Shift In Translation.docx

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  • Words: 983
  • Pages: 4
SHIFT IN TRANSLATION OF NOUN PHRASE IN JONGOS + BABU AND IN HOUSEBOY + MAID Translation is a process of transferring a text from a language to another. It can be done by changing the form or keeping the form. Transposition Transposition in terms of translation is a technique in which a change of grammatical categories are done. Such technique are also recognized as shift, which can be classified into: (1) Structural Shift (2) Unit Shift (3) Category Shift


Structural Shift Structural shift is done due to the different culture between the SL and TL, in which in the

implementation, the TL phrasal structure is made up of a modifier which is followed by head, while in turn, the head is followed by modifier in TL. Structural shift is obligatory due to the linguistic factor, and is optional due to the cultural factor. (a) SL : Keluarga pertama ini dikenal karena tercatat di buku besar dengan huruf Latin, inlandsch sergeant… stb. No… Pangkat sersan waktu itu sangat tinggi. TL : The first generation became known because it was recorded in a big book with romanized letters: native sergeant [gazette number] The rank of sergeant was quite high at that time. (b) SL : Sekiranya Tuhan masih bermurah hati seperti di jaman dulu, sudi memanjangkan keturunan hamba itu, pasti keturunan yang ketiga puluh bukan manusia lagi, tapi cacing yang menjulur julur di dalam tanah. TL : Had God remained as kind-hearted as he was in the old days, and willing to extend further this servant lineage, the thirtieth generation would certainly no longer be human, but worms wriggling about in the dirt. (c) SL : Rodinah seperti manusia biasa lama-lama dewasa juga.

TL : Rodinah like the average person eventually reached adulthood. (d) SL : SEBAGAI NENEK moyangnya juga, ini naluri kedua orang mendapat hamba sejati - tidak tanggung-tanggung, setia sampai bulu-bulunya TL : Just like their ancestors, this pair had the instinct of faithful servants without reserve, loyal to the last hair on their bodies. (e) SL : Cita-citanya yang terakhir ialah memakai pet berbintang kuning, uniform putih, dan bersamurai bergagang keemasan dengan sarung pedang berkulit jeruk. TL : His est ambition was to wear a cap with a yellow star, a white uniform, and samurai sword with a golden hilt and a crinkle-nted sheath. In those examples, it can be seen that there are structure shift in every sentence above. From the five examples, it describes the existence of structural changes between Indonesian as the SL to English as the TL. As can be seen, (a) buku besar, (b) keturunan hamba, (c) manusia biasa, (d) hamba sejati and (e) berbintang kuning as the example of SL, it contains Modifier + Head in which the word besar, hamba, biasa, sejati and kuning as the heads are preceded by the modifiers buku, keturunan, manusia, hamba dan berbintang. However, the translation process into the TL makes the phrases change in which the modifiers appear after the heads so, the form of its formation is Head + Modifier. In the TL the word (a) big, (b) servant, (c) average, (d), faithful and (e) yellow as the heads are followed by the modifiers book, lineage, person, servants and star. The occurrence of structure shift caused by the two different linguistic systems in which it makes the for form changes but it still keeps the meaning. 2.

Unit Shift Unit shift results from different amounts of meaning components between SL and the TL. It

can be divided into two : (1) from low to high units, and (2) from high to low units. From a Low to a High Unit (a) SL : Tuan Piktor cakap. TL : Tuan Piktor's good-looking.

(b) SL : Dan tuan itu masuk dan duduk di bale. TL : And the tuan entered and sat down on the balé. The unit shift from a low to high results from the fact that the TL has more meaning components than the SL. From a High to a Low Unit (a) SL : "Jadi derajat kita nanti sama tinggi sama rendah, Nah. Kau ada mobil, aku juga...” TL : "So then we'll be equals. You'll have a car, and so will l." (b) SL : Di ambang pintu ia berhenti. Menengok pada adiknya. TL : He stopped in the doorway. He looked at his sister. (c) SL : Engkau adiknya?" tanya tuan kulit putih itu. Tangannya mengeluarkan sapu tangan dan menyeka keringat kening. TL : “Are you his younger sister?” asked the white-skinned He pulled out a handkerchief and wiped the sweat from forehead. The unit shift from a low to a high unit results from the fact that the TL has less meaning components than the TL. 3.

Class Shift

Category shift or as known as class shift is a change of word class. It can be divided as (1) obligatory and (2) optional. (a) SL : Tiga hari kemudian tuan dan nyonya pergi nonton bioskop. Aku dipanggil non Mari ke kamarnya. Tahu? TL : Three days later, tuan and njonja went to the movies. Non Mari called me to her room. You know what? (b) SL : Matanya coklat. Baunya bukan main! Ia mengeluh kagi

TL: His eyes were brown. He stank you wouldn't believe!" she sighed again. The examples above represent that there are a change of word class that happens in a sentence. As can be seen in the example of SL (a) nonton bioskop which is a verb phrase was translated into the movies which is a noun phrase. It also happens in the example (b) baunya which is possessive noun it changed into stank which is verb. Modulation SL : Tiga hari kemudian tuan dan nyonya pergi nonton bioskop. Aku dipanggil non Mari ke kamarnya. Tahu? TL : Three days later, tuan and njonja went to the movies. Non Mari called me to her room. You know what?

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