Sgi Brochure

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 935
  • Pages: 3
This inspired and inspiring book unravels the secrets of Material Mastery and Spiritual Perfection!

ST. GA BRIEL' S INS PIRA TION S The Clearest Conveyance Todate of Spiritual Messages Through Direct Inspiration by God's Special Messenger, Archangel Gabriel! This 256-page volume gives clear, simple answers to such perplexing questions as: Where is heaven? Where is hell? Where is the Garden of Eden? What was the actual sin of Adam and Eve? How did God create? What is the supernatural science of the spirit? What is the "third eye" and how to you open it? What happens in the process of birth? What happens when we die? Why do people flock to Mt. Banahaw in the Philippines? Why is the Philippines the only Christian country in Asia? How do you draw good luck? How do you spend money wisely? How would you know your karma and pay off your karmic debts? How do you search for your mission in life? How do you stay on top of the wheel of life? How do you pray powerfully? Why does the novena work? How do you communicate with spirits? How do you explain ESP and hypnosis? What is the Great Age of Aquarius? What is the "end of the world"? What is sainthood and "communion of saints"? How do you explain the ritual of the Mass? How do you explain the Blessed Trinity, the Immaculate Conception, and the devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary? All these questions are answered. And more ... Learn how to attain heaven while on Earth... "IT'S NOT EASY, BUT IT IS NOT HARD." "Brutally frank, shockingly controversial, but undeniably rational!" "A must-read for the Christian as well as the Non-Christian, the Free-Thinker as well as the Agnostic --- for every thinking man or woman who would like to inject a little more Reason into his or her Religion." FOR FREE DOWNLOAD of the complete 256-page book in PDF file format please log on to: TO READ EXCERPTS please log on to:

Moses and the Reconstructed Ten Commandments (read at the back) [Jesus Fell in Love with Miriam] [Brothers and Sisters of Jesus] [Man's Hidden Powers] [The "Lost 18 Years" of Jesus] [25K Infinito Prevented Holocaust on Earth in 1987] [Elohims, Lemuria, and the Destruction of Atlantis] [Christ's Second Coming in the 11th Century] [Hidden Teachings at the Last Supper]

*Moses and the Reconstructed Ten Commandments “… there is an interesting aside about Moses and the Ten Commandments. Moses was required by God to climb to the top of a mountain to receive the Ten Commandments. And the people, too lazy to accompany him, were easily tempted by Satan himself to worship the golden calf, to indulge in free sex, and forget the sacred mission of Moses. When Moses returned, out of anger he destroyed the tablet of the Ten Commandments which was made of crystal. That was how the Church of God which was about to be built then was sabotaged by Satan. And Moses because of his anger simply reconstructed the stone-tablet Ten Commandments from memory. When he got only eight out of the ten, he had to patch up the missing ones and came out duplicating two: (1) "Do not steal" and "Do not covet thy neighbors' goods" and (2) "Do not commit adultery" and "Do not covet thy neighbor's wives." “Thus, it was no longer perfect like the original, but being an expression of the level of man's development at the time, it was allowed by God the Father anyway. But this seriously set back man's spiritual evolution because of the important two commandments Moses missed: "Detach yourself from material things" and "Love your enemies." If men had known and practiced these commandments since the time of Moses, they would have been far advanced spiritually by the time of Christ's coming. And many would have understood Jesus, followed his example, and transfigured just like he did. And it would have been a different story altogether. “God, seeing the imperfection of the Ten Commandments allowed it to continue. But its reconstruction was imperfect. The original was lost forever. And what God has already given, or for that matter what has been received from the spirit world is no longer repeated. Reconstruction is allowed if watered with effort. What Moses should have done was to contain his anger, let the people ask God for forgiveness, and do penance through fasting. But that is hindsight. “Today, you see people claiming to be Christians because they are following the Ten Commandments to the letter. But their efforts do not suffice. The focus of the Ten Commandments as it is now is for one to become pure in thoughts, words, and deeds. However, aside from purity it is also important for one to be detached from the pleasures of the Earth, from material things, which injunction is totally absent in the reconstructed Ten Commandments. Had detachment been prescribed right at the start, then the church would have been a better church today! But that did not happen. “One can follow strictly the reconstructed Ten Commandments of God and still live a life of pleasure. “Also, Love for one's fellowmen was limited by Moses to include only one's friends. Jesus Christ had to correct it to include one's enemies. In short, the reconstructed Ten Commandments suffered due to Moses' imperfection. In a way, what Moses experienced was a test for him, for men in general. Man was not up to par at the time.”

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