Sentence Completion

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Verbal Ability for

CAT 2009

Sentence Correction

Complete the following sentence… 

Despite the supposedly primitive lifestyle, Australian aborigines developed the boomerang, a ________ and _________ hunting tool that maximizes gain with minimum effort. (1) ponderous…expensive (2) clean….dynamic (3) dangerous….formidable (4) sophisticated….efficient (5) useful….attractive

Method: Steps to follow 

What are the ideas in the sentence?

Think of a word that makes sense in the blank

Scan the choices

Reread the word in the blank

Compare if the word expected by you matches what you arrived at

Important Note:

Do NOT start by substituting the choices in the given statement

Types of Sentences 

These are similar to types of paragraphs and also fewer in number  Cause

and effect

 Reiteration  Similarity  Contrast

or Restatement/Parallelism

or support

Cause and Effect 

Sentences are of type: A

because B  B, Hence A  A as a result of B  B thus A  B leading to A


therefore A  B causes A  A due to B  B, consequently A  Because of B,A

Cause and Effect 

A is the result of the action B  Humans

have destroyed the forest cover and hence ensued global warming

 

A -> Global Warming was caused due to B -> Destruction of forest cover

Example 

Because of the power and recognition that go with public office, incumbent politicians have enormous____________ when waging election campaigns against outside challengers. (1) difficulties (2) expenses (3) advantages (4) budgets (5) concerns

Solution 

Because of the power and recognition that go with public office, incumbent politicians have enormous_advantages_ when waging election campaigns against outside challengers. (1) difficulties (2) expenses (3) advantages (4) budgets (5) concerns

Reiteration or Restatement/Parallelism These sentences have 2 ideas. One idea restates or clarifies the other.    

A in fact B A in other words B A and B A likewise B

  

A namely B A surely B A that is B

Here A and B are similar in meaning, sometimes even synonyms.

Example 

He was the most ______ person we had ever met, in fact his magnanimity knew no limits.  Magnanimous

means being generous or

noble.  So, the blank can be filled with words like generous, noble, charitable, benevolent etc…

Example 

Biologists have often gained special insights by examining the life forms that develop in _________ regions, as illustrated by Darwin’s studies of evolution among the finches on certain __________ Pacific islands. (1) arid … lush (2) harsh … tropical (3) typical … unusual (4) crowded …deserted (5) isolated … remote

Solution 

The words “as illustrated by” indicates that Darwin’s study supports that of the biologists .

So, the words need to support each other. (1) arid … lush  Antonyms (2) harsh … tropical  this might be possible (3) typical … unusual  Not in context (4) crowded …deserted  Antonyms (5) isolated … remote  isolated must imply remoteness

Answer is (5)

Similarity or Support 

The sentences are similar to parallelism type.

It is alright to not be able to distinguish between the previous type and this type as the logic remains the same.

CAT does not ask you which type of sentence a particular sentence is 

Similarity or Support 

Sentences of this type have the words: A

likewise B  Just as A, similarly B  A like B  For instance  Furthermore  As , same, such as, also  Resemblance

Example 

Just as television surpassed radio, it seems internet will eventually ________ television. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Invigorate Alter Eliminate Supplant

Solution   

“Just as” implies similarity Look for synonym of/similar word to the word “surpass” Here,    

 

Invigorate -> Antonym Alter -> Similar but not quite Eliminate -> possible answer – eliminate means to remove Supplant -> possible answer – supplant means to replace

As eliminate is a very drastic word, supplant is the more appropriate answer. Answer is (4)

Contrast  

Opposite of the previous type Sentences show differences/contrast between two ideas

Sentences have the words:

Although Despite In spite of However Against As opposed to

    

     

On the other hand Surprisingly Unlike In contrast Rather Even though

Example 

In a large group of people consisting of strangers, Aish often seemed ____ and aloof, although among her friends. She was quite ____.    

Reticent – Convival Gregarious - Outgoing Detrimental - Multifarous Unattainable - Taciturn

Solution 

The words need to indicate opposite behaviour

   

Reticent = silent convivial = friendly Gregarious = talkative Outgoing = extrovert Detrimental = causing downfall of Multifarious = diverse Unattainable = unreachable Taciturn = silent

Clearly, only option 1 is right.

How do you solve this? 

Despite the supposedly primitive lifestyle, Australian aborigines developed the boomerang, a ________ and _________ hunting tool that maximizes gain with minimum effort. (1) ponderous…expensive (2) clean….dynamic (3) dangerous….formidable (4) sophisticated….efficient (5) useful….attractive

How do you solve this?  

Despite implies opposite or contrast . So, one word needs to be opposite of “primitive”. “that maximizes gain with minimum effort” implies the other word must be the word meaning the same.

Primitive X Modern

That maximizes gain with minimum effort = efficient

Looking for similar words to modern and efficient. (1) ponderous…expensive (2) clean….dynamic (3) dangerous….formidable (4) sophisticated….efficient (5) useful….attractive


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