Shahrukh; Why Do You Expect Vip Treatment ?

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  • Words: 613
  • Pages: 4
SHAHRUKH’S FRISKING; WHY DO WE EXPECT VIP TREATMENT OM PRAKASH YADAV [email protected] [email protected] The frisking of Shahrukh Khan at Newark airport in USA and humiliating treatment meted out to him by immigration authorities has triggered a debate in India as to why US authorities do such condemnable acts against Indians and many others non Americans and non Europeans. It is not the first instance and perhaps not the last one also. Many Politicians including Former President Dr.A.P.J Kalam and the veteran socialist leader and former Defence Minister George Fernandese and many others have so far been subjected to such humiliations in the past.


It is not clear as yet that whether it was a real frisking and humiliation or a routine check or it was simply a publicity stunt. Film stars have been resorting to such cheap stunts for publicity. Thanks to media which blow such trivial things out of proportions. The question is not that why the Americans do all such things, the more perturbing question is that why then we, the Indians, give them preferential treatment to the Americans when they come to India. Our leaders, officials and stars go all the way to the apron to receive them on red carpet at airports. Remember, when Bill Clinton came to India, as President of USA, we created media hype to such a magnitude that every newspaper and TV channel was flooded with news unconnected with his official programs. We relish reading things like what Bill robe and eating, where and in which room he retires etc. the madness was such that some TV channels and Newspapers published photographs of rooms in which he stayed and the bed on which the couple slept even after 2

his departure from India. The height of sycophancy is such that we start praising Americans on the issues we do understand. We start holding debates on their dress, food, etiquettes etc without understanding their American background. Security checking at airports for security reasons under prevailing condition is good and should be cooperated with, but doing in a disproportionate magnitude is deplorable and condemnable. If USA and other western countries resort to such practices, why do we not adopt uniform and standard operating procedure (SOP) for such visits? It, in a way, betrays our inferiority complex and colonial vestiges. After all why Shahrukh Khan did not return back instantly in protest against, what he called, humiliating treatment meted to him? He should have told the organizers after that, it is due this, what he called, unprofessional and inhuman attitude and behavior of the American officials at airport, he decided to return back and did not 3

do performance before the audience. He did not do it and perhaps he would go again to US if heavy amount is paid for any program. After all, why are so many hue and cries among us? It is high time to ponder in a more professional and non emotional way. We can adopt similar professional approach towards them. It however does not mean that we also humiliate them and feel them hurt, but we can make them understand that look here is this country which can not tolerate humiliation of its citizens. It seems that our disrespect and utter neglect to our ideals and our heritage has allowed the situation to take such ugly shape, after all what explains that ‘Raj Ghat’ the Samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi, our Bapu, was allowed to be inspected by American dogs to make it sanitized for the US President to pay homage. We must learn to respect ourselves before seeking respect from others. Mind it there is difference between hospitality and flattery.


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