Shoorpanaka Sonia Gandhi Is Sabotaging India

  • October 2019
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SHOORPANAKA SONIA GANDHI IS SABOTAGING INDIA Sonia Gandhi is an Italian christian spy planted on India, by the foreign spy agencies. After the christian missionaries have blackmailed Nehru for conversion activities in the North East after India’s independence in 1947, as a next step they had planted an illiterate Italian girl working in UK as a barmaid, and a part time child prostitute, in the Nehru family. Nehru was blackmailed by the christian missionaries, as Nehru’s illegitimate son was growing up in a christian orphanage in Bangalore. The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government of India, WHICH IS A COMBINATION OF CHRISTIAN MUSLIM FORCES, headed by the Italian plant Antonia Maino, now known as Sonia Gandhi, has become known as Shoorpanka Gandhi, after her declaration that there was no Hindu God ‘Ram’. This Italian prostitute is systematically sabotaging India over the past few years. This Italian spy has placed christians in all spears of life in India. Most of the IGs, governers are christians. Union ministry is a group of christians starting with Pranab Muckerjee, the CIA created A.K. Anthony of christian agitation fame of the 1950s funded by Americans, Ambika Soni, etc and the christians have been historically anti Indian spies of the colonial rulers. State governments are headed by christians like Yesudas Samuel Rajasekhar Reddy but he is called YSR Reddy to hide his christian name like in the USA the president hopeful Hussein Obama is always called Obama only to hide is muslim background. The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government of Shoorpanaka Gandhi is compromising national security, nuclear sovereignty, food security, integrity of rulers, constitutional sanctity, India's position on Kashmir, interests of the aam admi and farmers, reforms and development and has resorted to the crass vote bank politics. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised national security • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI's soft policy on terrorism has spawned transnational terrorist network in and around India facilitated by ISI which has established a clear linkage among dreaded militant organisations such as Maoist, ULFA, MULTA, LTTE, other insurgent groups in north-east and Hiju and other terrorist groups in Bangladesh. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI's abandonment of POTA without any substitute stringent anti-terror law has emboldened terrorist organisations resulting in increase in terrorist attacks. Ayodhya, Bangalore, Kashi, Delhi, Mumbai, Malegaon, Samjhouta Express, Jammu and now Hyderabad, ......the list is unending.

• SHOORPANAKA GANDHI's political maneours like resolution in Kerala Assembly asking relief for Coimbatore blast kingpin Abdul Nasir Madani, putting on hold hanging of Afazal Guru – a brain behind attack on Indian Parliament and zero tolerance warning to security forces on human right violations, have emboldened terrorists and demoralised security forces. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI's tacit electoral understanding with terrorist outfits in Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Manipur and Assam was very much visible. • The government has not deported any infiltrator even after Supreme Court struck down IMDT Act and amendments to Foreigners Act. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI has not registered its strong protest against China's intrusion into Arunachal Pradesh. As a result , now we have a new boundary dispute with China. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI failed to revive and renew the pact with Nepal which would have helped us to act tough against terrorist networks taking refuge in Nepal. • Government failed to protect migrant labours in Jammu, Assam and elsewhere who are under attack by various terrorist organisations. • The government has remained inactive vis a vis the developments in our neighbouring countries Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and Sri Lanka where situation is deteriorating into anarchy. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI Compromised India's position on Kashmir • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government failed to build upon the promise of Pakistan President Gen Musharraf given to Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee on 6th January 2004 that the Pakistani land will not be allowed to be used by and for terrorist activity. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI converted Indo-Pak dialogue from terrorism centric during NDA regime to Kashmir centric. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI is carrying out negotiations on Jammu and Kashmir in a hush-hush manner without taking nation into confidence. The Union government is intentionally hiding the details of discussion of "nonpaper". Gen. Musharraf and other Pakistan leaders are making revelations

each day stating that much progress has been achieved on self-rule, autonomy, de-militarisation, and joint management. • Troop pull out from boundary districts of Doda, Poonch and Rajouri of Jammu region clearly points, that Manmohan Singh's government has buckled under the pressure of Mufti Mohammad Sayed of PDP. Large scale migration of Hindus is taking place from these border areas. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI failed to address the grievances and failed to provide justice to Kashmiri Pandits. Thus, the worst human rights abuse continues to remain unattended. • Third Round Table Conference on J&K issue drifted away from its original agenda of strengthening centre-state relations, rule of law, secularism, pluralism, justice and equity, instead there was growing clamour for soft borders, autonomy, self governance, demilitarization and withdrawal of anti terror laws, economic independence and joint management of state's natural resources. • The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI has turned a Nelson's eye towards the protest march by pro-Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba activists carrying Pakistan flags and raising anti-India slogans. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised nuclear sovereignty • Indo-US nuclear treaty draft is a compromise with our nuclear sovereignty and amounts to keeping the country's long term interests pledged to US. • The present government has attempted to undo the work of the last sixty years by accepting to cap our strategic nuclear programme. The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI succumbed to expose our nuclear scientists to undue interference in their work, from sources outside India. • There is either no assurance of uninterrupted fuel supply or permission to reprocess even after accepting stringent conditionalities. • The separation of our nuclear plants and facilities, as between civilian and military is difficult, expensive and has implications for our strategic programme, and is unwarranted. • More strict obligations than CTBT and NPT.

• On an issue of such importance, the Prime Minister has repeatedly misled the Parliament and the people of India. It is now clear from the statements made by the US officials and letter by US legislators that neither parity nor reciprocity will be made available to India under this deal. • The paradox is that while detailed discussions are taking place on the future of the Indian nuclear programme in the US Congress, Parliament of India is deliberately kept in the dark. • India had already assured the international community on a voluntary moratorium on further nuclear tests. And, pledged itself to a policy of nofirst attack. Still, this treaty bans freedom of any future test and keeps no exit route. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised the welfare of "Aam Aadmi" • Rising prices and increasing shortages of essential commodities under the SHOORPANAKA GANDHI rule have made the life of common man miserable. Rising prices of all essential commodities like wheat, rice, pulses, oil, vegetables, petrol, diesel, cement has adversely affected the living standards of the masses. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI converted Indian economy from a state of surpluses to a state of scarcity. Even for the cooking gas which was available across the counter during NDA regime, people have to wait for weeks together. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI Government instead of tackling the supply side constraints has gone in full drive to curb the demand by monetary measures resulting in unprecedented increase in home loan interest rates, thus hitting the middle class. Housing loan rates which had come down to 6% during NDA regime have doubled to 12% resulting in slow down in housing industry. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI has increased the prices of petroleum products seven times within a span of just two years. The total hike during this period is almost 58%. Despite a 33% fall in price of petroleum and 15% fall in dollar prices we have not seen corresponding decline. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government has lowered interest on EPF which is of much importance to the working classes. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised the interests of the farmers

• Because of SHOORPANAKA GANDHI's disastrous policies, more than 5000 farmers have committed suicides in various parts of the country. The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI has failed to address the core issue of farmer's indebtedness and take necessary steps to save the farmers from their despair. • Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's relief package to the families of the farmers who committed suicide proved not only inadequate but a hoax. The rate of suicide increased after announcement of his so-called relief package. • The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI has deliberately kept the MSP at the lowest band, which is the crux of the agrarian poverty. It is paying foreign farmers more than Indian farmers, while importing wheat and other food items. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI failed to guarantee remunerative prices, comprehensive insurance and adequate credit to the farmers. • Government failed to implement National Commission of Farmer's recommendation to offer agricultural loans @ 4% interest to small farmers. • Impulsive reactions by SHOORPANAKA GANDHI negotiators in WTO has resulted in loss of momentum in protecting the interests of farmers of developing nation's who are unable to match huge subsidies provided by cash rich US and EU governments. • The July 2004 Framework Agreement at Geneva was a disastrous one from India’s point of view. The outcome of the 2005 Ministerial Conference at Hong Kong was insignificant. Reactions post the Geneva 2006 deadlock has also been impulsive. • The Indian agriculture is in deep crisis as the growth has stagnated. The government has completely failed in ensuring "ever green revolution". • The Rs.50,000 crore Jayaprakash Narayan Rural Credit Fund launched by NDA for the benefit of rural masses has been scuttled by SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI Compromised food security • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI allowed private companies to purchase directly from farmers resulting in reduction in government procurement.

Government's godowns got emptied in the process. This was a deliberate decision based on McKinsey recommendations. • Wheat, edible oils, pulses and many other food items had to be imported for the first time after a gap of eight years. • The NDA government has increased the food grain quota for BPL families from 18 Kg to 35 Kg per month. But the SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government reduced it to 20kg per month. Government is considering hiking the issue prices under PDS. • The Approach Paper for the Eleventh Plan does not once mention food and nutrition security despite the fact that 20 crore people in India are underfed, 4 crore on brink of starvation and 44% of households deficient in calorie intake. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised infrastructure • There is considerable slowing in all infrastructure projects initiated by NDA be it Golden Quadrilateral, Gram Sadak Yojana, North-South, East -West Corridors etc., NDA was adding 4.5 Km of roads everyday, which has come down to 1.5 Km a day in SHOORPANAKA GANDHI regime. • There is severe power crisis, with many places witnessing 8-10 hours of load shedding a day. It seems that government has forgotten its own dream promise of adding 100,000 MW of power by 2012. • Government is not moving ahead on projects like Subhansi which has tremendous generation potential and has bungled badly in projects like Dabhol. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI shelved ambitious River Linking Project which would have protected the country from the floods and famine. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI diluted the concept of SEZ by granting hundreds of permissions resulting in a massive scandal. In the process, government became the biggest land grabber. • The entire land acquisition for SEZ has led to immense violence against farmers as witnessed in Nandigram and injustice as can be gauged by protests of farmers all over nation.

• The government went ahead with the controversial alignment in the Sethu Samudram project which is environmentally disastrous and depletes precious thorium resources besides hurting the heritage and sentiments of the people. Shoorpanaka declared that there was no Hindu God ‘Ram’ in a court affidavit for destroying the Sethu bridge revered by the Hindus from time immemorial.

SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised integrity • In Iraq’s food-for-oil scam, the Volcker report accused Congress of being one of the recipients of slush money. • The Scorpene submarine scandal and the related scandal of the “War Room Leak” in naval headquarters -- has now resurfaced with CBI itself confirming that the ‘War Room Leak’ is part of a “much larger conspiracy” impinging on vital aspects of India’s national security. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI failed to get extradition of Quattrocchi from Argentina, with CBI's credibility taking a severe beating due to its delay in revealing his detention. Apart from this, his account in London was defreeze allowing him to rob the country to the tune of Rs 21 crore yet again. • Government deliberately kept mum on the charges of KGB and CIA pay offs to Congress by Mitrokhin Archive II and former US Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moyniham. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised Constitutional sanctity • The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI brazenly removed many Governors appointed during NDA regime, because as per SHOORPANAKA GANDHI "they did not subscribe to the ideology of the new government" • The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government has openly opposed the Supreme Court and High Court verdicts on minority reservations. • The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI resorted to violate the Constitution by dissolving the Bihar assembly on the concocted report of its Governor and manipulated the verdict in Jharkhand and Goa which received flak from the highest court.

• Showing utter disregard to the Constitutional sanctity government appointed Navin Chawla as Election Commissioner whose impartiality was in question. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised political ethos • There is a perception that the real authority does not rest with the Prime Minster but with unaccountable party chief. It's a government which is pressurised constantly by the Left who are also enjoying power without accountability. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI is a crumbling coalition with backing off of JDS, MDMK, TRS. PDP and NCP keep fighting with Congress, Left fights Congress on streets and in government and DMK directly announces appointment of minister a prerogative, one thought belonged to Prime Minister. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI government is the government with highest number of tainted ministers against whom charges have been framed for murder, rioting, corruption and other heinous crimes. The central minister Shibu Soren and Member of Parliament Shahbuddin are serving life term in jail and still continue to be Members of Parliament. • Ministers speak in different voices over vital issues such as relevance of the government for masses and issues like reservations, Delhi Master Plan, Asiad Games, inflation, etc., SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised national unity for vote bank politics • By continuing to practice the politics of competititve minorityism, the SHOORPANAKA GANDHI has communalised the polity of the nation. The government, for the sake of politics, has linked action against terrorism as detrimental to minority welfare. • Attempting to provide reservations to Muslims on the basis of religion, an un-constitutional act. • Appointed Sachar committee that attempted a head-count in armed forces. In the name of implementation of its recommendations government decided to divide the geography of the nation on basis of religion by identifying 91 districts as minority dominated.

• The SHOORPANAKA GANDHI ordered 50 per cent reservation for muslims in Aligarh Muslim University. • Made a shameless attempt to denigrate the facts and history of Indian culture in the name of detoxification as part of minority appeasement policies. • The Prime Minister said that Muslims must have first claim on resources. • The finance minister has communalised banking by asking them to earmark a certain portion of loan to minorities. • Government buckled under the pressure of fundamentalists who were opposing singing of "Vande Mataram". • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI shamelessly used doctored Banerjee Committee report showing Godhra carnage as an accident to influence Bihar electorate. • Minority educational institutes were exempted from SC/ST reservation quotas thereby denying them the justice enshrined in the Constitution. SHOORPANAKA GANDHI compromised own promises • Despite a promise in CMP, the SHOORPANAKA GANDHI failed to introduce even a draft Bill for women reservation. • SHOORPANAKA GANDHI failed to keep up its promise of carving out a separate Telangana state though it was promised in CMP.

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