Shortage Of Potable Water_copy

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 357
  • Pages: 1
Shortage of potable water worldwide is becoming a major concern due to overpopulation and climate change. Some people suggest recycling waste water as a solution.

Many people believe that one of the alternatives to the lack of the water would be to reuse waste water. This can be useful to decrease the utilization of the water and fight against the global warm. First of all, the rationalization in the consumption of water will help to feed and maintain healthy the most of the world. The adequate use of the water is beneficial for having a healthy life. Our body is composed by 60percent of water which acts as the main transport system of substances, distribution of nutrients and disposal of toxic elements. Besides that, another good exercise of the water would be in the agriculture, taking advantage on the capillarity of the soil, allowing plants to take the enough water for its subsistence. This property aids to save water, permitting an optimal watering to plants. A second point will be fighting against the global warming. This climate change would accelerate the end of the planet. The temperature in whole planet is increasing, disintegrating the ice continents and raising the level of the seas. This crisis will finish filling of water the land and then with life. However, if there is not the enough care in the process of recycling, it will become harmful to the people who are the main consumers. This can degenerate in contagious diseases, causing deterioration in the walls of stomach and intestines. This corrosion not only can be destructive to the health, but also can finish in the death of the people. To sum up, the reprocess of the waste water is a good idea to solve the scarcity of the liquid element because it helps to reduce its consumption and battle to worldwide heat. Nonetheless, the governments of every nation will have to be careful in the control of the process in order to have success with the final product and avoid generating another problem such as diseases or the death in the people. Moreover, they have to over control the over

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