Simple Bike Computer..idx..

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 431
  • Pages: 2
Simple Bike Computer...Cleaned


Picture of author and project on the road.

Table of Contents

SECTION 1 Hardware Tools... Chapter 1. Introduction. Our Goal The Master plan. Getting the Act together What is a microcontroller ? and Which microcontroller?. Which PIC language?. The Software Shopping List The Tutor Text Editor MicroChip’s MPLAB. The program to get our program into the PIC.. Starter Kit Defining the computer Sensors The PIC’s 18 pins Where to find the Starter Kit

Chapter 2. The PCB. The PCB Shopping List The Theoretical Circuit Component List The Electrical circuit Diagram.. The PCB track Layout process I Boob… No, two boobs The Print process. Calibrating the Scale. Other print problems More Boobs… ExpressPCB was right ! Other print process problems?. WARNING Chemicals WARNING.. Waste elimination.

Chapter 3. Photographic Stuff Photographic shopping list The Photo frame. The Chemicals Mixing the Chemicals The Test strip. Exposing the PCB Tracks Here we go this is real Drilling the board.

CHAPTER 4. Inserting and Soldering the Components Colour code. The PIC programmer Final shopping List Component List

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Simple Bike Computer...Cleaned



Writing Code for the PIC....

CHAPTER 5. Introduction. The First attempt to define the bike computer Start of my original notes End of my original notes The First Steps after pseudo code. Making Firstest Work. What to do with the HEX file. Setting up ICPROG.. Summing up.

CHAPTER 6. A simple Hex to Decimal routine. Debugging � myh2dec.asm� with MPASM.. The Watch Window. The F5, F6, F7 and ( control + F9 ) keys The StopWatch Window. Debug Break settings The Stack window. Summing up using MPASM.. The Basic Windows The Menus we have used till now..

CHAPTER 7. MPLAB Number Formats Letter Case conventions More on generating code. The hex2dec Time problem with Big numbers

CHAPTER 8. The bike computer Flow diagram, simple version. The Flow-Chart Resolution Available. Back to the Flow Chart The Automatic menu. The Complete Loop Execution Time. Compromises

CHAPTER 9. Nuts and Bolts Math routines LOGIC routines Conversion routines HEX to DECIMAL. HEX FRACTIONS to DECIMAL FRACTIONS. NUMBER SCALING.. LCD Setup, Signalling and data transfer routines Automatic menu (2) bike3.asm.. The END Product the HEX file. CONCLUSION..


Putting it together....

Chapter 10 Construction Notes. The Wheel rotation Sensor What is the Hall effect?. There are two main types of Hall device. The bike mounted PCB. bike only Theoretical diagram.. The Box.

Chapter 11 Appendix 1 Revised diagrams for *development System.. PCB of bike computer and test accessories. The Theoretical diag. +component layout

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