Shantikunj Introduction

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 3
Shantikunj - An Introduction The Saint-Scholar-Philosopher par excellence, Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, who in his youth was also a freedom fighter, is the founder of Shantikunj which has emerged over the years, a unique centre and fountain-head of a global movement of Yug Nirman Yojna for moral- spiritual regeneration in the light of hoary Indian heritage. It is the head-quarter of Yug Nirman Yojna of the Gayatri Pariwar which has a following of more than a twenty million devoted disciples and seventy million persons all over the world. Through the Seer- Vision of the Yugrishi the founder organiser and patron who was born on 20th September 1911 in the village Anwalkhera ,Agra (U.P.) INDIA, Shantikunj has grown into a unique fountain-head of moral, ethical and spiritual awakening of the masses in India carrying the seer-vision of Acharyashri with the massage of love, peace, understanding and unity-in-diversity to all corners of the globe. The gist of Gurudev’s massege is the lighting up of human consciousness to a higher and nobler realm of light, Love and life instincts with divine harmony and joy. Vandniya Mata Bhagvati Devi Sharma (worshiped as the emanation of mother Durga by the Gayatri Pariwar) has been the foremost collaboration and discipline of Gurudev. She contributed the most in giving concrete shape to the ideals and dreams of her soul-mate. The smooth working of this vast organization is based on voluntary contribution of fifty paisa, one handful of grain and one hour daily of mission work by millions of its devotees. Shantikunj is devoted to cultural, ethical, moral and spiritual awakening and national integration. Development of divinity in mankind is the foremost goal and avowed objective. Pledged for national peace, prosperity, amity, love, goodwill and fraternity irrespective of region, religion, faith, caste, creed, sect etc., Shantikunj is a unique abode true to its name. Visitors of all faiths & linkages are glued to the Ashram, when they visit and view its peace & fraternal treatment. The courteous ovation and pleasing treatment add glory to the solemn attraction and the visitor wishes to come here again. Expansion of national unity, amity and brotherhood and extinction of ignorance, jealousy, hatred, and strife from globe are being attempted by popularizing Gayatri Mantra, Yagya and Sanskar, the adoption of which invokes celestial thoughts and inspires for divine deeds. The divinity may be seen firmly fixed in every activity of this holy shrine. Elegant Complex Yug Rishi Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya, who founded All World Gayatri Pariwar with its headquarter at Shantikunj was of the definite view that in this era of materialism, spiritual principles can be accepted by the mass, when they are scientifically established by facts, examples and interpretation. Therefore, he laid emphasis for the establishment of a Research Institute of scientific spirituality. Brahmvarchas Shodh Sansthan came into existence. Brahma Varchas Shodh Sansthan Situated at a distance of hardly 5 to 6 hundred meters from the main complex of Shantikunj, just on the bank of holy Ganga is an unique institution of its own kind in the world. Dedicated to the noble cause for integration of Science with Spirituality, it conducts fundamental and applied researches in the vast realm of Gayatri Mantra-the eternal source of universal knowledge and cosmic energy, which on liberation during incessant recitation, affects body and mind and exercises beneficial influence on health. Investigations are made on the influence of the vast realm of spiritual Sadhana, chanting of mantras, incessant recitations, herbal & Aurvedic medicines on human body, mind and health. Effects of fumes emitted from the Yagya of various medicinal plants on different human diseases, as well as, on environmental purification are also investigated to prove the utility of yagya in human welfare and maintenance of ecological balance. Scientific principles underlying Yagyopathy are being analysed. Effect of Yagya in influencing the physical, etheral and causal bodies is under investigation. Effect of the Yagya environment on the refinement of self and curative action on various diseases is also being investigated to establish Yagyopathy on scientific basis for the treatment of human ailments. Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya Another noteworthy contribution of unparalleled and unsurpassed significance is the establishment of an university of its own kind of the world with the avowed objective of imparting global education on scientific spirituality and life style. These form the base of human transformation and result in the development of Divine manners, charming habits, noble character, captivating sweet behavior and elegant qualities, which may enable the human race to shun it’s ego, selfishness and material greed and develop rational thought, and compassion for all animate & inanimate world.

With a view to revive our past glorious civilization, inducing noble sanskars, patriotism, national unity, amity and brother hood irrespective of region, religion, caste, creed, sect etc., Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya has been developed on the pattern of Takshshila and Nalanda, the two glorious universities of ancient days with four faculties in the initial stage viz. Sadhana, Shiksha, Swasthya and Swavlamban. Trainings to inculcate holistic thoughts & Action For upliftment of the moral, cultural, spiritual and ethical values, national integration and development of youths, various trainings are organized regularly. Amongst these, 9 days training of Sanjeewani Vidya, one month training of Yug Shilpy and Paribrajak, three months training for proficiency in sangeet are the regular ones. Occasional trainings of officers, and employees of Govt., local bodies, Corporations, Banks, factories etc. are also organized on elegant life style, organizational management, efficient working methodology, work culture, glory of labour, health, behavioral science, value of time, inculcation of discipline, duty consciousness, besides national integration. For the alround development of villages and self-employment generation, 9 days training is also imparted to selected village folk in the uplift of the villages. Training relates to agriculture, horticulture, herbal production, Dairy and Cottage industries. All these trainings aim at an alround development of the nation & integration of the country by inducing noble sentiments in the minds of individuals by adoption of scientific ways of spirituality, which can remedy all the ills afflicting the nation. Network of Shantikunj Shantikunj has a vast network of about 4000 Shaktipeeths-Pragya Peeths, 25000 Pragya Sansthans & 30,000 Swadhyaya Mandals etc., which regularly organise satsang, discourses, inspiring songs, discussions on various problems in their areas to advance the noble cause of the mission. Infact, these serve as local centres of which Shantikunj is the Headquarter. Rich Literary heritage The intellectual giant, the saint, and savage, who established these organizations was also blessed with boundless gift of literary capability, which may be realized from more than 3000 books published by him, the essence of which is being summarized in 108 volumes of “Vangmaya”. The exceptional literary contribution of moral, cultural, ethical and spiritual glory of the Yug Rishi furnishes ample proof for his outstanding knowledge in various fields. Gurudeva initially started a monthly magazine “Akhand Joyti” in 1937 in Hindi with a humble beginning of 250 copies, circulation of which has now risen to 15 lakhs per month. It contains articles on moral, cultural, spiritual, ethical and social life style, national integration, amity, unity and brother hood. Elimination of ignorance, fanatism, jealousy, hatred, strife and all sorts of evils afflicting the human race is the avowed objective of this publication. There is no subject of human welfare beginning from the most mundane to the highest level of spirituality, which remains untouched by this magazine. Achievements Shantikunj has performed gigantic tasks unknown in the history of thousands of years of this country. After the magnificent 1008 Kundi Maha Yagya in 1958, it has performed 24 similar Gaytri Mahayagyas in each of which 2 to 3 lakh persons participated. Besides these, 28 Ashwamedha Yagyas were also organsied for Global awakening of people in each of which 10 to 15 lakh people took part. Yug Sandhi Mahapurashcharan of 12 years penance was celebrated in two installments. The first Mahapurnahuti was organized in 1995 at the birth place of Revered Gurudeva at Anwal Khera, Agra, in which 30 to 40 lakh people participated. It was the grandest celebration of the Mission. The second Maha puranahuti was organised at Hardwar in the year 2000 in 5 steps in which almost ten million devotees participated. Besides the performance of gigantic Ygyas, more than 250 Sanskar Mahotsawa of magnanimous form were also organised in different parts of the country for revival of the ancient practice of Sanskar in the most elegant manner, which turned even the mental plane of hard criminals. They refined themselves and started living a civil life after wards. In this process, the organization has proved to be a unique spiritual sanitorium for people of all walks of life of the country and of different parts of the world. Temples of Prakhar Pragya & Sajal Shradha The splendid Prakhar Pragya and Sajal Shardha, two tiny temples made up of marble contain the Charan Peeths of the intellectual giant Param Poojya Gurudev Pt. Shri Ram Sharma Acharya and Vandneeya Mata Bhagawati Devi Sharma. These are the monumental source of inspiration for self enlightenment and fulfillment of cherished desires. Thousands of men, women and children daily pour in to

offer prayer for bestowal of alround peace, prosperity and success in their life. Young couples pray for unbroken companionship, amity and fidelity worth commendation. Just in front of these tiny temples, are the sacred tombs of the departed Rishiyugm made of sparkling granite stone, which are draw enormous reverence from the people and are fully charged with celestial life consciousness. Akhand Deep Most pious “Akhand Deep” ignited by the Yug Rishi, as back as, in 1926 is still lighting. In its proximity he conducted 24 gigantic Purashcharns of 24 lakhs recitations of Gayatri Mantra each, in 24 years. On its completion, 1008 Kundi Grand Gayatri Mahayagya was performed in 1958, which resulted in the attainment of immense super natural power by him and benefited millions of other people. Akhand Deep is still-incessantly wiping out the gloom. Mere sight of this Akhand Deep alleviates sorrows and sufferings and delivers divine grants. Thousands of men, women and children daily throng for its Darshan. Splendid Yagyashala’s Owing to enormous increase of visitors, Shantikunj Ashram has also made tremendous expansion during the last one decade to accommodate the visitors. Many new buildings have been constructed. Three splendid canopies for performing Yagya have been constructed which present a memorable sight in the morning hours, when thousands of devotees clad in saffron colour clothes perform Yagya in the blazing flame with chanting of Mantras and seek inspiration for making sacrifice for welfare of all living beings of earth from Yagya. All the Sanskars are also performed in morning time, in various canopies and buildings free of cost for refinement of personality. Devatma Himalaya It is a live monument of pilgrim centres of the sacred Himalaya, where ancient Rishi’s lived and performed their penance. Made in circular form and oval shape for performing Dhyan Sadhana in a calm, quiet and a peaceful atmosphere, it can accommodate thousands of devotees at a time for meditation. With audiovisual feedback from multimedia projection Dev Sanskriti is also exhibited. Devatma Himalaya is surrounded by lush green vegetation, exhibition of medicinal plants and Haritima Devalaya. Hospital & Dispensaries Elegant dispensaries of Aurveda, Homeopathy and Allopathy are other attractions, where qualified Doctors render free service to patients. Medicines are also supplied free of cost on their prescription. They also render free advice for maintenance of sound health and improvement of natural immunity of the body system. Shantikunj, Haridwar, 249 411 (Uttranchal) Phone : (01334) - 260602, 260309, 261367 Fax : (01334) - 260723, 260866, E-mail: [email protected] Website

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