Ses 209 Dance Lesson Plan

  • November 2019
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SES 209 – Peer Teach Lesson Plan Name:​ Morgan, Kendra, Maggie, & Kay Kay Content/Skill theme:​ Dance Lesson:​ 1 of 4 Date/Time:​ 10/04/17 Grade:​ 5th Class Size: ​20

Equipment (be specific, consider the whole lesson): ❖ Basketballs for each student ➢ Modified equipment: ■ volleyballs ■ bean bags ■ scarves ■ gator balls ■ ribbons ❖ Music ❖ T.V. to show video Safety (be specific, consider the whole lesson): ❖ Self space ❖ Careful of equipment rolling around

National Standards & Outcomes Standard 1 Non-locomotor (Stability): Performs curling, twisting and stretching actions with correct application in dance, gymnastics, small-sided practice tasks and games environments.(S1.E10.5) Standard 2 Movement Concepts: Combines spatial concepts with locomotor and nonlocomotor movements for small groups in gymnastics, dance and games environments. (S2.E1.5)

State Standards & Outcomes Standard 1.1.a. Demonstrate a dance, and then identify its basic dance movements (DOK 1-2) Standard 1.1.b. Perform a dance from memory (DOK 1) Standard 1:2. Perform a movement phrase, or dance with a variety of intent a. Use variety of stimuli to vary the same phrase or dance (DOK 1-3)

Standard 2 Movement Concepts: Combines movement concepts with skills in small-sided practice tasks in game environments, gymnastics and dance with self-direction. (S2.E2.5) Standard 5 Self-Expression and Enjoyment: Analyzes different physical activity for enjoyment and challenge, identifying reasons for a positive or negative response. (S5.E3.5)

Student Objectives (ESWBAT) SWBAT value dance movements and patterns in a group context.

Affective Cognitive

SWBAT recall dance steps and pattern from memory.


SWBAT demonstrate correct steps and patterns during the entirety of a dance.

Time (min)

Introduction / Instant Activity Sell your content; why should they learn this dance?

5 min

❖ Have every student grab a basketball and find their own self space. ❖ Students will dribble the basketball continuously within the boundaries ❖ The goal is to kick the other students ball out of their possession ❖ If a student has their ball knocked out or stops dribbling they will safely go to a space outside of the boundaries and do a set of five of one of the following exercises

Teacher Objectives 1. Successfully demonstrate dance moves in small steps. 2. Successfully teach students how to combine small steps into a complete dance. 3. Successfully encourage students to freely move during dance inside and outside of the classroom.

Performance Cues Behavior prompts; teaching cues; specific feedback; teacher actions

Organizational Arrangement Diagram showing organization of students; Managerial task statements

I like the ball control Seth Way to use your fingertips to tap the ball away Sam Excellent hustle doing the exercises Bob

Adaptations & Modifications Potential adaptations to student activities to meet the needs of ALL students.

❖ Students will be spread out around the gym in boundaries

Use different ball types ➢ Volleyball ➢ Beach ball ➢ Men’s vs women’s basketball

➢ Jumping jacks ➢ Push ups ➢ Sit ups ❖ Once they do the above they are able to come back in the game.


Time (min)

15 min

Change the boundaries to make room smaller or bigger ❖ Increase or decrease repetitions for exercises ❖

Good Morning class! So today we are going to start with a fun instant activity! For this activity we are going to start out with the boundaries being the blue lines. What are our boundaries? “​The blue lines!”​ Great! To start off everyone will be in their own self space. You will begin to start dribbling your basketball. When I say go the goal is to knock other students’ basketballs out of their hands while still dribbling. What is the goal? “​Knock the basketball out of other's hands!” ​Right! Now when we do this we want to use our finger pads and only aim for the basketball because we don’t want to hit our classmates! *Do a demonstration of how to knock away the ball here* If your ball is knocked away you will safely retrieve it and go outside of the boundaries. Where will you go if your ball gets knocked away? “​Go to the outside of the boundaries!” ​Great! Now once you are there you will need to do 5 reps of the exercise out of the following: Jumping Jacks, sit-ups, or push ups. How many reps will you do? ​“5!” ​Right! Now I encourage you to try all of them but it is your choice! I want everyone to point to the basketball that is closest to them. Great now when I say go I want you to grab that basketball and find your own self space. Once everyone is in their own self space we will start! GO! Student Activities

Performance Cues

Include the entire dance sequence, task development, goal orientation progressions, learning experiences, scaffolding specifics; instructional task statements.

Behavior prompts; teaching cues; specific feedback; teacher actions

Students should be in three rows. Start instructions for We’re All In This Together using four counts. 1. Feet apart and punch down and pull up to the right (hands on either side of ride leg x2). 2. Left leg stomp and clap hands overhead. ​4 count 3. Repeat first step performing the pulling motion once rotating from right to left side four times. ​4 count Repeat x2 (Rotate lines)

I like the way you are stomping in control. Great job as a class keeping with the rhythm! Nice job keeping the lunge and point step

Directions Diagram showing organization of students; Managerial task statements

Rows of three that rotate throughout the lesson

Adaptations & Modifications Potential adaptations to student activities to meet the needs of ALL students.

-Add a visual aid such as a television that students would be able to watch and follow along to -Hold two different ribbon colors in both

4. Feet together fold arms and lean. 5. Lunge forward on the right. 6. Bring right foot back and hands in front of chest and fan out to sides (jazz hands). ​4 count Repeat x2 (Rotate lines) 7. Both arms shoot up and then down again. 8. Repeat step one. ​4 count 9. Right leg crosses over left and turn all the way around. 10. Lunge and point left. Come back and feet together. 11. Right hand out to the right and the same with the left. Skip forward raise the arms. ​4 count

aligned with each other. It’s important they occur in the same rhythm.

hands for students to see movements easier -Use a clicker or stomping method to allow students to feel vibrations through the floor (you can incorporate these into the four count)

-Put it all together with music included. Slow first, then full speed.

Transition: Allow students to dance to the rest of the song in all throughout the gym. Incorporate creativity.


Okay class, now that we are all warmed up from that fun instant activity, we are going to start dancing! When I say go I want you all to get into three lines facing me, don’t worry about who is in the front or back because we will be rotating. Okay go! So Most of you have probably seen the movie High School Musical. If you have not do not worry because here is a short clip of the dance we will be doing (play High School musical dancing clip). Now don’t be intimidated by the speed of these moves we are going to take this slow at first so that we all have a good understanding. We are going to be doing a four count for this dance, so before every move I will count us off to start. What dance count will we be doing? ​Four Count! T ​ his first step will be with our legs at shoulder-width. Then while staying in this position we will rotate our feet towards the right. With our hands on either side of our right knee we are going to do two pulling motions towards the floor. Then step left and stomp; clap hands overhead (demonstrate). Now I will show you this all together (demonstrate while doing the four count). So I will count us off (do a four count and demonstrate the dance with them x2). Okay thumbs up if you understand and are ready for the next step! if you need more time to go over it that is okay! ​Thumbs up! ​When I say go I want the back line to move to the middle, the middle move up and then front line all the way to the back. Go! For the second step we are taking the first part of the first step and pulling on our right side, then our left, our right, and then ending on the left (demonstrate). Okay class now lets try this all together doing this second step! 1,2,3,4 (demonstrate while counting have them doing to two times). Thumbs up if you understand and are ready to move on! Lets rotate those lines again! Now we are going to try the first step and second step together (demonstrate both together). Okay lets do those steps together now! So when we land on that left side we are going to strike a pose, step out on our right, and bring it back in for jazz hands, and have fun with these jazz hands (demonstrate while counting). Now you guys try! 1,2,3,4 (have them do dance while demonstrating and counting). Once we end with our jazz hands our hands will go up reaching for the stars and them back down to bring the stars back down to us. Then two pulling

motions towards the ground again on our right side. Which side? ​Our right!​ Okay now we can practice this one together I will count off! 1,2,3,4 (demonstrate third step a couple times). Now lets add this onto the other steps 1,2,3,4. Thumbs up if you understand and are ready to move on! ​Thumbs up!​ Lets rotate lines again! After the two pulls we will stomp with our left foot again and then clap over our head. Then take your right foot and cross over the left foot and turn till you are facing forward. Lets practice this fourth step together! We will be starting at the stomp with the left foot. Which foot? ​The left foot! O ​ kay 1,2,3,4 (demonstrate step four a couple times). Now after we have turned around and are facing forward we point to the right. Point to where? ​The right! ​Come back and stand together. With your right palm up, put it to your right side and then do the same thing with the left hand. Okay now do this step all together! 1,2,3,4 (demonstrate step five a couple times). Now after this step you raise your arms up and skip and boogie! Rotate lines again! Lets try all of this together super slow! If you get lost don't worry because I will be demonstrating the whole time! (Demonstrate a couple of times trying to get faster). Now we are going to add the music I will count off for when you are supposed to begin (do dance with music).

10 min

Start instructions for Get Your Head in the Game by using a four count. Students will learn dance by pretending to hold a basketball at first. Once appropriate, and all the steps are learned, basketballs and other modified objects may be used. 1. Ready position with ball in front of body 2. Jump to an open stance and dribble ball crossing in front starting with right to left, then left to right 3. “Catch” ball with right hand while jumping back into standing position ​4 count 4. Cross chest with ball 5. Repeat step 2​ 4 count 6. Repeat step 3 but bring left hand above and point to head 7. Cross chest 8. Face right side ​4 count 9. Ball fake 2 times, face the left side and place ball behind back ​4 count ROTATE LINES 10. Throw ball up in air from behind the back and catch closely in front of body 11. Left leg forward, dribble twice​ 4 count 12. Right leg step, dribble, left leg cross over to right side, dribble ​4 count 13. Triple threat position, ball fake left.

Nice job pretending to hold a basketball and following the forms that go with it! This class is doing a great job putting all the steps together, let’s keep it up! I see creativity in each step and appreciate having an open mind while performing the dance.

-Students may use different types of objects in place of the basketballs such as volleyballs, beanbags, scarves, gator balls, and ribbons Rows of three that rotate throughout the lesson

-Students may stand closely to a partner in order to learn the steps together and work off of and help each other -Make music quieter for students that may be distracted or use Kidz Bop version

14. Dribble through both legs, while jumping with left foot in front, then right foot in front ​4 count ROTATE LINES 15. Jump into ready position, push ball over head while kicking front leg out 16. Triple threat to right side, bring basketball behind the back with right hand and catch with left ​4 count 17. Dribble ball with right hand 2x, grab and backwards turn to the right side ending facing forward ​4 count 18. Left arm point to head while holding ball with right and one step of karaoke. 19. Step back and shoot ball. ​4 count -Put it altogether with music included Slow first then full speed


Time (min)

5 min

Alright students, we just learned which dance? *We’re All in This Together!* That’s right, and now we are moving on to “Get Your Head in the Game”! This dance has more parts to it so we really need to focus on the sequence and staying in line with the rhythm. Once again, we have a visual on the tv that you may look at if you need guidance along the way. We will start off by learning the basics in counts of four and then progress to combining those and eventually put the dance altogether! There are two positions that I would like you all to know before we get started. The first is ready position. (Demonstrate ready position, body straight and ball in front of stomach.) The second is triple threat position, can someone show me what triple threat position looks like in basketball? *Someone demonstrates* Great, thank you for demonstrating! What I’m looking for are knees bent and a wide, open-footed stance, like this (demonstrate). -Review ready and triple threat position.- Alright, it looks like we have the hang of it, now let's start off with out first 4 count… (Start to teach using steps 1-19).

Closure Review what has been learned. End on a good note! Wow guys! Awesome job! I’m so impressed by all of your great dance moves today! I also was super thrilled to see all of your dribbling skills when it came to our instant activity! What would you say was the most challenging thing in that instant activity? ​Student answers.​ Well no matter that challenges that you guys faced in that game, you guys did an awesome job of

Performance Cues Behavior prompts; teaching cues; specific feedback; teacher actions

Directions Diagram showing organization of students; Managerial task statements

Great Insight on the Get your Head in the Game dance! Students will gather in a small huddle/circle. I loved when you all participated it and made it your own!

Adaptations & Modifications Potential adaptations to student activities to meet the needs of ALL students.

dribbling your ball and protecting it, while trying to also knock other’s basketball’s out, so awesome job. Once we got into the dancing part, it was super fun to see all of your great dance moves! Which part of one of the dances were your favorite? ​Student Answers. W ​ hy? Student answers. T ​ hat’s great! I enjoyed watching you guys really combine your spacial concepts with your locomotor and non locomotor skills. It’s important that we are aware of our self space while we are doing things as a group. Can someone tell me what they found more challenging about the Get Your Head In Game dance when comparing it to the We Are All in This Together dance? ​Student answers.​ Yes! If you guys noticed it was also challenging when we incorporated the basketball, because we not only had to get our bodies moving to the four count, but also the basketball! Anyways, GREAT job today guys, and you all mastered the dances today! Way to go and thanks for your awesome participation and enthusiasm!


N/A Great job on self space with a group!

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