Site Analysis Small

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,980
  • Pages: 28
anal ysi si nbr i st ol r edcl i f f ewhar f

gr egdavi dson,ol i versmi t h,andycasey ,j ennymat t hews,l i zapapbol ogna,wi l fwat ki ns

7-envi r onment alanal ysi s 8-shadedar eas 9-t r af f i canal ysi s 10-bui l di nguse 11-l andmar kbui l di ngsmap 12-l andmar kphot os1 13-l andmar kphot os2 14-vi ewsmap 15-vi ewsoutofsi t e 16-vi ewsi nt osi t e

17-si t ecol l age 18-si t eat mospher e1 19-si t eat mospher e2 20-si t esect i on 21-si t eel evat i on 22-panor ama 23-modelphot os1 24-modelphot os2 25-modelphot os3 26-modelphot os4 27-bi bl i ogr aphy

pageone-cont ent s

1-cont ent s 2-i nt r oduct i on 3-si t el ocat i on 4-si t ehi st or y 5-hi st or i cmaps 6-pl anni nghi st or y

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

t hesi t ei sl ocat edt ot heeast er nendoft hef l oat i nghar bouri n Br i st ol ' s hi st or i c wat er f r ontand occupi es a pr i meposi t i onbet weent hewat erandt hechur chofst mar yr edcl i f f et ot heeast . t hesi t ei scompr i sedofacar par k,separ at edf r om t he r i verbyapavedpr omenade.t hesi t ei saccessedbycar f r om Redcl i f f eWayt ot henor t handonf ootal ongt he quayt ot hewest .Thesout hoft hesi t ei soccupi edby t hewor kshopoft heBr i st olCl assi cBoatCompanyand t ot heeastoft hi sl i est woder el i ctbui l di ngs. Thi sdocumentf or msadet ai l edanal ysi soft hi ssi t eand i t ssur r oundi ngenvi r onment .

paget wo-i nt r oduct i on

i nt r oduct i on

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

f l oat i nghar bour

si t e

t empl emeads st at i on

stmar yr edcl i f f e

br i st olcent r emap1: 25, 000

sout hvi l l e

paget hr ee-si t el ocat i on

ci t ycent r e

1: 1250

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

t hi ssi t ehasal onghi st or yofi ndust r i aluse,dat i ngbackt o medi evalper i ods,atonet i met hear eawasoccupi edbya gl asswor ks,suppl i esofsandf orwhi chwer epr obabl ydug outoft henear bycl i f f ,f or mi ngt her edcl i f f ecaves.mor er ecent l y ,f ol l owi ngt heconst r uct i onoft hef l oat i nghar bouri n t he19t hcent ur yt hewhar fwascr eat edandt hear eawas usedf ort heunl oadi ngofcar goandf orboat bui l di ng. vi ew nor t hf r om si t e-1912 af t ert hecr eat i onoft henew docksatavonmout ht hebr i st olhar bour si def el li nt odi suse,si ncet he1980sanef f or t hasbeen madet or egener at et hewat er f r ont ,conver t i ng manyi ndust r i albui l di ngsi nt ol ei sur eusesanddemol i shi ngot her st opr ovi despacef ornew of f i cesanddwel l i ngs.

r edcl i f f ewhar fi t sel fi soneoft hef ew r emai ni ngar east hat hasnotbeenr edevel oped,asmal lboatbui l di ngbusi ness st i l loper at esi nt hesout hwestcor neroft hesi t eandt he r emai nderoft hesi t ehasbeenusedf ort empor ar yi nst al l at i onssuchast hebr i st olur banbeachandasmal lvi si t or cent r ef ort her econst r uct i onofCabot ' sshi pt heMat t hew.

pagef our-si t ehi st or y

si t ehi st or y

ur banbeach-2007

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f


hi st or i cmapsshowi ngchangei nur bangr ai n1: 1000 1949


pagef i ve-hi st or i cmaps


t hesi t ehasbeeni dent i f i edi nt hel ocalpl anasasui t abl e si t ef oral ei sur e/ t our i sm devel opmentand t hef ol l owi ng devel opmenti sconsi der edaccept abl e: vi si t orcent r ei ncor por at i ng caves,gl ass museum,cr af t andcaveswor kshops,mul t i usespace,cat er i ng. anni ngappl i cat i onhasbeensubmi t t edf orami xeduse apl devel opmentbyal ecf r enchar chi t ect sonbehal fofwest mar kdevel opment si ndecember2007,t heappl i cat i onpr oposesr enovat i ngt heexi st i ngbui l di ngsandbui l di ngaddi t i onaluni t st opr ovi demi xedof f i ce,r esi dent i alandl ei sur e uni t s,t heboat yar dwi l lal sober el ocat ed. per spect i vevi ew ofcur r entpr oposal

pagesi x-pl anni nghi st or y

pl anni nghi st or yandpol i cy

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

noi seand pol l ut i on f r om r oad

si t e sunpat h

si t eopenand exposedt o wi nd

pr evai l i ngwi nd di r ect i on

si t er el at i vel yopen-some shadi ngatmi dday

1: 500

pageseven-envi r onment alanal ysi s

maj ort r af f i cr out e

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

pageei ght-shadedar eas

ar eashadedatmi dday ,december21st ar eashadedatmi ddayj une21st

si t e

1: 500

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

pageni ne-t r af f i canal ysi s

mi nort r af f i c r out e

maj ort r af f i c r out e

pedest r i an r out e si t e f er r yr out e

vehi cl eacces t osi t e

1: 1250

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

paget en-bui l di nguse

si t e

i ndust r i al

1: 1250

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f




7 5



pageel even-l andmar kbui l di ngs



si t e


4 3 1: 1250

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

4.stmar yr edcl i f f e

5.har bour si de

paget wel ve-l andmar kphot os

1.ost r i chi nn

2.r edcl i f f epar ade

3.mer cur ehot el

6.cust omshouseapar t ment s

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

10.sever nshedbar

8.war ehouses

11.queensquar e

9.hol ei nt hewal lpub

12.r edcl i f f ecaves

paget hi r t een-l andmar kphot os2

7.r edcl i f f ebr i dge

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

pagef our t een-vi ews



3 si t e





vi ewsi nt osi t e

vi ewsoutofsi t e

1: 1250

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

1.stmar yr edcl i f f e

pagef i f t een-vi ewsoutofsi t e ew westdownf l oat i nghar bour ew nor t ht or edcl i f f ebr i dge

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f ew f r om r edcl i f f ebr i dgei nt osi t e ew nor t hf r om r edcl i f f epar adedowni nt osi t e

pagesi xt een-vi ewsi nt osi t e ew eastal ongf l oat i nghar bourt owar dssi t e ew f r om westsi deoff l oat i nghar bouri nt osi t e

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

pagesevent een-col l age anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

der el i cti ndust r i albui l di ngs

boatdavi t s

pageei ght een-si t eat mospher e

t hesi t ehasr et ai nedsomeofi t sf or merchar act er ,not abl yi nt he boatbul di ng busi ness andi nsmal ldet ai l sscat t er edaboutt hesi t e. t hebui l di ngsont hesi t e,al t houghi napoor st at eofr epai r ,i l l ust r at et hei ndust r i alchar act ert hathasbeener odedal ongbr i st ol ’ swat er f r ont .

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

‘ sever nshed’f or mer l yat r ansi tshednow abar

‘ cust omshouseapar t ment s’ont hesi t eof abui l di ngdamagedbybombi ngi nww2

pageni net een-si t eat mospher e2

akeychr act er i st i coft hesi t ei si t ’ sl ackofdevel opment ,t hemaj or i t yoft hebui l di ngssur r oundi ngt hewat er f r onthaveei t herbeenconver t ed f r om t hei rpr evi ousi ndust r i aluseor demol i shed and r epl aced bymoder n of f i ces andapar t ment s

housesonr edcl i f f epar ade,now conver t edt oof f i ces

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

paget went y-si t esect i onaa

1: 500

paget went yone-el evat i on

paget went yt wo-panor ama

anal ysi si nbr i st ol :r edcl i f f ewhar f

paget went yt hr ee-modelphot o aer i alvi ew ofsi t e

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

paget went yf our-modelphot o2 nor t hvi ew ofsi t e

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

paget went yf i ve-modelphot os3 nor t hwestvi ew

nor t heastvi ew

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

paget went ysi x-modelphot os4

vi ewsnor t hwestacr osssi t et owar dsstmar yr edcl i f f e

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

mcnei l l ,j .( 1997)br i st ol ' shar bour si i st ol :hot wel lpr ess. shi psi des,f .&wal l ,r .( 1981)br i st ol :mar i t i meci t i st ol :r edcl i f f epr ess. j ones,d.( 2000)br i st olpast .chi chest er :phi l i mor e&co.l t d. l or d,j .( 1983)t hef l oat i nghar bour:al andscapehi st or yofbr i st olci t i st ol :r edcl i f f epr ess.

paget went yseven-bi bl i ogr aphy

f oyl e,a.( 2004)br i st ol .l ondon:yal euni ver si t ypr ess.

anal ysi si nbr i st ol : r edcl i f f ewhar f

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