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  • Words: 1,232
  • Pages: 14
Spring 2009

Student Government Association Election Packet

Important Information for Candidates: -





Completed applications are due April 16 by the end of SMART Lunch to the SGA Box in the front office. Applications include the intent form (signatures), 3 recommendations, and the candidate information page. The eligibility list will be posted outside of 2205 on April 23. You must be eligible to campaign. The meeting for eligible candidates will take place on April 23, during the second half of SMART Lunch in 2205. Campaigning for those eligible will begin on May 4 and ends on May 8 All posters must remain in the Great Hall and must be down by May 8 at 3pm. Failure to remove the posters will result in disciplinary action. The video taping of candidate speeches will be on April 24, 27, 28 during SMART Lunch and afterschool when available. Voting will be held May 6 through May 8. Winners will be announced May 8. All newly elected winners will need to meet with Ms. Garrett on May 11 during SMART Lunch.

RULES: - Students must complete and turn in the “Application for Student Government” sheet (this sheet must be signed by your Academic Coach and parents).



Students must have a 2.5 or greater weighted GPA to be eligible. Students with any suspension are not eligible to run for or hold office. All Presidents must have at least one year of Student Government membership, excluding prospective freshmen. Candidates must have at least two teachers and one other adult complete the Recommendation Form and seal their confidential comments in an envelope (with their signature across the seal). The enveloped recommendations are to be returned to the candidate and attached to the eligibility packet. The candidate is solely responsible for turning in the completed and necessary paper work before the deadline and to the appropriate persons and places. The candidate will be ineligible to run for an office if he or she fails to complete the forms in a timely fashion.

*Note: Any candidate that receives numerous 2s and/or 3s on their recommendation forms is likely to be ineligible for candidacy (Choose your teachers wisely1)

Campaigning Requirements - Candidates must be on the eligibility list - Posters must only be placed in the Great Hall. Candidates are solely responsible for removing posters after the election. Discipline referrals are possible for left over campaign litter. - Stickers may be passed out, however, if found on school property (ie: stuck on walls and/or desks etc.) disciplinary action will be taken. - NO FOOD OR MONEY WHATSOEVER! If any candy, gum, food, or money is passed out during the election it will be regarded as a campaign irregularity and will result in removal from the ballot.

Election Information - The candidate who receives the majority of votes in the election will win. - Each class shall be guaranteed at least five representatives.

Application for Candidacy Name:_________________________________________ AC:___________________________________________

AC Room #:_______________ I am running for (Check ONE box):

Sophomore Class

Junior Class

Senior Class




Student Body

President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Sergeant At Arms Representati ve


If not elected to above positions, would you be willing to serve as a representative for your class if space is available? (Circle One) Yes No Duties of Officers Class President- Conducts meetings with a prepared agenda. Reports to Student Body President. Initiates and organizes class activities (community service, projects, Prom (Junior Class only). Class Vice President- Delegates and oversees class meetings and committees. Assists Class President in all matters. Fulfills Class President’s duties when necessary. Class Secretary- Works with Class President to prepare agenda. Keeps records and notes for each class meeting. Reports attendance to student body secretary.

Class Treasurer- Works with the Class Advisor and Mrs. Standish (the school treasurer) to keep track of incoming and outgoing monies. Class Representative- Attends Student Body meetings and reports back to their Academic Coach. Attends all class meetings and student government events. Student Body Sergeant at Arms- Initiates and adjourns Student Body meetings and acts as a peace keeper and rule regulator.

In a short paragraph, please state why you believe you would be an outstanding candidate for your desired position. _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________ I, _________________________, fully understand the duties outlined above and if elected, I pledge to fulfill the duties of my office to the best of my ability. I also understand that failure to perform these duties and others may result in my being removed from the campaign or my office. Student Signature:_________________________________Dat e:_________ Parent Signature:__________________________________Dat e:_________ AC Signature:____________________________________D ate:__________

Candidate Information Page If available,

place wallet sized photo here

*Note: This information will be available to all students that vote during the election period.

Name:___________________________________ Grade:_______ AC Teacher:____________________ Desired Position:______________________

What qualifies you to be the ideal candidate to elect to this position?

In what other extracurricular activities are you involved?

What do you like most about SRMHS?

If elected, what would you like to change about our school?

Favorite Quote:

Candidate Recommendation Form Spring 2009 Candidate Name:____________________________ __ Desired Position:__________________________ _____ Your Name:____________________________ _______ Relationship to Candidate:_______________________ _ Please rate this student in the following areas one (1) being the lowest and five (5) being the highest. You may wish to review the

responsibilities of the student’s desired position in order to determine the candidate’s suitability for office while completing this recommendation.

Dependability 1 Ability to Work in Groups 5 Creativity 1 2 Regular Attendance/Dedication 5 Acceptance of Criticism 1 Ability to Compromise 1 Time Management 1 Overall Leadership 1

2 1

3 2

4 3

5 4

3 1

4 2

5 3


2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5

Additional Comments (Optional):

Candidate Recommendation Form Spring 2009

Candidate Name:____________________________ __ Desired Position:__________________________ _____ Your Name:____________________________ _______ Relationship to Candidate:_______________________ _ Please rate this student in the following areas one (1) being the lowest and five (5) being the highest. You may wish to review the responsibilities of the student’s desired position in order to determine the candidate’s suitability for office while completing this recommendation.

Dependability 1 Ability to Work in Groups 5 Creativity 1 2 Regular Attendance/Dedication 5 Acceptance of Criticism 1 Ability to Compromise 1 Time Management 1 Overall Leadership 1

2 1

3 2

4 3

5 4

3 1

4 2

5 3


2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5

Additional Comments (Optional):

Candidate Recommendation Form Spring 2009 Candidate Name:____________________________ __ Desired Position:__________________________ _____

Your Name:____________________________ _______ Relationship to Candidate:_______________________ _ Please rate this student in the following areas one (1) being the lowest and five (5) being the highest. You may wish to review the responsibilities of the student’s desired position in order to determine the candidate’s suitability for office while completing this recommendation.

Dependability 1 Ability to Work in Groups 5 Creativity 1 2 Regular Attendance/Dedication 5 Acceptance of Criticism 1 Ability to Compromise 1 Time Management 1 Overall Leadership 1

2 1

3 2

4 3

5 4

3 1

4 2

5 3


2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3

4 4 4 4

5 5 5 5

Additional Comments (Optional):

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