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SHUMC Times October 2009

Pumpkins Are On the Way... The arrival of our pumpkins, big and little is just around the corner. We have already received many requests from pre-schools to come to the patch to have "story-time" and pick out t he i rve r yown“ Li t t l eSpooky ”pumpki n.Thi si ss uc hag r e a tt i meofy e a r ,c oolc r i s pa i ra nd visions of changing leaves, pumpkins to decorate, and remember, all our proceeds go to the many missions we support. We will be open for business starting Monday, October 12 with story-time beginning on Tuesday at 9:30- 12. But first, we need your help to get the area set up and ready for our "customers" - we will be putting up the tents and the orange fence on October 7 at 5 pm, bales of straw will be delivered on Saturday, October 10 and the pumpkins arrive at 1:00pm on Sunday, October 11. There are volunteer sign-up sheets on the bulletin board just outside the church office door. We need volunteers for the tent set up, pumpkin delivery, readers for story-time and patch shifts which will be 12-4 and 4-7. If you sign up as a story-time reader, you might think about signing up for the same day and same time for all 3 weeks the patch is open (i.e. sign up to read each Tuesday, for an hour shift or the whole morning). That way, you know your schedule and it is constant. Cu Come support your church and have a great time meeting and visiting with old and new customers, sharing with them the news about our missions, as well as visiting and getting reacquainted with members of our own congregation. Tell all your neighbors to come to the SOUTHERN HILLS UMC PUMPKIN PATCH!

tt the he flye r b N L a ck p a o u t o n ge o and ft di s p lay he i t!

If you have any questions, please call Katie or Sarah 743-2940 or Linda at the church office 743-2013.

50th Anniversary - Time to Celebrate! Our 50th Anniversary celebration is coming up soon! We hope you have already received your invitation and are making plans to attend. November 14th and 15th looks to be a weekend filled with memories and old friends returning to celebrate the life of Southern Hills UMC. We've received some very enthusiastic RSVP's for the event from past members and friends who want to join us in celebrating 50 years of God's work in this church. The planning team is still meeting to prepare for this big celebration. If you have pictures of church, UMW, past Pastors, etc., please contact Nina Barnes at 918-622-1620. Other questions about the event, or to help in planning, please call Nicky Layfield at 918-296-9884.

CROP Hunger Walk October 4th! The r e ’ ss t i l lt i met oj oi nt heSout he r nHi l l sUMC CROP Hunger Walk Team, or to donate to one of ourwa l ke r s . Sof a rwe ’ ver a i s e dove r$2000, which is already more than we raised last year, a ndwe ’ r enotg oi ngt os t op!I fy ouwoul dl i ket o join the team, call Pastor Jeff today. Otherwise, we still need donors, helpers with water stops and the post-walk celebration, and (of course) prayers! Registration for the walk is at 1:30pm on Sunday, October 4th at First Christian Church downtown (9th and Boulder). Step-off is at 2pm. See you there!

Pastor Jeff Writes As chilly evenings come back to Oklahoma these days, I have found myself craving a nice wa r m bowlofs oup. Iknow Ad r i a nei ss uppos e dt obet heonedoi ngt hec r a vi ngbutt he r e ’ s something about soup on a chilly evening that just makes sense. Plus, with various forms of flu and other sicknesses out there, I figure a little chicken soup might be good for the soul and the body! So tonight I made a big batch of chicken soup. Oh, I looked at a lot of recipes online. Some of them s ounde dpr e t t yg oodbutIdi dn’ tha vet hes a mei ng r e di e nt st he ydi d,s oI ’ dc he c ka not he r .Sa mes ong ,s e c ond verse. Finally, I shut my computer and just decided to make my own version of chicken soup—sans recipe. AndImus ts a y ,i twa spr e t t yg ood.Ba s e donpa s te f f or t s ,I ’ ms ur et hes oupwi l la c t ua l l yt a s t e10t i me s better tomorrow, but it was a good effort, especially without a recipe. And it was fun too: figuring out which ingredients work well together, what time to put certain elements into the pot to make them taste just right, and especially tasting it along the way. Like a lot of our cooking in the Jaynes household, it was a little bit classical and a lot experimental. At one point in making the soup, it felt like I was throwing everything in sight in the pot. The chicken went in the water first, of course, then celery, onion, and garlic. The nc a mea ni nf u s e rwi t hba yl e a ve sa ndo t he rs pi c e s( hone s t l y ,I ’ m notr e a l l ys ur e which ones and how many shakes I put in). Last came carrots, potatoes, and zucchini. Wi t he ve r yne wa d di t i on,t hes oup’ sf l a vorc ha ng e dj us tal i t t l ebi tf ort hebe t t e r . In many ways, the soup came together a bit like we come together as a church. We take some pretty disparate elements (everything from allspice to zucchini), toss them into a pot together, warm them with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and hope they mix well. And usually they do. Of course there are times when different elements clash with others but, more often than not, these differences fall away like the chicken from the bone. With every new member we change for the better and become a richer and more vibrant community. The end product is good for our soul and the souls of our neighbors in need. Butt he r e ’ sonemor ei mpor t a nts t e pi nma ki ngs oup:di s hi ngi tout . Thes oupIma del a s tni g ht woul d n’ tbewor t hawhol el oti fIne ve rt ooki toutoft hepot ,i fIne ve ri nvi t e dAdr i a net ot a s t ea nds e ewha t t hepotc oul dof f e r .I twoul dne ve rbe“ g oodf ort hes oul ”butwoul dme r e l ys i tont hebur ne r —slowly condensing and losing volume. It would get richer, but no one would ever know how good it tasted—how the flavors all came together to make something nourishing and warm on a cool day. Thes a met hi ngha ppe nsi nc hur c h.I fwea l lg a t he rt oge t he ra ndme r e l ye nj oye a c hot he r ’ sc ompa ny , bragging about how well we get along and how nice it is to be here, but never share that with others, we miss wha ti tme a nst obec hur c h.I ns t e a dofg r owi nga nda ddi ngmor eme mbe r st ot he“ s oup, ”wes l o wl yc onde ns e within ourselves and lose touch with what God has planned for us. And, even worse, our neighbors in great ne e dofnour i s hme nta ndwa r mt hf ort he i rs o ul sne ve rge tt o“ t a s t ea nds e et ha tt heLor di sg oo d ”t hr oug hus and our lives together. Chur c h,e ve nmor es ot ha nc hi c ke ns oup,i sg oodf ort hes oul .Buti t ’ snog oodi fwedon’ ts ha r ei t wi t hot he r s ,i fwedon’ ti nvi t eot he r st oc omea nds e et hea ma z i ngg a t he r i ngofpe opl ehe r ea tSout he r nHi l l s UMC.I fwedon’ ts ha r ewha tGodi sdoi ngwi t husa ndourc hur c h,wec a nnotbebl e s s e dby t h ea ddi t i onofne w“ f l a vor s ”i nourc ommuni t ya sne wme mbe r sga t he rwi t hus . So this week, this month, this Fall, as the temperatures cool down, I hope you enjoy the richness of our life together. But I also hope you find a way to share some nourishment wi t hot he r st oo.Ihopey ouf i ndwa y st oi nvi t eot he r st o“ t a s t ea nds e e ”t heGoodNe wsof J e s usChr i s tt hr oug hus .It hi nky ou’ l lf i ndt ha tt ooi s“ g oodf ort hes oul . ” Peace,

SHUMC Book Club Please join us Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7 pm for our monthly meeting. We will be discussing Oklahoma Run by Alberta Wilson Constant.

JAYNES’BABYSHOWER October 10, 2009, 2:00 pm SHUMC Parlor All are invited. Please RSVP to Becky Hamby (827-4739), Wendy Reeder (743-7493) or Lydia Sutherlun (405-708-8911). They are registered at Babies R Us (there are some coupons on the UMW bulletin board) and eco baby + kids in Brookside.

This is the story of a family successfully acquiring 160 acres of unassigned land in the 1891 land run near what is now Chandler, OK in Lincoln Co. A story of pioneer life in the territory, family and homes left behind and the hardships of starting anew. This book is an Oklahoma literary classic and is sure to spark some great conversion. The November book is Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell and December will be Book Thief by Markus Zusak. The Book Club meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 pm in the parlor. All are welcome to join us for these lively di s c us s i on ( e ve ni fy ou ha ve n’ tf i ni s he dt he book!). We look forward to seeing you there!

Young Adults Prepare to Launch

Meals on Wheels The next Health Department training session to renew your Health Cards will be Wed, Nov. 4th at 1:00 pm at the MOW office. There is still a need for food packers on Thursdays at the Kirk. A current Health Card is required. For more information call Nicky Layfield 296-9884

While the Young Adult Small Group has been on a bit of a hiatus lately, the young adults are hard at work in many other ways. Many of the group have been active in helping launch our new young adult wor s hi ps e r vi c e( c a l l e d“ Conne xi on” …a s k Pa s t or Jeff for more details). Sarah Ferguson designed the new logo, the Lanes have been spreading the word, and the Suthurluns and Jayneses are on the launch team (along with Robert Navo and Ginny Hart). So far the efforts to invite people to this new ministry are going well, but we have a long way to go. If y ou’ dl i ket obepa r toft hi se xc i t i ngne wmi ni s t r yor i fy ou’ dj us tl i ket oj oi nours ma l lg r oup whi c h nd meets on the 2 and 4th Sunday after worship, call Pastor Jeff today!

Christmas Scarves for the HappyChi l dr e n’ sHomeby Gerry Kemper TheHa ppyChi l dr e n’ sHomei nt heTong Huong Village, China is in for a big surprise! They are to receive 26 prayer neck scarves for the children for Christmas this year thanks to Virginia Alexander and a group of ladies. Virginia was in charge of organizing and keeping track of the scarves as they were completed and SPECIAL thanks to the quick fingers and hands that were doing knitting, those were Virginia, Jeannie Egan, Brenda Trammell and Gerry Kemper. They were blessed by Jeff a f e w Sunda y sa g o.Thi si sa“ l ovi ngmi s s i on”t o the children to let them know there are other Christians far away that care about them. A Mission Team left for China September 29th and took the scarves with them. That was a blessings since mailing them would be very costly. TheHa ppyChi l dr e n’ sHomei sapr o j e c t of the Tulsa District of the United Methodist Church. The Home offers a Christian setting for children whose parents have either died or otherwise are unable to care for them. A child can be sponsored, if you are interested. For other information about the Home, look on the display table in the Narthex.

The Tulsa Awareness Circle of Care Annual Chili and Dessert Cook-off was a great success this year. It was held at Asbury UMC. We were truly blessed in collecting the following to help "All God's Children" in the Tulsa Area: Auction




Tickets & quilt 2065.00 Donation Total

$3,823.00 We had entertainment by Joesf, UM Boy's Ranch of Gore and UM Children's Home of Tahlequah. Jo Jeanne London was the SH entry in the Chili Cook-off. Also, Sarah Ferguson and Katie Alfred placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in the Dessert (cake) Cook-off. Thanks to all who supported this event. AND, mark you calendar for October 17, the UM Boy's Ranch in Gore is having a Rodeo along with quilt and basket auction, clogging, gospel music, and a Boot Scootin' Hoedown with drinks and ice cream.

SHUMC Mission Team,

SHUMC, Want to thank everyone for all the cards, phone calls, prayers and hugs. Nothing like friends in a rough time. The food was wonderful that was made for the family. I am truly blessed.

Thank you for all your hard work here at Cookson. I am blessed to have been a part of your day. Look forward to seeing you again next year! Blessings, Colleen Argue Cookson Hills Center

Love & Friendship, Donna Carman


The Church Mouse would like to say “ ThankYou”t osomeofhi sf ri ends:

John Galatian for changing the fan in the Wesleyan classroom and all his handywor kar oundt hec hur c h… Ken Meinheit for changing the church sign weekly... Nicky Layfield for all her hard work mailing the invitations to our 50th Anni ver s ar yc el ebr at i on… Bob Fretwell for keeping the crepe myr t l esl ooki ngf abul ous … Katie Alfred for always being ready to help around the office and bring tasty treats...

Parish Nurse Health Moment by Gloria Ivey, RN

Prevention and early detection is the goal in breast cancer treatment. Many factors might affect your risk for breast cancer and other diseases. You may be able to control and modify some of these, including:  what you eat  how much you weigh and maintaining a healthy weight  how much you exercise  whether you smoke  whether you drink alcohol and if so, how much and how frequently  the types of chemicals in your environment  whether you took hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for menopausal symptoms for 5 years or longer Making these changes in your life can be quite difficult. But it becomes easier to make these changes when you understand each factor, the importance of the changes, and practical ways to make the changes. And when it comes to the factors that can't be controlled, information can help you work around them. Please come to Southern Hills UMC for a special service to receive information on breast cancer for yourself or those you love on: Sunday October 25th and wear pink for Pink Sunday

PUMPKINS and JESUS P is for the People that Jesus came to save. U is for the Unconditional love to each one He gave. M is for the Message that we should all be sharing. P is for the Priceless gift God above showed he is caring. K is for the King of Kings. I is for the Insight He brings. N is for the Nails in His hands. S is for our Savior who gave His life so we could stand.

So when you see a pumpkin don't think about some guy named Jack. Instead remember Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords, who is one day coming back.

OnaMi s s i onForGo d… By Shelby Orange

On Saturday, September 12, 2009, a team of six church members went on a mission trip to Cookson Hills United Methodist Center . We spent the day creating a pa t i oa r e aa nds a f e rpl a y g r oundf ort hec h i l dr e n’ sda y care facility, doing a little roof work on the senior citizens building and finishing some interior details in the health care center. We all got a little wet, but had a great time!! Colleen, the director of Cookson Hills, took some time over a fantastic barbeque lunch to share with us the programs and mission of Cookson Hills. This United Methodist Center services clients from one of the poorest counties in all of Oklahoma. They provide lunches for seniors and a reduced cost day care facility for parents. They also have a health clinic that provides a wealth of information to the clients at Cookson. They hold regular meetings for parenting classes and recovery programs, as well as offering diabetic information and general wellness information. Col l e e na l s ot a l ke da boutt he“ Chr i s t ma sSt or e ”whi c h provides low income families with a place to buy new toys and other gifts at a deeply discounted price for the holiday. It was apparent that Cookson Hills provides a much needed service to members of the community. Even with all the work that we accomplished on Saturday, there is much more that needs to be done. I was privileged to be included in this trip and have a chance to make a difference in such a measurable way to our brothers, sisters, and children in need. We returned not only with some sore muscles and very wet shoes but with warm hearts as well. I look forward to the opportunity to return in the Spring and offer more love to this amazing mission as the hands and feet of the Lord.

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID 6160 S. Lewis Tulsa, OK 74136 Phone: 918-743-2013 Fax: 918-743-3151 Email: [email protected] Rev. Jeff Jaynes: [email protected] Linda Sisemore, editor: [email protected] Church School Classes 9:45 a.m. Worship Celebration 11:00 a.m. Monday Prayer time 7:00 a.m. Website:

Tulsa, OK Permit #72

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