Shaitan Bana Asaram Bapu Tricks To Brainwash To Work In Ashram

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Shaitan bana Asaram Secrets of Asaram Bapu & his son Narayan Sindhi Tricks used by Tantrik asaram bapu to brainwash young people who become his followers This document will explain you why asaram had so many followers, and why there are still some left in his ashram as his fanatic followers. How asaram manipulates innocent people and recruit them to work in his ashram as slaves. I am not asking for money and I am not selling this document, this is real life of people who are still left in asarams mind prison called ashram and this is written so you can understand how asaram ashram functions & this document is only meant to express my feelings and warn you so you can learn from our experiences from asaram and may save you and your family from asaram. Please forgive me for any grammatical mistakes as I am not a writer we are team of ex asaram followers who have ruined their live in the illusion of asaram. Every line & word written in this document is true & very important and it may save you & your family life. If you feel something you didn’t understood and that can’t be happening then reread this document and try to talk to his ashram inmates or visit them personally and you will know the real facts, and will agree with me that how dangerous asaram cult is, and why it is important that his ashram should be seized and CBI should arrest both father & son. So try to understand what writer is trying to say if I am not able to say it correctly in words. In the initial pages you will find how asaram ashram is run and how they control the behavior of person to make them psychotic. Tricks and techniques used by his ashram can only be understood if you try to picture them with a sadhak inmate who is living in his ashram. Why his son looks like he has good diet but most of the inmates who have been brainwashed will look pale and weak, even though they came from good families. How their health detoriates inside the ashram and they become weak and eventually they die in ashram and their body is never found. Family of these sadhak keeps waiting and wondering about their loved ones but asaram never send them back to their homes. When Tantrik asaram bapu sees a devotee who comes from a wealthy family or a person he can exploit then he wants to modify his devotee behavior and attitude quickly, that deals with a type of practical psychology. The Tantrik asaram bapu devotee must be cut off from all social support, from their social background, from their families, their familiar environment, their friends, their workplace, their schools, and be brought into a new environment, like Delhi person will be taken to Ahmedabad. And then, in order to be able to manage behavior processing, an absolute control over information is necessary, i.e., control of mail, telephone calls, radio and television, visitors, etc. Tantrik asaram Bapu carry out indoctrination this way gain total control over all possible incoming information. In doing so Tantrik asaram bapu avail themselves of a very subtle process. If, for instance, young people would want to telephone their parents or call their friends, they throw their coins into the pay telephones, but the devices in this ashram are always coincidentally broken down. Any access to past ties is therefore completely cut off. Since the people are immediately subjected to an intensive, waking program, they soon suffer from a sleep deficit, which clouds their critical ability to judge. On top of that, newcomers are put on a protein-poor diet, which leads to digestive disorders so that they do not feel well. They are told, however, that this queasiness is a result of their own evil and satanic existence. Most young people have not been trained to know that a protein-poor diet leads to these complaints. When someone becomes a vegetarian of his own free will, first he usually gathers information as to how he can obtain a sufficient amount of protein. True vegetarians get enough protein even without meat, fish or poultry and do not suffer from these digestive difficulties. So the young people who join Tantrik asaram bapu ashram will be kept on lack of sleep and lack of protein. Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

When one is first invited by the sadak to visit ashram, a senior sadak is always seated on either side of the guests. One is never alone and neither can one speak freely with the other new "recruits." They start to prevent the recruit from thinking about what he is doing from the ashram outset. They want to stop anyone from reinforcing the doubt or negative attitude, which the new "candidates" will undoubtedly have as recruits. When the recruits arrive in the ashram, any negative feeling has been suppressed. It is explained to them right away that "negativity" is not expressed in groups. If they have questions or negative impressions, they are to direct themselves to designate, mostly upper-level people. In this way the recruit does not find out that others also have doubts. He or she just looks around the circle of people and gets the impression that all are in favor because the Tantrik asaram bapu recruiters have suppressed any negative feeling through their teachings and through the method in which they deal with the recruits and with their own people. Then they capture the entire attention of the recruit through games, lectures, satsang and singing. In other words, they involve people so much that they do not even have time to think about what they are doing. In this way they place people into a sort of trance state. Most people do not even know that they can be hypnotized and put into a trance state by very simple and subtle methods without needing any spectacular preparation like the hypnotist on stage who takes out his watch, swings it around in circles and asks his audience to watch him very closely. There are many subtle processes of capturing other's attention and causing them to fixate on something, on a lecture or singing, for instance. Through direct, repetitive suggestion their attention can be fixated and all coincidental associations can be suppressed so that young people can be placed into a sort of fascination trance. In this way young people are put into an altered state of consciousness so that their own thoughts and considerations are gradually more and more limited, that means they think less and less about themselves. Their clothing still needs to be mentioned. If one really would like to change somebody, the external appearance has to be changed, too. Therefore they cause the young people to cut their hair, they give them new clothing and new names, too; all that is part of their new identity. They give them nicknames. They do that in very subtle ways. Inside the Tantrik asaram bapu ashram, extensive use is made of accidents, of explaining a coincidence by saying that it happened because the person affected was seeking a religious experience or a greater religious meaning in his life. What would have been a sheer coincidence is interpreted by Tantrik asaram bapu as a special, divine connection or prophecy. They use all possible minor accidents to give the impression that the fact of their encounter is far more preordained than perhaps would have been generally assumed. At the end of this, all old connections are described as Satanic. Relations to parents, friends, etc. are to be broken from that point on because they are evil. The end result of this treatment is that people feel extremely guilty because of their past. Any instability, any deviation, such as smoking marijuana or an occasional LSD trip, is held up to them as very, very evil. And since most young people do not know what everybody else who has smoked marijuana says, they get the feeling that their little "slip" in using marijuana was already serious drug abuse. That is how it is suggested to them that they were very evil in the past. Wholesale feelings of guilt are produced in this way. Moreover they are given a feeling of guilt that if they leave the group, all their forefathers and descendants will be damned. Therefore the recruits develop major feelings of fear and guilt. It is explained to them that they are worthy of love, etc. And that is, naturally, very effective. Most of the youth with whom I have spoken became members at a point in their lives in which they were very discouraged and very lonely. At the same time feelings of guilt and fear are aroused and manipulated in Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

them in order to convince them that they can only be saved if they stay with the group of Tantrik asaram bapu. Apart from being depressed and discouraged, many young people have sexual conflicts. How should they choose their partner, have sexual intercourse and marry? When they enter Tantrik asaram bapu ashram, any sex they had dies. Tantrik asaram bapu will brainwash you once inside the ashram by having you listen to his tapes cd continuously, primarily as concerns psychological manipulation, isolating people from their past, changing their conduct, forgetting or giving up their past and remaining with the group. Save your loved ones form this inhumane person, god exists everywhere Tantrik asaram bapu or his son is not god. have faith in you and your god and you will do good in life. You don't need this corrupt man. Hinduism doesn't teach you to disrespect our religious feelings. But these days some people have made it commercial for making money. Seems like some scammer’s greed doesn't ends there, besides raping our faith and having us waste our precious time in serving their ashram for their own benefit in the name of spirituality. Well these duo have crossed the limit, and we condemn their philosophy and the way they have used our Hindu religion. It's a shame and disgrace on us when they call themselves as bhagwan (god) Details and link to video is at can be found by searching tantrik asaram. We are hurt by Tantrik asaram and his son actions and using Hindu religion as their savior to hide their cowardly acts. They are shame on our society. Making fool of people in the name of spirituality by using influence & exploiting innocent people in the name of devotees and guru is not recommended in Hindu or infact in any religion. Hinduism is a sacred religion and people like Tantrik asaram should be hanged to death for exploiting poor and innocent people in India who get easily influenced when they see them as public figure. It's a shame and disgrace to Sadhu samaj, and on our Hindu culture. It's really a two-part problem. First, Tantrik asaram Bapu cult is founded by a single person who retains a position of exclusive power within the organization, and power tends to corrupt even the most ethical among us. In the case of The Tantrik asaram Bapu, there is evidence that its leader, Tantrik asaram Bapu, is abusing religious beliefs and is involved in forgery, scams, land grabbing, land encroachment, seduction, mass fantatics protestors. Because Tantrik asaram Bapu groups operate outside the mainstream, there is usually no one checking up on their operating procedures, so a corrupt or mentally unstable leader like Tantrik asaram Bapu is free to exploit his followers to his heart's content. In addition to this authoritarian leadership structure, some primary tactics or characteristics of a destructive cult like of Tantrik asaram bapu uses are:: Behavior Control Regulation of individual's physical reality a. Where, how and with whom the member lives and associates with. ==== Anyone who is recruited or has been chosen to be exploited is made to leave his home and leave his family so he can fully work in ashram. b. What clothes, colors, hairstyles the person wears ===== You will not be able to bring you own clothes, you will be living on the mercy of ashram for clothes, and other visitors in the ashram will give you their torned clothes to wear. If your family visits the ashram and bring clothes for you then you are required to give them away to the ashram. Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

c. What food the person eats, drinks, adopts, and rejects ==== Tantrik asaram bapu has built canteen inside the ashram, and slaves working in the ashram are given only special diets in the name of sativk food. which includes high sugar, and no vitamins or fruits forever. you are not allowed to eat outside the ashram. if you family brings fruits for you you will give to the ashram kitchen period. d. How much sleep the person is able to have ==== you are living in ashram, you are made to work from 6 am till 10 pm whole day with no break, then while sleeping you are required to do meditation infact think about Tantrik asaram for 3 hours. in total you will be given 4 hours of sleep per day. e. Financial dependence == you will never have money, your home your property etc you will be made to donate to Tantrik asaram ashram in the name of yoga Vedanta Samiti or to his son name narayan swami, or to sureshanand. From now on you will live in side the ashram on the mercy of ashram, if your parents ever come and give you money for you to come home or money to eat proper food then you will donate that money to the donation box instantly. f. Little or no time spent on leisure, entertainment, vacations === you are never given off once working as slave in ashram, forget about current affairs or new or news paper or TV etc. You will be manipulated to miss the funeral of your parents, mother father, brother sister, or any other family members. You are in control of the ashram the only entertainment you will ever have is to do mediation and put your mind towards Tantrik asaram itself. This way even in the time you are free you are being brain washed to be more attached to Tantrik asaram. 2. Major time commitment required for indoctrination sessions and group rituals ==== you are required to visit satsang in your city which takes up around 5-6 hours for couple of days, then you are required to do dhayan in your home in front of Tantrik asaram picture for 1-2 hours daily, and all you do while closing your eyes is do jaap chanting of a particular slogan repeatedly and try to picture Tantrik asaram photo in your mind. This way every time you close your eyes all you see is Tantrik asaram. 3. Need to ask permission for major decisions === Once you are in ashram you have some one else who is senior than you or has been living there for more number of years than you will check upon you. You are required to tell him what you did today, can you speak to some one else, can you go to some ones home. you are never allowed to go to your home so the question of asking doesn't even arise. 4. Need to report thoughts, feelings and activities to superiors == Yes, if you ever thought that Tantrik asaram is using you are if you come across any court case or real person who was abused by Tantrik asaram and you even ever got a thought that is there something wrong? Then you must report to your sadak guru Bhai (senior devotee), he will tell you that speaking against Sant or guru is an evil thought. If you think or speak against the guru cult leader then you are given talks like :: The slanderer of the Saint is misled into desolation. The slanderer of the Saint is empty inside, like the corpse of a dead man, without the breath of life. The slanderer of the Saint has no heritage at all. He himself must eat what he has planted. The slanderer of the Saint cannot be saved by anyone else. infact the cult leader is portrayed as Sant saint lord god and if you speak against him you are an evil. 5. Rewards and punishments (behavior modification techniques- positive and negative). === They will say they lost some money because of you and then will put a guilt in you that you are responsible for the loss now you will have to work hard to make up for the loss. If you make up by begging or making others fool and get money for the ashram then you will be given a chain to hang in you neck with cult leader Tantrik asaram picture means now you are total fanatic and are a brainwashed slave for ever. They will Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

humiliate you in front of hundreds of other followers if you ever had a thought of leaving ashram, they will praise you if you come back even after family was able to take you away from ashram. 6. Individualism discouraged; group think prevails == You are no body, only way to think is through other sadaks who are fanatics. You have no identity, you are left with no family only family you have is other fanatics like you and only way to ever do is to tell others in ashram what you plan to do and then if they all approve and it is approved by Tantrik asaram himself then you do what you are told to do only. 7. Rigid rules and regulations ==== There are numerous rules in every area you can think including you can't talk to family, you cant go home, you can't tell people what ashram does. etc. 8. Need for obedience and dependency. === You are a slave and you have no identity . you are dependent for money which you never get, you can't do anything on your own except to do the job which you are assigned to do and you will be doing that for years to come forever your life. II. Information Control 1. Use of Deception in recruiting ---- Tantrik asaram manipulates his new followers by showing he is a religious man rather than coming in open and telling this is my past and how many people and families I have ruined for my own benefit. They will have you invite others in family or friends to the satsang or discourses, pravachan and once you visit you will be influenced by the charismatic leadership of Tantrik asaram that so many followers have left homes to work in ashram. After couple of visits you will be involved in their workings and within couple of weeks you will be recruited inside the ashram and will be manipulated to leave your home in the name of sadhna and work as slave in ashram. Only young people in the age of 18-30 are manipulated to leave homes and work as slaves in ashram, rest of them are left outside to promote Tantrik asaram in public and bring more recruits. Or if you run a business and are good with public influence then you are used as a public relation person in the society. Ultimate goal is to recruit you and then exploit you or have you exploit others for Tantrik asaram promotion. a. Deliberately holding back information === You are never told what kind of legal problems Tantrik asaram bapu is facing. You are never told what happened to the people who spoke the truth about the cult leader and why they are missing. Even after so many facts came on TV after murder of two kids inside his ashram there were number of people got courage to speak up their hurt and pain suffered by asaram. Because when you are in pain and people who are influenced by illusion smoke created by asaram don’t understand the facts you had no option and just to cry. So most of the victims were crying. A mother waiting for her son to be released from asaram mind prison called ashram, A father waiting for his daughter to be released from the whore house of asaram called ashram. Because media was under influence by the political clout of asaram, even though media did show number of reports against asaram whenever they happened but they didn’t made headlines because every time some expose about asaram came asaram went into damage control mode and started preaching this is sajish against me. b. Distorting information to make it acceptable ==== Tantrik asaram bapu will manipulate all legal cases against him. for example one kid was killed and is since missing from Rajokri ashram, Father of the kid sent letters to president of India, governor of Delhi stating and accusing Yoga Vedanta Samiti ashram which is controlled by Tantrik asaram and Tantrik asaram was there had killed his son inside the ashram because his son had hit one sadak in accident outside the ashram with his motorcycle. Number of witnesses were there but it has been years his son is never seen after this incident, but because Tantrik asaram has influenced over local police and politicians so nearby villager who witnessed states that this kid was killed by sadaks in ashram itself and then was digged in grave in ashram boundary itself. but case Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

has been distorted and is presents by Tantrik asaram that the kid was a thief and he was pick pocketing and he ran away. There are number of cases like this in every Tantrik asaram ashram. c. Outright lying === if family or media speaks to Tantrik asaram on live TV or in public that they had been requesting him to send his son home or why they not being meet with their son he will lie that we never stopped him to speak to you, he is happy in ashram and is living at his own will. Asaram will hide at the back and then have the inmate of his ashram fight with his family and teach him form back what to say. Phoot dalo rajniti karo. He will put so much hate for the family in the mind of the inmate that inmate will think asaram as god and his family as evil. Asaram and his son will also perform tantrik ritual on the inmate person so he can’t leave even if he wants to. Most of the tantrik rituals done by asaram require some kind of human body part sacrificed as mentioned in the interview of one of his ex inmate on TV, when he exposed letters of narayan on how to do tantrik pooja and types of pooja, which were explained on TV channels. Letterhead of narayan, which had mantras for tantrik pooja including how to make a person goonga, how to kills some one by mantra, how to have a women in your control. Etc. 2. Access to non-cult sources of information minimized or discouraged === Followers are told not to speak to anyone who doesn't believe in Tantrik asaram as god including you own family or any one from media. a. Books, articles, newspapers, magazines, TV, radio === you are never given newspaper, magazine, TV stating that those are sin things. The only book you can read is which are written by ashram and only music you can listen in which Tantrik asaram is speaking. And in most of his books, speeches he speaks why a guru is important for your life and why you shouldn’t listen anything against your guru. b. Critical information == different sadaks followers are in all cities who may be in a government job so they have ample of time to fight with critical information they receive about Tantrik asaram c. Former members === there is no former member, because if you ever plan to leave ashram you are disappeared. And if for some reason your family is able to take you away and is able to take you to anti cult people then you are discarded as garbage and an evil person who took money from ashram and was a shame on Tantrik asaram. This asaram damages a person brain so bad that it takes years for a person to recover. This is why victims who are speaking now have been victimized for years before. Victims who just came out of his ashram might be in recovery mode and trying to understand how stupid he was to waste so much precious time of his life for culprits like asaram and his son narayan. d. Keep members so busy they don't have time to think === There are cases where a person is in the ashram for last 10 years, he never called home or went home. He has no time in day to talk because he is given so much job to do that he has no time to think. Because if inmates sadhaks start thinking and start using their mind then asaram will be exposed. So he keeps his mind prison inmates busy even by telling them that you are doing sadhna and now take my name for next 6 hours Imagine what will happen to a person who is taking asaram name and repeating continuously for 6 –8 hours 3. Compartmentalization of information; Outsider vs. Insider doctrines === anyone who has not taken deeksha mean has given money and then took picture of Tantrik asaram and done meditation for hours and tried to put picture of Tantrik asaram in his mind for hours per day is an outsider, and is not allowed to know anything about ashram.

Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

a. Information is not freely accessible == Try asking anything about financial of Tantrik asaram or whereabouts of Tantrik asaram or past details of a sadak (follower), or what he does whole day you will be kept in illusion. b. Information varies at different levels and missions within pyramid === New recruits are only meant for footwork and to sell tapes on the streets or get member ship fees for books. and information about ashram and the way ashram function is different than if you ask the person who is living in ashram and is a little senior. c. Leadership decides who "needs to know" what == It's Tantrik asaram himself who will decide which follower devotee or brainwashed person should be given which job. 4. Spying on other members is encouraged == all phone calls are tapped. If a followers family comes to ashram then you will have another 40-50 followers near you who will keep an eye on your and you loved ones movement so they can keep track and control what information you provide him. a. Pairing up with "buddy" system to monitor and control --- you are given "guru Bhai " who acts as your brother and you only work with him and sleep with him. b. Reporting deviant thoughts, feelings, and actions to leadership == if you ever thought anything against Tantrik asaram then you should report to senior guru bhai who will in turn tell you to do maun vrata , (non speaking fasting) and mediation, You will not speak to anyone for a week and you will do dhayan of guru while closing your eyes for a week. This way Tantrik asaram controls your mind and you are being brainwashed every time you ever had a thought against cult leader. 5. Extensive use of cult generated information and propaganda === You are bound to read books written by ashram, and you bound to say what ashram is telling you to say in language they want you to say. a. Newsletters, magazines, journals, audio tapes, videotapes, etc. === Yes, they have their own magazine called "Rishi Prasad" for which you collect membership fees of apx Rs.500 apx. $20 this is the initial stage. Then you are sold tapes, Cd, ayurvedic medicine which are not authenticated though and have never been tested by any lab. Then you are made used to drink cow urine, stating it has nutritional values, but even that cow urine is not urine, that is collected from bus stations rail stations in Rajasthan Human Public urinals. b. Misquotations, statements taken out of context from non-cult sources === Misquote every thing including Gita and mould it in such a way that every Hindu book in the world ever said is that guru is only thing you ever need in this life and you should leave everything on guru. And guru is your god so now Tantrik asaram is your god. Even in every speech or discourse he does he will include line stating guru deeksha is param dharam, means you are not religious if I am not your guru. 6. Unethical use of confession ==== They will use every means of manipulation of every statement given by any sadak or follower. Mostly this is used to exploit the follower or sadak and have him work in ashram. a. Information about "sins" used to abolish identity boundaries ==== You are a sin because you took so long to come to ashram and donate yourself. Every one else in the world is a sin. You are the best and people in the ashram is your only family, you will be a sin if you ever leave us. etc. Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

b. Past "sins" used to manipulate and control; no forgiveness or absolution ==== Your grand father / parents soul "aatma" is still wandering after their death and the only way their soul can rest in peace if you live in ashram and serve ashram. III. Thought Control 1. Need to internalize the group's doctrine as "Truth" == Only truth is the "Rishi Prasad" the magazine they print. c. Good vs. evil === we are good when we are in ashram; every one outside is an evil. Any one who brings truth about asaram activities is an evil and sajish kar raha hai. d. Us vs. them (inside vs. outside) === we are insiders as we are living in ashram and others are sin who live outside are living in material world. 2. Adopt "loaded" language (characterized by "thought-terminating clichés"). Words are the tools we use to think with. These "special" words constrict rather than expand understanding. They function to reduce complexities of experience into trite, platitudinous "buzz words". "Inside language" that only members fully understand ==== Ask any of the family members who are hurt by Tantrik asaram what happened to their child, in fact followers attitude towards parents and family changes, and he sees them as an outsider, and his sect in ashram has their own code words like satta bazaar has their own words same way Tantrik asaram followers who are living in Ahmedabad ashram has their own words which we can't understand. in these words they tell each other we can trust the third person or be aware of the person because he is against Tantrik asaram, or if we can make fool and con the person of his money or can make him a slave for their ashram. 3. Only "good" and "proper" thoughts are encouraged. == If you speak about your family and want to go back you are discouraged, only talk you can ever do is how to recruit more people for ashram and how to increase money for ashram 4. Thought-stopping techniques (to shut down "reality testing" by stopping "negative" thoughts and allowing only "good" thoughts); rejection of rational analysis, critical thinking, constructive criticism. ==== Every time you come across a negative thought about Tantrik asaram you are given a punishment to go inside a room and lock yourself for hours and do chanting and fasting. a. Denial, rationalization, justification, wishful thinking == you are not suppose to thin anything else except that you are thank full to Tantrik asaram that he has let you live in his ashram and you are saved form material world. b.= Chanting == you will do chanting for 18 hours/day when you are just recruited, after about a week when you are brainwashed and are made under their control now you are given a job to do in ashram. now you will do chanting for 2 hours in morning and 2 hours in evening , rest of the time you will be working. if you are an old person and are not recruited for inside the ashram work and are sill living at home then you are given big photographs of Tantrik asaram to place in your shop , business, home, and in the temple space inside your home. so every time you pray you pray to Tantrik asaram and you need to do that for couple of hours/day.

Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

c. Meditating === while meditating all you do is bring picture of Tantrik asaram in your mind and you are given hidden symbols like of ohm this way every time you see ohm picture of Tantrik asaram comes to you mind. d. Praying === you will not be praying to any god once you took deeksha or are staying in the ashram from now on your will be praying to Tantrik asaram as your god. e. Speaking in "tongues" === speak slow and speak like other hypnotic speakers speak to have more impact on what you are saying. f. Singing or humming === Only thing you will ever sing is about Tantrik asaram and that too repeatedly say Tantrik asaram bapu you are my savior, you saved me. etc etc. and repeat this for thousand times a day. In the name of diksha he gives you mantra that is his own name to sing in your mind thousand times and not to tell what he told you to do. So now you keep on repeating his name in your mind forever your life and you are in the way to become psychotic and submissive person. You are also given a picture of asaram to keep so you can look at the picture all time and submit your emotions and yourself to him. 5. No critical questions about leader, doctrine, or policy seen as legitimate === nothing is legitimate, Out of hundreds of victims who criticized or people who filed court cases and won are not legitimate only Tantrik asaram is legitimate. Every one who is giving their life story and how their life is ruined by asaram is lying? Asaram still has that mother’s child and that father’s daughter in his ashram they were lying? asaram still has the property of so many people which he forged to get into his name. Asaram saying this is conspiracy against him !!! Asaram is history now and all his ashrams will be closed soon and people will be saved from his ashram and sent back to their homes so they can recover from the mental torture they have been through in asaram ashram. 6. No alternative belief systems viewed as legitimate, good, or useful ==== there is no other god except Tantrik asaram. Even your own mother is an evil and has no use for you , only bapu Tantrik asaram will save you. IV. Emotional Control:: this is how people who are once brainwashed in asaram ashram are made to stay in ashram only. 1. Manipulate and narrow the range of a person's feelings. ==== You ever smoke a cigarette in the past, well this is your crime and now you will work in ashram forever your life. This could be anything they will manipulate as it was the sin you did. 2. Make the person feel like if there are ever any problems it is always their fault, never the leader's or the group's. === If your family ever approached media and scornfully took you out , it is you fault that you didn't said I am living in ashram at my own will. If you ever did a blunder and it becomes public and if ashram is in trouble due to that then you are blamed individually. 3. Excessive use of guilt ==== people who are staying in ashram are made to feel guilty every day. they are guilty that they were not capable of taking care of the family this is why they are here, and they are not capable to do anything now because they lost so many years. most of the sadak "'Guru Bhai" are made to have sex among themselves in their own circle in front of other followers. This way you are ashamed if you ever leave the ashram. It’s guilt guilt and guilt they will fill you up with guilt that some times you feel like doing suicide, but then they come and save you saying now you devote your life to Tantrik asaram. About sexual exploitation of women by asaram & his son I will write in my next letter. Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

a. Identity guilt === you are no body, you are nothing, but some times you feel guilty why I am here and what happened to my family now you are more guilty, and who i am now? What will I do now more guilt. 1. Who you are (not living up to your potential) === You could not do anything in this material world, you are nothing, the only way you could anything ever be is by working hard for the ashram. 2. Your family == your family is a sin, your family wants you back because you own share in the property and they want to take that away from you. you must stay in ashram and give that property share in the name of Tantrik asaram . This way the family can't sell the property and ashram has one more control over the family, then they extract money from the family to give the share or most of the time they will take their property in the ashram name and convert it as a small ashram, or a office. or will sell it to collect free money. Your family will not accept you, because they are in material world. either way in the process they will have you fight with your own family and have you curse your own mother father family, this way you will have one more guilt and never want to face the family. 3. Your past == your past has no value, you were a sin, your past was a horrible thing. You were not happy in the past. now you are happy and if you stay in ashram you will happy. 4. Your affiliations == your affiliation is with ashram only, all your previous affiliations are broken now will have guilt about breaking ashram affiliation if you plan to leave. 5. Your thoughts, feelings, actions === all are manipulated with guilt 6. Social guilt == what will show to some one what you did with your life in last 10 years in ashram. 7. Historical guilt === what's your history of ashram and about your career you have nothing to show. you will be ashamed if you ever leave. 4. Excessive use of fear == you are made a fanatic and are told cult leader is a saint. and now if you ever speak against saint you will go to hell, you family will go to hell. a. Fear of thinking independently === You can't think, and you are made to think only about the ashram. if you ever think on your own its a sin. b. Fear of the "outside" world == outside is a material world and corrupt, they wont let you live . c. Fear of enemies === you know you made fool of thousands of people and there were number of people who threatened to situ because you had manipulated their kids and recruited them in ashram, now you are under fear if you ever leave they will hurt you but cult leader has guns, and is already walk with so much security around him but you will be alone by yourself. Asaram has gunddas in most of his ashram they do crimes outside and then in night they come and stay in ashram Ashram is like safe heaven for some criminals who do criminal activities of asaram. Asaram has number of people who have criminal records they are not made sadhaks rather they are used as criminals only but given a shield of sadhak, so police can’t find them. d. Fear of losing one's "salvation" === if you ever leave Tantrik asaram bapu ashram you will have nothing to do, you will have no job, no family. and ashram will not give you job.

Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

e. Fear of leaving the group or being shunned by group === ashram people won't be your friend to whom you have considered as guru Bhai for 10 years now you will be left alone. f. Fear of disapproval === if you ever leave ashram under any circumstances you will never be taken back in and you are scared to leave. 5. Extremes of emotional highs and lows. === This is a daily routine and is used to play mind games with you to keep you busy. 6. Ritual and often-public confession of "sins". ==== If you ever leave and went home and if your family forced you to stay then you confess in public, and what you ever did against Tantrik asaram bapu. 7. Phobia indoctrination: programming of irrational fears of ever leaving the group or even questioning the leader's authority. The person under mind control cannot visualize a positive, fulfilled future without being in the group. a. No happiness or fulfillment "outside" of the group == outside world is filled with negativity, and mean people all they want is money and want to use you, so you stay here work in ashram for god Tantrik asaram bapu. b. Terrible consequences will take place if you leave: "hell"; "demon possession"; "incurable diseases"; "accidents"; "suicide"; "insanity"; "10,000 reincarnations"; etc. ========== you will be a sin if you ever leave. You will have no life and god Tantrik asaram bapu will not come to save you. c. Shunning of leave takers. Fear of being rejected by friends, peers, and family. ======== you are not allowed to go home even if your parents die, or if your sister is getting married or if your wife is raped at home. You will be a sin if you ever leave and people didn't left for 10 years. d. Never a legitimate reason to leave. From the group's perspective, people who leave are: "weak"; "undisciplined"; "unspiritual"; "worldly"; "brainwashed by family, counselors"; seduced by money, sex, rock and roll. === no one ever left. so no question of leaving, the only way Tantrik asaram bapu has ever left some one when they have made to be disappeared by asaram himself. Some did managed to get senses after ruining so many years but now when they come and tell people about real asaram asaram say people are doing sajish. Charismatic leadership --- It is Tantrik asaram himself who poses himself as god to his followers. and followers become fanatic in believing Tantrik asaram as god and they forget in real god or the supreme power. Use of thought-reform methods ---- Tantrik asaram followers who are manipulated to live in ashram as sadhak are never left open to know what's happening in the world, they are made to listen to his tapes 24 hours /day and think about Tantrik asaram only. Isolation (physical and/or psychological) --- Tantrik asaram bapu has grabbed lands and built number of ashrams all over India with small rooms and instructs his followers to lock themselves in room for hours and think about Tantrik asaram only, they call it dhayan. Infact in psychology a person is made to think about Tantrik asaram only and only Tantrik asaram. Plus most of his followers are dislocated like Delhi follower will be sent to work in his Ahmedabad factory and Ahmedabad follower will be sent to Delhi Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

vice versa. He has number of thikanas (places to hide, hidden ashrams) to hide his followers if followers family want to take their son/daughter back to their homes. Demand for absolute, unquestioning devotion and loyalty ==== Tantrik asaram will ask for total dedication from his followers who are living in his ashram, or are new recruits, they are not allowed to pray to any god except Tantrik asaram, they are not allowed to believe in or listen to any other religious leader. Sharp, unsurpassable distinction between "us" (good, saved) and "them" (bad, going to Hell) ====== Tantrik asaram bapu has made categories like hierarchy in follower ship -- like a new follower is seen as a skeptic, and then when a person leaves his home and starts living in his ashram then he is given some work, and made to think if he works hard and recruit more people form his family then he is promoted with in his cult. Followers are taught any one who speaks against Tantrik asaram bapu is an evil, and his followers will go to the person who speaks the truth about Tantrik asaram and will harass him, like they did to Nana Patekar, or to a news magazine in Delhi, or to respectable saint in north Delhi. They will harass anyone who questions Tantrik asaram like jet airways airline staff was beaten up by followers of Tantrik asaram when their colleague in other city had wanted to do security check of Tantrik asaram at the airport security check was mandatory and was done to everyone because India is having lot of bomb blast and terrorists and even to an ordinary person but his follower halted the airport function for hours and disrupted the roads nearby airport to get publicity and come in media. Asaram pays lacs/month to these religious channels by 20-30 minutes slots for his promotional videos to be shown on these religious channels. Strict control over members' daily routines ==== Tantrik asaram bapu control the daily routine of his followers who are living in his ashram by not giving them any real knowledge or skill rather than to emotionally blackmail them and make them speak they were unhappy in this world now they are happy by ruining their life and family and are happy while working as slaves in un humane conditions, It's amazing to see some people are working 20-22 hours per days and have been working in the ashram form last 10 years . Tantrik asaram in his private meeting with his staff like kaka mani & gupta will manipulate all court cases against him and say these outsiders people are fool they are suing me, they cant do anything to me.

Any negative comment about asaram is called by asaram's blind faith fanatics as anti hindu , whereas asaram and his followers can do bhramik prachar by calling hurt families anti hindu. General public should know people who are writing reporting facts about asaram are hindu people whose families are suffered are hindu, Asaram is not an human he is inhumane creature who will have his sadhaks kill other religion people if time will arise and he can get benefited.

Fact is real and you or asaram try to distort the facts, I am not anonymous I am a father of a child who had begged to asaram to leave my son, and let him pursue his life but you guys had threatened me my life and told me you will murder my son if i will come to ashram to even meet him. And this is why if you ask all sadhaks inside they are living in fear, and they never go out of ashram and their families are not interacting with hem them because when we try to visit our son you rush us away.

Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

And our son comes and act to us like he doesn't know us, and this condition is because he is made to work for 20-24 hours per day. And instead of sleep he is told to do dhyan guru, NOT our religious god rather asaram himself. A person who is thinking about asaram while sitting idle for so many hours will become psychologically emotionally dependent on asaram and will become puppet of asaram cult. We are sorry to see so many families ruined of people who have been made sadhaks And let me response to kapils comment and even asaram's PR stunt act in which he said people are jealous about his popularity this is why people are saying this, BUT reality is asaram and his son narayan is popular only as criminal, murderer, manipulator, Dictator, Anti religious, Land grabber, Womanizer, with lot of political backing of culprits and dirty politicians in white dress. Sadhak is nothing mere an illusion of our scriptures and gurukul but in modern world guru has automatic weapon security an has planes but sadhak is made to live in ashram and is told not to leave the ashram for years. He is never given the newspaper or ever told the reality of the world. To sadhak what is told by guru's tape is only source of his knowledge. He is made to listen his CD same CD for hours and hours and nothing more. Repetition of anything related to guru is done so person can't think of anything besides his guru. Suicide bombers are made like this. Asaram runs a religious cult, please read how religious cults works and asaram is on top list of religious cults which destroys families have no emotions for life or families his primary goal is his name to be spread and sell his tapes books CD etc and get donations. Million of dollars came from America from gurjarati families when quake happened in gujarat asaram bungled all of it, when he was starting out. as per news paper report he was a alcohol dealer but then realized if he portrays himself as saint he will become rich and powerful. which he did. And one of his blind faith follower is saying CBI inquiry was done? This is another attempt to create illusion; all requests to do a CBI inquiry were always distorted against asaram, because of his political connections. Even all court cases are still pending, Asaram influences all court cases with his political influence. In most of the court cases he was found guilty and was told to give land back or if it was of murder case then he utilizes corrupt officials to hush up the case. And asaram comparing himself to Arushi's father Dr. Talwar what an attempt to use name of dead girl for whom we people have sympathy, Asaram has no sympathy for two children murdered in his ashram asaram has no sympathy for people like us whose families and life he has ruined, whereas let me tell you the facts since my son was brainwashed by asaram in the name of religious function last 14 yrs i have felt the murder of my son being happening every single day, and i am not able to help him. Please ask any of the sadhaks who have been in his ashram for number of years and came form good families, all of them crying against asaram We are poor people who don't have political clout and we see our sons ruining their life in a boundary of ashram under the illusion of asaram and we are helpless, and when we speak we are told we are not Hindu, Hinduism doesn't mean you loot people for a person who knows Hindu jargon. Hinduism doesn't teach you leave your old dying parents and work as slaves in asaram ashram. Please help us save our sons and daughter from his ashram who will be murdered, because they will know some much about inside criminal activities of all over ashrams that asaram will never let them go. Some people in our society are brainwashed in illusion to serve a guru not even religion, he distributes his own and his son narayan swami pictures all over whereas all his pictures ad books should be burnt. So far in India poor people never got justice unless people like you wake up and help so please help us to remove slaves from his ashram and teach all sadhaks to go home and live with their families and may be my son will also come and I will see him before I die. After seeing how asaram ashram can murder two children for the ritual and tantra I can understand how so many bodies and murders are never investigated in his Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

ashram because news never leaks out. But if you visit his ashram surrounding neighborhood old people have real incidents to describe about his ashrams. CBI should investigate his ashrams and all of his Sadhak should undergo psychological test and medical examination, because they are given diet which can hamper their body and to be weak. I am not giving some religious scripture story I am giving you the relaity and what is real is real. Please help us to get sadhaks out of his ashram and have all his ashram closed and may be all his ashrams should be converted into temples where we can pray to god and hopefully dead bodies can rest in peace. Some more facts about criminal asaram & letters received from victims of asaram & co.: Asaram and his fanatic sadhaks who are in the illusion of some of the top people who controls his ashram from outside and overseas have no sympathy for people who are suffering from culprit asaram and his son narayan sai. Boy these guys are master of disguise anything which is against their ashram and bringing out the reality of asaram is portrayed to be done by SIMI or done form outside with the help of American dollar. They will say all sex scandals of ashram are false, all court cases against asaram all over India are false, All people who are crying after loosing their son and daughter after brainwashing in the name of religion and making them slaves to works for asaram allegations are false. Even me who in reality is a father of a son who is begging asaram to leave his son so he can see his dying mother my wife who is about to die ... are being paid by george bush ohhh no we are Christians right may be we are SIMI right or may be we are muslims ? Asaram knows ll people who are telling their tale of story are victims who asaram.... Asaram followers so called sadhaks are son and daughter of mine or some one like me who is in pain of loosing them to work for asaram as slaves for years and loosing his life in blind illusion that too in the name of religion. In fact asaram is not the first person to use religion to make slaves for him of people who are honest hard working and religious but there have been number of them in past and all of them have been doomes unless some of them dies and were taken over by their followers. All fanatic people like asaram in past are gone and no one can be found they were thousand times bigger than asaram following who were using Hinduism and other religions but they are finished like asaram is finishing now. Asaram and his son narayan live a lavish life but people who are made to work in his ashram as slave have to leave their father and mother and family and live in ashram and work like slave asaram and family can live lavish life. Asaram and his family assets worth $857 million only in New jersey in the name of a doctor who helped asaram in his initial days and provided material on how to brainwash people in the name of religion, rest you can understand. I request US Government to use their intelligence FBI & IRS to find details of that doctor and they will be able to locate all of asarams money in US & Swiss bank accounts within 5 minutes. The truth is hunger of asaram for money and power is so strong he uses all kind of superstitious rituals inside which are not shown to public and openly to people who are made to live in his jail called ashram. Bit of Update in August 2008. More about asaram sex cases and his son narayan’s raslila with female inmates of his ashram will come shortly in next version of this book. Please forward to as many friends you can and tell them to forward to as many friends they can. As you can see asaram has paid people who remove any real story in which exposes asaram is removed by them. So it’s upto you if you want to believe in superstitious beliefs and want to follow a womanizer culprit tantrik and have your family become prey for them too. I am forwarding this to you so hopefully you may forward this to some one I may know and he be saved. Remember asaram & his son narayan are not god & God is not owned by asaram & co. We have god Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

within us and if we can help some one from becoming victim of these father duo criminals will be a human gesture and best thing we ever did in our life for our religion and humanity. Body of Naveen Trivedi (from Ahemdabad) has still not been found from his ashram. Latest update is asaram had made a fax document then told his ashram inmate to fax it to ashram as anonymous and especially where his ex victim is nearby then asaram went on saying I received a anonymous fax in which people are threatening me. Asaram named couple of people who spoke the truth about asaram and have ruined their lifes for him for over 10-18 years asaram linked them to terrorist organization SIMI. Interestingly people who have ruined their precious life serving as slave in his ashram once they were also brainwashed to serve him as god and were threatened and beaten up inside ashram. How selfish and terrorist asaram himself is linking honest people who ruined their life in his illusion are terrorist today? General public knows and understand how asaram is trying to distort facts but some innocent people are still under illusion of asaram. Mother of a brainwashed innocent person is still waiting for her to send him back to his home so he can live with his widowed mother and start a life. Rather asaram had mother and son fight on TV and was watching the show and laughing how he is making people fool, and showing how he can make a person so fanatic that a son can fight with his mother and call her names. All this shiksha is provided by asaram himself. So they can hate family and live in his ashram to work for him as slave. Mother had been begging to asaram to give the right shiksha to her son but asaram used this as an example to let people know how dangerous mind games he can play and have your family ties broken with his tantirk vidya. There are number of court cases against asaram not in a day rather they are from last 10-20 years which asaram was able to manage to keep them under the radar of public. So asaram saying this is sajish overnight NO rather these victims had been pleading to courts from years to save them from asaram & co. A women who came on national TV to tell her pain and emotional she suffered during her days in asaram and when asaram raped her then asaram’s son narayan is saying she is paid women, he doesn’t understand no women in India is brave enough to come on TV and put allegations just like that & that too on asaram who has whole corrupt politicians trying to save him going down. So people who are really hurt and have lot of pain and want to save others will come forward, because they know the real dark face of asaram & his son narayan ad they don’t want their other family member to fall victim of this vulture. As you can see the crime history of asaram his son narayan and his daughter in law shilpa is not ending so I will write in next update about sex scandals, rapes done by asaram & narayan, land scams of asaram. In the mean time please educate your loved ones by forwarding this ebook and save their life.

KEYWORDS: asaramashram; asaramashramscams; asarambapu; asarambapufraud; asarmconman; asharam; huh; mentalinstability; singhforyoursupper; uniquetrolling; welcometofr; whatsthisabout; zot; asaram; Avni; Sex scandal; Hindusim, Indian cult; asaram bapu; ashram bapu; Mahinder chawla, panipat, Ahmedabad, Haridwar., womenizer narayan swami, asaram ashram; asaram ashram scams; asaram bapu; asaram bapu fraud; asarm conman, asaram bapu, asaram, ashram, asaramji bapu, asharamji bapu , sant shri asaramji bapu, bapuji, asaram bapu ashram, asharamji, ashram org, ashram bapu, satsang, bapu, bapu asaram, sant asharam bapu, asaramji ashram, sant asaram bapu, criminal cases against asaram, asaram fraud, slaves, cult, religious cult, hindu cult, hindu brainwashing, KALANK on Hinduism, Kalank on sadhu samaj.

Secrets of Tantrik asaram bapu & narayan sai First released 08/07/2006 Ver. 1.01. These are facts which are faced and researched by victims of asaram. Please spread this document to your family and let them judge at least and not fall in trap of asaram. Save your family. Email: [email protected]

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