Shattering Silence - The Final Cut

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  • Words: 23,232
  • Pages: 128
SHATTERING SILENCE By Gavin Paul Carter FADE IN: INT. HOSPITAL ROOM – DAY NERO KARN stands beside an empty bed in a sterile white walled room. He is smooth shaven, dark haired and athletic. He is wearing a baseball cap, blue jeans and tee shirt. A window set into the wall opens out over lush green parkland. Nero gazes at a vase of dead flowers standing upon a table by the bedside. A YOUNG NURSE enters carrying a BABY BOY. Nero gazes at her name tag. NURSE HOPE. The young nurse hands Nero the baby. He accepts the child into his arms with shaking hands. NURSE HOPE (Softly) I'm sorry Mr Karn. The young nurse exits the room. Nero looks down into the face of the newborn. He has a red birth mark on his cheek. Nero takes off his baseball cap, placing it on the baby's head. He brushes his finger gently over the birthmark. NERO It's a bloodstain. Mark of Cain. God... Nero's eyes well with tears. NERO (Cont'd) (Coldly) Ruth, it's all for nothing.

NINE YEARS LATER EXT. THE FAST FLOWING RIVER – DAY JOSHUA KARN is nine years of age. He is wearing his father's tattered baseball cap. He has hearing aids behind both his ears. The birthmark is still as red as ever. Joshua is pulling at the twigs from the branches of an overhanging tree and throwing them into the river. Nero stands behind him, his mobile phone against his ear. He is dressed in an expensive black suit, his shoes polished. Joshua turns towards his father, he looks sad. JOSHUA Why do I have to go to boarding school daddy? I don't like it. NERO (Talking into phone) Sorry Jeremiah, hold on. Nero looks at his son, placing his hand over the phone. NERO (Cont'd) You'll get used to it. Don't want to hear any more about it. It's because you're special. JOSHUA (Whispers sadly) You mean sick. Nero turns his back on his son and lifts the phone to his ear. NERO (Grumbling) Jeremiah I'm not blind. I've worked my ass off on this project. Joshua looks back at his father and smiles. JOSHUA

Dad look at me! Joshua's expression suddenly changes. His eyes widen and he stares into the water at his own reflection. A dark shadow appears in the river, shrouding Joshua's reflection. JOSHUA (Cont'd) I understand mummy. Nero looks over his shoulder, shaking his head grumpily. He stares at the back of his son. NERO (Sighing) I'm stuck with Josh today. Worse luck. He's talking though, talking lots. Nero looks down at his shiny shoes, smiling at his own reflection. NERO (Cont’d) Jeremiah the Nazarin works. Few months ago Josh couldn't talk. You wanna see him now. Joshua closes his eyes, and steps off the bank. Nero hears a splash, and turns around. He can see his son floundering in the river. He drops his phone and it smashes. NERO (Cont’d) Joshua! Oh Christ! Nero runs down to the waters edge. Watching helplessly as his son waves his hands desperately in the air as the current drags him away. Nero slides off his socks and wades reaching out his hand in desperation.




Joshua is caught in the river’s flow. He is already out of reach of his father and sinking beneath the water. Nero loses his footing, grabbing helplessly at the vegetation. He pulls himself out of the river. Nero is sobbing desperately, and slumps onto the riverbank.

NERO (Cont'd) Joshua?… Nero looks back, but he can no longer see his son. INT. NERO’S LIVING ROOM – NIGHT - LATER Nero is seated upon a wooden box in a dimly lit room. Smoke fills the air. Nero leans forward head in his hands. Discarded boxes of medication lie scattered upon the floor. The brand name NAZARIN is stencilled upon the packets. Directly in front of him is a framed picture of NERO, JOSHUA, AND HIS WIFE RUTH. Nero leans back and lights a cigarette, hands trembling. NERO (Cont’d) Shakes. Ruth? God? (Angrily) Why couldn't I save the boy? A phone starts to ring. The answer phone kicks in. NERO (Cont'd) Is death all I have God? You bastard. God, damn you. (Sobbing) You're a bastard. JEREMIAH'S VOICE echoes around the room. JEREMIAH'S VOICE Nero it's Jeremiah. Nazarin is at the next level. You want your son to die for nothing? Lakeview Residential. I've given you a position. A chance to see your work wasn't wasted. The phone cuts off. Nero attempts to stand and steps upon the framed picture breaking the glass… His shaking hands reach for the empty packets of Nazarin… A shadow has formed. A black shape, a silhouette of a small boy aged about nine… Featureless, motionless in the dark.

NERO (Gritting teeth) Josh… It's you? I'm not to blame Josh. You know that? Let me see your face? (Feebly) Please? I'm not to blame. Nero watches the image fade away. He falls onto his hands and knees, gasping, sobbing. INT. THE CITY CHURCHYARD - DAY JOSHUA KARN – BORN OCTOBER 10th 1998 – DIED NOVEMBER 6th 2010. The tombstone is polished black marble, inscribed with silver writing. An ornately carved EYE is carved above the name. A shaking hand reaches down and places a single red rose upon the grave. Nero straightens up, and steps back, his eyes glazed. A gloved hand grabs the man's shoulder. DR JEREMIAH MANTIS is immaculately dressed in a dark pinstriped suit. A single diamond stud pierces his red tie and a long black overcoat hangs down to his ankles. His black shoes gleam. The man has thick white hair, and distinguished facial features. High cheekbones, light grey eyes and a square jaw. Nero turns towards him. NERO How did you know I was here? JEREMIAH My lovely boy, you're always here. Why didn't you return my call? NERO Too much on my mind. JEREMIAH It's a lovely setting. Looking around at the sea of tombstones set in neatly mowed grounds.

JEREMIAH (Cont'd) I might buy myself a plot here. Very tranquil. NERO That'll be nice. (Agitated) What you want? JEREMIAH We spent years designing the drug. At a price.. That, (Looking at the tombstone) I understand. My son... He thinks he's stabilised it. But you know what he's like, fools rush in, they say... NERO Another guinea pig? JEREMIAH His name is Charlie Ward. Lovely boy. His parents have given their consent for tests. NERO Why do you need me? JEREMIAH You can watch my son, he needs a backbone. NERO Baby sitting? It's not really my best skill. That project should be abandoned. JEREMIAH Look around you my boy. All these lives have come to nothing. You need to see more clearly Nero, you need to see what it means to be you. EXT. COUNTRY LANE – NIGHT - LATER A blue van moves swiftly through the night, winding its way through narrow country lanes lined with tall overhanging trees. The white logo stencilled across the vehicle’s side reads. BLAKEDOWN RESIDENTIAL.

INT. VAN - NIGHT The window behind THE DRIVER and his PASSENGER is wide, barred with steel rods.



The driver reaches into packet of cigarettes.







FEMALE PASSENGER Please don’t smoke… The driver tosses the cigarettes into the back seat. DRIVER (Gruffly) So… How many they got? FEMALE PASSENGER This’ll be their first. DRIVER He'll be enough for anyone. INT. VAN - REAR PASSENGER AREA - NIGHT Seated behind the barred glass is a nervous looking MUSCULAR MAN. His arms crossed beneath his chest. A tag fixed to his jumper reads BLAKEDOWN RESIDENTIAL STAFF Another passenger, CHARLIE WARD is seated directly in front of the muscular man. He remains unseen, his youthful hands resting upon a photograph album. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Seated around a large circular table are five people. ROSS MANTIS, a slim handsome man with thick black hair, wearing an expensive black suit, white shirt, and blue silk tie. Ross flicks through a large red file. Next to Ross is Nero. Baggy black tracksuit, a small silver Crucifix hanging around his neck. He drums his ringed fingers upon the table. He looks tired. Opposite Nero is JACK GALLAGHER. Black leather jacket, grey shirt, black jeans, hair short, blonde and spiky, he has an androgynous appearance… Alisha winks at Gallagher. Her clothes are tight fitting black jeans, tee shirt, knee length boots, denim jacket.

The final individual is CASS. Full figured, khaki jacket, baggy black combat trousers, and trainers. Her hair trimmed short, swept back, and bleached white. A red stripe dyed through the strands. Ross brushes his fingers through his hair… ROSS Behaviour therapy, specialised educational programmes… They didn’t work on Charlie… Cass is biting her nails. She spits a fingernail across the room. Alisha looks disgusted. Gallagher chuckles. Nero looks blank and closes his eyes. CASS (Grinning) Don't go to sleep Nero. Get with the programme. NERO I'm with the programme. More than I'd like to be. ROSS (To Cass) Cass you're his Key Worker. Cass smiles broadly. ALISHA That ain't right. Why her? CASS (Smiling) Must be the fact that I'm better educated. (Winking at Alisha) Don't you think? ALISHA (Bitterly) I think a lot. Rhythmic banging begins to start. Growing louder and louder. Gallagher looks unconcerned. Cass looks nervous. Alisha and Ross stare up at the ceiling.

CASS What's that? ROSS Plumbing. It happens every night. Old boiler. ALISHA Talkin of old boilers, where's Janet? EXT. JANET'S CAR - COUNTRY LANE – NIGHT – LATER JANET BAKER is in her early forties. Black hair tied back in a tight bun, flecks of white tinge the many dark strands. Janet is dressed in a dark red suit. beside her on the passenger seat is a red file with the words LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL stencilled upon it. Classical music plays on her car stereo. Janet begins to hum along. Drumming her fingers upon the steering wheel. EXT. ROADSIDE – NIGHT A grubby heavily scarred hand holding a sharp knife slices through the skin of an apple. Raising a piece of the fruit to his grey whiskery lips, FRANK KYPE opens his mouth and places the fruit between his yellowing teeth, and crunches down. EXT. JANET'S CAR – NIGHT - LATER Janet gazes out of her passenger window. Briefly catching sight of the scruffy figure. INT. JANET'S CAR - NIGHT A pair of bright green eyes are caught headlights. A fox charges across the road.



Janet screams, swerving her car to avoid a collision. Slamming on the brakes, she narrow avoids crashing the car into a tree. She slumps forward over the wheel, and takes several deep breaths.

EXT. ROADSIDE - NIGHT Kype clutches the knife tightly in his hand, and tosses the half eaten apple onto the road. A worm is wriggling inside the flesh. INT. JANET'S CAR - NIGHT Janet sits back, turning off her stereo. Her face is ashen. and she unclips her seatbelt. JANET Wretched countryside. Janet steps out of the car and pats the bonnet. KYPE Should be watching. Even with one eye, I pay more heed. Startled, Janet turns around. Frank Kype is rather old, and a little stooped. He wipes palms on his dark grey boiler suit. His battered boots, are worn and muddy and bottoms are tucked into them.

a tall man, his scarred short black his trouser

Kype has a badly scarred face, and a black leather eye patch fastened over his right eye, his hair is white and cropped short. KYPE (Cont'd) (Gruffly) Full of danger this countryside. Kype raises the blade to his stubbly scarred cheek and brushes it roughly against his uneven skin. He smiles. His yellowed teeth disgust Janet. JANET The knife makes me nervous. Who are you? Kype nods, slides the knife into a leather holster on his belt. KYPE It's a good knife. Pay no heed to it.

Kype crouches down, and gazes beneath the car, brushing his finger across the tire wheel. Janet looks down at the old man. Slightly bewildered. JANET What're you doing? KYPE Looking for blood. Kype notices something reaches down for it.







JANET My horoscope said I'd have a bad week. You're a Gemini? You Local? KYPE The only one. It's a dead place around here. Kype stands, looking the woman up and down. His lingering stare makes Janet uncomfortable. She crosses her arms. He lifts his left scarred hand. Hanging from his grubby damaged fingers is a gold bracelet. JANET That's mine. KYPE Me late wife always wanted one like this. Worth a lot? JANET It's worth more than you'd earn in a year. So, please give it back. Kype smiles, clenches the bracelet inside the palm of his hand and squeezes. He drops it into Janet's shaking palm. JANET (Cont'd) Needs a new clasp. She fixes it back onto her wrist. The man turns his head slowly, gazing through the car window at the red file lying upon the passenger seat.

KYPE Foxes... Clever creatures. Know when to run they do. You know when to run? JANET If you'll excuse me. Janet climbs back into the driver's seat. She is just about to close the door when Kype grabs the handle. KYPE Lakeview? Janet stares up into the old man's battered face. JANET What of it? KYPE It has history. A regretful past. JANET Don't we all? She tugs on the door and slamming it in his face.




Key in the ignition, lights blazing, playing loudly, the car speeds off.





Kype slides another apple from his coat and takes a bite. He spits. The flesh has turned brown. KYPE Even the fruit is bad. INT. MEETING ROOM - LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL – NIGHT The meeting continues. The banging has slowed down. Ross leans upon the table, staring into the faces of his team. The banging stops.... ROSS (Nods thoughtfully) Remember the Triad of Impairment… Lack of social interaction, lack of imagination, lack of communication…

CASS Textbook quotation. Ross smiles at Alisha, his eyes focus on her chest. ROSS Alisha fix him a snack when he arrives. ALISHA Sure. Oh and me face is up ere sweetie. ROSS Sorry I wasn't staring. CASS (Looking at Alisha) Gluten free, remember! Alisha flashes Gallagher a dirty look. Gallagher grins back at her. Nero bows his head… Ross stands up. The others lift themselves to their feet. Nero wraps his fingers around his crucifix, and closes his eyes. Ross rolls his eyes at Nero’s behaviour. ROSS Oh and people, try to remember he’s echolaic. So no swearing please Alisha… Alisha grins cheekily and Ross claps his hands. ROSS (Cont’d) Lets go people… CASS (Looking at Alisha) Alisha? Hold up a minute. Alisha looks coldly at Cass. Gallagher pats Alisha on the shoulder.

GALLAGHER Catch ya later sweetie. ALISHA (Smiling) OK babe. She strokes her fingers down his arm. Alisha gives Cass another filthy look. ALISHA (Cont’d) Yeah? What? Gallagher, Ross, and Nero walk from the meeting room. The door closes behind them. CASS Use minimal words. His file says he gets upset if you use too much language. ALISHA No shit little princess? (Sneering) Whatta ya know? CASS I’m well qualified… (Biting her bottom lip) Just trying to be helpful. ALISHA (Scoffing) Qualifications don’t amount ta a bucket of shit in the real world. You've gotta lot ta learn kid. EXT. COUNTRY LANE – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT The blue van turns up a long wide driveway lined with tall trees on either side. It drives past the LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL sign fixed into the ground at the entrance. The bulky wheels roll slowly towards a large collection of old buildings that are surrounded by a heavily barred high metal fence. The vehicle pulls into a parking space, and the driver and his female passenger jump out. FEMALE PASSENGER Not very welcoming.

She looks out across a large frozen lake that sweeps widely between the high fence and the entrance. Banks of wispy fog roll silently over the ice and skeletal trees overhanging with bare twisted branches surround the still waters. The driver undoes the van’s rear door and gazes in at Charlie Ward. Although not very tall, he is quite big physically. Plump, bodied with pale features and thick, neatly trimmed black hair, and very dark eyes. He sits rigidly with his legs positioned neatly side by side, his arms crossed over the photograph album upon his lap. The muscular man seated in the back of the van, unclips his safety belt. He nervously edges across and with his eyes focused on Charlie’s face, he quickly unclips the boy’s belt, ducks back, and jumps out through the van’s open rear doors. He grabs Charlie’s suitcase in his haste, moves behind his colleagues, and issues a command. MUSCULAR MAN Charlie home… Charlie starts giggling. He stands up, ignoring the three adults, Charlie steps down onto the drive. Hugging the photograph album to his chest, he shuffles forward, running, but somehow still walking. The suited woman walks behind him, distance between her and the child.




FEMALE PASSENGER (Looking at the muscular man) Take him through. We'll wait. The muscular care worker edges in front of Charlie, and glancing over his shoulder several times he smiles uneasily before edging his way to the intercom fixed beside the main gate. He presses a button, and looks up at a camera fixed above his head. MUSCULAR MAN Blakedown Residential, Charlie Ward. The driver lights a cigarette. Charlie giggles and looks over his shoulder at the driver and jabs his finger towards him.

CHARLIE Please don’t smoke. The driver ignores the boy, and glances across the lake. Something is moving in the shadows, flitting through the trees, something shadowy, shapeless. It vanishes in seconds. The driver puffs on his cigarette and shakes his head. DRIVER Badgers. One of the skeletal trees that the dark shape moved between has four vertical three inch scratches gouged out of the bark. The door leading into Lakeview Residential clicks open and Charlie walks forward. He skips down a narrow stone passageway that leads to the courtyard beyond. The muscular man and the young woman follow behind. INT. COURTYARD - NIGHT Alisha and Nero move out of the shadows and stand either side of Charlie, but they too keep their distance. The muscular man passes Charlie’s suitcase to Alisha, the two barely make eye contact. They are looking at Charlie. NERO Hello Charlie. Welcome to Lakeview. The young boy is gazing up at a tall arched window set into the wall of a very large old building on his left. The lights of which are switched off, the entire building is in darkness. NERO (Cont'd) He's a bit distracted. I think his mind maybe some place else. MUSCULAR MAN I always feel better when he doesn't pay you attention. Charlie giggles, waving his hand at the window. CHARLIE (Whispering) Red Lady…

Nero and his colleagues cannot see anyone standing in the window. It is clear that Charlie is observing someone, or something. CHARLIE (Cont’d) Red Lady in the window… ALISHA He’s freakin me out already. Charlie slowly looks over his shoulder and stares coldly at Alisha. The girl bows her head and looks away. INT. DRUGS' CUPBOARD - NIGHT Ross and Cass are standing inside a large cupboard, lined with shelves. Boxes of medication stand upon them. NANDRISOL, BELYTHIUM, KYDROSAL. Ross is flicking through a large book. Charlie’s photograph is stapled into the book, above typed guidelines to Charlie’s medicinal routine. ROSS OK… He needs two Kydrosal… Cass looks into the box and pulls out a packet. She slides the sachet of blue tablets from inside. Cass reads the label. CASS Anti psychotic. To be taken twice daily with water. Stops him going bonkers I guess. Ross draws his finger down the page. manicured fingernail against the column.




ROSS Two Belythium… Cass lifts a packet of Belythium from its box. They are multi coloured. Cass admires the pills. CASS Oh they're Pretty. Like little rainbows. What do they do? ROSS Makes his faeces solid. She quickly places the tablets down upon the shelf.

CASS (Grinning) Faeces. That's a funny word. (Deep voice) Faeces.. Faeces... (High voice) Faeces.. Don't you think? Ross looks bemused by Cass, and shakes his head. ROSS Yes, if you say it in a silly voice, I suppose it is. Cass's smile fades as she stares into the last box. CASS Ross… The Nandrisol isn’t here. Ross gazes into the box and finds that it is empty. ROSS Son of a bitch. That's real dandy. CASS What does it do? ROSS Anti psychotic. You inject it or ingest it. CASS (Breathes heavily) I’ll file a report. ROSS (Firmly) They’ll be an enquiry. Let's not throw a spanner in the works Cass. My father... CASS (Interrupting) We’ve got a moral responsibility…

ROSS (Interrupting) Moral responsibility? Let's not rock the boat. We’ll report the contents spoiled… CASS You're kidding me?.. ROSS (Threateningly) You’re not to say anything. I’m telling you… CASS Don’t raise your voice to me. You’re senior in position, but you don’t control my actions. Cass steps out of the cupboard. Gallagher is standing by the wall, he is leaning against it, his arms folded. Behind him is a long corridor with many numbered doors on either side. CASS (Cont’d) (Startled) Jack… How long have you been there? GALLAGHER The little dude. He's arrived. He's kinda chilled out. Ross steps out of the cupboard holding a cup of water. He closes the door and locks it with the key. ROSS He's OK in himself? GALLAGHER Needs medicating more… Keep him zonked. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT There is a large wooden table at the room’s centre. A sofa stands against the wall. A television to its left in the corner. A vast bookcase slotted in beneath the ceiling is stuffed with jigsaw puzzles and children’s books.

Charlie is seated at the head of the table, leaning forward over several sheets of blank paper. He is drawing a picture. The boy has a box of crayons, and is using a red pencil. The photograph album is resting beside his left elbow. Alisha is seated at the other end of the table. The young woman is drinking from a cup full of steaming coffee. She stares at Charlie. Nero walks into the room and places a plate of biscuits and a glass of water upon the table in front of the boy. Charlie does not look up. Nero stands behind Charlie and stares down over the child’s shoulder. NERO Something to see. It's intriguing. ALISHA I doubt that. I don't find him intriguing. NERO He's drawing. ALISHA Bit of frickin Cubism? (Sarcastically) Somethin more Impressionistic?… Alisha sips her coffee and gazes down at the biscuits. ALISHA (Cont’d) Gluten free I hope? Nero is entranced by Charlie’s drawing. He does not seem to be listening. He looks up at Alisha. NERO Pardon? Sorry I'm miles away. ALISHA The fuc… Frickin biscuits… Gluten free?… He’s allergic… Makes the kid crazy.

NERO It's an insane world. Alisha groans, pushes back the chair. She crosses the floor. Standing beside Nero she stares down at the picture. ALISHA Freaky. The picture Charlie has drawn is of the large building outside. Standing in the high window, hooded in a red robe is a faceless figure. NERO The Red Lady… Alisha crosses her arms and steps away. Gallagher, Cass adjoining door.








GALLAGHER Yer see yesterday's game Ross? Hell. After six beers I didn't see it either. They gather around the table. Cass and Gallagher stare down at the picture. Ross looks at the faces of his colleagues. His eyes are soon drawn to the sketch Charlie is creating. CASS Imagination? ROSS Goes against the Triad… (Shaking her head) Autistic children don’t have that. NERO Maybe drug related? (Pause) Charlie… Where’s the Red Lady? Charlie puts down the pencil and stands up slowly. The others edge away from him. Charlie briefly looks into

Ross’s eyes, and reaches out. Charlie grabs the man by his left hand. He strolls across the carpet, guiding Ross to a large patio glass window. Pulling back the curtains Charlie points across the courtyard. His finger stretching upwards towards the high window set into the wall of the big house. CHARLIE Red Lady… The others gather behind Charlie and Ross. They stare up at the arched window. They cannot see anyone. ROSS (Whispering) He's more odd than I expected. EXT. COUNTRY LANE - LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Janet's car turns into the car park. The classical music inside her car echoes across the eerie landscape. Fog banks are rolling through the glowing beams of the car's headlights. INT. MEETING ROOM - LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Ross pats Charlie on the back. He moves his head slowly, staring up into the faces of those who surround him. Ross brushes his fingers through his hair… ROSS Bedtime Charlie. Gallagher looks uncomfortable as Charlie's dark eyes glare directly at him, their expression cold and empty. ROSS (Cont'd) You hear me? I said bed. INT. CHARLIE’S BEDROOM – NIGHT - LATER Charlie lies in his bed. The photograph album rests beside him on the pillow. Moonlight streams in through a barred window casting a silhouette of four vertical black shadows across the wooden floor and wall. Gallagher stands over him, almost entranced. Cass taps her colleague on the shoulder.

CASS (Whispering) He took his meds, no need to stay Jack. GALLAGHER Little dudes kipping. Journey did him in. Hell, he's a little bed bug. Cass turns away. Gallagher smiles briefly at the sleeping child, before following the young woman out of the room. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Gallagher closes the door behind him, and together they stroll down the passageway. CASS Doesn’t seem particularly violent. He's a cuddly bunny. (Smiling) Kinda sweet actually. GALLAGHER Cockroaches like sweet things. You know that? Cass shakes her head and frowns. Gallagher stares blankly into space. GALLAGHER (Cont’d) The kids chilled. (Sighing) Good to be chilled. (Grinning) Something’ll happen. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Ross, Nero and Alisha are seated around the table, each of them are holding a cup of steaming coffee. NERO (To Ross) Red Lady in the window. That's what he said. ALISHA His frickin medication.

ROSS Listen… No swearing… The medication takes time to work… ALISHA Frick ain’t a swearword… Maybe Blakedown was testing new stuff on him. Ross looks at Nero, and Nero shrugs his shoulders. Alisha sips her coffee, and looks bemused. ALISHA (Cont'd) Yer dad's a doctor. He owns Blakedown and Lakeview doesn't he babe? Alisha grins, and Ross glares at her. Her smile vanishes quickly. She takes another sip of coffee. ALISHA (Cont'd) Pharmaceutical companies are always keen ta find test subjects, they just need a rogue doctor. ROSS What a dark little mind. Alisha chuckles under her breath. She looks Ross up and down. ALISHA Yer don't know the half of it babe. She lifts the coffee to her lips and blows on the liquid. ALISHA (Cont’d) I'm more than tits an ass. I'm clever too. NERO (Whispering) Jeremiah Prophet of Gloom. Janet, Cass and Gallagher enter the room through the near door.

Ross stands up. Smiling he reaches out and shakes the young woman's hand. ROSS Good too see you Janet. You look fit and well. Janet smiles uneasily. She looks around at the bored faces that surround her. She smiles at them, self consciously pulling down at the sleeves of her jacket. INT. DOWNSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Charlie is walking down the passage. The boy is staring straight ahead. He appears to be in a deep trance. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Gallagher is drinking his coffee, whilst the others hold their mugs upon the table. GALLAGHER Can we watch TV? Game highlights at eleven. ROSS You're working. Ross glares at Gallagher. Suddenly the door swings open and Charlie steps into the room. ROSS (Cont'd) Charlie? You should be in bed. Charlie crosses the floor. He walks to the glass patio door. He stands in front of the glass, gazing up at the high arched window. JANET So this is our client. ALISHA Freakin again. Ross and Gallagher step forward. They stand either side of Charlie. NERO Maybe. Or something else. Charlie points once more.

CHARLIE Red Lady in the window. JANET Is he spiritual? I can almost feel the psychic vibe coming from him. NERO Perhaps he does see dead people? Gallagher turns away and pushes through the door. GALLAGHER Think I'll go take a look. I'm kinda curious. ROSS That's true. (Chuckling) No lights over there Jack. Not wise. Gallagher disappears down the passageway. CASS Go with him Alisha… He's your man. Your beau. Alisha bangs her head hard upon the tabletop. She sits up and stares at her colleagues. They look bemused, baffled expressions on their faces… ALISHA No… I’d rather bash me frickin head in. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Janet moves to the window and looks down at the little boy. She reaches out a shaking hand and places it gently upon Charlie's shoulder. The boy does not react. He simply continues to stare out into the darkness. EXT. COURTYARD - LATER Gallagher crosses the courtyard, a torch held tightly in his right hand. His eyes focused on the high arched window overlooking him. Upon reaching the door he swipes his key card over the sensor. The door unlocks.

INT. HALL - NIGHT Gallagher shines his torch through the dark. The beams bounce off the white metallic spiralling frame of a very tall staircase. GALLAGHER Bet this place is full of creepy bugs and stuff. Above him is an arched skylight. The young man places his foot upon the first step and begins to ascend. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - LATER Alisha looks at her watch. Charlie is still standing at the window. Janet is beside him. Ross and his colleagues are seated around the table. ALISHA Janet. (Mocking) If ya bondin kid. Send him back ta bed… Janet turns around and smiles at Alisha. JANET Don't call me kid. ALISHA He's been gone ages. (Firmly) I'm worried. Cass looks concerned… Ross stands up, brushing his fingers through his hair. ROSS I’ll go with Nero. You ladies stay here with Charlie. ALISHA And if ya don’t come back? NERO You can celebrate.

Janet looks up at the high arched window across the courtyard. Charlie is staring upwards. His dark eyes are steady, wide and unblinking. CHARLIE Red Lady in the window. JANET Is that what you see? He seems very spiritual. ALISHA Shut him up will ya? Ross pats Cass upon the back. Alisha looks angry. ROSS Just keep an eye on him. Ross and Nero leave the room. Cass stares down the table at Alisha. Blank looks, cold stares, and frowns… CASS I thought he was your boyfriend? Your man. ALISHA (Biting) He’s me guy. So don't touch. CASS (Winking at Alisha)) He's not my type. (Smiling) Far from it. Don't feel threatened by me. ALISHA I don't. (Angrily) So if you've got any ideas forget it. CASS Not in his direction. ALISHA That's good.

CASS Still, the Bogeyman might be eating his brain. You won't save him him will you? ALISHA (Interrupting) Listen princess perfect, I’d do anythin for him. Belongs ta me he does… CASS Nah, you’d rather let the ghoulies have him. ALISHA You ain't better than me because yer educated. That's what ya think kid? Cass chuckles and shakes her head. ALISHA (Cont'd) Enemies? I don’t ave em long. CASS Ouch. Is that a threat? You really... ALISHA (Interrupting) I've got a temper. Don't piss me off little princess. CASS I think we're all a bit tense. (Smiling broadly) We could link hands, have a sing song, lighten the mood? Sing some show tunes or something? ALISHA Shut up ya frickin bitch. Janet turns around and shakes her head. She scowls at Alisha in disbelief. JANET I can hear you know. I'm your assessor Alisha. Cass grins and Alisha glares at Janet.

JANET (Cont'd) You've got a dark aura Alisha, no more rudeness otherwise you'll be out of here OK? Alisha looks very angry. She mutters something under her breath. Cass smiles, and shrugs her shoulders. Janet looks nervous, and pulls at her sleeves drawing them down over the palms of her hands. ALISHA Yeah. I'll remember what ya said. JANET Good. Perhaps you should take up Yoga. Might help? INT. HALL - NIGHT The large door opens and two white torch beams blaze a trail through the dark. Ross and Nero step into the hall. The door shuts, locking automatically behind them. NERO Jack?! The sound bounces of the walls. Ross shines his torch at the spiral staircase. The white frame reflects the light. ROSS Want to go first? It's a second chance to be a hero. NERO (Scowling) what're you Job's Comforter? I've got enough poison in my soul, and blood. Don't add to it Ross. ROSS You weren't forced to come here Nero. After your previous failure I don't know why my father asked you.

NERO (Frostily) Don't push it Ross. I created Nazarin, not you. What've you done to stabilize it? ROSS It's re branded. It's not Nazarin. It's my product, and it'll work. NERO Really? Is it stable? ROSS That's what we're here to find out. (Smiling) At least you've got God on your side. NERO (Touching his Crucifix) To hell with God. ROSS Good idea, if it restores your faith in science. There won't be any more suicides. NERO (Chuckling) No point committing suicide. You've gotta die eventually anyway, might as well wait. Ross walks forward slowly, he climbs the steps. They creak eerily beneath his feet, as each step is placed carefully upon the staircase. He turns the corner and continues upwards until he loses sight of Nero. Ross gazes upwards. He can see a human shape slumped face down upon the stairs. He shines his torch at the seated figure. Gallagher is leaning forward with his elbows resting upon his thighs and his cupped hands covering his face. ROSS

Gallagher?… (Softly) You Ok? Gallagher does not respond. ROSS (Cont’d) Nero?! I found him. Nero’s footsteps rock the staircase as he bounds up them. He looms up behind Ross and stares nervously over his colleague’s shoulders. ROSS Jack?… Gallagher? Gallagher does not respond. Ross steps up, crouches down and places his hand upon Gallagher’s shoulder, and gently shakes him. Gallagher raises his head. His face is ashen, his eyes are running with tears. He seems dazed. GALLAGHER (Murmuring) Something happened… Blacked out… ROSS Help him downstairs Nero… Nero steps forward, and helps the shaken man onto his feet. He lifts Gallagher's arm around his neck and wraps his own arm around his waist. Ross shines his torch upwards, and with his other hand he brushes his fingers through his hair. Nero Starts to drag Gallagher limply down the stairs. ROSS (Cont’d) Get him back to the unit. I’m going up to that room. (Firmly) I run this place… If there’s something strange going on, I want to know what it is. Nero starts to move down the stairs. NERO

I'll pray for your safety. Nero and Gallagher disappear down the stairwell out of sight. Ross can only see Nero's torchlight dancing against the walls as he descends. ROSS (Shouting) You dumb son of a bitch! Not much good if you hate God! INT. LANDING - NIGHT Ross steps into a long narrow landing. Corridors arc around him, and many doors are set into the white walls. He follows the torch beam to a large door on his left. He turns the handle. It creaks eerily as he pushes it open. INT. NURSES' QUARTERS - NIGHT The room is large and square. The walls are lined with dust covered crates and boxes. The high arched window is the only source of light in the room. The moonlight outside has thrown a tall shadow upon the wooden floor. It looks like the silhouette of a dark robed hooded figure, but there is no one standing in front of the glass. Ross walks into the room. He quickly observes the dark shape reflected upon the floor, walking slowly around the shape he gazes out through the window across the courtyard. Ross can see Nero dragging Gallagher across the black tarmac. Ross looks to his right, staring down at Charlie. The boy is still standing at the patio window. Ross watches as the child once more raises his arm to point up at the window that Ross is now staring through. There is a sudden scraping sound behind him and he turns around. Flashing his torch through the darkness. The room remains lifeless. Ross looks down at the shadow on the floor. ROSS (Exaggerated breathing) God. What's that breathing? (Chuckling) Surprise surprise it's me.

He looks back through the window, gazing up at the full moon. A large, tall chimney pot is fixed upon the roof of the building directly opposite. Ross looks back down at the tall shape upon the floor. ROSS (Cont’d) The Chimney stack. Red Lady nonsense… Ross shines his torch across the wall. The light beam falls upon some scratch marks in the paintwork. He walks across the room and runs his fingers gently over the marks. There are four parallel scratches about an inch apart, dried paint is flaking from the wall. ROSS (Cont’d) Curiouser and curiouser. Ross stands up, bites a manicured fingernail, brushes his fingers through his hair. He hears the floorboards creaking around him. ROSS (Cont’d) I’ve seen enough. He crosses the floor to the door, completely unaware that the silhouette upon the floor has vanished. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Gallagher is seated gathered around him.







ALISHA Jack. Ya need ta drink. Alisha is trying to make the dazed man drink from a glass of water. The liquid simply drips from his lips. Janet stands in the background. She looks concerned, but is merely a spectator. Charlie remains gazing out of the patio window, seemingly oblivious. Nero exhales several deep breaths. CASS

We should call an ambulance. NERO It's shock… No real damage. CASS Maybe he's drugged to the eyeballs. He seems like a space cadet most... ALISHA (Biting) Don’t be stupid Cass. Ya don't half talk shit. CASS (Despairing) What's your problem with me? ALISHA I know you. CASS No you don't. ALISHA (Flippantly) Yer won't hack it kid. Alisha places the glass of water upon the table. She leans upon it, looking up at Nero. ALISHA (Cont'd) Ya shouldn’t ave left Ross. NERO I'm not his guardian angel. Charlie turns away from the window and walks slowly towards Gallagher. Janet watches the boy, her arms folded tightly across her chest. ALISHA (Sarcastically) Big man are ya? Scared of your own shadow more like. JANET Give it a rest Alisha. Alisha glares at Janet.

CASS (Chuckling) Yeah. Stop bitching. ALISHA (Glaring at Cass) Cass… Shut ya frickin face. Nero rubs his eyelids with his thumb and forefinger. JANET (Shocked) No call for that Alisha. You need to take deep breaths, and relax. Charlie is standing in front of Gallagher. The man lifts his head and gazes into the Charlie’s jet black eyes. CHARLIE Gideon. Charlie lifts both hands, drawing his long fingernails through Gallagher’s cheeks, tearing through his skin. Janet places her hands over her face in horror. Cass and Nero rush forward, grabbing Charlie by the arms, dragging him backwards kicking and screaming. He is growling like a wild animal. Alisha bends down in front of Gallagher. The blood is pouring through his torn skin, his head is lolling backwards and forwards as he moans in agony. ALISHA (Shouting) God… Get him upstairs! Cass and Nero drag Charlie through the door. The child continues to scream unnaturally. Janet staggers backwards. Her face ashen. She slumps down on the settee, breathing heavily. INT. DOWNSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Cass and Nero continue to drag Charlie down the passage, kicking and screaming. They move past three doors marked

KITCHEN, DINING ROOM and LAUNDRY. Charlie appears to go rigid. His eyes roll back in his head. Twitching, and shuddering. His mouth opens and closes oddly as his body continues to spasm. CASS Careful, don’t hurt him. Ross appears from around the corner. He looks horrified. ROSS What’s going on?… (Firmly) We don’t restrain… NERO It's that medication. (Gritting teeth) We can’t move him. ROSS Nonsense Nero. He’s dystonic. They shove Charlie around the corner and push him through a door marked STAIRS. Ross is left standing alone in the corridor. ROSS (Cont’d) (Shouting) Don’t bruise him! I don't want a lawsuit. Alisha appears at the end of the passage, tears running down her cheeks. ROSS (Cont’d) Alisha… (Uneasy) Is Gallagher OK? Alisha wipes her tears away. ALISHA First Aid Kit please… Can ya get it kid?…

INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Nero and Cass are standing outside Charlie’s bedroom. Nero is leaning against the wall with his arms folded and ankles crossed. He looks upset. Cass slides her body down the wall. Sitting upon the floor. She leans her head forward and shakes it. Charlie is screaming and raging in his bedroom. Objects are being thrown about the room. The door is vibrating as things crash heavily against it. CASS (Concerned) What if he hurts himself? NERO (Softly) Hey… he won’t. He’s not a self harmer. CASS (Gulping) No wonder they excluded him from Blakedown. He’s bonkers. NERO Not exactly a medical assessment. He's simply hallucinating. Or perhaps... CASS And there’s fifty nine more rooms to occupy. (Frowning) Squeezed in like sardines. The sounds of destruction die down. Charlie begins to sob behind his bedroom door… NERO They’re a commodity… Product of care… God I made a mistake coming here. CASS Why? What you mean?

NERO His parents are ashamed of him. Shoving him in here. (Shaking his head) They want a cure, we all want a cure. CASS You can't cure autism. NERO I don't agree. It just takes experimentation. CASS Really? (Gulping) Who’s Gideon? (Shaking her head) You think Jack looks like a Care Worker that Charlie disliked at Blakedown? NERO Gideon. In Hebrew it means destroyer. I blame the drugs. CASS Nandrisol and Kydrasol? NERO Nazarin. CASS You know something. Is there a story? (Childishly) I like a good story! Tell me! NERO Some other time Cass. (Looking away and whispering) Jeremiah lives in an ivory tower. He's so out of touch.

INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Alisha is kneeling down and dabbing Gallagher’s face with an antiseptic wipe. His skin has stopped bleeding, the blood is congealing. Janet is still seated upon the settee with her head in her hands. She looks up at the scene. The sleeves of her jacket slide down revealing slashes on her wrists. Janet self consciously pulls the sleeves back up over the scars, carefully adjusting her bracelet. Ross stands beside Gallagher. He watches as Alisha sticks antiseptic strips across the wounds. GALLAGHER Stop fussing sweetie… ALISHA Sit still babe or I'll slap ya. ROSS (Smiling grimly) Charlie sometimes eats his own excrement. Probably faeces under his nails. You don’t want Hepatitis do you? GALLAGHER (Sarcastically) Makes me feel loads better. Alisha stands up and pats the man upon the back. ALISHA (Looking at Ross) We gonna punish him? ROSS Gallagher what happened in the big house? GALLAGHER Dunno. Something smothered me. (Mumbling) Moving shadows.

JANET I came to assess this place and I find all this bad karma. What's happening here? ROSS Listen both of you. There’s no reason for you to mention this in your report. JANET Ross, I really think that... ROSS (Forcefully) You work for my father. We all work for my father. I'll tell you what he wants to hear. Not you. Janet shakes her head uneasily. GALLAGHER (Voice drying) I see no evil in the boy. Let's just chill out. ALISHA He’s a frickin monster. He hurt ya Jack… ROSS Language Alisha please… (Irritated) We’re carers remember… ALISHA Only if they pay a high price hey kid? Ross looks irritated by the statement. ruffling Gallagher’s short spiky hair. ROSS You’d better relieve Nero and Cass… Don’t discuss what happened… Best that way… Ross looks at Janet, smiling.



ROSS Janet. You just relax. JANET I'd rather be involved Ross. ROSS I'm in charge. What I say goes. I'll be in my office. Ross salutes casually and walks out of the meeting room. Janet looks bemused, she sigh again, shaking her head. ALISHA It seems we all ave someone to answer ta, don't it Janet? Janet grins, and sighs, fiddling with her sleeves. JANET What goes around comes around. INT. MAIN OFFICE – NIGHT - LATER Ross is seated at his desk. He is filing his fingernails with a nail file. His desk is covered in paper work and a television monitor is fixed to the wall. Black and white camera images show the outside of the premises. The lake and the car park are barely visible through the fog. Ross looks down admiringly at his nails. ROSS Must get my cuticles done… INT. BATHROOM CUBICLE – NIGHT - LATER Gallagher leans over a sink, a mirror is fixed above it. Filling the basin with water, a few specks of blood drip down into it. He reaches a shaking hand into his jacket and slides out a handful of blue pills. Opening his mouth, he gulps and swallows them down. The ceiling light above him begins to flicker. He looks down at his feet, he sees a cockroach. Scuttling across the floor, it disappears through a small gap in the wall panel. Gallagher sighs. The light flickers and briefly goes out. The bulb blazes brightly again. Staring into the mirror, his face has been replaced by that of another.

GIDEON DRAKE has short black hair a large moustache, and where his eyes should be there are two black empty sockets. Gideon appears to be smiling, although decay has eaten away his lips. Gideon's skin is pale, completely lifeless. GIDEON (Speaking with Gallagher’s voice) I see no evil. Gallagher continues to stare into the ghastly reflection. Suddenly the lights go out. INT. SLEEPING QUARTERS - NIGHT Five beds stand in a row. Moonlight streams in through a large window throwing shadows across the floor. Nero sits down upon a chair. Sliding off his shoes. He climbs upon one of the beds and lies down. Cass is next to him upon another bed. She yawns and rolls onto her side. CASS Why are you working here Nero? You seem out of place. Kinda like a hat without a head. NERO My boy died... Cass slides herself out of the bed and props her body up against the wall. She looks shocked. NERO (Cont'd) Drowned. CASS I'm so sorry. What do I say? NERO Tried to save him. Even God failed to save his son. Sacrificed him for the greater good, for our sins. CASS I'm sorry?

NERO (Gritting teeth) I never spent time with the boy. He was... (Thinking) I lost everything... Tried to drag him out... But... CASS He was what? NERO Disabled. Deaf. Autistic. He had a bad start in life. I was involved in a project, I thought I'd cured autism. CASS My dad was deaf. Loved him just the same. Not caring that's a disability. NERO (Flippantly) Maybe love is blind. At college I was a star athlete. That boy was nothing like me. He had no chance anyway. Nero simply stares up at the ceiling, barely moving. NERO (Cont'd) I have a science background. I believe in science. That's where my faith is. CASS An educated man? That's rare. Don't tell Alisha. She'll hate you for it. NERO I want to make amends. CASS I hope you can. What about that drug you mentioned?… Marzipan? NERO Nazarin. It seemed to

work. But there were deaths. Crazy hallucinations… (Gulping heavily) There was a suicide… CASS Suicide? NERO A test subject. (Pause) After that I lost it. Got addicted to the things… (Fear in his eyes) Mind bending. You wouldn’t imagine what I saw… CASS Like what? Pink elephants? Giraffes on roller skates? NERO (Chuckling) I think I saw Josh… (Tears in his eyes) He told me to come here… CASS (Bemused) Side effects I guess. (Sighing) Never heard of Nazarin. NERO It all got hushed up. (Smiling) You’d be surprised how much silence money can buy… CASS No I wouldn't. You're saying Charlie's taking it? NERO It's in his tablets. CASS Must be safe then? NERO That's what I'm hoping.

Nazarin worked for a while. CASS Has your faith in God helped Nero? He symbolically crosses himself. NERO (Laughing) No. After what God allowed to happen? How could I have any faith? CASS You're wearing a crucifix. Must mean something? NERO I despise God, but we're one and the same. I wear this to remind me that even he let his son die. That life is about suffering. CASS You think you're God? Is that what you're saying? NERO Christ. I'm better than God. (Mocking) The lives of others are precious. That's all I know. CASS The lives of others are precious? Not your own? NERO How can I matter any more? Maybe I failed to see what truly mattered. (Harshly) Don’t mention this stuff to anyone.

CASS (Disbelief)

Maybe you did? (Shaking her head) My lips are zipped. Not a word. I’m just here to do my job. NERO Me too. Although not sure what job I'm trying to do. I just want to heal him. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Gallagher is seated outside Charlie’s bedroom. He appears to be fast asleep. The wounds upon his face have dried. Alisha turns the door handle and walks into Charlie’s bedroom. The young boy appears to be asleep. His treasured photograph album resting upon the bedside cabinet. She picks it up and opens it. Inside is a picture of Charlie with his PARENTS the inscription MY FAMILY is stencilled beneath. ALISHA (Grinning) Little bastard. This’ll teach ya… Alisha smiles and rips the photograph from the book. She gazes down at the sleeping boy. ALISHA (Cont’d) (Tears in her eyes) Some people are born evil, me dad used ta say. (Sneering) Educated man he were. Gave me an education. Born evil Charlie… That’s you… She leans down and strokes straightens up, exits the room.





Alisha walks down the corridor. Gallagher remains asleep. She takes out her compact, and clicks it open, admiring herself in the circular mirror. ALISHA (Smiling) I'm some piece of work. Suddenly there is a ghastly rasping sound. The mirrored glass briefly turns red. Alisha gasps, turns around, but there is nothing behind her… INT. CHARLIE’S ROOM – NIGHT - LATER Charlie wakes, sits up rigidly in bed. He appears to be asleep. His dark eyes stare across the room. He slides his feet from beneath his bed sheets, placing them down upon the floor, he crosses the room, and opens the door. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Alisha is nowhere in sight. Gallagher is still asleep. His head slumped back against the wall, arms folded over his chest. Charlie stares coldly down at Gallagher's scarred face. Charlie’s fingers are twitching. He turns away, walks down the dark passage and pushes his way through the stairwell door. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Ross is slumped on his desk, he too is fast asleep. His outstretched fingers are resting upon his key card. The television monitors are a fuzz of swirling lines. Charlie enters the room and stands over him. Charlie reaches down and takes the key card from beneath Ross’s fingers. INT. SLEEPING QUARTERS - NIGHT Nero is rocking back and forth in bed. The sweat pouring from his brow. He is gritting his teeth and gasping. Opening his eyes, he turns his head. His body spasms, and stiffens. FIVE NAKED CHILDREN stand around Nero’s bed. Heads bowed their bodies shrivelled, shoulders hunched. Bent fingers claw like, bony, twisted, hanging down at their sides.

Nero stares helplessly, as the children slowly raise their heads. Sunken dead eyes staring back at him. The children do not have mouths, their skin is smooth and creaseless… Tears fall from their eyes… Nero opens his mouth wide but cannot scream… Cass wakes up, climbs out of bed. She walks over to the restless dreamer. Crouching down beside him. She reaches out, placing her hand upon his chest. CASS Nero… He gasps and sits up in bed. His eyes watering, bulging from his head. CASS (Cont’d) It’s a bad dream… Nero jumps out of bed, he looks dazed. Approaching the window, he gazes out over the courtyard. NERO Charlie… Nero can see Charlie walking across the courtyard. Charlie swipes the key card against the lock and passes through the gate. NERO (Cont’d) Christ… Nero runs to his bedside, sliding his trainers on, he charges for the door. CASS What? NERO Charlie’s escaped. CASS Oh crap…

EXT. LAKESIDE - NIGHT Charlie stands outside the gate, gazing into the distance. He giggles when he sees the robed, hooded

faceless form of the Red Lady. The entity turns, drifts away, passing through the driveway entrance, slipping silently down the narrow country lane. Charlie giggles and shuffles forward, neither running nor walking. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Ross wakes up, drawing his fingers over the desktop. He looks worried. Ross lifts Charlie’s file, searching through the pocket of his jacket. ROSS Where is it? (Raging) Son of a bitch! The picture returns to the television monitor. Ross can see Cass and Nero running across the courtyard. ROSS (Cont'd) Now what?… Alisha and Gallagher burst through the office door. Ross gazes over his shoulder. His two colleagues looks worried. ALISHA Charlie’s gone. ROSS Then you'd better find him. Ross watches the monitor as Cass and Nero open the main gate and pass through. ROSS (Cont’d) (Threateningly) If anything happens to that boy… Janet walks through the door. She is shaking. JANET I heard the commotion. Should I go with them? ROSS No. You stay here. You seem shaky to me.

Alisha is chuckling under her breath. Janet looks upset by the decision. EXT. COUNTRY LANE - NIGHT The Red Lady continues drifting along the curving narrow lane. The trees overhanging, their skeletal branches swaying back and forth eerily. Charlie continues to follow. The boy is giggling. EXT. LAKESIDE - NIGHT Cass and Nero are standing beside the frozen lake. NERO I'm very worried. Gallagher and Alisha slam approach Cass and Nero.






CASS (Screaming) Oh God! Cass flaps around in blind panic. Shaking her hair madly. NERO Christ. What is it? CASS Spider fell in my hair. I'm OK now. All smiles. Alisha rolls her eyes. GALLAGHER (Yawning) Chill girl. Just a bug. NERO Jack Come with me. Alisha go with Cass… No bitching OK? The two women give each other dirty looks. NERO (Cont’d) Gives you a chance to make friends. Never know you might have something in common…

Nero walks swiftly down the driveway. The others follow closely. Alisha looks disgusted… ALISHA Only our hate… CASS We should call the blue light brigade. NERO The police?… We can rely on Ross to do that. EXT. CHURCHYARD - NIGHT The Red Lady drifts up a small stone staircase set between two low crumbling walls. A graveyard lies beyond. The ancient tombstones are shadowed beneath several giant oak trees. A small church stands amidst the decay. The Red Lady passes silently through the graveyard. Charlie follows the ghostly being. EXT. NARROW LANE - NIGHT Gallagher and Nero walk along the narrow path. Deep ditches line each side of the road, tall trees towering overhead. Gallagher touches his scarred face. NERO Still hurting you? GALLAGHER You bet dude. Need painkillers… NERO Drugs? These days... (Shaking his head) I never touch anything chemical. It's dangerous. GALLAGHER (Grinning) Pure spirit huh? Hell. Can’t beat the kick of

pure spirit. It rocks. Gallagher loosens the belt on his trousers. He puffs out his cheeks. NERO I try to avoid that too. GALLAGHER Gotta empty me bladder. Nero looks around. He can see a hole in a nearby hedge. He points his finger towards it. NERO Hey… Stick it in the bush I don't wanna see it. GALLAGHER Bet what I’ve got would make you envious. Gallagher winks, nods and shuffles towards it. NERO Yeah… Jack if it’s more than ten inches… Just be quick… EXT. THE FIELD - NIGHT Gallagher steps behind the bushes. He finds himself in a large ploughed field. A tree stands in the distance. Its skeletal branches jutting out against the moonlit sky. Gallagher unzips his pants, and relieves whispering gust of wind blows behind him.



In the distance he can see MARION CORBETT standing motionless beside the tree. The bark of the tree is blackened around the base, it has been scarred by fire. Marion is very pale, her raven hair tied back in a bun. Her jet black eyes stare unblinking, an odd sickly smile is fixed upon her face. Marion is wearing an old fashioned blue dress, the skirt is puffy and flared outwards. Gallagher crosses the field towards her. Marion reaches out her arms. They fall into a passionate embrace. Gallagher closes his eyes, lost in the moment.

Spinning him around Marion pins him against the tree. Grabbing him by the hand, she lifts his bare arm towards her face. Sinking her teeth into his skin, leaving teeth marks in his flesh. They kiss again, deeply, passionately. Gallagher hoists her skirt away from her thighs. His eyes remain closed, failing to see that Marion's eyes have vanished, two dark blood filled sockets are all that remain, a dark substance running down her cheeks. NERO (Shouting) Jack! Gallagher opens his eyes. The girl has vanished. Looking down at his arm, he can see the teeth marks. Sliding down his shirtsleeves he covers the bruising. Nero is standing at the field's entrance, gazing out at the skeletal tree. NERO (Cont’d) Are you done yet? Gallagher steps away from the overhanging branches. He looks shaken, and confused. GALLAGHER (Whispering) You betcha, gotta take more sugar with it. He does not notice the inscription carved into the tree trunk. It reads M C and G D FOREVER, it is encircled by a heart. EXT. CHURCHYARD – NIGHT - LATER Alisha and Cass reach the entrance and stroll up the worn stone steps. Walking through the graveyard until they see Charlie standing silently in front of a crumbling tombstone. Standing beside him they gaze down at the inscription. ELIZABETH RHODES BORN JUNE 12TH 1860, DIED FEBRUARY 19TH 1893 R.I.P. Four parallel scratches are carved into the stone, each one is about six inches in length. They hear the sound of crunching behind them. Cass and Alisha turn around.

Frank Kype is seated upon an old wooden bench, eating an apple. KYPE Him’s a funny one. Alisha looks the scruffy man up and down disapprovingly. ALISHA And you are? KYPE come here some nights to be with me friends. Buried all over them are… ALISHA Great social life... Cass looks down at Charlie. He is in a trance. KYPE I see you’re from Lakeview? Cass sits down on the bench. Gazing at the tombstone. CASS Yes. I’m Cass, that’s Alisha… KYPE Frank Kype, work at Lakeview some days. The boy a resident? ALISHA Obviously… Alisha starts to brush the moss from the inscription beneath the date of birth and death. She can make out several letters ‘RE’ ‘DY’ The rest has worn away. ALISHA (Cont’d) (Whispering) Red Lady… Charlie turns his head stares coldly at her.







KYPE Knows about her then? Alisha is staring over her shoulder at Kype. Cass smiles uneasily. CASS (Nervously) Knows what? Kype takes another bite of his apple. KYPE The story… ALISHA (Frustration) A… Fu… Frickin… (Looking at Charlie) God damned story?… CASS Alisha… You’ll have to excuse her, she only knows how to be rude. KYPE (Dribbling) Put her over me knee, give her cheeks a spanking. ALISHA (Smiling) I think not. Tell the story. Or go away. KYPE Last Century Lakeview were a boy’s boarding school, run by Gideon Drake, and his lover Marion Corbett. Kype bites into his apple again. Cass looks shocked… KYPE (Cont’d) Elizabeth Rhodes, the Red Lady… She loved red clothes you see… Don’t show the blood… (Spitting a pip) Hooded shawls… Tasty fruit…

Kype stares at Alisha and licks his lips… Alisha folds her arms clearly uncomfortable. KYPE (Cont’d) She were Lakeview’s nurse, you see… She found bite marks… Bites through another piece of apple, slurping up the juice. Much of it simply drips from his white stubbly chin. KYPE (Cont’d) Bite marks on one of them kiddies bodies. A mark of death. She knew… Confronted the man she suspected. Him being Gideon Drake. CASS Gideon… That’s what Charlie said. The name he used… KYPE Elizabeth had them long fingernails, you see… When Gideon confessed… Kype raises the fingers of his right hand and wiggles them. KYPE (Cont’d) She tore out his eyes. Closing his deeply scarred palm. He spits a pip. KYPE (Cont’d) Left his corpse on the stairs of that big house. ALISHA (Sarcastically) Lovely… How delightful… KYPE Marion Corbett hid in the Nurse’s room. Seems she’d been covering up Gideon’s crimes. Elizabeth found her, killed her. Then wandered down to the Lake, drowned herself

she did. Elizabeth’s ghost appears when children are threatened… Sucking upon the apple core. KYPE (Cont’d) So that old story goes… Kype takes a final bite of his apple, before tossing the core into the long grass. KYPE (Cont’d) Well this won’t do, I’m working at yours in the morning. He brushes his grubby trousers with his sticky damaged fingers. KYPE (Cont’d) Don’t think you want to stay here too long ladies. Eventually you’ll never leave. Charlie points his finger at the tombstone, and smiles. CHARLIE Red Lady… In the churchyard beneath the overhanging bare branches of a large tree is another tombstone wrapped in ivy, surrounded by overgrown weeds. The name inscribed upon the stone reads FRANKLIN KYPE BORN AUGUST 10th 1859, TH DIED MARCH 4 1932. RIP… EXT. LAKESIDE – NIGHT - LATER Alisha is holding Charlie’s hand. They are walking up the driveway to the gate. Cass, Nero and Gallagher are following behind. NERO So run that past me again?

CASS (Sighing) The woman buried there was known as the Red Lady. NERO

That's very strange. Alisha uses her swipe card, and opens the gate. Charlie follows her inside. Cass falls behind, and gazes back at the misty lake. CASS (Whispering) Sure… Yeah… (Shuddering) And she drowned in that lake… Nero and Gallagher pass through the gate. Cass stares into the shadows, the fog twisting through the dark, towards her. Cass shivers and rubs her shoulders before turning away quickly. Cass looks down. She can see a key card lying on the ground by the side of the gate. She bends down and picks it up. It has the name ROSS stencilled upon it. INT. MAIN OFFICE – NIGHT - LATER Ross is leaning against his desk. Janet is seated in the chair. Nero and Alisha are gazing up at the monitor, watching Cass as she crosses the courtyard. Ross runs his fingers through his hair. He glares at Alisha… ALISHA Jack’s taken him up ta bed. ROSS I’m not impressed. Were you and Jack asleep on duty or something? ALISHA I dozed off outside Charlie’s room. It were my fault kid. Nothin ta do with Jack.

NERO Where did he get the Key Card? (Nervously) He could've fallen in the lake. What if...

ROSS (Interrupting) I nearly involved the police. (Angrily) Come on people, you need to pull your weight. Cass walks into Ross’s office. She smiles knowingly. Ross does not smile back. Janet looks unhappy. CASS (To Alisha) Tell them about the gravestone. It's dead spooky. JANET Do we want to know? ALISHA (Grinning at Janet) Oh yeah Janet, there’s a tombstone… The name Elizabeth Rhodes is on it. JANET This is bad karma. Isn't it? ALISHA Beneath that is inscribed the Red Lady. She's dead. JANET The name Charlie keeps using. I'm sensing something real odd. ROSS (Scowling) Really? I smell bullshit. CASS (Excitedly) We’ve both seen it, apparently this used to be a boarding school… She murdered the Head Master... JANET Gideon? CASS She killed his lover too, after she found out they’d been

molesting the children, and… ROSS (Interrupting) That’s enough. Hardly appropriate… (frowning) Where did you hear this story? CASS Mr Kype the Caretaker… He… ROSS (Interrupting) That doesn’t surprise me. He’s mad… He talks to his axe. NERO His axe? Ross brushes his hand through his hair… ROSS Doesn’t matter. Charlie's reacting to his medication, he just needs time to adjust. Looking at Nero and Alisha. ROSS (Cont’d) I have things to do. (Looking at Cass) I suggest you and Nero get some shut eye otherwise you’ll be falling asleep on duty too. Ross pats Janet on the shoulder. ROSS (Cont'd) Janet there's spare room upstairs if you want it. JANET I'm not tired. I think I'll drink coffee all night. Maybe keep an eye on Charlie. Alisha looks irritated, and closely followed by Nero.


ROSS Something wrong Cass?





Cass slides Ross’s Key Card from her jacket and places it upon the desk. She stands up straight and smiles. Janet gazes down at the card, a bewildered expression on her face. CASS Found it on the driveway. Ross looks extremely uncomfortable. CASS (Cont’d) Thought I’d better return it. Cass grins, and walks out of the office. Ross stressed, and runs his fingers through his hair… JANET I guess that's how Charlie got out. ROSS (Angrily) You're not in a guessing game. You're here to assess the staff. My staff. Not me. JANET I work for your father. ROSS Listen. You're lucky you work for anyone. I've seen your wrists. JANET (Choked) That's a really sick thing to say. You're a bad soul. ROSS (Seething) True. So don't push your luck. Monitor Charlie's care. Don't monitor me. Janet puffs out her cheeks. JANET Ross that's precisely what I'll do.


(Shaking her head) I bet you're a Scorpio. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Alisha and Gallagher stand outside Charlie’s bedroom door. Alisha has her arms folded across her chest. ALISHA Saved you, didn’t I? Leaning towards Alisha, Gallagher kisses her gently upon the cheek. GALLAGHER Guess you love me. ALISHA Babe I’d do anythin for ya… Just try ta stay awake. GALLAGHER You know sometimes I dream I'm awake, but then I find I'm still asleep. Being awake is overrated. Alisha turns towards Gallagher, pinning him to the wall. ALISHA Me? I’m not overrated, (Licking her lips) I’m X rated babe… The two kiss passionately. The sound of rattling and banging echoes from behind the furthest door at the end of the corridor. Alisha and Gallagher separate from their embrace. ALISHA (Cont'd) The plumbing in this place sucks. What a frickin dump. GALLAGHER I love sex with you. It's the best. I kinda think though, we should broaden our horizons... EXT. LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL – DAWN

The sun is rising over the isolated buildings. The sky is cloudless. The fog banks are fading through the trees, and dew is dripping from their branches. Kype the Caretaker crosses the courtyard to the shed. He opens the shed door, and steps inside, locking the door behind him. The walls are lined with drills, saws, and brooms. Resting in a neat line upon the corner shelf there are a row of human skulls. Kype strokes his grubby damaged fingers beneath the blade of a particularly sharp axe. KYPE Morning Annie. Me lovely little axe. I missed you last night. Slipping the axe from the wall, he sits down on the floor. Removing a grubby rag from his pocket Kype spits upon the blade polishes it. He sweeps the material up and down in a rhythmic motion. Kype smiles, he seems to be enjoying the sensation immensely. KYPE (Cont’d) (Singing) I love you me little tool. You cut, you chop, we never stop… Before he can finish his song, there is a knock upon the shed door. Saliva drips from his bottom lip. His eyes darting back and forth. KYPE (Cont’d) (Putting on a posh voice) I am engaged within… Cass's voice echoes through the door. CASS It’s Cass, just saying good morning Mr Kype… KYPE Good morning… Oh, yes good morning… (Pauses) I’m clearing out the septic tank today it’s full of

shit… What a good morning… CASS That’ll be nice… KYPE Yes dear, I like to get dirty you see. Kype strokes his axe once more. KYPE (Cont’d) Don’t I pretty Annie? (Licking his lips) Oh, I do like to get dirty… Cass tries the door handle… It is locked. CASS You got someone in there with you? KYPE (Grinning) No… I’m alone… Would you like to join me? CASS No, it’s OK. You enjoy your quality time. KYPE I will. Oh me dear. I’ve me tools to play with. Looking around the shed. KYPE (Cont’d) All me pretty little tools. INT. MAIN OFFICE - DAY Ross is asleep in his chair. There is a loud crash upon the ceiling above him, followed by another. Ross wakes up startled. ROSS Christ. What’s going on?… Janet runs into the office...

JANET It's not the plumbing. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - DAY Alisha and Gallagher are standing outside Charlie’s bedroom. The sound of furniture being tossed about, echoing violently from behind his door. The connecting door flies open and Ross runs down the corridor, Janet strolling behind. ALISHA Little monster he is. soon as he got up he freaked out. ROSS You’ve been in? GALLAGHER No way. After what he did to me face? ROSS Useless. You’re useless. INT. CHARLIE’S BEDROOM - DAY Charlie has thrown the bedside cabinet onto the floor and he has pulled the shelves out of his wardrobe and scattered his clothes everywhere. His photo album lies in the middle of the floor. Opened on the empty page where only the inscription MY FAMILY remains. Charlie’s eyes are streaming with tears. He is slumped in the corner hugging his knees and rocking back and forth. ROSS Charlie what’s wrong? The little boy looks down at his photograph album. Ross remains bewildered by Charlie’s behaviour. ROSS (Cont’d) This is bad Charlie. He looks around at the mess. ROSS (Cont’d) Real bad.

Ross steps back through the door and shuts it gently behind him. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - DAY Alisha tries to look concerned, and Gallagher worried. Ross stands between his two colleagues.


ROSS You’ve no idea why he reacted like this? ALISHA Restraint… I’m sorry for him, but that’s what he needs. ROSS Not allowed Alisha. JANET He’s just a child, what's wrong with you? ALISHA Wrong with me? ROSS We're here to protect him. ALISHA (Grinning) Is that what daddy wants? ROSS Excuse me? (Irritated) So do you if you want to keep your job. Nero and Cass appear in the corridor, and approach their four colleagues. Alisha looks at her watch. It is seven forty five. ALISHA Yer late. Shaggin I'd guess. CASS Talking… We’re slightly

more advanced than you. We don't just work from the waist down. Nero shakes his head. Janet smiles. GALLAGHER The little dude trashed his room. NERO (Groaning) Oh. Swell… Medication playing him up? I'm starting to get a bit concerned here Ross. Nero gives Ross a dirty look. ROSS (Interrupting) What is this? A social gathering of the butt head society? Rolling her eyes, Alisha pats Gallagher on the shoulder. They walk casually down the corridor together. Cass, Janet and Nero watch them depart. ROSS File an incident report. ALISHA (Calling back flippantly) The procedure… We know it Ross… (Whispering) Frickin asshole. Ross places his hands on his hips, and passing fingers through his hair, he looks at Cass and Nero. ROSS Let him calm down, get dressed. Then a Gluten free breakfast. CASS We know. We read his file. ROSS No harm in reminding you.


CASS Well we can all make mistakes. Ross looks irritated. Janet bows her head. INT. KITCHEN - DAY The kitchen is filled with appliances. All are labelled with symbols and written words defining what they are. A big cupboard stands in the corner. Alisha unlocks it with a key, whilst Gallagher boils the kettle to make two cups of coffee. GALLAGHER Two sugars sweetie? Alisha steps into the large cupboard. It is stocked full of food. Lifting a packet of GLUTEN FREE biscuits from the shelf. She smiles as she unwraps them. ALISHA Nah babe, I'm watchin me figure. Gotta stay sexy. GALLAGHER I like sugar. Lots of sugar. He pours the hot water into two mugs and spoons four tablespoons into one of them. GALLAGHER (Cont’d) He’ll get worse… Alisha slides another packet of biscuits from the shelf, and reads the label. These contain Gluten. Sliding them out she mixes them with the packet of Gluten free biscuits. ALISHA (Mocking) Not on our shift he won't. Gallagher spoons two sugars into each mug. GALLAGHER What does gluten do to him? Alisha Picks up her coffee, and sips… ALISHA

Makes him violent, hyper active. Some kinda allergy. Little freak. INT. DINING AREA – KITCHEN HATCH – KITCHEN – DAY - LATER Charlie appears relaxed. He is standing at the serving hatch, the photograph album rests beside him upon the counter that links the kitchen to the dining area. He is a giggly mood. Nero and Cass are standing at the hatch. They have a book containing simplistic pictures of food, and Charlie is looking through it. He points his finger to a picture of a biscuit. NERO Biscuit. (Smiling) Thank you Charlie. Cass walks across to the cupboard and undoes the door, and steps inside. She sees the Gluten free packet and brings them back into the kitchen. Cass places them onto a plastic plate. Charlie points to another Cass and smiles.


Nero turns towards

NERO (Cont’d) Glass of water please Cass. Cass takes a plastic cup from the cupboard and fills it with tap water. She places the cup and plate of biscuits down in front of Charlie. Alisha walks Charlie.








Picking up the cup and plate from the serving area, Charlie sits down. He picks up a biscuit and bites into it. Alisha approaches the serving hatch and smiles warmly at Cass and Nero. ALISHA Thought I’d see how you're handlin him. See if ya copin. Are yer?

CASS If he gets violent I'll give you a call... He can bounce your head off the wall. Charlie is eating his way through his biscuits. ALISHA Funny. Just Don’t give him Gluten. OK kid? CASS I’ve read his file… (Smiling broadly) I’m not stupid Alisha. I'm educated remember? ALISHA Yeah, I know little princess, yer shit smells of rose petals. Anyway I’ve got work ta do. NERO Your shifts over. ALISHA I'm doin a supermarket run. I care twenty four seven… I ain't like you two slackers. Turning away and waving at Charlie Alisha walks out of the dining area. Cass grins and sticks her tongue out. NERO That woman is a total gold plated bitch. Cass simply nods in agreement…

EXT. COURTYARD – DAY - LATER Ross crosses the courtyard and knocks upon the door of Kype’s shed. He can hear activity on the other side of the door. A key turns in the lock, and the door opens.

Ross smiles as Kype appears in the archway. KYPE Come in… Come in… Excuse the smell of faeces, I’ve been breaking wind something awful you see. ROSS I’m sure it’s the country air… INT. KYPE’S SHED – DAY - LATER Ross is seated upon an upturned bucket. Picking up his axe, Kype starts to clean the blade with a wet sponge. ROSS Mr Kype I don’t want you telling my staff any more disturbing stories… Ross is gazing up at the small collection of skulls. The man’s eyes widen in astonishment. ROSS (Cont’d) What in God’s name are those? KYPE You see them are skulls. ROSS Where did you get them from? KYPE Dug em out the ground… Round back of the big house… ROSS Wherever you’ve dug those from I want it cemented over. KYPE Buried on crossing leylines they was… Really old skulls… You see… ROSS Whatever they are Mr Kype, they’re human… If the authorities knew about them...

KYPE Them belong to little kiddies. You’d turn a blind eye? ROSS Just bag them up… And no more stories. I want your word on that Mr Kype… KYPE Me great granddad… You see, Franklin Kype, he were caretaker here at Lakeview over a century ago… ROSS So what? I don't want to seem rude... KYPE (Interrupting) This place Weren’t no boarding school. It were a home for illegitimate kids, unwanted products of parlour maids, prostitutes… ROSS Mr Kype. No more please.. KYPE (Interrupting) Rich landowners, doctors, lawyers, the cream of society… They paid Gideon Drake to hide their sins… ROSS I’ve heard enough. Thank you. KYPE Like baby farmers… Them skulls they’re reminders… They took money for their care, you see, but abused and killed them kids… ROSS (Flippantly) No contraceptives… (Grinning) It was hard in those days. Mr Kype It's all best

forgotten. KYPE You must do what you think is right… You see, I won’t say nothing… I won’t say a word. EXT. LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - CAR PARK – DAY - LATER Opening his car boot, Ross slings a black plastic sack containing the skulls into it. Slamming the lid shut, he exhales heavily. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL – DAY Nero is seated in the living room filling in his file. He is writing in a column marked ‘Breakfast’. There is a hideous screeching, crashing of furniture. INT. DINING AREA – DAY - LATER Charlie has not eaten all his biscuits. He is hurling chairs and tables against the walls. The biscuits are broken at his feet. Cass runs into the dining area. Ross following behind her. They stand a safe distance away, watching helplessly as Charlie overturns every piece of furniture in the room. Nero steps in between his two colleagues. ROSS Now what? CASS (Stressed) He was fine a minute ago. Ross bends down and picks up a broken biscuit. He looks annoyed. He starts pacing up and down the corridor.

ROSS You give him these? CASS Yes… Is there a problem?

ROSS Son of a bitch. These are not Gluten free… Incompetent moron. (Angrily) Are you completely stupid? Cass looks tearful. CASS I picked the right ones. Ross pushes his way past Nero, knocking him out of the way. INT. DOWNSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - DAY The noises of furniture being thrown continue. Nero is standing back, not wanting to get involved. Cass pushes herself against the wall and slides down to the floor. ROSS Son of a bitch. (Raging) Can you read? Evidently not. It's not just Charlie who has bitten off more than he can chew! Nero raises his hand and touches Ross gently upon the arm. NERO Ross, ease up. (Calmly) It was an accident. ROSS (Shouting at Nero) You'd know all about that wouldn't you?… It's negligent.

NERO (Sarcastically) Yeah, we don’t want anything passing through his system that might make him crazy do we Ross?

ROSS (Glaring at Nero) I know my job. You know yours. Don't you? Remember! Nero sighs, shaking his head. CASS Sure… I’m sorry… (Crying) At least I don’t lose my Key Card. ROSS (Shouting) Excuse me?! What’re you talking about?… Taking his Key Card from his pocket, frantically in front of Cass's face.




ROSS (Cont’d) Here’s my card!… (Raging) Listen you… (Firmly) You’re in a lot of trouble Cass. I can sack you on the spot! Ross strides down the corridor, and Cass bursts into tears. Nero wraps his arms around her. Alisha appears in the corridor carrying two bags of shopping. She looks concerned. Ross smiles at her, and Alisha smiles back. The noise of furniture being tossed continues to echo from the dining area. ALISHA Everythin ya asked for I got. Problems? Ross takes the shopping from Alisha.

ROSS Thanks Alisha, (Breathing deeply) At least I can rely on you.

ALISHA Kicked off again has he? ROSS Cass gave him gluten. ALISHA (Shocked) Oh hell. No way? And she's his Key Worker. Cass is still crying into Nero’s arms. ALISHA (Cont’d) What ya goin ta do? ROSS I'll write a report. ALISHA Don’t Ross. We all make mistakes. ROSS I know you do. Why can't everyone be like me? ALISHA She talks too much. Doesn't see what matters. Not like you. ROSS (Narrows his eyes) Yeah, we all need to keep abreast of things. He looks down at Alisha's chest. ALISHA You like me tits don't ya? I don't blame you. She wiggles them and chuckles.

ROSS Yes, I guess I do. A welcome distraction from this nightmare.

Ross grins, and looks the woman up and down. He gives her a little wink, and runs his fingers through his hair… SECOND NIGHT – 9.29 - 9.30 EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT The sun has gone down. The moon has risen. Mr Kype crosses the courtyard. He is mumbling to himself. He removes his swipe card and opens the gate. Kype hears a surge of blowing wind behind him. KYPE Should’ve brought Annie. Stepping through the gate, Kype shuts it quickly behind him. Grabbing hold of the bars, he sticks his face between them. KYPE (Cont’d) God forsaken place… Never build where leylines cross. INT. LAKEVIEW CORRIDORS - NIGHT All is in darkness. A sweeping silence rolls through the corridors of the building. EXT. HALL - NIGHT The moonlight bathes the staircase in an eerie light. Dark twisted shadows are thrown across the white metal banisters, and dull creaking sounds echo in an icy atmosphere. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Gallagher and Alisha are seated at the table. Alisha is writing a report of the day’s events. Gallagher is leaning back in his chair. His eyes closed. Janet is sat upon the settee, she is report. The red file open upon her lap. Alisha smiles at Janet. ALISHA Hope you're sayin great things about me. JANET




(Sternly) I'm doing my job. I'm watching you carefully. Alisha's smile vanishes. Nero and Cass walk into the room, and sit down at the table. Cass looks pale, and unwell. NERO How has he been? ALISHA Correctly… We fed him. So problems zero. Put that in ya assessment Janet. Cass looks uncomfortable with the remark. ALISHA (Cont'd) Most of the night he’s been skulkin in his room. NERO You play games with him? GALLAGHER (Opening his eyes) No… He’s been kinda dopey… Nothing new there. NERO Where’s Ross? ALISHA Sorting Charlie’s meds. INT. CHARLIE’S BEDROOM - NIGHT Moonlight streams through the barred window. Charlie is seated on the bed in his boxer shorts, and dressing gown. Ross hands him a plastic Charlie takes it from him.






Ross hands him a blue tablet, and Charlie swallows it down, and returns the cup. ROSS Good boy.

Charlie slides himself into bed, rolling himself onto his front. Ross sits beside him, stroking his hair gently through his fingers. Ross notices a mark upon the back of Charlie's neck, and brushes the boy's hair away from it. Janet is standing in the doorway. JANET Everything peaceful? Ross allows place.








ROSS Janet (Shaky) You startled me. Janet frowns, and smiles. JANET You OK? ROSS Fine Janet… (Gulping) Best to let him sleep. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR – NIGHT - LATER Ross looks pale, his eyes watering. He rubs his forehead with his fingers. Janet can see that his whole body is trembling. JANET You ill? You’re shaking. Can I… ROSS (Interrupting) It’s nothing. Just let our boy rest… Where's Cass? JANET Covering for her. She's feeling groggy. ROSS

I see. Not really your responsibility. Never mind. Ross walks off down the passageway, leaving Janet standing alone in the corridor. Ross looks back at her. ROSS (Cont’d) (Barking command) Janet… I won’t tell you again… Leave him be… Janet sighs and sits down upon the chair outside Charlie’s door. She looks at her watch. It reads 9.45 pm. INT. BATHROOM CUBICLE – NIGHT - LATER Gallagher is sat upon the toilet seat sweating profusely. The light is flashing on and off. He gazes at his face in the mirror. In the brief seconds between light and dark his features switch between himself and Gideon Drake. The cockroach is scuttling around his feet, Gallagher lifts the insect up by its shell, grabbing hold of the creature’s head, he rips it away from its body. Placing the headless cockroach back down upon the floor, and chuckling as the dead creature continues to run back and forth. INT. MAIN OFFICE – NIGHT - LATER Ross is asleep. The monitor above his head is still switched on, its focus upon the car park and the misty lake. A strange robed hooded shape briefly appears on the screen, and vanishes in a split second. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Janet has dozed off. She twitches and shakes herself awake. In the darkness of the passageway she can see a dark shape at the far end of the corridor. It is silhouetted by moonlight streaming in behind it. JANET Who’s there? The figure remains motionless, Janet stands up and walks down the passage. The figure does not move. JANET (Cont’d) Charlie?

The boy asleep.









JANET (Cont’d) You OK? Charlie walks forward, Janet standing aside. She watches as he walks to the stairwell door and disappears through it. She follows him… INT. DOWNSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Charlie is walking down the corridor, his dark eyes staring straight ahead. Janet follows behind him, keeping her distance. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Charlie sits down at the table, picking up a red crayon that is lying upon it. He begins to draw upon a blank piece of paper. Janet stands beside him, looking at the picture Charlie is drawing. The illustration shows a hooded red figure standing beside a bed. He draws a figure lying beneath the bedclothes. Charlie looks up at Janet, his eyes filled with tears. CHARLIE (Whispering) Don’t say a word… Janet looks drawing.








CHARLIE (Cont’d) Don’t say a word. Janet strokes Charlie on the back of the neck in an attempt to comfort him. Something does not feel right. She bends down, lifting Charlie’s hair away from his neck. JANET God… Janet can see teeth marks imprinted in his skin. JANET (Cont’d) Oh God…

She steps back across the room. She is sweating, her face ashen. Charlie looks up at Janet again, tears are trickling from his eyes. CHARLIE Don’t say a word… (Whispering) Please don’t smoke. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Ross is shaken awake. The man’s eyes open slowly, and he gazes wearily at Janet. ROSS What is it? JANET (Breathing erratically) It’s Charlie… Ross sits up and outstretching his hands, he yawns. JANET (Cont'd) (Gasping) It’s his neck… I’ve… ROSS (Interrupting) Take a breath… What’s wrong with his neck? JANET It has teeth marks on it. Ross stands up and helps Janet to his chair and sits her down. ROSS You’re imagining that…

JANET (Exploding) Go look for yourself!… ROSS Stay calm. Where’s Nero?

Looking after Charlie isn't your job. JANET Perhaps it should be. Nero's on a break. ROSS I’ve seen the mark. (Pause) It’s a bruise… JANET No it’s not… ROSS Janet. Just relax and listen… Please… I filed a report… JANET Can I read it?… ROSS Just stop for a minute. If we start making allegations, they’ll be an enquiry. JANET (Disbelief) Well good… ROSS Let me handle it. This is a privately funded organisation. JANET Funded by your dad, and his partners. ROSS You've no idea what we're doing here. We could cure autism. JANET What're you talking about Ross? ROSS Listen it would upset Charlie’s family if they knew things were…

(Thinking) Awkward… And there are other children coming here soon… JANET Awkward? ROSS Let me handle this. I’m the Home Coordinator. JANET (Tearfully) He’s being molested. ROSS You need to be sure before you make wild allegations. JANET I don’t need to be sure. ROSS (Biting) OK. Report your concerns. If that’s what you think… Write it… Janet looks disgusted. Her eyes glaring. She is still trembling. JANET Ross, I don’t care about our jobs... (Resentful) I care about Charlie. She turns away and pushes her way out of the office. ROSS (Forcefully) Creating some crusade will do us all harm… Charlie included. You remember that. INT. MEETING ROOM - LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL – NIGHT - LATER Janet is sitting at the table next to Charlie. She is writing a letter. It is describing her discoveries. She signs her name at the bottom of the page, folds it over. She can hear footsteps walking down the corridor.

Janet stands up quickly and walks to the bookcase. Sliding a book of children’s poems from the shelf, she slots the letter in between the pages. Gallagher walks into the room. He is dressed in a tee shirt and boxer shorts. He looks pale and his eyes are glazed over. GALLAGHER Couldn’t sleep. Wonder who won the game? JANET Do me a favour Gallagher? GALLAGHER You betcha… I'm on the ball. JANET I’m going for a cigarette. Just watch him for a minute. GALLAGHER My eyes are wide open now. Janet walks through the Charlie alone together.





EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT Janet crosses the dark courtyard. Her hands shaking as she slides a packet of cigarettes from her pocket. She swipes her key card against the lock of the main gate and walks through. EXT. LAKESIDE - NIGHT Janet stands beside the lake. The fog has gathered around her feet, and the tree branches creek in the breeze. Janet lights a cigarette, and takes a puff. Closing her eyes, she begins to cry. Someone is moving through the darkness behind her. The figure is dressed in a red hood, and it moves slowly towards her. Janet sighs, staring down at the frozen water. JANET Sick bastards… Bad karma...

She slides back her sleeves revealing deep scars. JANET (Cont’d) I won't stop caring again. Janet hears the sound of twigs breaking behind her, and she drops her cigarette and turns around. Her expression switches to one of pure terror. Her bracelet tumbles from her wrist and settles in the undergrowth partly submerged in the icy water. INT. MAIN OFFICE – NIGHT - LATER The headlights on Janet's car switch on. The vehicle accelerates forward and speeds out of the car park. INT. SLEEPING QUARTERS - NIGHT Nero is resting upon his bed. Turning his head he sees the Red Lady, her face concealed, her form glowing. The spectre turns away and drifts out of the room. He is frozen in fear, but somehow Nero finds the strength to move. EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT The Red Lady drifts across the courtyard and vanishes through the gate. Nero follows behind, swiping his card against the door lock. The Red Lady is nowhere in sight. EXT. LAKESIDE – NIGHT - LATER Nero walks towards the lake. He can see that the ice has shattered. The lake is still. Banks of fog roll amidst the trees. Nero can hear the sound of movement behind him. The sounds of twigs cracking, turning around he is confronted by Frank Kype. KYPE She's gone you know. NERO Who are you? KYPE Frank Kype the Caretaker. NERO Who has gone?

KYPE That lady. Points a grubby scarred finger towards the empty parking space. KYPE (Cont'd) Saw her car speeding down the lane. Bat out of hell she were. NERO Janet? She's left? KYPE Looks that way. Maybe the Red Lady came for her. NERO You seen the Red Lady? KYPE She takes the eyes. NERO You lose yours that way? KYPE (Grinning) What do you think? NERO I'm past normal thought. I'm going back inside. Why are you out so late? KYPE I like living in the dark. You see, I like quiet nights in the graveyard with me family and friends. It's some comfort. NERO Really? You're a morbid old bugger. Right, well... You have a good one. Nero smiles and walks away. Kype remains standing by the lakeside, sniffing the air. KYPE

I doubt that. You see I can smell death. He raises his dirty fingers to his nostrils and sniffs his scarred bony hand. KYPE (Cont'd) Although maybe that's me. Something crunches beneath his boot, looking down, he observes Janet's bracelet lying in the undergrowth. Kype bends down and picks it up. Kype holds it up to to his face. KYPE (Cont'd) Me wife always wanted one like this. EXT. COURTYARD – NIGHT - LATER Charlie is standing in the middle of the courtyard. He is gazing up at the high window. Nero walks slowly towards him, staring up. He cannot see anything standing behind the glass. ROSS Charlie? He reaches out his hand to Charlie. ROSS (Cont'd) Bed Charlie. He raises his hand slowly and points upwards. CHARLIE Red Lady. ROSS (Firmly) Charlie please stop this.

INT. MEETING ROOM - LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL – NIGHT - LATER Gallagher has fallen asleep at the table. He wakes up, and sits back in his chair. His eyes bleary, he gazes

across the floor. A large cockroach is standing motionless upon the wood flooring. It seems to be staring at him. GALLAGHER (Grinning) Hello little dude. You seen Charlie anywhere? The cockroach turns away and scuttles across the floor, vanishing beneath the door. Gallagher follows behind the grotesque creature. INT. PASSAGEWAY – NIGHT - LATER The cockroach patters down passage. The creature vanishes beneath another door. Gallagher follows Storeroom.








INT. STOREROOM – NIGHT - LATER The room is dimly lit. Boxes are stacked upon boxes. Shelves line the walls, thick with dust. The cockroach stands motionless upon a loose panel in the corner. Gallagher bends down, and attempts to touch the bug. His finger passing through it, gradually the insect vanishes from sight. Gallagher sees that the board is loose and attempts to lift it. He finds a small wooden box with the emblem of a tree carved into the lid. Lifting it out from the dusty hole, he places it upon the floor beside him. Gallagher removes the lid. Inside he finds old letters, bundles of money, and a silver necklace fashioned into the shape of a tree. An inscription reads 'The Tree of Life'. He lifts it from the box, and hangs it around his neck. The small light hanging violently and goes out.





EXT. CHURCHYARD – NIGHT - LATER A tombstone, inscribed with the name DORIS KYPE. 18TH JANUARY 1939 TO FEBRUARY 14TH 2000 is crumbling amidst the sea of stone pillars. Fresh flowers stand in a vase before it.

Kype reaches out, draping the gold necklace upon the top of it. The man stands silently, a tear forming in his left eye. He smiles sadly. KYPE I promised you a gift when you was twenty one. So much time gone. So much loss. Kype gazes around the graveyard, his one good eye passing from tombstone to tombstone. KYPE (Cont'd) I remember you all. My life in death. Reaching out a shaking hand, finger across his wife's name.





KYPE (Cont'd) Doris. I gave so little. (Sadly) Burnt offering. EXT. LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL – NIGHT Snow is beginning to fall, a thin layer is gathering over the driveway. INT. COURTYARD – NIGHT - LATER Charlie twirls his body around and around, his arms outstretched. Giggling and laughing. Nero stands beside him, watching him.. Nero smiles, folding his arms to keep warm. NERO Hey, we should go in. Charlie skips and spins towards the care worker and reaching out his fingers he grabs Nero by his hand and rocks his arm back and forth. Nero looks astonished by the young boys behaviour. NERO (Cont'd) Snow Charlie…

CHARLIE (Smiling at Nero) Snow… Nero looks very happy with the physical contact he has made with Charlie. Nero smiles, points to his mouth and opens it. Sticking out his tongue he swallows a snowflake. Charlie giggles and copies Nero. Snowflakes tumble and melt upon their tongues. The door to the unit opens, and Ross and Alisha appear silhouetted in the archway. ROSS What the hell are you two doing out here? Charlie stops spinning and hides behind Nero. ROSS (Cont'd) Get him inside, and up to bed Nero. INT. CHARLIE’S BEDROOM – NIGHT - LATER Charlie is tucked up in his bed. Nero turns the light out, and looking back at Charlie he smiles. NERO (Softly) Goodnight Charlie. Happy dreams little Prince. CHARLIE Goodnight Nero. Nero closes the door quietly behind him.

INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR – NIGHT Cass is seated on the chair in the corridor. NERO He said my name. CASS

That's a breakthrough. NERO Perhaps he's not disabled at all. Or maybe finally the drugs are working as they should. CASS Not disabled? That's a switch. (Softly) You shouldn't be so judgemental. NERO I want God to give me peace of mind. He owes me that. We need to watch Charlie real close now. Where's Gallagher? CASS God owes you? Alisha's downstairs, in a bad mood. Dunno about Gallagher. NERO Cass after what I've been through. I deserve special treatment from that bastard. I can see that. He does owe me. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Ross is seated at his desk and writing yawns, placing his hand over his mouth.




INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Nero enters the meeting room and sits down at the table. The lights in the room begin to flicker. The banging upstairs begins again. NERO Kype's got to sort that plumbing out. Nero stands up and walks to the patio window. Gazing out over the courtyard. He looks up at the high window opposite. He can see the red hooded figure standing behind the glass. NERO (Cont'd) No. I'm losing my mind again.

Nero looks away, when he looks again the figure has vanished. He steps backwards in a state of shock, and bumps into Gallagher who is standing behind him. Nero turns around and smiles nervously at Gallagher. NERO (Cont'd) (Dazed) I thought I saw something. GALLAGHER A ghost? No surprise. NERO Hallucination. Imagination. Fingers crossed for that. The lights continue to flicker. The banging starts to soften and fade away. NERO (Cont’d) What're you up to? GALLAGHER I'm an insomniac. Nero sits down at the table. Gallagher is gazing out the window, looking up across the courtyard. He cannot see anything. GALLAGHER (Cont’d) There's a ghost, maybe more than one. He sits down at the table. GALLAGHER (Cont’d) The Red Lady… She’s here. Watching...

NERO Yeah... I'm beginning to think there's something weird in here with us. GALLAGHER There’s so much beneath the surface we turn a blind eye

to. It's all in dreams. NERO (Pondering) Second sight. GALLAGHER It's them. The blind. (Mumbling) They see more than we do. NERO What're you talking about? GALLAGHER We only see half of it. Although it's getting clearer to me. The lights flicker on and off. Gallagher and Nero are left in total darkness, before the light returns again. GALLAGHER (Cont'd) Drowned in the lake. An old tradition. The lights flicker back and forth. GALLAGHER (Cont'd) You know some people sleep their lives away. You know about cockroaches? NERO No Jack… GALLAGHER Funny things cockroaches… You know they can survive for nine days without their heads, not seeing, before they starve to death. People are like that… NERO Sorry you’ve lost me with that cockroach thing. GALLAGHER People don’t use their heads. (Slurred) Cockroaches they don’t need

them. They only need their heads to live. Human beings are like that, like cockroaches… NERO Are you drugged?… Gallagher stands up slowly. GALLAGHER This place is full of cockroaches. Headless ones. NERO Really? In what way? GALLAGHER They're crawling all over us. All around. Inside... Gallagher walks unsteadily to the door, and with the lights still flickering around him he turns back towards Nero. GALLAGHER (Cont’d) Anti psychotic… A cockroach without a head. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Ross remains seated at his desk. Looking up at the monitor. The camera flicks over from a view of the lake to a grainy picture of the courtyard. Gallagher and is waving her attempting to him, getting backwards. She

Alisha are standing at the centre. Alisha arms around aggressively and Gallagher is walk past her, but she keeps sidestepping in his way. Gallagher shoves Alisha responds by slapping him across the face.

The monitor switches back to a view of the lake. ROSS Son of a bitch… He starts pressing the buttons beneath the monitor, but he cannot retrieve the picture of the courtyard again. ROSS (Cont’d) Stupid machines…

Nero walks into Ross’s office. Ross switches off monitor and gazes over his shoulder, he brushes fingers through his hair. ROSS (Cont’d) (Grumpily) Don’t you ever knock? NERO Just spoke to Gallagher, I think he’s stoned. ROSS Don't be ridiculous. NERO Well he seemed pretty out of his mind to me. ROSS Listen… Spinning his chair around to face him. ROSS (Cont’d) (Forcefully) Janet's gone. Tried ringing her. She's flipped I reckon. NERO Flipped? ROSS Let's just say she has a history of mental illness. Surprised my father employed her again. NERO Is that so? (Smiling) Well Jeremiah seems eager to employ lunatics. ROSS (Grinning) Like you, you mean? As my father always quotes... Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. NERO

the his

I'm the enemy? I'm here to help you Ross. ROSS Bullshit, you're a spy. NERO A spy? I think you're a little paranoid. ROSS You want me to fail. You're competing for my father's affections. I'm his son, not you. NERO How did you stabilise the drug? ROSS What? I'm hardly going to tell you. You'd steal my secrets. NERO What about Gallagher? At least speak to the man. Ross spins his chair back into looking through Charlie’s file.



ROSS You're just trying to undermine me. My father may have given you a position here, but you're still beneath me. NERO You're wrong. ROSS You failed your son. I won't fail my father. NERO You can't provoke me, I'm dead. Ruth is dead. My boy is dead. I've paid the ultimate price already. If I see any sign that Charlie might hurt himself, I'm taking him off the drugs.



INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Cass is seated outside Charlie’s bedroom. She can hear footsteps approaching her from the far end of the dark passageway. She watches the shadows shifting, until emerges from the night and stands over her.


GALLAGHER How’s the little dude? He asleep? CASS Yeah, I should think so. GALLAGHER Alisha wants to chat. CASS Why? She hates me. GALLAGHER Maybe she wants to kiss and and make up. Cass stands up, sliding out a lipstick, she applies it. CASS (Puckers her lips) I'm ready for smooching. GALLAGHER You betcha, like top see that. CASS (Laughing) Nah. She's not my type. Where is she? GALLAGHER Sleeping quarters sweetie. Gallagher sits upon the chair, and Cass walks off down the passageway. GALLAGHER (Cont’d) Cockroaches… EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT

Cass crosses the courtyard. She looks up at the window overlooking the courtyard, there is no sign of the Red Lady. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Gallagher is staring at the door to Charlie’s bedroom. He reaches into his pocket and slides out a syringe containing a red liquid. He smiles sadly. GALLAGHER (Flatly) Never wanted it to go this far Alisha… (Pause) Never wanted that kinda guilt. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Ross is asleep and his feet are resting upon the desktop, arms folded across his chest, his head hanging back over the top of the chair. The nail file is resting upon his trouser leg, and it rolls down and falls to the floor. INT. DOWNSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Nero locks the kitchen door, and sips from a steaming cup of coffee. He walks down the passageway, the lights flicker oddly. Nero can hear the sound of dripping water, and as he reaches the living room door, the sound of water dripping increases. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Nero pushes through the door, and the lights go out completely. They rise suddenly, and Nero can see Janet standing by the bookcase pointing a long white finger towards a book of children’s poetry. Liquid drips from her outstretched nail and it falls to the floor. The girl’s hair is matted and dripping wet. Her skin is pale blue, and her staring eyes are clouded over. Nero drops his mug of coffee, and the light goes out once again. When the light finally returns Janet has vanished.

INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT The darkness sweeps down the passage. The chair on which Gallagher has been seated is now empty. INT. MEETING ROOM -LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT The mug has shattered upon the floor, it is rocking back forth, the liquid is soaking through the carpet. Nero is sat at the table, his body shaking, his hands clasped together over the tabletop. He looks across at the book of children’s poetry, and taking several deep breaths he walks over to the bookcase and slides it from its place. Nero flicks through the pages and finds the folded piece of paper slotted between the centre pages. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT The television monitor flicks on. The figure of the Red Lady is seen in black and white standing in the centre of the courtyard. Ross wakes up, and looks at the screen above him, it flickers and turns to static. ROSS (Angrily) Son of a bitch thing. He Slaps the side of the monitor with the palm of his hand. ROSS (Cont’d) (Shouting) Work you God damned bastard! The monitor switches off. Ross presses the button beneath the screen aggressively, the picture does not return. The lights begin to flicker. ROSS (Cont’d) Hellish place… INT. SLEEPING QUARTERS - NIGHT

Cass walks into the dimly lit room. The five beds are empty. She crosses the floor to the bed beneath the window. Alisha’s nametag is lying upon the bed, alongside her jacket and a few other items of clothing. CASS Where is she? Cass turns around, looking across at the bed standing opposite. It is very untidy, the bed sheet is draped half on the mattress. Gallagher’s dark suit is screwed up beside the bedpost. CASS (Cont’d) (Tutting) What a slob that man is… Cass steps bends down, she lifts the bed sheets off the floor, and attempts to place them more neatly. A syringe rolls out from amidst the folds, it tumbles to the floor and rolls beneath the bed. Looking underneath She can see a large black duffel bag and the syringe resting against it. Reaching her hand forward she slides the syringe out. There is a red liquid trickling on the inside. Cass narrows her eyes and taps the plastic casing. Cass looks worried. She bends down again, reaching for the black duffel bag, pulling it against her knees, ahe slides back the zip. Cass pulls out a half empty plastic container with the word NANDRISOL stencilled upon it. Realisation sweeps across her face, and her jaw drops down in shock. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Ross is drawing a picture of a large dagger, with a snake coiling around the blade. His commitment to paperwork somewhat lacking. The door bursts open. Nero storms into the room. His face flushed of colour, his eyes bloodshot. Ross scribbles over the picture with his pen, and spins his chair around to confront Nero..

ROSS Yes Nero… Nero waves the letter in Ross’s face… NERO (Gritting teeth) I just found this stuffed in a book. ROSS I see… Does it concern me? NERO It concerns us all. Ross bites into one of his manicured fingernails. He looks down at his hand, cursing under his breath. Ross searches his desk. He finds his nail file and rubs it gently against his broken nail. NERO (Cont'd) (Disbelief) It's a report written by Janet. (Shaking) God knows where she is... Ross places the nail file back down upon the desktop. ROSS May I read it? Nero hands it to Ross. The man studies it carefully. NERO Call the police Ross. It’s your duty of care. ROSS He's not being abused. (Licking his dry lips) You’re overreacting. However, I will submit a report. NERO (Scoffing) A report? Don't make me laugh. (Chuckling) Nandrisol? Nazarin? You ever taken it?

ROSS We both know it needs more time. NERO So more people can die? No Ross. We have to take responsibility. The drug abuse is one thing, but the physical abuse... What am I doing here with you? Nero storms out him. He slides leather jacket. glumly as Nero towards the main

of his office, slamming the door behind the letter it into the pocket of his Ross looks up at the monitor, watching crosses the courtyard, and heads off gate.

ROSS (Shouting) You're healing your wound. Be thankful for the chance! (Gulping) I’d better call my father… Or maybe not… I should handle this. EXT. LAKESIDE - NIGHT Nero is trying to dial out on her mobile phone, but the battery seems to be running on very little power, and as he presses in the second one, the light goes out and the phone shuts down. NERO Damn phone… (Whispering) I’ve got to get Charlie out of this place. A hooded red figure is standing in the shadows, the face of the individual is obscured. They are clearly watching Nero struggling with the mobile. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT Cass returns to the unit. Ross is not in the office, and the monitor has been switched off. The lights begin to flicker.

INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Cass walks down the dimly lit passageway. He can see that Gallagher is not seated outside Charlie’s room. She lifts her feet and breaks into a run. INT. CHARLIE’S ROOM - NIGHT Cass pushes open the door, and finds Gallagher slumped in a chair beside Charlie who appears to be fast asleep. An empty syringe is lying upon the floor, and Gallagher’s arm is exposed and deeply bruised. The half conscious man is dribbling saliva and his skin is turning blue. Cass crouches down in front of him and places her hand upon Gallagher’s forehead. Cass pushes it back, and rests it gently against the wall behind him. The man’s eyes are watering, and unfocused. GALLAGHER they made me do it. (Choking) Cockroaches… Lost my head… Got into me… Made me do it… CASS What’ve you done? GALLAGHER (Eyes rolling) She’s out there. Hurts people. (Gasping) She kills… To hide… (Dribbling) To hide… The things we’ve done… CASS You hurt Charlie?

GALLAGHER (Crying) She loved me… They loved me… Marion… (Fading) Protected me…

CASS Jack… (Breathing heavily) what’re you talking about? GALLAGHER (Incoherent) God forgive her... ((More tears) I didn’t want her to hurt anyone. She's coming for us. EXT. LAKESIDE - NIGHT Nero is still trying to make his phone work. It switches on, but the light flickers and dies. He does not notice the red hooded figure moving out of the darkness towards him. A surgical gloved hand rises above Nero, clasped between the slender gloved fingers.



Nero sees the red hooded figure reflected in the rippling icy water, and turns to face his attacker. A struggle ensues but the hooded figure shoves Nero off balance and he slips on icy ground and is sent reeling backwards, splashing helplessly into the freezing water. Nero bangs his head as he sinks beneath the water and his body becomes entangled in vines. Stepping away from the ice covered bank, the figure throws the syringe into the lake, and runs back into the shadows. Sliding the hooded red anorak away from her face. Alisha runs her shaking fingers through her tangled hair, and tosses the anorak into the bushes. She puffs out her cheeks and drawing in several deep breaths, she approaches the gate and swipes her way back into the courtyard. INT. COURTYARD - NIGHT Alisha tries to stay in the shadows, and dodges her way through the dark. She swipes her key card against the panel beside the door of the big house, ducking inside. INT. HALL - NIGHT Alisha slumps down in the corner of the room, looking up at the spiralling staircase. She lifts her knees to her chest and hugs them. her whole body is shaking.

ALISHA (Irrational) For love I did it. I did it for love. (Closing her eyes) I see no evil in that. INT. CHARLIE’S ROOM - NIGHT Ross is standing over Gallagher, he is unconscious. His eyes rolling frantically beneath his lids. Charlie’s jet black eyes are open, and he is lying on his side staring at the wall. Unbeknown to Cass and Ross the little boy is smiling. ROSS Overdosed on Nandrisol… He must’ve stolen it… CASS Yeah, and we didn't report it. ROSS Let him sleep it off. (Whispering) This’ll be a scandal. Ross brushes his shaking fingers through his hair… Cass suddenly snaps and grabbing Ross she shoves him hard against the wall and pins him there. Ross looks startled. CASS (Shouting) You bastard. It’s a dangerous drug!… (Angrily) Charlie was prescribed it, Gallagher’s been taking it! Cass lets go of Ross, and he slides along the wall away from her. Cass bows her head and rubs her eyelids. CASS (Cont’d) What about Charlie's mind? ROSS They’re new products… We're on the threshold of curing

autism. Believe me. Trust me. CASS Bullshit. This is your fault! ROSS Excuse me? Blame me? For what?! Cass, you knew the drugs were missing. CASS (Disgusted) Put Gallagher in the spare room. Not something Charlie should see. (Sighing) Christ.. I’ll call an ambulance. Cass exits the room. Ross steps away from the wall… ROSS Fine. (Gulping) You do that… Looks at Gallagher. ROSS (Cont’d) It needed more time. That's all. (Whispering) This place is finished… (Tearfully) I’m finished… INT. MAIN OFFICE – NIGHT - LATER Cass picks up the phone and is about to make a call, when the monitor upon the wall switches itself on again. There is a brief fuzz of rolling white static, and then the picture forms. Cass sees the Red Lady once again. Staring at the grainy image she watches as the spectre drifts through the door of the big house, and floats across the courtyard. The Red Lady drifts towards the gate and passes through the bars. Cass drops the phone and runs out of the office. INT. THE COURTYARD - NIGHT

Cass charges across the courtyard, using her swipe card to open the gate, she passes swiftly through it. EXT. LAKESIDE - NIGHT Cass sees the Red Lady. She stands at the waterside her long robes billowing on the wind. The hooded spirit falls forward but vanishes before she makes contact with the water. INT. BENEATH THE LAKE - NIGHT Nero struggles with the vines, trying to pull them away from his body. His head bleeding. He tugs at the roots. He cannot free himself. He looks up and sees the face of Joshua, his son above him. The child's hand is outstretched and Nero reaches up and grabs the little boy's hand and finds himself lifted from the water. EXT. LAKESIDE – NIGHT - LATER Cass grips the unconscious Nero beneath his chin and in a desperate struggle she hauls him back onto the bank. Cass lies him down upon his back and begins to give him mouth to mouth, followed by a desperate attempt at heart massage. CASS (Emotional) Don’t die. Don’t die on me… Cass holds his nose and gives him mouth to mouth for a second time. She makes several more attempts to revive him by pressing down firmly on the base of his chest. CASS (Cont’d) (Begging) Nero, your son doesn't want this. You hear me? Nero is ghost white, but Cass continues her desperate attempts to revive him. INT. MAIN OFFICE - NIGHT The monitor is once more displaying images of the courtyard. Ross is sat at his desk, he is crying. Ross picks up the phone, and begins to dial. A FEMALE VOICE echoes down the line…

FEMALE VOICE What service do you require? ROSS Did someone call an ambulance for Lakeview Residential?… FEMALE VOICE One moment sir… (Pause) No… No call has been registered sir… ROSS No?… No problem… My mistake. Ross slams the phone down, and taking several deep breaths. He picks up the phone again and makes another call. JEREMIAH'S VOICE echoes down the line… JEREMIAH'S VOICE Doctor Jeremiah Mantis ROSS It's me Ross. There's been an accident. Need you to visit. JEREMIAH'S VOICE Why? Is Charlie poisoned? ROSS No father. It's a staff member, the drug has failed. It's Nero's fault. JEREMIAH'S VOICE No. You've failed. You promised me that you'd stabilised it. ROSS Perhaps I should drown myself in the lake? JEREMIAH'S VOICE Yes, perhaps you should. I'll be with you in an hour. Whatever the situation do not contact the police. I will deal with things.

The phone clicks off and Ross places the receiver back in its place… Ross is looking up at the monitor. Charlie is standing in the centre of the courtyard. Smiling, he points his finger upwards. INT. CHARLIE'S ROOM – NIGHT - LATER Gallagher wakes up. His face white, sweat seeping from his brow. His eyes mad and staring. He grips the necklace hanging around his neck squeezing so tightly that it tears the skin of his palm. INT. COURTYARD - NIGHT Charlie stands motionless in the Courtyard. Ross walks through the unit door, slumping down on the tarmac in front of it. Ross raises his hands and buries his face in his palms. Charlie remains motionless, staring up at the high arched window of the big house. He smiles oddly. Cass walks through the main gate, she is supporting the dazed figure of Nero. His body is soaking wet and he is shaking and coughing. Cass has draped her jacket around Nero's shoulders. Charlie points his finger up at the window. CHARLIE My family. Nero belches, spewing water from his mouth, wiping his pale lips on the back of his hand. NERO Let me sit down. (Gasping) Put me down. Cass helps Nero to the steps that lead to the big house, she sits him gently down upon them. Cass looks across at Ross, he is slumped forward, quietly moaning to himself, his head still concealed beneath his hands. Cass gazes at Charlie. CHARLIE My family. Don’t say a word.

Charlie points his finger at the main door of the big house. Cass can see four deep scratch marks on the outside of the door. She approaches the big house and reaches down with her swipe card, opening it, Cass steps slowly inside. INT. THE BIG HOUSE - NIGHT All is quiet. Moonlight streams down through the skylight, bathing the white frame of the staircase in beams of glowing white light. Cass can hear footsteps above her, nervously she begins to climb the stairs, placing each foot with great caution. INT. NURSES' QUARTERS - NIGHT Cass turns the handle, pushing the creaking door open. She steps into the room. Cass can see Alisha standing in the arched window, her back to the room, the moonlight shining through her body, but it does not throw a shadow upon the floor behind her. CASS Alisha?… Alisha is gazing down over remains obscured from view.





Cass edges slowly towards her until she is only a few feet behind Alisha. Outstretching her hand she attempts to tap her upon the shoulder but Alisha slowly vanishes from sight. CASS (Cont’d) (Terror) Oh Christ… Cass hears a gurgling sound coming from behind her. Turning around she walks to the corner of the room. Alisha is slumped against the wall, her head back, hanging loosely to one side. Fresh blood is bubbling from her torn throat, blood seeping from two empty eye sockets where her eyes once were. EXT. COURTYARD - NIGHT

Nero has passed out upon the step. Her breathing is deep, steam rising from her body, as the cold air reacts to the warmth flowing through his wet clothes. CHARLIE Ross… Startled by hearing Charlie speak his name Ross lowers his hands from his face and looks up at Charlie. The boy is smiling, and pointing his finger him. CHARLIE (Cont’d) Don’t say a word… (Coldly) I can hurt you… ROSS (Trembling) I understand. We all have rights… Even you Charlie… (Smiling uneasily) I’m here to care for you… Will you listen to me?… I can help you. Make you better. Ross hears a strange rasping noise and turning his head nervously to the right he sees a red robed figure standing motionless before him. Two pale blue bony hands rise sharply, long fingernails like claws. A ghastly shriek gurgles from the Red Lady’s throat. The spectre rushes towards him. Ross’s eyes bulge, and he screams in terror, as he is smothered, and his whole world turns red… INT. COURTYARD – NIGHT - LATER Nero wakes up, lifting himself to his feet. The courtyard is empty. No sign of Ross or Charlie. He turns around and finds Kype standing behind him holding his knife. Kype is slicing through an apple. KYPE You're all in a pretty pickle I see. NERO Kype. KYPE

They've all come back. Them evil spirits. Cass steps through the big house door, and moves to Nero's side. She grabs him by the arm and holds him up. NERO I'm OK. CASS Alisha's dead. NERO Hell. KYPE Lost her eyes has she? Cass looks sickened, and shakes her head. NERO Let's get back inside I'm freezing. INT. MEETING ROOM – LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - NIGHT Kype and Nero are seated at either end of the table. Kype continues to eat his apple. Nero has several large towels draped around his shoulders. His forehead has a large plaster stuck across it. KYPE You see, you're never alone with the dead. NERO I saw my.. I saw my son. He saved me. I couldn't save him, but he saved me. Nero begins to sob, and the tears fall. NERO (Cont'd) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. He regains his composure, swallowing hard. KYPE Them is your regrets. We all have em. Me wife... Could I save her? No.. We all

live with loss. Hard to live. (Sadly) I blame meself for this. NERO My wife Ruth died in childbirth. It was the boy's fault. My son. I might as well be dead too. Nero looks up at Kype. Tears welling in his eyes once more. Kype looks blank. NERO (Cont'd) How do you forgive someone? The door opens and Cass enters. Leaning upon the table she bows her head. CASS Galllagher's gone. No sign of Ross or Charlie. Cass straightens up, reaching into her jacket pocket she slides out a packet of cigarettes. NERO Did you phone the police? CASS The office phone. It's gone. Cass places a cigarette in her mouth and lights it with a shaking hand. NERO Where is it? Kype grins at Cass as she drags heavily on the cigarette. CASS Well.. KYPE (Interrupting) Them'll kill you, you know. Cass laughs hollowly, puffing on the cigarette again. CASS Being poisoned by tar and

nicotine is the least of my worries Mr Kype. NERO Cass. (Impatiently) The phone? CASS Ross must have hidden it. He doesn't want anyone involved in this. KYPE What about them walking phones? CASS Mobiles? No signals. KYPE You see, it's us and them. CASS This is mad. If this place is haunted by evil spirits. How can we fight things we can't really see? NERO There is a way. INT. KYPE'S SHED - NIGHT Gallagher reaches for an axe hanging upon the shed wall. Lifting it down he runs his finger along the blade. He smiles, his face twisted, his sanity has left him. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR – NIGHT - LATER The lights are flickering. cupboard is open.






Nero hands Kype four tablets, reaching across he gives Cass the same amount. NERO They open the mind. The more we take, the more we'll see.

Kype smiles at the four coloured tablets he is holding in his scarred palm. KYPE Them drugs? Charlie take em? NERO Yes. It's his medication. CASS Not something we should be taking. What if we overdose? KYPE Doctors. (Mocking) Chemical scholars. NERO We need to swallow them. Nero gulps one down, and swallows it. CASS You've gotta be kidding me? KYPE Flax seed oil and cottage cheese. Fresh strawberries. CASS Mr Kype, what're you talking about? KYPE That's how I cured me cancer. The natural way. God's way. Not through chemicals and chemotherapy. Them pills are poison. Man's design. Cass gulps heavily and sighs, clenching her fingers together into a fist. She squeezes the tablets into the plam of here hand. CASS Let's just go. NERO What about Charlie? We leave

him? Not this time. I owe the boy. Nero begin to swallow the tablets one by one. KYPE If it's Marion and Gideon... Kype swallows them too. KYPE (Cont'd) I know where their heart be. We need to tear that heart out. CASS Oh God... This is bonkers. NERO Where is their heart? Kype looks at his scarred hands, brushing his fingers against his damaged face. KYPE The tree. They'll be at the tree. CASS What tree? KYPE The tree in the field. I tried to burn it. But them flames. You see... (Gritting teeth) Them flames... Cass starts to swallow the tablets, her hand shaking. KYPE (cont'd) Blew back on me. Burned me up bad. Never tried again. It's cursed by their love. NERO This time we have to succeed. KYPE Needs more than fire. I wish I'd been braver, tried again...

Could've saved lives. NERO (Interrupting) No regrets Kype, we've... (Shaking his head) You've got a second chance. CASS I'm going to regret this. And that's an understatement. The tablets swallowed, Nero reaches for some more and shares them out again. KYPE I need me Annie. EXT. COUNTRY LANE - NIGHT Charlie is running. He is crying. The tall skeletal trees that line the long winding road sway in the strong wind. He looks behind him. He can see the shadowy forms of Gideon and Marion walking slowly behind him, eye sockets deep and black, lips rotted, teeth fixed in a hideous eternal smile. Charlie ducks into a gap in a tall hedge. Ahead of him is the ancient tree. Its dark branches swaying in silhouette against the glowing white moonlight. He looks to his left. Janet's car is parked beneath the tall hedge. Charlie walks slowly towards it and stares through the open window. Janet is inside, her mouth wide open. Her eyes wide, her throat cut from ear to ear. EXT. KYPE'S SHED – NIGHT - LATER Kype is eating his apple. Reaching the shed door he finds the padlock broken. Peering around the corner into the dark, Kype reaches for a light switch.

INT. KYPE'S SHED – NIGHT - LATER Kype enters the shed, and bends down beneath his chair. Sliding out a box with the words 'FISHING STICKS'

inscribed upon it. He removes the lid and smiles. It is filled with sticks of dynamite. KYPE Time to hunt them bigger fish. Kype slides his scarred hand into his overall pocket, pulling out a battered photograph of a middle aged lady. KYPE (cont'd) (Smiling sadly) I might be with you soon Doris. I miss you angel. INT. UPSTAIRS' CORRIDOR - NIGHT Nero and Cass are still swallowing tablets. Nero shakes the packet and tosses it back into the cupboard. The banging begins to start again. Nero gazes down the corridor. CASS Not worth worrying about the plumbing any more. NERO (Closing her eyes) I never tried to save Joshua. I couldn't do it. CASS (Shaking her head) Nero. NERO I saw that I was going to die. I let him drown. (Tears in his eyes) I watched. I just watched. Nero walks flicker.








CASS (Cont'd) Where you going? At the end of the passageway, he can see that the door panels of the furthest room are vibrating, and he turns the handle.

INT. THE CELL - NIGHT The door on the inside is bloodstained. Nero can see A SMALL PALE SKINNED BOY, covered in dirt. His hair matted, his eyes sunken. Battered hands stained in dried blood. He is kneeling before the door. The child looks up, raising his fists, his skin hanging away in strips. Nero looks saddened. His feelings of pity outweighing his fear. NERO You can go. You're free. I'm here to save you. Nero reaches his hand forward and the boy unclenches his fists. Nero grips the child's hand in his own. The boy grins, and slowly vanishes into the ether. Nero steps back, leaning against the wall, he lowers his head and takes several deep breaths. The lights rise and blaze brightly. INT. KYPE'S SHED - NIGHT Kype is gazing up at the empty space where the axe used to be. He shakes his head. KYPE At least he didn't take me Annie. Kype reaches down, picking up the box of dynamite. Annie his favourite axe rests upon the lid. EXT. KYPE'S SHED - NIGHT Kype steps through the door, holding the box in both hands. His half eaten apple apple clasped between his teeth. Suddenly an axe swings into his chest. Kype falls backwards, the apple tumbles from his mouth and rolls across the ground.

EXT. THE FIELD – NIGHT - LATER Charlie stands beneath the tree, staring up at the subscription carved into the bark. M C AND G D FOREVER.

The two spectral beings are walking slowly towards him on either side. Charlie turns to face them. His face filled with terror, his body frozen by the cold feeling of fear. EXT. KYPE'S SHED - NIGHT Cass and Nero rush to the side of their fallen colleague. Nero crouches down beside him, and Cass grabs Kype by the hand. Opening his left eye, Kype smiles. KYPE Doris? Oh no. (Sighing) Got clobbered. He's got me spare axe. NERO Gallagher? Ross? Who attacked you? KYPE Young, white haired fella. NERO We've got to move you indoors. KYPE (Smiling) I saw me Doris. She's waiting. CASS She'll have to wait longer. Nero looks at the shattered box. The dynamite has spilled out on the ground. The axe lying beside it. Nero crouches down beside the dynamite slide it into his jacket pockets. Cass looks across at him.

CASS I don't think he's hurt that bad. But we have to get him help.




KYPE Them pills work. Doris is waiting, me friends is waiting. I'm sorry. Kype reaches into his overall pocket, sliding out his silver knife. He raises the blade to his throat and slices across it. Cass is sprayed with blood. She lets go off Kype's scarred hand, jumping into Nero's arms screaming. Nero hugs Cass, and looks away sickened by the sight. Nero steps back and grabs the hysterical girl by the shoulders. NERO Cass. We have to be strong. I know the tree. I've seen it. We're going to blow it up. He starts to hand her sticks of dynamite. CASS Nero, I just want this over. I'll do whatever it takes. Nero hugs Cass, and she is hugging him back. NERO (Sighing heavily) OK... Let's go... Cass leaves Nero's embrace, bends down beside Kype and picks up his sliver knife. She places her hand on the dead man's shoulder and squeezes. CASS Rest in peace. (Tearfully) You found it now. She reaches down and closes the Kype's eye.


Charlie has climbed into the branches of the tree. Gideon and Marion are stalking around it, gazing up with empty sockets at the terrified boy. Nero and Cass step into the field. They look across at the tree. They can can see the two evil spirits. Slowly Gideon workers.









CASS What do we do? Nero is gazing up into the bare tree branches. Charlie is hiding amidst them. NERO We save the boy. Nero grips tightly on the axe handle. Cass and Nero step forward. Gideon raises his arm and points a long skeletal finger towards them. An axe blade slices through the air and Nero leaps out of the way, as the blade plunges into the grass. Cass and Nero turn around, they see Janet's car, and Gallagher lifting his axe. Gallagher surges forward to attack Nero again. The axehead slicing madly from side to side. Nero defends himself, by parrying the insane blows with his own weapon. Gallagher is relentless and surges forward. His eyes rolling madly his face white as snow. Nero is knocked off balance, and falls to the ground. Gallagher attempts to hammer him with his axe, but Nero manages to block each blow with the handle. GALLAGHER Cockroach! The sound of flesh slicing. As Kype's silver blade penetrates through the back of Gallagher's throat and bursts through the other side. His eyes bulge, and he falls to his knees, dropping his axe. Gallagher slumps into the grass. Cass looks dazed. The shock of what she has done clearly registering in her eyes.

Marion and Gideon surge forward, and consume Cass. Their spectral forms turning into a dark swirling fog, as they pull at Cass's body and drag her twisting and writhing to the floor. Nero staggers to his feet and rushes to the tree. He starts to hack at the inscription with his axe. Thick red sap seeps from the cut. He swings the axe again and again. The ghosts continue to attack Cass, tearing into her clothes. Nero inserts a stick of dynamite into a gap he has sliced in the tree bark. He steps back, drops his axe, and outstretching his arms. He looks up at Charlie. NERO Charlie. Jump down to me! Charlie stares down at Nero. He does not move. Cass is screaming.... NERO (Cont'd) Jump Charlie. I'm here to catch you! Charlie releases his grip and jumps. Nero steps forward and Charlie tumbles into the man's arms, and they fall into the grass together. Charlie is safe, cradled in Nero's loving embrace. The big man releases him, Charlie steps away. Cass is still struggling with the evil spirits. Nero takes a lighter from his coat, and sets the fuse ablaze. Gideon and Marion separate from Cass, her body falling limply into the grass. The two supernatural beings surge towards the tree, screeching like banshees, they merge into it, vanishing from sight. Charlie is staring at the dynamite stick. Nero grabs him, wrapping his body around Charlie, as the fuse burns out. Nero closes his eyes. A huge explosion tears the tree in half. Fragments of splintered wood shower Nero and Charlie. Spiralling smoke rolling upwards from the flaming remains. The tree of life has been obliterated. A black cloud of energy seeps into the ground, as all trace of Gideon and Marion dissolve.

INT. THE FIELD – DAWN - LATER Cass groans as she begins to wake up. The sun is rising. She sits up. Nero is on his knees with his back to her his arms outstretched. Charlie is nowhere in sight. Cass stands up and moves beside Nero, the man is smiling. However his face is bloodied and his eyes pour with blood. CASS Nero. Oh God. NERO (Smiling) Can you see? Can you see my son? I'm home. He's come home to me. Thank you God. He continues to smile. Nero is holding hands with his son Joshua. His son is smiling into the face of his blinded father. EXT. COUNTRY LANE – DAWN – LATER A stylish black sports car, races along the winding lane. It turns a corner, rolling into the long Lakeview Residential driveway. All is silent… EXT. LAKEVIEW RESIDENTIAL - CAR PARK – DAY - LATER The car rolls slowly into a parking space, and the driver’s door clicks open. A MAN'S polished shoe steps down upon the tarmac, his grey socks pulled up to the bottom of his beautifully creased trousers. Dr Jeremiah Mantis climbs out of the car. He closes the car door and stares into the darkness… THE LAKESIDE – DAY - LATER Jeremiah strolls cautiously towards the gate. He can see Charlie standing motionless in front of it, staring silently into space. Jeremiah looks across the lake. He can see a body floating face down in the icy water. Jeremiah stops and stares, the realisation twists the expression upon his face into one of pure horror… JEREMIAH MANTIS

Ross?… My son… He rushes down into the dark water and wades into the lake. He reaches his son’s lifeless body and rolls him over. Ross’s eyes have been gouged out, his face contorted into the most grotesque expression. Jeremiah stares back at Charlie, the boy is smiling. CHARLIE Dad… Look at me… Charlie raises his arm and points towards Jeremiah. Jeremiah looks down at the lifeless features of his son… Suddenly the water explodes upwards behind him. The shimmering Red Lady rises from the lake. She throws back her hood. Her face is badly decomposed. Her dark hair long and matted, soaked with water. Her skin pale blue, veined with dark green lesions. Her cheeks puff in and out unnaturally. Her long brown cracked teeth exposed in blackened gums, protrude from decayed fleshless lips. She grabs Jeremiah by his shoulders. Her spectral form rippling like water. Her eyes roll from white to black. The Red Lady digs her long sharp fingernails into Jeremiah's shoulders. He screams as she drags him down into the dark drowning depths of the lake… FADE OUT: END

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