Sept 23

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We do indeed work with the christed energies of the Elohim W thank you for being here. Is it important to light a candle. C it is in our estimation valuable to light a candle but if that is not prudent, it is ok to invoke the light as you have done. W first I have some questions from the instrument and she would like some more information regarding the changes she’s experiencing in her physical body. C is this the extent of the question W yes C in so far as there are changes in the electromagnetic spectrum of what is happening in the sun, there are those in the population who are especially sensitive to the changing of the rays. This is now happening at an unprecedented rate changing the molecular substructure and ability for the blood to process as it has in the past. This particular instrument is experiencing a rather aggravated condition because of previous incarnations whereby she did not allow herself access to certain frequencies. These frequency channels are now opening and literally flooding overwhelming the system, She is finding it quite difficult to assimilate and feels rather entrapped in the present physical density which is more than most humans could handle shall we say. Given time it shall alleviate itself but it remains to be worked through the individual cells and collective memory lodged in the subconscious. W is there anything she can do on a day to day level to assist her in this process? C we would suggest frequent rest interlaced with periods of walking, stretching and meditation such as she is attempting to do now. Working and being with people in short bursts of activity is relatively helpful. Doing all things in unstrained short sequences of time is best. This one cannot endure marathon sessions. As her partner and friend, take care that you do not strain her as this serves to put her into a negative spiral and sets her back energetically. W How can the instrument relate to me and my presence in her life for her maximum growth? C this shall come about gradually over a period of several months. There is still a disassociation phase from the former life which holds itself still quite strongly in this instruments consciousness. It is as if she feels in a parallel dream state to the life that she had before. This new life feels very unreal. And very ungrounded and yet she also knows interiorly that there is an important process at work and she does accept and respect this. Your patience is asked and definitely required during this integration phase. W there was a question why when she translates the interview I did with david wilcock does she get so tired and did she have a past life experience with david wilcock?

C the tiredness stems from a type of psychic hyperventilation on the part of the young david wilcock. The energy he pours forth is of such intensity and vibrancy as to make this instrument literally burned out. She can do it in small segments. Again no marathon sessions of anything for this one at this time. W did she have a past life experience with david or edgar cayce? C we indicate a connection and affiliation in atlanteon times. And also Ankara Turkey 750 B.C. Yes we do indicate a connection with the present entity. There was a schooling together and a teaching affiliation W what was david wilcock in that lifetime in turkey? C we see him as a scribe. A young priest. W we’ve been suggested that mesa az is a place we should locate fairly soon. Is that still indicated. C we indicate that mesa is a good and noble place to relocate at this time. The energies there should serve you to catalyze and catapult you into your next step in terms of service. You shall find life and the means to support your physical essences easier to come by there and the area in general much more beneficial than urban los angeles. We would suggest as soon as it is feasible. W should we try to make contact with people before we leave or should we arrive and let ourselves be led. C it is not necessary to prearrange. Simply go and trust. Being open and of course doing your research on the internet which could be done at any location. W do you see we will be very likely traveling a lot after relocating there? C yes once a base of operation is established which is necessary for the instrument to feel grounded then it is most likely and possible to spend time traveling. W this evening we came across a fire not to far from our house. Is there any symbolism attached to that fire? C the symbolism is that time is running out and that business as usual for people in their lives is quickly coming to an end. It is a sign of preparation and harkening. Don’t let the grass grow under your feet. This is the opposite. We will light a match under you to get you to go to the next level. W so that was particularly symbolic for daphne and myself.

C it means do not tarry. Your time here is finished . W is it ok to do that fair in Phoenix C we read neutral If you deem it necessary for financial considerations to incorporate some aspect of this it is all right. W as a result of doing this fair here as of necessity, my main project with this book has been suspended for two weeks and I sense an urgency init. how do you see the relationship with haydon Cameron with regard to the book project? C we would say do not overly rely on this connection with haydon even though emotionally he could be a good source of support. Continue to seek out other means of publication. W we have the opportunity to publish with Richard grossinger. Does that seem like a positive contact at this time? C at this particular time you might find the avenue blocked. However you might consider renegotiating your conversations. At the same time know that there are many avenues untapped. W any suggestions for untapped avenues which are untapped. C morrow. Morrow publishing. W where are they located C new jersey. W do you think I could have used better judgement with regard to Richard grossinger C we would not say it was a mistake but rather a karmic drama playing itself out which may not be yet finished. W ok in terms of asking questions, I know when other people are present, there is a greater degree of responsibility for the kind of information that can be brought forward. Is that true. C there is always a high degree of responsibility . W for example, in asking questions in this circumstance with daphne and myself, if I ask something inappropriate I would be told I’m not meant to know that. Is that correct? I want to ask some questions about the ascension process . How important is the mental awareness of the person regarding the ascension process as opposed to the opening of the chakras?

C the mental faculty is but one aspect of the total energization of transference which takes place. It is not necessarily definitely needed that the intellectual faculties comprehend the process taking place. However there must be a willingness on the part of the participant to move with the various incoming levels of energy. Thus providing a jumping off place for the participants mind to explore the new realms of possibility introduced by the energization of the frequencies present in his own charkas and vortexes. There is a new field being developed within him or her and the exploration of that field is left to the individual discernment of that being whether to participate consciously mentally or not and how far in which to do so. W so if a person is mentally prepared they have more chance of making a positive choice. Could we say that. C we would not term it positive or negative choice. It is simply choice. All roads lead to god whether sooner or later. W so to ask the question in another way. A person may have the energetic openness, the chakra vortices open and choose not to take the ascending path. C this is a free will zone. W but they may not understand the choice if they haven’t had a preliminary exposure to the concept? Is that possible? C it is not something that exposure would not necessarily induce a person to choose differently or not. It is rather an internal willingness on the part of self to leave behind a playground, a school ground of third dimensional energy and move into a higher vibratory field. It is more a question is the participant ready to stop playing and experiencing the games of the third dimension. Is she willing to let them go. And there is no punishment if the person is not ready.. W what will happen to a person who chooses to keep reexperiencing the third dimension? C they will play out the third dimension where they are able to do it. Not in this solar system as this is slated for ascension but perhaps in another, light years from here. W there was a discussion in one book about two parallel earths, one of them called terra that ascended beings would go to terra. Is there any truth in that? C we would say that terra is the oversoul harmonic of your present earth. She does not exist separately but inter-dimensionally in the future ahead of this present third density.\ W at the present time are there beings on terra.

C the question as you have phrased it, we cannot respond to. We say that terra exists as an over-dimensional aspect of the present earth. And beings would exist within that framework. W has the time line for ascension been shortened or is it still going to begin around 2009? C we see in 7 years forstalling, it is difficult to say . there are to many variables everything is currently being resurrected. And reconstructed as we speak. W are the negative changes in our government affecting these processes? C it is part of the alchemical mix of course. Though undo attention should not be focused there upon. W do you have any message for daphne’s sister lisa that can help her in her process of evolution? C lisa needs to learn to be the recipient of cocreative energy of the one. She still bears the burden of going it all alone. W is there a way that daphne could share that with her. C very much as she has been doing. Calling, talking , supporting, in a familiar fashion. W one story said that there were going to be holographic images of A jesus in the sky with flying saucers coming to land that were of a negative dispostion. Is that possible? C many things are possible. We would not say it is necessarily a probable event. At this juncture. W is there any specific advice regarding how daphne and I might be more effective? C create music together. Do this regularly. Share it with others. Do not isolate yourselves creatively. Use this time of interiorness to strengthen the creative bond. W is there any message I can give Gillian. C does Gillian have fish. W no C we indicate fish perhaps coy would be beneficial to this one. W when you are emissaries of Elohim, council of A’an . Is P’taah also an emissary of elohim?

C P’taah is of the greater galactic source. He works in counciliar fashion with the council. W is P’taah also a group soul who had physical incarnations somewhere? C P’taah is the one of many diverse lineages and assumptions. W when we first did this it was p’taah who identified itself and then the council of elohim. Will p’taah speak to us again? C it is up to P’taah. W would we request p’taah’s presence at the beginning? C yes W would there be different kinds of information that would come through p’taah than the council of a’an or the council of elohim? C slightly different W could you explain the differences? C no W in other words if we have certain kinds of questions is it better for us to be open and allow whoever wants to to show up? C we bring forth the truth as best we see it. W I’m asking for understanding of the process. I appreciate the availability for us. We’re having a meeting with three people present. Would the council of A’an be available for that? C you may ask for their participation. W I guess on that note we’ll close this session and I thank you for answering all our questions C we are pleased to be of service and we bid you good night. Adonoi adonoi sebayath.

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