Session Ii

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  • Words: 5,466
  • Pages: 11
Logfile from Weyrmount II. .--. .


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.-._ .-'''''-. * '--' . \ '-'_ `. . * ______/___ '. : . * . `'--.___ _\ / : /\ /___.-' \ \ _:._ : / \ .'__ _.'\ '-/,`-~` : * /\/\/\ /\ * * \ ___.> /=, ' /\/ \ /\/\ /\ . . / _.-'/_,)"..-' . / \ \/ \/\/~~\ . /` ~~( / ` ~\_ . /\ / \ . ./ . / \ \ __/~ -'/ \\._ `\_\__ / \__ \-' [] '.--. .-~~~, /~ /-'` `'=='\ \-.\ / ,- :--. `-. ..-' .--. _ __ - Welcome To __ ________ | | / /__ __ ___________ ___ ____ __ ______ / /_ / _/ _/ | | /| / / _ \/ / / / ___/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ / / / / | |/ |/ / __/ /_/ / / / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_ _/ /_/ / |__/|__/\___/\__, /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/ /___/___/ /____/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------LambdaMOO 1.8.1 / High Wired enCore 1.1 / FUP 1.8 / ANSI 2.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------If you already have a character here, type connect <password> If you don't, type connect guest will ask you what you wish to be known as. Enjoy, and welcome! RIP Darkswordsman, wizard of the Weyrmount, 1982-2007. *** Connected *** >> What name do you wish to use in Weyrmount II? << Gate Valley You find yourself standing on the floor of the dormant caldera of an ancient valley, high somewhere inthe mountains of this new land. The land slopes swiftly up on both sides to jagged granite peaks; pine trees cling precariously to the slopes. In the middle of the valley you see a shimmering black portal, a jagged vertical slash floating in midair like a tear in the fabric of reality. Through it, faintly, you can see the ruins of the Old World of Sho'sharya, Sosaria, the land Men called Britannia. This portal you, brave soul, came through in search of a new, safe, stable home for you and your kin. Save for a faint chiming sound from the portal, it is quiet. The wind rustles the needles of the trees, and somewhere nearby water trickles. Your new life begins here. It is a slightly cloudy day; the blue sky is dotted with random puffs of white. Obvious exits: [southeast] to Foot of the Valley, [north] to Cavern of Mirrors You see The Birthday Machine, ATTENTION - NEW PLAYERS SHOULD GO 'NORTH', The Unicorn, Area Map, Dupre, Shamino, and Iolo here. RP Area The nexus of the RP area, whence you can access any area thereof. RULES OF THE RP AREA: 1) Any room past this one is an In-Character room, and you must be in character at all times when within one. 2) No teleporting to or from any In-Character room. 3) No @doing messages while you're in character, please. 4) Learn to seperate IC and OOC relationships: Your character and another's character may grow to loathe eachother in the RP... this should not mean that you and this other should loathe eachother outside of the game. ArcMage circles uncertainly about the room, searching for-- but not

finding-- a safe place to land. Obvious exits: [sushi] to Sakana Sushi, [penthouse] to Outside a large building Triliminus, Gilraen, and Seras are here. You teleport into RP Area... This ANSI system was written and designed by Don Schwarz aka Dark_Owl. It is composed of an ANSI Player Class ($ansi_pc), an ANSI utility package ($ansi_utils), an ANSI help database ($ansi_help), and an ANSI option database ($ansi_options). It converts ANSI 'codes', which are composed of a word surrounded by brackets ([]'s), into ANSI sequences which are recognized by most terminal programs and are used to display text in certain colors, underlined, inverse, and to make text blink. Not all terminal programs support ANSI though so this will not work for everyone. You can put these ANSI codes in your descriptions, messages, mails, programs, and virtually anything else that is eventually sent through $player:notify(). See 'help ansi-codes' for a list of valid ANSI codes. The ANSI PC is controlled with the @ansi-options command, see 'help @ansi-options' for more information on it. To see a list of other ANSI help topics, see 'help ansi-index'. -all Do not send any ANSI sequences. RP Area The nexus of the RP area, whence you can access any area thereof. RULES OF THE RP AREA: 1) Any room past this one is an In-Character room, and you must be in character at all times when within one. 2) No teleporting to or from any In-Character room. 3) No @doing messages while you're in character, please. 4) Learn to seperate IC and OOC relationships: Your character and another's character may grow to loathe eachother in the RP... this should not mean that you and this other should loathe eachother outside of the game. ArcMage circles uncertainly about the room, searching for-- but not finding-- a safe place to land. Obvious exits: [sushi] to Sakana Sushi, [penthouse] to Outside a large building Triliminus, Gilraen, and Seras are here. Player name Connected Idle time Location ---------------------------------log Drake (#333) 27 seconds 0 seconds RP Area Triliminus (#912) 27 minutes 26 seconds RP Area USEast (#3942) a day 37 seconds 2fort5r ArcMage (#3314) 3 days 48 seconds RP Area Seras (#4019) 4 minutes a minute RP Area Gilraen (#154) 10 minutes a minute RP Area Singing (#2112) 348 days 29 minutes TramCit Dome HalfelfAFK (#3238) a day 2 hours Sleeping Chamber Silh-IDLE (#351) a day a day 2fort5r Malta (#2436) 351 days 2 days TramCit Dome Martax (#3873) 17 days 4 days Martax's Manor FieryPouncer (#2584) 17 days 5 days The shadows [waiting for playe WinterWolf (#3968) 20 days 20 days Ice Cave Total: 13 players, 6 of whom have been active recently. Gilraen says, "oh right...character...hmm" ArcMage says, "Before we get the actual scene started I need to talk to each of you" Gilraen says, "Arise Enker! I command thee! *waves arms around stupidly*" Gilraen says, "or check your email either or" Seras says, "Have you spoken to him on IMs?" ArcMage says, "Only earlier today" Gilraen says, "oh, right... log drake, thought that was him..heh"

ArcMage says, "He said he'd be here, but he vanished" Gilraen says, "again" Gilraen [to ArcMage]: you need to get him a shock collar ArcMage nods solemnly. Triliminus rolls 1d20: 7. Seras says, "So, are we getting started?" You say, "In a moment." Triliminus is discussing some stuff with arc. Gilraen says, "hmm" Gilraen says, "um.." Gilraen says, "roll is tracebacking" Triliminus rolls 3d6: 1 3 4. Total: 8. ArcMage says, "What was your exact input?" Gilraen rolls 1d20+6: 6 + 6 = 12. ArcMage rolls 1d20 + 6: 18 + 6 = 24. Gilraen says, "weird" Gilraen says, "now its working" ArcMage peers at Gilraen suspiciously. Gilraen says, "I have no idea, maybe I mistyped" Gilraen says, "but there you go" ArcMage nods. Gilraen says, "can I go with your roll though? *grins* j/k" ArcMage says, "sorry" Seras rolls 1d20+4: 17 + 4 = 21. Seras Nods. ArcMage says, "We could be ready to start, I think." Triliminus says, "ok" [ooc] ArcMage says, "I'll set the scene again." [ooc] Gilraen says, "brb, keep talking" [ooc] Seras says, "Yay" [ooc] Gilraen says, "back" [ooc] Seras says, "You have missed everything." The Council Hall hums with quiet, purposeful activity throughout the day, even in the guild libraries. For the most part it's administrative business; record-keeping, accounting, archiving, etcetera. The Mages' research library buzzes with a different sort of activity, as apprentices pore over dusty notebooks, or hurry to transcribe the ravings of their esteemed masters. Young Triliminus, sage from far-off lands, has been granted access, questing to improve himself even now, although in point of fact all the Guild libraries, being maintained by public funding, are open to public reference. [ooc] Gilraen says, "damnit! =)" Gilraen sneeks up behind Triliminus before clearing her throat and proclaiming loudly, "So what are you reading?" [ooc] Triliminus says, "Seras isn't here now, right?" [ooc] Seras says, "She's about to make her entrance, probably" In the adjacent wing, a separate, secretive library seems to be growing; council secretaries and militia adjutants meet with a slow, steady flow of watchmen and citizens, and shuffle ever-increasing piles of notes. Perhaps some sort of audit? [ooc] Seras says, "there she is" [ooc] ArcMage says, "She is, but not in the same room, yet" Triliminus says, "'Jerin's Catalog of Evocations.' Well, it doesn't actually say you how to cast anything. Just talks about different spells and uses." Gilraen says, "exciting.. " Triliminus says, "I'm just trying to get a sort of general survey..." Gilraen [to Triliminus]: So what DO you want to do with this stuff anyways? Triliminus says, "you mean, with magic?" Gilraen nods.

"A firm theoretical grounding is the foundation of every wizard's power," a thin and somewhat dissipated magister explains, before realizing that it isn't one of his pupils talking. He give the two of them a glare, but lets the basic truth of his statement stand. Amongst the militia adjutants, Seras can be found, if one were standing right next to her, holding an armful of binders and folders, and shuffling along with the crowd, waiting to make her report for her section. She wears a mildly annoyed look on her face as she narrowly avoids being elbowed in the face by a passing councilman. Gilraen says, "ah" Triliminus says, "Oh, there's Miss Seras!" [ooc] ArcMage says, "Passing by in the hallway, but arguably visible from where you are" [ooc] Seras says, "Mostly obscured by taller officials." [ooc] Triliminus says, "oh... should we roll spot checks?" [ooc] Seras says, "Probably not necessary." [ooc] Seras says, "She isn't hiding." [ooc] ArcMage says, "Yeah." Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Should we say hi? She looks busy. Gilraen says, "and less drunk" Gilraen says, "If you want, I got nothign else to do today." [ooc] Triliminus says, "has anyone told me anything about not carrying books around?" Gilraen [to Triliminus]: what's she doing here anyways? [ooc] ArcMage says, "Yeah, you can't take them out of the library." [ooc] Triliminus says, "ok, but anywhere inside is fine" [ooc] ArcMage says, "To be clear, she's not in the library" [ooc] Triliminus says, "ahh, right." Triliminus [to Gilraen]: I don't know, but it looks important. We'd probably get yelled at if we went over there. Gilraen feigns shock, "Oh no's, not 'yelled' at." Gilraen shouts out and waves, "Hey you, elfgirl, Trili here says hi!" Gilraen says, "there, you can thank me later" Gilraen leans back in her chair. Triliminus looks shocked. Triliminus hisses, "This is a library! I don't think we're supposed to shout in here." The watchmen at least have sobriety going for them. Indeed, sober describes their proceedings quite well, other than the derelicts that seem to comprise the majority of their witnesses. Or citizen representatives. Or whatever is going on over there. From the library it's difficult to tell, except that nobody looks very happy. Up close, everyone just looks unhappier. An equally annoyed secretary fetches Seras from the line and hurries her toward a table, while a few bored-looking watchmen are directed into the library. Gilraen says, "pft, you worry too much." Sera's ears perk up at the shout, and she looks over where the voice came from. The crowd of people obscures her view, even as she stands on her tip-toes. She also looks around her, where several full-elves are standing, also looking around for the source of the sound. Shrugging her shoulders, she follows the annoyed secretary to the table. Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Hey, did you know that Tenser's Floating Disk can hold over 100 pounds? Seras clears her throat quickly before beginning her report. "Seras Victoria reporting for the Yards Street East section," she says, as she lays down the binders in her arms and open them to appropriate pages. [ooc] Triliminus says, "OMG Seras Victoria" [ooc] Seras says, "Yes." [ooc] Seras says, "It's a deliberate."

[ooc] ArcMage says, "this one isn't a vampire though" [ooc] ArcMage says, "I hope" [ooc] Triliminus says, "lol" [ooc] Seras says, "We just kept calling her Police Girl in character conception." Gilraen [to Triliminus]: No, but please... continue telling me boring factoids. Gilraen [to Triliminus]: Isn't there any more interesting spells in that book of yours? Gilraen says, "Like say how to turn water into gold or something." Triliminus says, "That sounds like a Transmutation spell" I don't understand that. Triliminus says, "These are Evocations. How about this one? Lightning bolt..." An apprentice a few tables over somehow manages to roll her eyes audibly. Gilraen looks off in the distance for a second contemplating a lightning bolt and a small smile forms on her face, "That could be fun..." Gilraen [to Triliminus]: So how long until you learn how to do that? Triliminus says, "I don't know. Anyway I'm forbidden to use magic now, except in self-defense. " Triliminus says, "Until the Guild tells me otherwise." Gilraen rolls her eyes, "Of course you are" [ooc] Gilraen says, "brb again" .--. . *


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/\ * /\/ \ /\/\ /\ . . / \ \/ \/\/~~\ /\ / \ . ./ . / \ \ / \__ \-' [] '.--. .-~~~, / ,- :--. `-. ..-' .--.

_ __ - Welcome To __ ________ | | / /__ __ ___________ ___ ____ __ ______ / /_ / _/ _/ | | /| / / _ \/ / / / ___/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ / / / __ \/ __/ / / / / | |/ |/ / __/ /_/ / / / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / / / / /_ _/ /_/ / |__/|__/\___/\__, /_/ /_/ /_/ /_/\____/\__,_/_/ /_/\__/ /___/___/ /____/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------LambdaMOO 1.8.1 / High Wired enCore 1.1 / FUP 1.8 / ANSI 2.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------If you already have a character here, type connect <password> If you don't, type connect guest will ask you what you wish to be known as. Enjoy, and welcome! RIP Darkswordsman, wizard of the Weyrmount, 1982-2007. Okay,... guest is in use. Logging you in as `wind_Guest' *** Connected *** >> What name do you wish to use in Weyrmount II? << Gate Valley You find yourself standing on the floor of the dormant caldera of an ancient valley, high somewhere inthe mountains of this new land. The land slopes swiftly up on both sides to jagged granite peaks; pine trees cling

precariously to the slopes. In the middle of the valley you see a shimmering black portal, a jagged vertical slash floating in midair like a tear in the fabric of reality. Through it, faintly, you can see the ruins of the Old World of Sho'sharya, Sosaria, the land Men called Britannia. This portal you, brave soul, came through in search of a new, safe, stable home for you and your kin. Save for a faint chiming sound from the portal, it is quiet. The wind rustles the needles of the trees, and somewhere nearby water trickles. Your new life begins here. It is a slightly cloudy day; the blue sky is dotted with random puffs of white. Obvious exits: [southeast] to Foot of the Valley, [north] to Cavern of Mirrors You see The Birthday Machine, ATTENTION - NEW PLAYERS SHOULD GO 'NORTH', The Unicorn, Area Map, Dupre, Shamino, and Iolo here. RP Area The nexus of the RP area, whence you can access any area thereof. RULES OF THE RP AREA: 1) Any room past this one is an In-Character room, and you must be in character at all times when within one. 2) No teleporting to or from any In-Character room. 3) No @doing messages while you're in character, please. 4) Learn to seperate IC and OOC relationships: Your character and another's character may grow to loathe eachother in the RP... this should not mean that you and this other should loathe eachother outside of the game. ArcMage circles uncertainly about the room, searching for-- but not finding-- a safe place to land. Obvious exits: [sushi] to Sakana Sushi, [penthouse] to Outside a large building Triliminus, Gilraen, Seras, and log Drake are here. You teleport into RP Area... [ooc] ArcMage says, "Fucking hell." --------------------------------Triliminus--------------------------------An apprentice a few tables over somehow manages to roll her eyes audibly. Gilraen looks off in the distance for a second contemplating a lightning bolt and a small smile forms on her face, "That could be fun..." Gilraen [to Triliminus]: So how long until you learn how to do that? You say, "I don't know. Anyway I'm forbidden to use magic now, except in self-defense. " You say, "Until the Guild tells me otherwise." Gilraen rolls her eyes, "Of course you are" [ooc] Gilraen says, "brb again" [ooc] Gilraen says, "back" ---------------------------------finished---------------------------------The secretary, having seen dozens of reports today, gives Seras' work a quick and practiced scan. She frowns at the mention of the consultation with the bard, and marks the note for later reference. "Has anything come of this?" [ooc] Seras says, "When did we lose you?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "some time between brb again and back" [ooc] Seras says, "Ah." [ooc] Gilraen says, "all I did was start munching on rations while watching the watch." "No active leads as to the social connections for the victims," Seras reports. "But he did relay to me that the general public is becoming more aware of the serial incidents." Gilraen pops a piece of dried meat into her mouth, "Ooh... serial murder. This is almost interesting." [ooc] Triliminus says, "can we hear this from here?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "You probably can't, really."

[ooc] ArcMage says, "elaboration to follow though" [ooc] Gilraen says, "though I do have a listen skill thingy, but kay" [ooc] Seras says, "So, scratch Gilraen's last pose?" [ooc] Seras says, "The listening check for that is probably 30 or so." [ooc] Gilraen says, "okay okay, statement stricken from the record. *pokes the stenographer*" Passing watchmen and clerks, and circulating witnesses, even proper Councilmen on their way into session, everyone's been muttering about 'the events'. Sometimes 'the deaths', or even 'the killings', with the sort of fascinated horror that accumulates around the very worst of crimes. And couldn't it be crime, if it's drawn half the city watch in to argue about it? The secretary seems to regard Seras' report as unwelcome confirmation of an evident trend, but she nods acknowledgement. "Continue as you have, then. That's, that's all you can do." She gathers the young guard's notes and gives her another nod, this one of dismissal. "Thank you ma'am," Seras says, and releases the breath she had been holding as she squeezes her way out of the crowd. Gilraen says, "Well, I'm curious." Gilraen gets up and sneaks closer in the hopes of listening in on what is going on. [ooc] Seras says, "How tall is she?" [ooc] Gilraen says, "me? I'm 5'6"" log Drake has disconnected. The housekeeper arrives to remove log Drake. A watchman brushes past her, looking spooked, mumbling a word to himself as if to avoid forgetting it, and heads for the stacks, and the mages perusing them. Triliminus is still reading but keeping one eye on Seras. Triliminus hmms... keeping an eye on that watchman instead now ;) Which was right about the time Seras pushed past the crowd and struck Gilraen in the chest, head-first. "Ow!" She cried, backing up. Gilraen ows! Gilraen falls over. "What the hell?" Triliminus stands up and puts the book away while watching the scene play out. Gilraen squints, "Oh its you." A question which is suddenly much on the minds of most everyone within sight or earshot. Holding her head in one hand, Seras looked up, and then down. "I'm so sor- oh, it's you," Seras said, immediately reaching to see if she had been relieved of her wallet. Gilraen says, "You know normally i'm the one running into people, maybe I should check my own wallet." Gilraen stands up cautiously. [ooc] Seras says, "BRB" [ooc] Seras says, "back" Gilraen looks around, "He went that way you know?" Gilraen points. "I'm not the one who persists in her pocket-picking attempts despite her many visible failures," Seras warned. "But I am sorry about running into you. What business do you have... Who went what way?" Seras asked, staring oddly at Gilraen's face. It's true. At least 4 'he's went that way. Triliminus can't hear Nadia and Seras's conversation, can he? Gilraen squints, "How the hell should I know, you ran into me, assumed you were chasing someone. [ooc] ArcMage says, "Possibly if he tries." [ooc] Triliminus says, "gonna try" Triliminus rolls 1d20: 16. [ooc] Triliminus says, "that's my listen check"

[ooc] ArcMage says, "Yeah, you can hear them." [ooc] Triliminus says, "ooooo" "I'm not, I was just trying to get out of the crowd," Seras replied. "So how do you find yourself here at the guild house? Are you visiting one of our associations?" Gilraen shrugs and smooths out her skirt. "You remember that wizard from last night? Him I guess... had nothing else to do." Gilraen says, "So what are YOU doing here?" [ooc] Triliminus says, "what's the watchmen who was headed for the stacks doing?" Gilraen says, "let me guess, you can't talk about it" [ooc] Triliminus says, "s/watchmen/watchman/" "Militia paperwork, very exciting I assure you," Seras replied, and it's clear from the tone of her voice that she's being sarcastic. "Somehow I always draw the short straw when it comes to making reports." Gilraen smirks. "I bet you do." I don't understand that. Various watchmen move among the stacks, some accompanied by wizards or apprentices, pulling down assorted texts with an air of confusion, and the beginnings of resentment. Gilraen says, "so what are all these people doing here anyways? Looks like they're tearing the place apart." Sera looks up with a suspicious glare at Gilraen, and pouts without realizing it. Gilraen says, "I can't imagine the head wizard is going to be at all happy at this." [ooc] Triliminus says, "can " "It's a busy city," Seras replies. "This is where all the officials come to be official. Where is Mr. Triliminus?" [ooc] Triliminus says, "can I see the titles on any of the books they're pulling out?" Gilraen says, "Oh he's... oh hell, just follow me." [ooc] ArcMage says, "Nope." Gilraen says, "walks towards Tril." [ooc] ArcMage says, "Nice." [ooc] Seras says, "whoops" [ooc] Gilraen says, "oops =)" [ooc] ArcMage says, "corrected in post-processing of course" [ooc] Triliminus says, "btw, what time is it, about?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "Midday" [ooc] Triliminus says, "k" [ooc] ArcMage says, "In the future I will make that clear. Sorry." [ooc] ArcMage says, "brb" [ooc] Seras says, "Me too, brb" Only a few of the militiamen, wearing uniforms without the usual chainmail, remain in intense discussion with the research staff; the rest are retreating with their materials, and looks of general puzzlement and unease. [ooc] Triliminus says, "trying to listen to some conversation" Triliminus rolls 1d20+1: 14 + 1 = 15. [ooc] Triliminus says, "so... you two around still?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "I am." [ooc] ArcMage says, "DF?" [ooc] Gilraen says, "I'm pensive but alive " [ooc] ArcMage says, "Suspended pending Annette, then" [ooc] Seras says, "Okay, back." I don't understand that. [ooc] ArcMage says, "You were just being dragged off by Gilraen, and I need to quit trying to talk through the guest"

[ooc] Seras says, "Other than "Seras followed Gilraen" I've got nothing else to say" [ooc] Gilraen says, "sorry, elsewindow dealing with IRL friend issue. " Gilraen points, "Well there he is, couldn't imagine what you might want to say to him though." Triliminus smiles and waves at Nadia and Seras. Seras waves to Triliminus, standing on her tip-toes again. "Mr. Triliminus! How are you?" She asked. Triliminus says, "I'm alright, Miss Seras. It looks like something exciting is going on." "I doubt it," Seras replied dismissively before studying the books he's got opened. "What are you researching?" Triliminus says, "well, I was reading Jerin's Catalog of Evocations." Triliminus says, "There are so many books here, I wonder how I'll find the time to read them all..." "Are you looking for anything in particular?" Seras asked. Gilraen [to Triliminus]: Seriously... you want to spend your entire life in this place? I mean... don't you ever want to be free and see the world instead of reading about it in a book? Triliminus [to nadia]: Er, can't I do both? Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Gilraen [to Triliminus]: not if you plan on reading all the books in this place... looks like 300 lifetimes worth of books. Triliminus [to Seras]: No, just trying to get a general idea of what I'll be doing in the future. Triliminus says, "Nadia suggested transmutations earlier... Maybe I'll read about them soon." Gilraen looks at triliminus skeptically. Gilraen [to Triliminus]: You're not one for humour are you, I was suggesting it as a way to get rich. Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Heh... we're pretty poor, aren't we? Maybe you have the right idea. Gilraen grins. Triliminus says, "But what better way for me to make my way in the world than by learning magic?" Gilraen says, "yeah, but whats the use of learning it if you can never use it?" Triliminus says, "I can use it... As soon as the Guild lets me." Seras cocked her head at Triliminus' remark. "Is there a problem?" Triliminus [to Seras]: I talked to the Guild today about learning more magic. They said they'd contact me soon... but until then, I'm forbidden to use magic, except in self defense. "Or impressing girls at taverns?" Seras asked, smiling a little. Triliminus says, "Haha... that was before I even spoke to the guild!" Triliminus says, "I've got to stay out of trouble, so I'll follow their rules." Gilraen says, "Wow... how exciting." Gilraen says, "You honestly think following rules is how any of our revered leaders ascended to the positions they did? You're just setting yourself up for failure doing that." Seras looks disapprovingly at Gilraen. "It's not very exciting to be sitting in a jail cell, either." Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Well, what do you think I should do? Gilraen [to Seras]: I think I'd rather be in a jail cell then spend my life filling out forms. Gilraen [to Triliminus]: Entertain people. The poor need a distraction from their endless work and the nobles deserve to be fleaced of their money one way or another. Gilraen [to Seras]: I mean of course in a legitimate fashion of course. [ooc] ArcMage says, "Of course."

Gilraen [to Triliminus]: Travelling isn't so bad, and you get to see whats really goin on in the world. Think your elders tell you anything about what is going on? [ooc] Gilraen says, "yes, shush" Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Have you traveled a lot? Gilraen [to Triliminus]: I get around. Gilraen winks. Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Tell me about it! Gilraen blinks. Gilraen [to Triliminus]: Wow... easy there. Triliminus hehs. Seras rolls her eyes. Gilraen [to Seras]: So hows your paperwork anyways? I bet you see so much spending all that time you do filling out paperwork. [ooc] Seras says, "Brb" [ooc] ArcMage says, "that's right, avoid the question" [ooc] Seras says, "Back" Gilraen sits down and leans back in her chair. "I fill out so much paperwork because I see so much," Seras answered. "You think the rich cares to stop at a street performer's antics? You'd only have a chance to rob the poor blind... legitimately, of course." Gilraen glares, "And just why do you assume I was always a street performer? You think so little of me, why not just arrest me now and get it over with. Its what your handlers would want anyways isn't it? And if you see so much why don't you just start tellin gus what the hell is goin on because its obvious you know something you're not letting on." Gilraen says, "You who sees so much afterall. pfft" "I don't think so little of street performers, many of them are truly dedicated to their craft, and are actually good at what they do," Seras retorted. "What I have a problem with is your lofty attitude towards others, condemning their way of life when all you do is try to cheat people, and you're not even good at it. When was the last time you did something that helped someone else?" Gilraen shrugs. "I'm someone aren't I?" "I repeat, someone /else/," Seras stressed. Gilraen says, "Oh right I forgot I have great wealth to share with the masses. Here let me share the few shillings I have with the poor person next to me so I can starve too... right." Gilraen says, "I think we're done here... Miss law can go harass someone else. Good day." Gilraen stands up and storms off. Triliminus says, "..." Triliminus looks a little uncertain about whether to follow Nadia. "I'm sorry I yelled," Seras says to Triliminus, looking to the ground a little. "Please go look for her. I assume she's at least been a friend to you, since you're still together." Triliminus says, "Alright. It's been nice seeing you, Miss Seras." [ooc] Gilraen says, "Just FYI< I'm sitting just outside the main exit staring off into space and thinking if anyone bothers to follow me." Triliminus waves. "Likewise, Mr. Triliminus, take care of yourself," Seras said, and waved in return. Triliminus heads outside. Triliminus almost bumps into Gilraen. Triliminus [to Gilraen]: Hi. Gilraen looks up for a second before looking back down. Gilraen says, "yeah hi." Triliminus says, "Well, I don't really have anything important to do until the

Guild gets in touch with me." Gilraen shrugs. Triliminus [to Gilraen]: So, we're in a street. I haven't seen any of your performances... Gilraen says, "I'm not sure I'm really in the mood for a performance... besides its not the same without a cast of players... " Gilraen says, "I miss the other girls sometimes..." Gilraen says, "well... only a little... the little backstabbing whores" Gilraen [to Triliminus]: You know, you have it lucky sometimes... all you have to do is follow rules and everything works out for you. Gilraen says, "Just like that stupid half-elf princess in there." Triliminus says, "I don't want to just follow rules." Triliminus says, "I want to do something big and make a difference." Gilraen says, "heh... good luck with that." Gilraen says, "I'm sure pulling a rabbit out of a hat will make huge waves in the destiny of the world." [ooc] Gilraen says, "and the prodigal son emerges" [ooc] Triliminus says, "ooh, the big sword guy" Gilraen teleports enker in. Gilraen says, "not as dramatic but it works just as well." [ooc] Gilraen says, "er " [ooc] Triliminus says, "hey, enker" [ooc] Triliminus says, "you know how to talk? Type: ooc <something>" [ooc] Seras says, "Hey Enk!" [ooc] enker says, "Lesse" [ooc] enker says, "There we go" [ooc] Triliminus says, "so, you gonna be on time in the future? :)" [ooc] Gilraen says, "brb" [ooc] Enker says, "There is murder in the works, I assure you. I might have to go to a wedding next week, though, depending on funds, sanity, and breathing multicolored AOL symbols onto the surface of night to annihilate walk on till thieves stealing jobs." [ooc] Seras says, "So, no." [ooc] Gilraen says, "*grins*" [ooc] Enker says, "This was a fluke." [ooc] ArcMage says, "I'm afraid you might've missed the action for today" [ooc] ArcMage says, "But that's not terminal" [ooc] Gilraen says, "Action?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "For suitable values of 'action'" [ooc] Triliminus says, "so maybe Enker just happens to walk by us?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "I won't stop you guys from playing, but I may pass out" [ooc] Triliminus says, "ahh... so, should we cut it off here?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "That might be good." [ooc] Gilraen says, "okie" [ooc] Triliminus says, "general comments:" [ooc] Triliminus says, "Gilraen and I are still waiting for the plot hook. Seras has a mission of some sort, but we're not part of it" [ooc] Enker says, "Who is who?" [ooc] ArcMage says, "Triliminus here is a newly-minted apprentice wizard." [ooc] ArcMage says, "Gilraen is an... entertainer." [ooc] ArcMage says, "Seras is in the militia." [ooc] Enker says, "Sounds good"

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