
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 1,360
  • Pages: 9
mtb[5:20 pm]: what r u doing????????? mtb[5:20 pm]: tell mtb[5:20 pm]: tell saiva[5:20 pm]: studying mtb[5:20 pm]: wht r u studying??? saiva[5:21 pm]: java3d mtb[5:21 pm]: studying auto cad mtb[5:21 pm]: of f$#%$#% mech pple mtb[5:21 pm]: yy?? mtb[5:21 pm]: y r un into s/w 's mtb[5:22 pm]: tell tell mtb[5:22 pm]: m i pestering u???? mtb[5:22 pm]: is it called pesetring?? mtb[5:23 pm]: tell mtb[5:23 pm]: siva mtb[5:23 pm]: tell mtb[5:23 pm]: bolo mtb[5:23 pm]: bolo saiva[5:23 pm]: no mtb[5:23 pm]: thanxx saiva[5:24 pm]: ur just mad! mtb[5:24 pm]: nopes.. mtb[5:24 pm]: y r u saying me mad mtb[5:24 pm]: ?? mtb[5:24 pm]: m i ?? saiva[5:24 pm]: i know better than to answer silly questions mtb[5:24 pm]: if i wud hv been mad

mtb[5:24 pm]: u wud hv said mtb[5:24 pm]: yes mtb[5:25 pm]: but coz mtb[5:25 pm]: m not mad mtb[5:25 pm]: u r not feelimng comforatble mtb[5:25 pm]: to say no mtb[5:25 pm]: isnt it so?? mtb[5:25 pm]: u f#$#@$@ mtb[5:26 pm]: tel tell mtb[5:26 pm]: siva mtb[5:26 pm]: y r u silent mtb[5:27 pm]: pla say smthg saiva[5:27 pm]: ur mad.....its official mtb[5:27 pm]: do not leak it. mtb[5:27 pm]: keep it official mtb[5:28 pm]: dont make it public mtb[5:28 pm]: else mtb[5:28 pm]: pple ll say u mad only mtb[5:29 pm]: r u listening me?? mtb[5:29 pm]: y r u so late mtb[5:29 pm]: in typing mtb[5:29 pm]: u got ur fake high school certificates??? mtb[5:29 pm]: get it at the earliest mtb[5:29 pm]: coz , u may b asked to show it mtb[5:30 pm]: tell mtb[5:30 pm]: tell mtb[5:30 pm]: bolo mtb[5:30 pm]:

bolo saiva[5:30 pm]: u r mad.. mtb[5:30 pm]: hahahha,,,, mtb[5:30 pm]: i dont think mtb[5:30 pm]: only u tell this mtb[5:30 pm]: y dont others tell me same thing mtb[5:31 pm]: how can i beielve u? saiva[5:31 pm]: they gave up on u! mtb[5:31 pm]: really?? mtb[5:32 pm]: but atleast they shud hv told me smthg abt it mtb[5:32 pm]: tell mtb[5:32 pm]: tell mtb[5:32 pm]: bolo mtb[5:32 pm]: bolo mtb[5:33 pm]: siva,, mtb[5:33 pm]: y u r not replying me mtb[5:33 pm]: u gave upon me?? mtb[5:33 pm]: r u aloser mtb[5:34 pm]: can u tell me now mtb[5:34 pm]: how it feels being such abig looser??? saiva[5:34 pm]: i m a loser saiva[5:34 pm]: it feels bad mtb[5:34 pm]: ok , u accept mtb[5:34 pm]: hahhahaha mtb[5:34 pm]: really mtb[5:34 pm]: how much bad?? mtb[5:34 pm]: can u give some detail?? saiva[5:35 pm]:

im leaving...i 'll talk to u tomorrow saiva[5:35 pm]: byee saiva[5:35 pm]: gud night mtb[5:35 pm]: will u reaaly talk me?? mtb[5:35 pm]: cool mtb[5:35 pm]: u r also mad then mtb[5:35 pm]: coz mtb[5:35 pm]: u said u ll talk me mtb[5:35 pm]: okay ,, mtb[5:36 pm]: i ll wait mtb[5:36 pm]: hahhahhaha mtb[5:36 pm]: gud bye.. mtb[5:36 pm]: take care , saiva[5:36 pm]: doctors talk to mad one suvh kinda person saiva[5:37 pm]: but if i dont find any medicine..i wud also stop talking ... mtb[5:37 pm]: haha,, mtb[5:37 pm]: nopes buddy., mtb[5:37 pm]: plz take ur medicines mtb[5:37 pm]: or ask me to send to u saiva[5:38 pm]: ur mad.. saiva[5:39 pm]: tht is more argument mtb[5:39 pm]: okie.. mtb[5:39 pm]: cool mtb[5:39 pm]: tc saiva[5:39 pm]: no matter whatever u say..u is a truth mtb[5:39 pm]: i ll c d meaning saiva[5:39 pm]: u 've come up with strange acronyms!!

saiva[5:39 pm]: tc!!! saiva[5:40 pm]: tht u wont understand anyway!

mtb[5:40 pm]: tc!! saiva[5:40 pm]: dot look up tht word i ll try f#$#$ mtb[5:40 pm]: mtb[5:40 pm]: i llc it saiva[5:40 pm]: u donno where to look up!! mtb[5:40 pm]: dictionary .com saiva[5:40 pm]: take someone's help saiva[5:40 pm]: wow!!!!!!!!!1 saiva[5:41 pm]: u have come a long way!!! mtb[5:41 pm]: thnx frnd mtb[5:41 pm]: u encouarge me mtb[5:41 pm]: but v seldom saiva[5:42 pm]: i encourage u ..but u r thousands of miles behind is too hard for u to catch up with me mtb[5:42 pm]: yes , mtb[5:42 pm]: i dont want 2 b mad ,catching u mtb[5:43 pm]: f$%$#% mtb[5:43 pm]: say smthg saiva[5:43 pm]: u will go mad trying to catch me..u saiva[5:44 pm]: everything i know so hard for u to understand..they 'd go over ur moron head!! saiva[5:44 pm]: so better give up!! mtb[5:44 pm]: y r u so pompous mtb[5:44 pm]: wht u know is of no use mtb[5:44 pm]:

so be happy in it. saiva[5:45 pm]: its of no use to u!! saiva[5:45 pm]: thts true.. mtb[5:45 pm]: u ven dont know ur wipro id mtb[5:45 pm]: u moron saiva[5:45 pm]: wow!! mtb[5:45 pm]: wht do u know then saiva[5:45 pm]: u getting angry!! mtb[5:45 pm]: not angry saiva[5:45 pm]: nice..atleast i succeeded in angering u!! mtb[5:46 pm]: i m not angry saiva[5:46 pm]: though i cudnt cure ur insanity!! mtb[5:46 pm]: hahhaha,, mtb[5:46 pm]: for that mtb[5:46 pm]: u shud mtb[5:46 pm]: go to mtb[5:46 pm]: kondapur cafe mtb[5:46 pm]: n hv to realize the environment mtb[5:46 pm]: i hv been tio mtb[5:46 pm]: then only mtb[5:46 pm]: u can cure my insanity saiva[5:46 pm]: wow!..these irrelevent babblings of urs bear a testimony to ur madness mtb[5:47 pm]: hahaha,, mtb[5:47 pm]: do u hv orkut account mtb[5:47 pm]: oh sorry mtb[5:47 pm]: do u knwo about orkut?? mtb[5:48 pm]: orkut. network, social , chat n medssages mtb[5:48 pm]:

do u know? saiva[5:48 pm]: u r really mad..all of a sudden ur shifting topics like a typical mad guy!! mtb[5:48 pm]: hahhaha mtb[5:48 pm]: u ll only monitor pple mtb[5:48 pm]: doing this n that mtb[5:48 pm]: n analysing it mtb[5:48 pm]: n u ll die mtb[5:49 pm]: one fine day saiva[5:49 pm]: just read wht u 've typed above..u'll come to know how mad u are mtb[5:49 pm]: without doing anything useful mtb[5:49 pm]: got u mtb[5:49 pm]: f$%$% saiva[5:49 pm]: u dont even do tht!!u 'l die without even knowing what kinda person u are..u wait for others to tell u saiva[5:50 pm]: ..and im telling the truth..u r mad mtb[5:54 pm]: but how come mtb[5:54 pm]: i dont knwo this mtb[5:56 pm]: i m bored of u mtb[5:56 pm]: u r v boring person saiva[5:56 pm]: ok.. mtb[5:57 pm]: wht ??? mtb[5:57 pm]: write?? mtb[5:57 pm]: y u r apprehensive in writing? mtb[5:57 pm]: r u afraid of me?? saiva[5:57 pm]: yes..obviousy!! mtb[5:57 pm]: hahahhaha, mtb[5:57 pm]: dont be afraid mtb[5:57 pm]: i ll not eat u

saiva[5:58 pm]: but..u r eating my brains.. mtb[5:58 pm]: r u sure?? mtb[5:58 pm]: of ur brains?? mtb[5:58 pm]: u hv?? saiva[5:58 pm]: i 've a brain..u 've brains..since ur mad mtb[5:58 pm]: u r f%#% mtb[5:58 pm]: dont talk 2 me saiva[5:59 pm]: see..i pity was u who irritated me first..and now in the end it is u who is unhappy!! mtb[6:00 pm]: write.,..... mtb[6:00 pm]: wht u wanr 2 write mtb[6:00 pm]: dont get afraid mtb[6:00 pm]: u coward mtb[6:00 pm]: hv courage saiva[6:01 pm]: dont waste ur words like that..talking uselessly is a dangerous habit mtb[6:01 pm]: i dont hv to take lessons form u saiva[6:02 pm]: u 've started his with no serious intentions..and u 've plunged ur self into this nuisance..and u dont want to give up..since u feel it hurts ur ego saiva[6:04 pm]: ..u'll be better off if u stop this mtb[6:04 pm]: u r too much mtb[6:04 pm]: u dont hv anything to say mtb[6:05 pm]: so u r assaulitng mt mtb[6:05 pm]: me mtb[6:05 pm]: u r short of words saiva[6:05 pm]: me..assaulting!! saiva[6:05 pm]: ok... mtb[6:05 pm]: ok,.,, mtb[6:05 pm]: now go 2 sleep

mtb[6:05 pm]: stop eating my brain. saiva[6:06 pm]: ull be embarrased when u remind this conversation u had with me..this u cant even tell others..u 've to live with this memory.. mtb[6:07 pm]: u go saiva[6:07 pm]: ok mtb[6:07 pm]: i dont want 2 listen u saiva[6:07 pm]: im going mtb[6:07 pm]: u r pestering me saiva[6:07 pm]: ''ull get to listen to bitter truths from me saiva[6:07 pm]: im going saiva[6:07 pm]: byee mtb[6:07 pm]: okie mtb[6:07 pm]: tc mtb[6:07 pm]: bye

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