Sk B1 2004 Hearings Fdr- Draft Hearing Schedule- Law Enforcement And Domestic Intelligence Inside The United States 492

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  • Pages: 3



[LOCATION! ' WASHINGTON, rye/ • ; : • > , ' ' , . ' - , Law Enforcement and Domestic Intelligence Inside the United ' States WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2004 9:00-9:30 a.m.

Hearing Commences • . Opening Statement by Chairman Kean


.' '

Staff Statement: Law Enforcement and Domestic Intelligence , ! Inside the United States in the 1990s 9:30 a.m. - 12 noon


Panel-One: Domestic Counterterrorism Intelligence in the 1990s Historical perspective on the strengths and weaknesses of the FBI and its involvement in,intelligence 'activities in the U.S.; FBI reforms v proposed in the J990's and the fate of those proposals; laws and regulations governing the handling of US person information; the connection or lack thereof between foreign and domestic intelligence agencies. David Kris, former Associate Deputy Attorne^^General, 2001-2003, FISA, AG guidelines, legal authorities Robert Bryant, former Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investiation, reform roosals ^ /tx«Lfr-yvc ' '


Ronald D. Lee, former General Counsel, National Security Agency; former Associate Deputy Attorney General; former Chief of Staff of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1994-1999; foreign/domestic issues


A CIA official who has served as former deputy section chief of FBI international terrorism operational section and as former chief or deputy chief of DCI's Counterterrorist Center i '12:00-12:30 p.m. 12:30-3:00 p.m.

Break Panel Two: Leadership of the Department of'Justiceand Federal Bureau of Investigation in the 1990s ; Janet Reno, former Attorney General




Closed by S t a t u t e

\s Freeh, former


Closed by S t a t u t e

3:00-5:00 p.m.


Pahel^hree: (Jose Agent Perspective o/f Counterte rorism within the Fl Strength^ arid weaknesses of the FBfas told by FBI gents active in counterterrjorism cases prior to. Witt and now; illustration of what would be gained and lost by various proposals to restructure the FBI. Case AaenA Chicago or Detroit/terrorist financing Case AgentANew York, al Qaeda expertise Case A/gent, Phoenix, terrorist j

5:00 p.m.

Hearing concludes for the day

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12 9:00-9:30 a.m.

Hearing Resumes Opening Statement by Chairman Kean Staff Statement: Law Enforcement and Domestic Intelligent Ipsidfl-fhf> United Rfofr-i in thp TV?yv Millpnpjum.

9:30-10:30 a.m.

Pfrnrl Four FRI Rcipfltnr fn ffd^htcnrd Threat Prior to 9/11 Thomas Pickard, formervAciing DirectoV federal Bureau of Investigation Y/ \ Dale Watson, former Executive Assistant Gh<ector for Counte^errqrism / /

10:30 a.m.-l :30 p.m.

Panel Five: FBI/DO JResponse to Terrorist Attacks John Ashcroft, Attorney General Robert Mueller, Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation T. arry Thompson, -former Deputy Attorney Gonoral -€.

1:30-2:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m.

Break Panel Six: State and Local Law Enforcement Perspective on Counterterrorism Intelligence Views of state and local law enforcement concerning federal Counterterrorism intelligence efforts including views of the contribution of the Joint Terrorism Task Force structure; information sharing with state and local law enforcement and private sector; information sharing initiatives utilizing information technology tools.


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Ed Manavian, Chief, Criminal Intelligence Bureau, California Department of Justice; chairman of the board of the. JRIES . : information sharing network




Ray Kelly, Chief of Police,.New York City Police Department ' . \ • ' 3:00-5:30 p.m.



Panel Seven: Preventing Future Attacks Inside the United States


Integration of terrorist threat information from multiple transnational sources; current efforts to ensure collection, analysis, and dissemination of information indicating possible terrorist attack within the United States; de-confliction of overlapping authorities and missions; elimination of wasteful redundancies; appropriate allocation of resources. '" ' .'"•'•"'•. John Brennan, Director, Terrorist Threat Integration Center


Maureen Baginski, Director, Office of Intelligence, FBI

'" • •

Chief, DC1 Counterterrorist Center Patrick Hughes, Assistant Secretary of Information Analysis^ Department of Homeland Security GaptrMrke Noll, U.S.N., J2, NORTHCON'^ 5:30 p.m.

Hearing Concludes

. ;•



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