Ans-gre Sentence Completion

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 737
  • Pages: 2
Question 1—Analysis (Return to Question 1)

The correct response to Question 1 is (C). Dependence on one's environment would in all likelihood make one concerned about it. Version (C) makes sense; primitive humans would surely not have been indifferent (unconcerned) about how the environment might affect them. Question 2—Analysis (Return to Question 2)

The correct response to Question 2 is (E). The first part of the sentence (containing both missing words) must explain why it difficult to imagine that Richard III had been dead for so long when Shakespeare wrote the play. A vivid (lifelike or realistic) depiction (characterization or description) of the ruler would provide just such an explanation. Question 3—Analysis (Return to Question 3)

The correct response to Question 3 is (A). The operative word in this sentence is merely, which calls for a contrast between the first and second clause. The first missing word should set up that contrast. Only (A) and (C) accomplish this. Of these two choices, only (A) makes complete sense. (The word belies means "misleads or deceives" and makes no sense here in tandem with the word merely.) Question 4—Analysis (Return to Question 4)

The correct response to Question 4 is (D). The missing word must contrast with the notion of abuse of genetic engineering, while at the same time be consistent with the desirable goal of reducing the incidence of deformities. Only (D) accomplishes both. To use the technology "discriminately" would be to conscientiously apply it only toward certain ends (such as reducing deformities) and not toward others (such as creating a master race that dominates others). Question 5—Analysis (Return to Question 5)

The correct response to Question 5 is (C). A miscreant is a villain, scoundrel, or criminal. The sentence infers that Catcher In the Rye might provoke (incite) potential miscreants to engage in violent antisocial behavior. Question 6—Analysis (Return to Question 6)

The correct response to Question 6 is (A). The first operative word in the sentence is since, which means "because" here. The fact that the disorders appear frequently only among young children would explain the conclusion that these "disorders" are not disorders at all, but rather normal developmental phenomena that children grow out of. Version (A) conveys this idea. The second operative word is disorders (in quotes). The fact that the word appears in quotes provides a clue that the term might be a misnomer--an inappropriate label. Again, version (A) conveys this idea. Question 7—Analysis (Return to Question 7)

The correct response to Question 7 is (E). The operative word in this sentence is paradoxically. A paradox is an apparent contradiction. So the sentence intends to point out two contradictory traits of Carnegie. (E) accomplishes this. Philanthropy literally means "love of humankind" and is usually used to describe generous charitable giving by wealthy individuals. Carnegie's cost-cutting business practices and oppressive treatment of his labor force would seem paradoxical, given his reputation as a philanthropist. Question 8—Analysis (Return to Question 8)

The correct response to Question 8 is (B). The operative phrase in this sentence is by which. What precedes this key phrase must adequately explain the analogy that follows it. Version (B) fits the bill. In the context of evolution, many organisms have continually adapted to environmental changes, resulting in a large variety of species (in a continual branching manner); in other words, for most organisms evolution is not linear. Question 9—Analysis (Return to Question 9)

The correct response to Question 9 is (B). The operative word in this sentence is because, which requires that what follows it must explain what precedes it. Profit potential would explain why drug companies persist in developing new drugs despite onerous (burdensome) government regulations. Version (B) expresses this idea. (The word dissuade means "discourage or persuade not to.") Question 10—Analysis (Return to Question 10)

The correct response to Question 10 is (D). The first operative word in the sentence is rather, which sets up a contrast between what precedes it and what follows it. So the first clause must run contrary to the phrase "it burgeoned [grew] from social experience." Only (A), (C), and (D) fit the bill. Of these three choices, (D) establishes the clearest contrast--between ideology and experience. A second operative term in the sentence is which explains. What follows this phrase must be consistent with what precedes it. Version (D) accomplishes just that. The word empirical means "based on observation or experience (as opposed to theory)."

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