Shawwal 1430 Observation

  • July 2020
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Saturday, 19 September 2009 Not Seen Today ( Saturday, September 19, 2009 = 28 Ramadhan 1430), On my reques more than 250 persons (members of the moon-sighting committees of our institute "JAMIA-TUR-RASHEED" + my friends + their companions) tried to sight the moon at nearly 31 places all over Pakistan but the moon could not be sighted, as it was expected tonight. Weather was fully clear at all places except in Karachi and Aasiabad. They tried to sight at these places : Mardan, Malakand, Swabi, Bannu, Mansehra (2 places), Balakot, Deer, Battal, Mengora, Karachi (5 places), Ghotki, Jehlam, Tando-Ghulam-Ali, Faisalabad, Kehror-Pakka, Aasiabad, Turbat, Tando-Allah-yar, Jhang, Islamabad, etc.

Note 1: Although Saturday was 28th Ramadan in Pakistan therefore there was no need to try to sight the moon in Pakistan, moreover, the conditions of the moon were so defective in Pakistan that according to the all old and new criteria of moon-sighting, it was impossible to sight the moon tonight in Pakistan but In spite of these facts, we requested our members just because to increase the trust of common people in the Science of Moon-sighting and because the people were confused due to the 29th day in Saudi Arabia and many parts of Sarhad province.

Note 2: Provincial government of Sarhad (a province of Pakistan) has declared that Sunday will be Eid day in Province Sarhad. Many districts of Sarhad did not follow this announcement and celebrated Eid on Monday according to the official announcemet of Pakistan. It is to be noted here that Sunday was 29th Ramadhan in the rest of Pakistan. ……………………………………….

Sunday 20 September 2009 (29 Ramadhan 1430 in Pakistan) Easily seen countrywide On my request, Today (Sunday 20 September 2009 = 29 Ramadhan 1430 in Pakistan) more than 714 persons (Members of the moon-sighting committees of our institute "JAMIA-TUR-RASHEED" + my friends + their companions) tried to sight the moon at nearly 58 places all over Pakistan and resultantly easily sighted the crescent at more than 21 places. As it was very cloudy at other 21 places (Karachi and some other places) hence I and my other friends could not sight the moon in Karachi and some other places. At 16 places (Sarhad & etc) the weather was clear but many observers could not sight the crescent, the reason may be the low altitude of moon and short lag. when such a well

5 conditioned moon was not sighted due to low altitude of moon and short lag on Sunday then you can judge that what would be the status of the claims of Saturday. It is also announced officially that tomorrow i.e. Monday is Eid in Pakistan.

Note 1: Chairman of central official moon-sighting committee of Pakistan "Mufti Munee-bur-Rahman" especially praised the efforts of Jamia-tur-Rasheed in his officially announcement. Alhamdolillah.

Note 2: Alhamdolillah, now there is no need to remember the lengthy address of my web, just write my name "Muhammad Sultan Alam" in google and the first website is mine. Muhammad Sultan Alam Head of Research Committee of Astronomy Department of Jamia'-tur-Rasheed Ahsanabad, Karachi. Pakistan. Cell # 00920332213520

The End

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