NMS Staff Meeting Monday, December 8, 2008 3:05 – 4:30 P.M.
INTRODUCTION NORMS MiBLSi/PBS Timeline PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES Creating Shared Leadership Shared Leadership by MacNeil/McClanahan
Celeste Ahren Ahren Kim
Mary Celeste
Happy Holidays Upcoming Building Meetings/PD: Staff Meeting Monday, January 5, 2009 [3:05 – 4:30 p.m.] Cancelled Monday, January 12, 2009 NO Students Friday, January 23, 2009 PD Records
8:15 – 11:15 a.m. 12:30 – 3:30 p.m.
Shared Leadership Portage North Middle School Staff Meeting December 8, 2008
What is “Shared Leadership”? The shared leadership model ensures that
parents, teachers, students and principals are empowered to provide leadership in some capacity; Collaboration/investment of all stakeholders for shared goals/purpose (student learning); Establishing a culture where the collective wisdom of the team strengthens student learning.
Professional Learning Communities A professional learning community is one
where EVERYONE works together for the benefit of all students; The focus is on learning for ALL students; It is a culture of collaboration and is data driven.
What do we want students to learn? How do we know if they have learned it? What do we do if they don’t? What do we do if they need to be challenged more?
Examples of Shared Leadership at NMS… Grade Level Team Meetings Team Teaching - Stephanie/Andy School Improvement Team MiBLSi Team Math Lab Lunch Supervision Department Chairs
Potential Positive Outcomes Commitment rather than compliance Everyone has a vested interest in
achieving school wide goals Drawing from the strengths of multiple peoples’ skills and talents It builds a trusting environment which allows for honest and difficult discussions
Top-Down Model Potential Negative Outcomes Compliance rather than commitment Sometimes the people at the top are
unaware of the problems or the intricacies of the problem. When a leader leaves, changes that had been implemented are often lost.
Advantages/Disadvantages of old TopDown Model Advantage - A clear leader, always the same person/persons enforcing rules/holding teachers accountable. Disadvantage - less buy in, less ownership of outcomes, less representation ------- Advantage - We knew what was expected—whether one like it or not Disadvantage - Too many people not moving or moving in the wrong direction ------ Too little teacher empowerment. Too little collaboration. However, it is a predictable and comfortable model. ------ Advantages: roles were clear people had expertise in their roles teachers could focus on & put all energy into teaching
Disadvantage: Too much for one person Animosity stemming from being told what to do sometimes lack of buy-in
In what ways can staff
members support the shared leadership model at NMS, which will be essential to the success of further implementation of the
How can we Support the MiBLSi Initiative?
give constructive feedback—ask questions for clarification individuals must step up and accept a role—those who don’t tend to find doubt and hold the group back individuals need to be encouraged to take an active part and be accepted into leadership “group” celebrate successes & express concerns Give it a try and see what happens Listen when they talk—read directions Share something that works learn to take responsibility collectively for the results adopt the mindset that everyone works together for the benefit of ALLStudents learn to trust each other’s abilities be willing to share ideas Use teacher input/critique when making decisions & changes. We are the ones in the classrooms. We see best what is and is not working, what students most need, etc. More staff meetings where we can share and reflect with Administrators Consistency and accountability in decision making, individual treatment, sharing information, handling conflict, etc. Contribute to advisory through lesson plans, ideas, vested interest, positive energy, use of raffle, use CHAMPS, etc.
THE Triangle