Sienkiewicz-explication Ny Tribune 18dec 1905

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facili- hour rule, often MtaHtJllg twenty-f^ur hours a with all his liberal ideas, would be willingto go country. Wireless telegraphy v'lll also Bhlpplng. day! back so far in Russo-Polish history and undo tate the IllmmhrtOfl of warnings to const, the things that were done more than a genera- not only within 150 or 200 miles of the Moore A? the investigation nears Its end. with Rome BaNs» In TcylaaaV MVSIO— ACADEVCT OF-2— Professor eventually in uiidocean. ago: with influence of Gerbut especially s—Vaudeville. tion the distinguished insurance oflicers far from their A-HaKBRa this and *—n c Girl of the Golden \r«stof Mother and Bahr Babe at the Free against merchant marine Free Resputting SkLaSO— and manifested the many vigorously Austria is own firesides, the "wonder grows that men of the BIJOU S:ls—Tt* iiuslc V!fc»-.«.-. a policy. other countries imdor a great obligation in siaiiding of Mr. Jordan and Mr. Mclntyre—not such BROAT<WAV— V.:\u25a0•:..,... 9:16 Earl end the Girt. taurant. this development of the service. OOLONIAI. 2— Vaudevllla. to dwell unduly on the standing: of Mr. Fi«!ds— •CAcINO S:SO On the Quiet. rTUTKKIO.V fugitives and harmful Instances of wasteful \u25a0;:—-.-; reputation Paris, o Toast ci ilia Town. bundles. of Ik*£2ri TEE HUNGARIAN CAMPAIGN. should wish to earn the Paris. December & EDEK MtSWHO— Worli In Wax. MONEY AND BUSINESS. cutting there doubtless are. but if they were who do not dare testify about their administraThe Fr«« Restaurant stands in a tittle, dark. Pan. Great Britain not the only country that E.XIPISE is to threaten the existence of average frequency .". >? The Preen As«. as >-:\u25a0 TUEa'TKS b:15 of such Irregularly paved street, with no footways to tion of trusts. Little net change occurred In the is on the verge of an important and perhaps OAKRICK— 10— The Marriage of William Ash*. of the forests In any part of the country we epoch making electoral campaign. At practically the sixty most active railway shares last week. speak of, and alternate, with equally dilapidated y \\\. -iT.S S a VICTORIA—3 S:ls-V»u^-lui. find, hardly rejoice RARLra: OPFXP.A HOUSD ?:1&—M^-nshius. we members of that at last do, as the should New-York has reason to blanks and buildings on either side. The street expected contest in the but material sains were secured In the industhe same time with the HERALD FQUjIRB—S:I£-Oarroen. sure; to the (unofficially, be Society lira* the Forest Service HIPPODROME ?— Transactions were one member of the majority from this State has leads nowhere in particular, but United Kingdom, the kingdom of Hungary may trial and traction issues. HcTDSOX S:30 Man s-jp.--Tr.a--i. service as an organization has not yet thought be conducting probably the most Important again very heavy, the largest dally total since a place on the Postofflce Committee of the toward the fortifications close at hand, meanders IRVIVQ Kett»aeiie<Ser. and is a question) Chap. adRepresentatives. JOS S:is -The Prince It worth while to consider the Mr. Dwight does not turning out of a long, busy thoroughfare electoral campaign since the days of Deak. spring being recorded on Thursday, while for House of KXICK'^RBOCKER—S:IO-La B»Jle iiareel.les. that metropolitan district, but he is a vising farmers to grow Christmas trees for The Parliament is come week, : :TY—*^o—A Fair Eatchar.j-e. increase over from the but the week there was a considerable cuts across the heart of a poor and dismal to reassemble this ._. The U'on and the MN "qUAKE— Christmas tree harvest proper r X facilities the although securing d fluential in for tage survival of the days when Vanves future of the kingdom and its relations with appeared in the general situation, and, * SCUA KB : Rl>E>-—lO to 11— Electrioai Show. was MADISO.V'— that a Bpruee which might have Suppose other to th» any Wonderland. Austrian Empire will largely depend. more suburb than city, and it still has a yard MAJ there was a little less stringency in the money which contributes more than - Before and After grown to be a telegraph pole is cut down in its the MANHATTAN- " postal revenues. Fejervary very high has far too to warrant government side, *—L* Boheme. The of Baron rates were one which either market, METROPOUTAN OPERA HOUSE— on in chickens or suntender youth, to be dressed in spangles, hung shrewdly forced the question of universal and Th» Mac V»"ho VNas aruJ A KEW-AJiSTEKDAJJ --• -»c.w might have flourished long ago, before the speculative activity that carried several isPair of children's gifts ; with candles and loaded with hotheads should calm down and flowers Staten Island Tokio. of Ju*ajro» ORK The ol forward the chief issue rise In equal suffrage high VETTS:15 records. The Amalthe advent of the factories for preserving the isn't ser.timent worth something? Itmight even the campaign. At first, asas we observed, the sues to new PRTNCBSS— B: IS— assure themselves that a tuberculosis sanatorium highest point of recent "harengs saurs," of which such large Quanof Jericho. FAVOT S:U Tb« Wnl!s be better that the price of telegraph poles should Magyar leaders opposed such a reform. They gamated Copper to the Probably no place is "pest is not a house." strength WALI-ACK-S—«:2o—Th« Squaw Man of great are consumed in the Paris brasseries, or of Henry. pre- tities WEST END S:I5 It's Up to Tou. John be advanced than that a child should have a feared that it would lessen their political years was attributed to the than the safer from tubercular Infection metal, but it is possible that speculative the automobile factories, now one of the the Christmas without a Christmas tree. hospital for modern, a ordered even, give some combinawell power, and perhaps, Influences were responsible for the small offer- cincts of features of the landscape. A rickety pump and tion of other peoples control of the government ings of lake and electrolytic copper, and, inci- consumptives, such as the city purpose* to es- a broken down fence occupy the yard to-dny, Index to Advertisements. County. tablish in Richmond THE WATER SITUATION. over their heads. For this fear there was little dentally, other securities' had equally sensational and the cheerful kitchen of the little restaurant Fa*e.Col, Fajr».Co;. ' • \u25a0 Financial Klections.. .IS an enlarged and if any ground, a fact which some of the best of movements, Union Pacific, for instance, for The movement to secure keeps a bright eye on both until what time the Amiinoastt Meetings.. 2 1Financial .18 8r©5c«r»..13 recognize. Kossuth, Thus Mr. But, Buk«n & R00m5... those leaders now supply city explanation attemptedof water for this will enter was adequate 11 6 jPurnlahad Room* to11 last poor guest has carried her baby home to •wr.hich no PERSONAL. Board and 7 upon Let Boom and Public*- » 6~a Help a new and more practical phase this the head of the Independence party, who at first aside from these operations in individual secur14 4 bed. Wanted. Uons now Commission, opposed suffrage strongly, 13 4 universal ac(Instruction which 41 week. The State Water ities, the whole market Is within about a point BufiE?*« Ch«no«s. -It IS &-6 The Free Restaurant opens its doors at U *ocorivi<Jtnd Notices $88,000, Bannerm«jna which estabhail Aberdeenshlre, where the a are alone eligible for the charity of the Rue 13 Situation" Steamboats Magyar cause a result which will not cause membership was made at Domestic 4 able to the needs and just claims of this city. there is I'ttle but the Celtio element Paternally 1* «-7 Surrogate's Notices... 14 Jcnquoy, and so the table is garnished with as Wanted a new high record. 4 lishes Typewriting Fejervary regret is, Baron Mr. Kossuth howlegally Celt, Dnsamakins & MiVnecesdesirable, grandfather | Henry and indeed Sir is out and out a his But it is » To Let for Business 13 money market has gradually settled many Infants as there are diners. Not that llnery The local ever, logical 8 correct in his attiperfectly t and from the heathsary, orderly upon being Glasgow Purposes 1* *-» manner and and father fresh to I>ryxoo apthose who In the face of enormous difficulties nrgency of such need is painfully apparent, the largest member of the Opposition, its ac- pear before the end of the year if there is much wrong." are rearing future much needed citizens for ceptance government's programme of the with A Popular Advertising- Medium. is a superfluous formality. Mendeleef, It on« of may that seem a Professor Dlmitri Ivanovitch borrowing In connection with speculation in ":»\u25a0.-•:. Months' Gain. France. While the birth rate of France Is less the world's greatest chemists, received Sir Joseph formality, but we cannot consider it superflu- respect to the suffrage may be decisive. In•03,779 U;:,»»; at a time when usual large preparasecurities than one to a thousand of Its population, every a measure deed, impossible a It seems that such any many great Cowley's gold medal recently at the meeting of the more than a details of ous, or. settlements, in being made for annual Nearly tOCO Column*. tions are among little life saved is a help to the country, and in Royal Society. The medal Is esteemed are superfluous. Such things must of suffrage reform can fall. With its adoption trial In court requirements column.) of active trade <:\u25a0:> Hum to a addition to the a high honor. Professor Mendelfief, who the thirteen months that the Coullet Charity be done, if for no other reason, to avoid what a new era will open for Hungary, and the in- throughout the country. Undoubtedly the situa- chemists In tb» rlever. month* rnfilEc November was born In Tobolsk. Siberia, in 1834. possesses has been working the mortality among the inOf fluence of It will be felt and may be potent •Cf. 1905. Th« K»w-York Dally and be a mischievous precedent might prove to lending qualities of the most varied kind. H© la chemist, Sunday Tribune printed Already the Austrian populace, tion has been much relieved of late by who have profited by the good food it profants slightest difficulty elsewhere* course, there will be not the 963,773 Unas of Advertising of foreign funds, and recent strength in ster- geologist, philosopher and educationalist united in vides for their mothers ha» teen 3 per cent, by the Hungarian example, have emphatmoved need, process the proving New-York's and in -Tbe a in of those people. bourne he found employment In the local govern- on which they at least blunt the edge weakening German preponderance yesterth© Russian cable lines on which service of their tion of this point likewise will not be much more Austria and of maintained, ment railway workshops, and there he remained fully in is Magyar preponderance Activity of In trade channels day waa resumed; the government apparently appetites. The soup is popular; not a drop is ever a formality, for there Is and is likely to than years until he was attracted with many revolutionary some suppress the for increasing to the of Vienna cares much with the Hungary, has resolved and court distribution of merchandise gold left in the plates, and itis followed by a plate at region whose use of other Australians to the newly discovered movement at all costs, and martial law practi- be no community in that There he more for the preservation of German than of better transporting facilities, and sales of fields on the west coast of New-Zealand. lentils, with pieces of sheep's heart, nicely fried cally has been proclaimed In all provinces of the water will seriously conflict with Newdiggers* advocate, was came the front as a to expectations goods fulfilling that elected to the local Municipal Council, became Magyar power. Christmas are the empire. The challenge of the autocrats plans. York's and smeling savory, served up altogether. To people, Mines, tht ana by the and waa promptly answered all previous records would be far surpassed. One Mayor then M. P.. then Minister of may call for ccmplete the meal there is as much bread as the case phase Leagues to-day. third of is League perpetual of The that he finally and the the Premier prompt"Workmen's Council of the most gratifying features is the they can eat. and a bowl of tea made from lime insur- more consideration. It has to do with the declared a general strike; the spread of among PROGRESS IN METEOROLOGY. b« the oldest Howe, eald to The Rev. William ness with which mercantile payments are met that reflowers, sedative and sootfcing in action, and rection in the provinces and the mutinies of indemnity people to the old on question years of be 100 living, will No part of the annual report of Professor the troops add to the difficulties which beset the which is the more surprising in view of the high Baptist clergyman they will suffer May 26, 1906. He Is the founder of Tremont Temple, considered better for the health of mother and The RostofC Grenadier Regi- gion for thu injury and losses the United States Moore, Nevertheless, government. Willis L. chief of it must be remoney. rates for Boston, and lives in Cambridge. Mass. infant than the sharp wines of the country. ment at Moscow returned to duty, and it is ex- through New-York's taking the land and water Weather Bureau, the full text of which is now membered that differences at the interior are pected that the other mutinous troops will also it wants. Itis understood that this city means John Hawkes. a Cincinnati lumberman, has Just The foundress of the work 13 a frequent visitor interest than his are seen at available, possesses greater or striking as those which surrender; a number of workmen were killed • not nearly so from Europe after crossing and recrosslng fairly, for all it takes. It returned to the "salle," and knows every one of her pay. pay and to with to and observatory, in encounter Cossack*. the Mount Weather West •wounded an references to New-York. Commercial loans at the 228 times. He is known among travellers as "the guests. Advices from Batoum, in the Trahscauceaus. tell has paid, or is paying, for what it has taken which was established two or three years ago. anything old man of the sea." like the extremes never reach The first to arrive had left her baby at home of fierce fighting, in which many persons were In Westcbester and Putnam counties, though At that institution a variety 6f researches are Southoccur in call rates at the East. The year Professor Toshitaro Nakamuro, graduate of ths killed- there were also encounter* at Poti and the unbusinessthat night air. but seemed to reBecause of always wisely. not activity the movements of progress. phenomenal imperial agricultural college at Sappiro, Japan, is because of the cold The Cabinet of Premier Fortis In One relates to Kutais a with drawing to close Commission, it very much when she perceived a by Is resigned alter the Chamber of Deputies had de- like methods of the Aqueduct conducted report building a Btud«nt tt the Minnesota State School of Agri- gret the fact air and is currents, upper leading the cities In real estate. The many cases paid more than it should culture, taking a special course inanimal industry visitor. "It always happens so," she exclaimed feated the commercial agreement with - Spain; means of kites and "sounding" balloons, some operations for eleven months far In excess of last and meats. The has in payments, the Cabinet of M. Ralli aIEO resigned. a disappointed voice. "Ibring him nearly alhave done, and in man 7others its or year's. reaching an altitude of fifteen cent in per of the latter of 10 supposed bomb In the train on which President Voluntary advances who recently in Archbishop Williams, of Boston, though fair enough In the end, have been so twenty miles. Since temperature changes in ways, but so sure as I don't we have a visitor. Loubet was travelling was found harmless. were ancataracts on his per operation In another for underwent a second a great celebration was held at Tokio in long delayed that a great hardship has been the lower atmospheric strata and other phenom- one case and 6wage cent And my baby is one of the most beautiful you two large manu- eyes, Is at home witH improved esyrtght. His eyes scales of the in the honor of the armies returning from Manchuria. residents of nounced imposed upon the peopl* The could see." still weak, not having recovered from the effects between the Catskill region have a right to demand some ena observed at the surface of the earth are facturing interests, and many others are con- are DOMESTIC. Correspondence the operation. a certain extent by templated One would not have said as much for ti» influenced to new year. of apparently the beginning President and Attorney General Moody regardthe of city for second arrival. The mother, who could new better system than that and indeed the Ing the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe case are first manifested at a greater they have forces which but progress, are in was made public== at Washington by authority should certainly establish one for its own good. elevation, the wisdom of widening the scope of Several strikes have been other than ugly, had lost an eye, sad progress yet, union leadTHE TALK OF THE DAY. Yeggmen bound a watchfitting, too. that there should be some the study of atmospheric mechanics must be not seriously retarded of the President. It Is her baby, when divested of its father's little) trades dynamited a of allied son, failing bank safe and definite and binding undertaking upon the subto enlist the assistance man an<s his ers tweed cap, and a quaint plaid cape, showed a any intelligent person. $50,000. collateral valued at Four obvious some of carry to to they beekeeper stole threatened. undertook terms, or other locals, as A German persons were burned to death in a fire in a ject, and not a mere promise, in general crop of dark hair and a little wizened countea train In equally important and much more novel important An show. Hetook his choicest bees to a bee ItIs the season when there are few theatre in Lorain, Ohio. The executive to "do the right thing." markets, line of inquiry undertaken at Mount Weather with his bees in a basket at his feet. nance. "Ten weeks old. and one of twins," said to the cereal Hanover committee of the Association to Prevent Corus most a kind affect seems to incidents of up the mother. The point on which there is Intended to discover whether the sun's outAnd when one has finished crying rupt Practices at Elections gave out at Albany The bees escaped from the basket and crawled opinion is that of In- put of heat fluctuates. It has been suspected domestic crop conditions for the current year be- hia a letter sent to Governor Higgins- asking for danger of a difference of trousers legs. His actions soon aroused suspi- the other begins!" It was a queer little bundle, uncertainty, and constrong longer a a of ing no matter occupied the T. "W. direct damages. legislation to reform election laws. Itis understood that certainly, done up into a tight, firm, unbending that It does, but guesswork is not trustworthy. sequently comparative steadiness should prevail. cions in the hearts of two women who Lawson. erupted again, said he had his oppo- demand for such damages is being made. precise information. With same compartment with him. They pulled the ben- parcel in a blanket, which left only its head and What Is needed Is may be nents on the run. A young boxing expert to the last week slight The decline of stopped the train. When the bee fancier a village is demolished shoulders free like the pappoose of the Indian was killed by a striking machine at York, Perm. That is to say, ifreservoir, a particularly delicate bit of apparatus pershowing cord and as several villages fected by Professor Langley and with other in- largely attributed to the official report, explained the situation he was placed in an empty squaw. The :: An art student was nearly killed by an make room for a next child to come in was the pride a winter wheat and out with the bees all by acreage asked of city compartment willbe an increased to have it basin, explosion of a flash light at Allentown. Perm. the establishment, were in the Croton however. "Ten months his trousers an« began of the takes, struments this question has recently been at^ condition of 94.1 as compared with 82.9 in 1904. he actually Here removed immigration inspector reported An land it himself. CITY. that to pay not merely for the tacked iv a more promising fashion than was On to free them of ego it was a tiny bundle of bones,' said the immigrants, doctored at foreign ports to hide is to estimate the out of the window value, possible by figures shaking it them reason these depreciation in practicable a few years ago. cook, as she placed the woman's soup before So vast are the traces of the disease, were admitted here suf- but also for the yield of winter wheat ever harvested, the swarm. Unfortunately they caught a telegraph village, which may be fering from trachoma. It was reported agricultural interests and allied industries the largest of the demolition of the that pole and were swept away, bees, money and all. At her. "Now you see what a large, fine boy he are factors city weather which the conditions that Senator Page opposed the re-election of suffered by other properties prosperity of which Is dependent on sunshine but future next station the irate station master brought has grown, and intelligent!" About fourteen Vice-President Strasbourger. of the Republican does not take. We believe such damages were that it Is no exaggeration to say that this one cannot be anticipated. Progress of the Argen- the the reluctant bee fancier in a rug. and he women in all attend the free meals regularly forth county committee, exportable the watched, closely An Italian, said to be a as region, but Croton to fully justi- tine crop Is work at Mount Weather pawned his watch to acquire decent raiment member of a Black Hand gang, was shot to paid in a few cases in the branch of compete with the walk back along the line in search of his bees and at the Rue Jonquoy on an average. The centre surplus of that country will death in a hallway in Catherine -st. A the city obviously would shrink from a gen- fies the establishment of a' special observatory was the second to be opened of the six now runflucentailing member of the legislative insurance committee eral application of the principle, as United States in European markets. Cotton his trousers. there. ning: in different quarters of the capital. submitted a rough draft of the committee's violently in response to speculative condiof question The expense. tuated But still other investigations are also in WOBS OF A MARRIED MAX. Food of all kinds is dear in Paris, and th» recommendations. Plans of Chinese com- simply intolerable distinguished from proptions, no change having occurred in the spot sitmissioners whe are coming to study this country damages to persons as progress at that Institution. The hypothesis never get a show active little cook, who is also caterer, has her it a shame I spinners have Ain't foreign = some domestic rise to and may give Europe public and were made A labor erty is also one which have a little fun. To meet the boys and that solar disturbances of which sun spots are uation. Both says I've got to go work cut out to make every franc go as far at union advocate said Sam Parks was a benefactor opinion, especially as the City Com- a symptom might exert an influence on ter- bought freely, in view of the prevailing quota- But the dear madam possible. ache to shun? This year. too. for some reason, even With her to something that I probably In that he aided workingmen to get higher difference of shipments to devise were arempowered except to interfere slightly tions, but these wages, i A union of grand opera singer* mission has not felt itself lentils and the dried beans of various kinds, red. re- restrial conditions true Of course, I say, "Why, yes. with pleasure, nun." longbefore the latest advance. The ranged was formed, it waa announced, to consist of a plan for meeting personal damages as excite telegraphic operations with and auroral always do my best to hide the blow. I white and green, which form so conspicuous an It was said that the quired by the State law. the chorus singers. test of consumption will come when spinners are But when Iwant to make a little run. display formerly met with little encourageitem in the French family menus, are dearer lithographers would demand an eight hour day, never get a show? however, we shall exprices now prevailing or at shame I obliged purchase to Ain't It a points, even these ment from hard headed So disUpon scientists. to take effect on April 11. than usual, so it is not easy to provide the vafigures for which Southern plantwhich will tinguished to be reached know— a physicist as Lord Kelvin was long the still higher wouldn't mind Ifshe went out, I I THJ3 WEATHER.— lndications for to-day: pect an agreement which speedy something that ihs's never done- riety one could wish. A nuge kind of pot. whose a to wait. permit have been advised that's Although will ers equitable and skeptical about the possibility of solar magFair. The temperature yesterday: Highest, 57 be don't ask her (she wouldn't, though) dimensions suggested an imminent washing dag Alone I Manufacturing conditions are fullymaintained, degrees; lowest, 40. procedure with this urgent work. The two netism affecting the weather on the earthTo meet the boys and have a ante fun. rather than any' cooking operation, was in readiare mind and the activity borne in of mills factories in textile and fundamental principles to be Computations from the old formulae discredited water, proposition would be apt to stun ness for next day's "pot-au-feu," the great to The falling diminish because City must have footwear industries these- That New-York the idea that, even if the sun was a magnet The lady. Then I. too, might answer. "Na pleco of beef, stewed and stewed almost to rags, spun. CHRISTMAS TREES AND FORESTRY. concerned of raw materials. and too parties high Boot fine position might protest her friends were I of the and that the rights of all as there is some reason for supposing It to be with vegetables of as many kinds as can be proBut—the dear madam says I've got to go. Some observations on the Christmas tree in- must be equitably protected. Those principles variations In the intensity of its power could shoe producers experience no difficulty in makcured, which furnishes the first course of soup quotations, kept recently advanced so But I meek, and she has quite a flow at dustry recently made in these columns have are not conflicting, but may be put and ing sales am chemist, Arrhenius, be felt here. The Swedish and also the second of meat. For this dish the Of conversation— quite too much for one. called forth comments In criticism of the in perfect accord, and that is one of the duties has evolved a doctrine about the electrical con- that the strength of hides and leather may be I've gone out every week a year or so finest pieces of beef are never used, but for the Buyers follow to shun. equanimity. something writer's tolerant attitude toward that pictu- imposed on the State Water Commission. with that I ache by them With her to gases (or ductivity ionization) of which seems viewed purposes of the "Coullet CEuvre" even the secprices goods of cotton with some nesqne calling. One Vermont correspondent says advancing rate, the mere the to meet the difficulty. At any And to rebel I never have begun; ond grade of tenderness and Juiciness would be that the harvest which is now being gathered no serious curnever once have tried to throw The yoke I chance that it may prove a helpful clew to reluctance, but there has beenmills out of the question. When the great slow, white my n<>ck. It seems to weigh a ton From off provided are business, In that State, which probably cuts more trees POLAND. and the flr.d, is pretty slow. the mystery of polar influence on the weather tailment of At times. Yes. life, I oxen fall to pieces from old age at the plough keep them active for some than any other, represents "in every case, not Ain't Ita shame? Mr. Slenkiewicz makes an instructive contribu- has led the chief of the Weather Bureau to with orders that will —(Chicago News. on the rollingplains of Central France, they rethe with woollen thinning clearing "the result of a careful or of tion to the current literature of the Russian revo- Institute a series of observations of ionization time to come. This is also case appear on the butchers' stalls in Paris and the "pasture lands, but a ruthless removal of the may open reluctantly, recently new lines regard of the air, thug giving a fresh illustration of manufacturers, who When the King at Portugal was In Paris in his explication, which we provincial towns as beef of the third quality"finest and stralghteet trees." The cutting In lution and quotations of domestic wool are fully main- an officer of his suite rang up on the telephone and as possessing the authority of the highest infor- his progressive spirit. position. asked for No. Ill— ?o. He was told, after waiting But muscular and hard as the flesh of such catVermont, according to our correspondent, is mation, of the attitude of the Poles toward the Professor Moore is to be commended for tained because of the strong statistical cheap. done almost entirely by the shippers, who buy existing crisis. He realizes the helpless circum- recognizing so fully the need of investigation. In the iron and steel industry expectations have nearly an hour, that No. Ill 60 had ceased to be tle necessarily is. it cannot be called the' standing trees from the farmers, and the stances of Poland, lying between Russia and In some foreign countries research Is deemed been realized, the output if pig iron being re- a subscriber. The news surprised him not a little, "Still, there are lots of things beside beef." »s the pleasant little cook remarked: "Look at this. for Hl—6o Is the number of President Loubet's burden of his contention seems to be that the Germany, with the latter power probably ready more important than forecasting. In this ported by the best trade authority aa at the un- apartments at the Elypee. it is the ear, all that is left from a pig's head Industry would be praiseworthy enough if it to enforce her subjection if Russia should no country 25,000.000 yearly. rate of tons Yet the people, at least a different precedented bought yesterday, and which made a nice. Wife—What's the trouble.? that I were conducted under the rules of judicious longer be able to do so, and it may be for that estimate Is placed on the relative merits of the the activity of steel mills and the fact that many, Conscientious.— Toung edge sit ov the of the chair? tasty dish when briskly grilled with bread forestry and in the interest of the farmer reason that he thinks Poland will not attempt two classes of service. All the same, It would have sold their output far into next year indi- Why do you Well, depr. you know we are buying it crumbs, Husband— and then a quantity of splendid §tron» feel entitled rather than that of the shipper. an armed revolution. Were itnot for the poten- be unfortunate to abandon research altogether. cate that the industry is not threatened with on the Instalment plan and that's all I (Life. soup. They to.— know liked It,I can tell you; and I correspondent Another who is interested in tial German menace there are those who would Like medicine, meteorology is an Inexact sci- overproduction. Minor metals have continued sent forestry objects to The Tribune's statement that probably regard Russia's distress as Poland's ence, and many problems remain to be solved to establish new high record prices for recent A recent candidate for Parliament In J?ngi*nd it was good. One night, some woman made some coffee, ana "from two to four fine trees may develop within opportunity, but they know that, for the sake of before its full possibilities can be realized. years wrote an address to the electors of the town he three large brioches, so I wished to represent and a love letter to his best they had a cup each with their cake by way of "a few years from the stump of one that is her own Polish provinces Iffor no other reason, The United States has undoubtedly contributed girl. He put the two effusions into the wrong en- dessert. "properly cut," basing his criticism upon the Germany could not afford to let revolution in more than other nations to its development, All my mothers enjoy their food, and Representative Parsons takes the right stand velopes. The printer was quite surprised «t re- there are several who have never missed a meal fact that most conifers do not sprout, like de- Poland succeed. reason stopping. insisting for On the in on a free hand in the reform of ceiving en order to print ten thousand copies of but that is no since they first found their way to us. Th« ciduous trees, from section. The passa, a just Poland looks, then, according to Mr. Slenkie- other hand. Americans will feel pride in the the local organization and on the possession the love letter Incircular form. rest, you understand, cannot always manage to quoted, however, refers, not to the sprouting wicz, to the Russian doum'a for the establish con mensurato with the responsibility efforts being made to maintain the lead. power of get here. They work in various quarters, and SEASONABLE. of a spruce or flr from the stump, but to the ment of what she regards as her rights. Tlfe One of the latest features of the bureau's he has been induced to assume. eat where they happen to be. All work, they development of the lowest ring of branches, If expectation is that the douma will legislate for work Is an extension of forecasting to the At- which Roast turkey hot. turkey Roast cold. left on the stump, into several upright "lead- the rights and for the welfare of all parts of lantic Ocean. do what they can. but what will you? It i» ot For that sort of service the Roast turkey in the hash. ers," which may eventually become Christmas It Is a welcome and not altogether unexpeoted they can earn; perhaps twenty sous a day. That, however, is not what Poland Nine days old. much Russia. United States enjoys an exceptional geographi- announcement (Tonkers Statesman. that the Piesident of Venezuela or even less." trees in their turn: in confirmation of which wants. She demands special legislation in her cal advantage. The general direction In which the note which gave offence to to this behalf separate from that made for Russia as a storms Altogether, with Its six modest "safiW t!» we refer our doubting correspondent and cold waves travel is to the east- has withdrawn Here is a IJbby Prison anecdote told In "The government and that thus that dip- Washington iiaragraph in Josiah Hoopes's "Book of Ever- whole. She wants to be made independent of ward or northeastward. Star" by Colonel E. B. Bradsbaw, of Coullet Charity has assisted more tiiaw tour The headquarters of the French 1* Incident, which at one time seemed to greens,"* page 47. In which he is writing of Russia in legislative and administrative affairs, that city: "Irecall one of the darkest, stormiest, thousand babies this year, a splendid record. the American bureau, like the most densely lomatic Aiuefican evergreen*: "When the leader or and even in military administration. That was populated part of the country. is situated portend grave complications, is amicably closed. rainiest nights at old Libby." said Colonel Brad- must be remembered that these are the children probably came to a realization of sh&w. "The Union prisoners were huddled together who. but for the timely assistance given to tfee«" "Wain stem of a <-onlfer becomes destroyed by the status which Finland enjoyed down to a few near the eastern edge of the continent. The Mr. Castro "accident or otl ••• vise a new one may readily years asp, and it seems likely that it will now progress of important disturbances on land can his having acted hastily, or with over-sensitiveon one of the lower floors, and the rain was coming mothers, would have been brought up on some o* In on them in a perfect deluge. Among the cap- the cheapest and most dangerous of artificial ness, and It is to his credit that he has made "be formed by . . ...« up a lateral In as nearly an lie pretty completely restored to that country. be watched for a day or sometimes longer It is also particularly tives Inblue was Bishop McCabe, then a chaplain. foods, and "upright position as possible.*' No doubt such restoration in Finland has greatly would probably have been included 1" before Washington, New-York and Boston honorable amends. saw the humorous Now recurring to the remarks of the cor- whetted the desires of the Poles for a like act are reached; and something more than a gratifying to be able to assume that this happy Inhis excess of good nature he lists of infant mortality here. Francs the terrific as I have side of even such a situation described. respondent from Vermont is perfectly true of Justice or of grace to them, and to some ex- shrewd guess regarding their future course is ending of the incident Is in a measure duo to While our boys, hungry and cold, were trying to loses annually one hundred and fifty thousand that the shippers, and not the farmers, reap tent It may have strengthened the logic of their then practicable. Many of the storms which the friendly influence of the United States, ex- keep warm and dry. a voice was raised above the Infants in their first year— one whole army corpsI tbe chief benefit of the Christmas tree cutting. demands. howling of the tempest outside, and could be heard make mischief In and near Europe come from erted through its Minister at Caracas. There is room, therefore, for plenty of Yet it ought not to take the shrewd Vermont Yet ire cannot regard the prospect as particu- the west, too. Expert meteorologists there, in all parts of the prison: 'Hands on your pocket- restaurants as these Mme. Coullet ha* organ*** farmer long to realize the possibility of larger larly hopeful for Poland. It is now a hundred however, are unable to discover them before books!' The voice was that of Chaplain McCab*. In order that it should be Impossible to turn t» The labor union movement Is spreading. An returns from his trees through attention to the and thirty-three years since the first partition of they arrive from 'sea, and consequently they organization of Texas farmers threatens to boy- who knew full well that there was not a single food to any other purpose than that Intended W demands of the New-York and Boston market Poland. Itis seventy-three years since Poland, cannot wrive warnings to ships on the North dollar in all that great crowd of shivering Yank©*. &° all pumpkins and carrots that do not bear soldiers. The sally caused an outburst of laughtar. the foundress, all meals are consumed on and by co-operation with his neighbors in ship- by ukase of Nicholas I. was made an Integra] Atlantic. The United States can, because it cott Why the premises, and no food is carried away. So label. shouldn't union brickthe of notwithstanding union the the situncomfortableness industry assuming is * *"*fj ping. That the respectpart of the Russian Empire. It is thirty-nine h;;s more Information. grown by uation." This is not so the mother who alone can Insure the r layer be forbidden to eat food not able proportions Is shown by the fact that years since the last political distinctions of hs could be desired, but it is vastly more much healthy child is compelled to eat two **» as the farmers may be forthan Just a union farmers. A cook lias be?n going round a station in the about $100,000 a season is cleared by the fif- Poland as if kingdom were abolished by union it is Europe can obtain. By degrees wireless teiegeye of the directr*»bidden to live in a house not put up South of India with the following "character," and meals a day under the teen or twenty New-York shippers; but that thirty-seven years since the public use of tin; gniphy v.ill increase the store of available mechanics? anCrAs for eating wild fruits, that Is sum- what nurprlsnd he •.* ncu engaged: "At«Jul The thriving regiment of babies— Itis a menace to the forests is hardly to be be- Polish language was imperially interdicted. It knowledge about disturbances which appear on has been my cook for three months; it »»emji much battalions, to borrow the Jaxdlor'a a.u»clou* P"— should be strictly forbidden! Nature Is a n>t<>- long-er. H« ;s.n« ou tocouat of Ul se^lUk-sj- L. rn—I* A wUali it is kJBOWii Urn tLt tree* gr<jw Is hardly to be supposed that even Count Wine, *• the Atlantic without b

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rapidly from the seed that cleared land is again covered with a thick growth of them in eight or ten years after the most rigorous rutting. A bit* of Vermont pasture land is in pridence which four years after its first cutting (when It yielded. one hundred bundles of a crop of four hundred produced trees) go



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