,

Thomas Kean, Chairman

Lee Hamilton, Vice Chairman

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----- Forwarded message from "" Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 19:00:30 -0400 From: "" Reply-To: "" Subject: Fwd: To: ""

Dianna -Please staff.

pz ----- Forwarded message from elinorehartz <[email protected]> ----Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 12:52:25 -0400 From: elinorehartz <elliehartzioptonline .net> Reply-To: elinorehartz <[email protected]> To: "" , "" , "" Attached is a letter which I thought we should send out on Tom and Lee's behalf when and if we get the complete list of the family is not clear that we are going to have a 1-800 number so I can always either give the main number or just omit any telephone number. Sorry I could not figure out how to attach this on the commission email. ----- End forwarded message -----

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