Sith Life Style

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 909
  • Pages: 2
sith life style sith live in clans, some small and others large. though called clans these are seldom related by anymore then vow. females near giving birth return to the fabled citadel of shadows to have their child. they will be raised under the direct protection of lillith the demon queen of the sith. nurtured by her reverend mothers they will be given the skills they need to survive both the world and their own kind. many young sith will not survive their training but will insure the clans are strong when they do survive. culling is a major part of the demon queen’s plan to breed the perfect army. in order to even breed a handmaiden must request the permission of a reverend mother who are the only ones who know for certain the genealogy's of their people aside from lillith herself. controlling the reproduction and development of the sith as harsh as it is has raised the quality of the average sith warrior 10 fold. this constant staged process of culling and training combined with careful genetic selection also gives the demon queen complete control of her people. male sith are trained in the art of weapons and tactics, females are taught powerful magic and granted potent ability’s by lillith herself, both are taught to worship her without question. females hold the highest stations in their world and a male would never consider hurting one. females play an important role guiding and nurturing the race as demanded by lillith. all females are considered and trained to be religious servants and a male would seldom do anything serious without consulting one. disrespecting a female often leads to death as females are all taught powerful magic and granted abilities by the demon queen. most males wouldn’t want to harm a female. their potent healing magic is the lifeline of a sith warrior. those who are religious seldom wish to harm their priest. females hold the sacred position of consort to their god and the giver of life. males are selected by females to reproduce this is a great honor which a male cant refuse. refusing a female seldom means any less then death and mother is the name for god on the lips of all sith. lillith the demon queen is often called the great mother of their race. clans are ruled by male though a reverend mother must recognize each clan and have at least one handmaiden to insure guidance. males are allowed to have their fun under supervision only and also to insure minimal losses. the culling process keeps their numbers small and loss of to many males can not be afforded. males are encouraged and rewarded for spreading the reach of the demon queen. the creed of their race to enslave and rule all others it is part of their very religion. in order to lead a clan a male needs to be recognized by lillith as worthy and then trained again for his new role. this is the highest male honor known to them. known as a sith lord many will not form clans of their own and instead remain in the clans they are part of. though clans are not blood related males take their vow extremely seriously. those in the same clan will never harm each other and will do their best to protect one another. clans compete with one another for rank and the favor of the demon queen. the higher the rank of the clan the more privileges they are afforded by lillith. sith lords are taught basic magic by females and are already powerful warriors making them formidable adversary's. some rare males have above average magical talent and if their devotion to lillith is just as strong they are taken from the other males and trained apart. those with lacking devotion are consumed by the demon queen. all males with this gift are directly related to lillith in the genealogies. once conditioned these males will be allowed to join clans and are greatly welcomed by any sith lord. though they have no gift in the magic of life they are more gifted in magic of death. feared by even a female they are the beloved son’s of lillith. under direct orders from lillith her self

they will be the ones to deal with renegade handmaidens or reverend mothers. most males will become a reaver and though of the lowest rank they are the back bone of sith military power. trained to fight and kill, those her serve well and show devotion will lead happy and rewarded lives. handmaidens will seldom allow such an honorable male to die regardless of rank. sith only have one true city though small and humble this nuetral gathering place for all clans is the citadel of shadows. here no sith may harm another without the will of lillith behind them. though they only have one city clan strongholds are common and scattered over sith territory. some reavers because of their exceptional skill are selected by sith lord's to be trained at the citadel as weapon masters. a valuable clan assest and the highest honor for a simple warrior. some few sith females have an aptitude for combat. once they have proven themselves as a handmaiden they will be selected to train as a dark maiden they organise sith lord's in time of war acting as the demon queens will in any full blown war effort.

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