Shi Huang Di Essay Rubric

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 481
  • Pages: 1

NAME: _____________________

LATE?: ________ Developing

GRADE: __________




Introduction/ Thesis

* Expresses a specific, supportable central idea in a sophisticated, concise manner * Establishes a clear, concise, and compelling preview of the paper's purpose using PERSIA GEM categories * Complexity of Shi Huang Di and Qin Dynasty's roles in Chinese history is clearly explained

* Expresses a specific, supportable central idea in a concise manner * Establishes a clear preview of the paper's purpose using PERSIA GEM categories * Background information on Shi Huang Di and Qin China is included

* Expresses a vague, somewhat supportable central idea * Attempts to preview the paper's purpose * Some background information on Shi Huang Di is mentioned

* Expresses an extremely vague, trite and/or insupportable central idea * Neglects to preview the paper's purpose * Shi Huang Di's role in Chinese history is not clear


* Employs two pieces of strong, wellchosen evidence per body paragraph that are relevant to the central idea & explained in detail *Evidence is appropriately presented in 2 clearly distinct themes

* Employs two pieces of evidence that are relevant to the central idea *Evidence is presented in two themes

* Provides some weak evidence that may or may not be relevant to the central idea *The 2 body pragrpahs are not dealing with separate themes

* Provides little or no evidence relevant to the central idea *It is unclear which themes either paragraph belongs to


*Paragraphs begin with strong, ideadriven topic sentences *Develops and analyzes all evidence with sophistication and originality, taking risks with ideas

*Paragraphs begin with clear topic sentences *Develops and analyzes most of the evidence, taking few risks with ideas

*Not all paragraphs begin with topic sentences *Reiterates content with a limited amount of analysis

*Paragraphs lack a clear opening *Does not attempt analysis


* Uses appropriate grammar & spells correctly throughout *Cites varied sources, paraphrases at least one in a sophisticated way, and uses at least one well-chosen, succinct direct quote * Uses the correct citation format consistently * Well-edited rough draft and thoroughly completed paragraph organizer attached

* Uses appropriate grammar & spells correctly most of the time *Cites at least two sources, paraphrases from at least one source, and uses at least one direct quote * Uses the correct citation format most of the time * Edited rough draft and paragraph organizer are attached

* Makes grammatical & spelling errors that distract but do not compromise meaning *Cites less than two sources, paraphrases from one or uses one direct quote * Uses incorrect citation formats * Minimally edited rough draft and somewhat complete paragraph organizer are attached

* Makes grammatical & spelling errors that compromise meaning *Does not cite sources, paraphrase or use a direct quote * Does not use citations * Rough draft and/or paragraph organizer are not attached

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