Simplify. The Animal Eats, Sleeps, Fornicates, And Dies. Awareness Divides

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  • Words: 1,048
  • Pages: 3
Simplify. The animal eats, sleeps, fornicates, and dies. Awareness divides substance into thirds; the animal, the vegetable, the mineral. The only thing that seems to be truly unique in being self-aware is the ability to lie; to use the pigment of self delusion to taint the canvas of reality. The lion does not lay down with the lamb, the lion eats the lamb. What was once cute and cuddly becomes grotesque; flesh and gore and gristle, the sorrowful soundtrack of life, expiring. But we do not know, we assume. Either one has been chewed upon, and remembers the experience as unpleasant; or one has read the words of another and sympathizes. Regardless, sheep do not write; and lions do not sin. What is sin? As a product of self-awareness, can it be other than a lie? This is my experience; that the animal of my physical form can only breathe and sleep. Everything else is largely an expression of will. Hunger and thirst manifest as discomfort; then pain. So too the voiding of waste. The sexual urge has been demoted to mere desire. Extrapolate, and let there be truth. The result of self-awareness is that existence becomes the search for pleasure. Simply, when hunger is sated, when thirst is quenched; pleasure is felt. Therefore, pornography; yet is pornography a sin? The value of sin is when a cultural standard is expressed as collective wisdom. Take, for instance, gluttony. One can still feel pleasure from eating after hunger has been sated; and thus the sin of gluttony warns of caution. Today, there is collective wisdom in the form of medical science that more clearly illustrates the danger of gluttony. But the danger of sin is the association of the divine. Where god becomes the tool of oppression; and morality is not the gift of enlightenment but the curse of ignorance. Where is the truth? That life is merely an exercise in self-denial; where an all-knowing referee penalizes the evil of a merest instant with eternal damnation? Am I the only one alive that realizes that there is only one solution set to this religious belief? That the question of hell is the only answer? Let me simplify Christianity. If I am an infant who succumbs to illness before choosing to accept Jesus, the weight of original sin drags my soul to hell. If I lie on my death bed after a life of debauchery, murder, and greed; yet my last act is to pray for forgiveness, the kingdom of heaven is mine. How does that make any sense? Yet I am Gwynnite; not only is such a simplification sensible, it even illustrates the value of Christianity. It is also why I am Antichristianity rather than anti-Christian. Because I expect the vast majority of

sheep to bray loudly in protest of such a simplification; to counter with exemptions and interpretations; to say that one such as I cannot possibly understand the will of god; and to finally reply ‘well, you can go to hell.’ Because the first assumption is I. The conditionals of the simplification have no existence beyond my consideration. I am not the sick, innocent child; nor am I the old politician; I am a mind that reads and considers those words. The ‘moral of the story’ could be expressed quite plainly: denial of Jesus leads to a bad end. Oh, now there’s some light shining through? And to clarify, in case all this wordiness merely leads to confusion: pornography is not a sin. This is not merely a statement made in obvious defiance of moral purity, this is a statement made to devalue the entire notion of sin as divine judgment. Because they don’t care about you. To them, the scales that weigh right and wrong are merely a tool for self-aggrandizement. Forget all the grandstanding, forget all the debate about right and wrong; consider for a moment what is implied with moral judgment. Consider, for a moment, god. Either the state of our civilization is in accordance to the will of god, or it is not. Let us eliminate all possibility; firstly, those outside the above condition. If there is no god, no one can speak from divine mandate; the origin of sin is human. If there is a god who is indifferent, the state of divinity is forever beyond the mortal; the origin of sin must be human if value can be qualified. And while god can be interpreted to mean anything to anyone, for two thirds of humanity god answers to either Jehovah or Allah. Thus, the condition of the first statement. Yet, there is only one true possibility; we are where we are by divine grace. Simple math. Confusion arises when one forgets that the news is not the news, it is sensationalism. Everyone loves puppies, everyone loves babies; there is no news until a puppy eats a baby. It is not a matter of right or wrong, it is a matter of entertainment. Those who seek a higher purpose behind their moral outrage often forget the cliche that sex sells. The truth is that there is no easier gratification to spread among the masses than the sense of moral superiority; slander is never easier to swallow than the congressman with the hidden porno mag. Consider, for a moment, god. Consider that pornography indicates masturbation. Consider the historical significance of that act. If humanity consists of a handful of scattered tribes, it is easy to see how confining sexual release to the individual is detrimental to the species.

Maybe that’s what really happened to the Neanderthal. Now consider the current state of society; the more advanced the culture, the lower the birth rate. Modern man raises children under the mantle of technology, knowing that resources are finite; yet the benefit of technology can be felt by all. Primitive man raises children to be beasts of burden; without technology awareness is limited to the balance between comfort and hunger. A larger brood means less work for the sire; consideration does not extend beyond the self. Now consider that the sexual urge does not discriminate between primitive and modern man; and it should be simple to see how pornography can be seen to benefit a technological society. It doesn’t mean you have to like it.

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