Senor In A 3

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Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

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Low Carb Friends ( - Beyond the Lowcarb Realm - THE PLAYGROUND ( - - I just saw a woman and man that I work with (


08-10-2009 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by senorina (Post 12330716) Oh please. they live in New York, and I was surprised so I mentioned it. Sorry I don't have my halo on, it is out for polishing.

Yeah, i would have said the same thing when I'd got into the car. Jeez, :dunno: Exactly. :dunno::doh: Quote:

What do you mean, "it really wasn't her business"? She's the innocent party here who stumbled upon an awkward situation who now is put in another awkward situation at work.

I also agree w/ Magicsmom. :up:


08-10-2009 01:29 PM

Wow---for the couple of posters here who have gotten all "holier than thou", spare us. :rolleyes: I think Senorina handled this situation like about 98% of the popluation would have. It DOES affect her, she has a right to feel uncomfortable, and she is human and has a right to form an opinion on what she thinks (and probably) is going on. And she has a right to form an opinion on the two indiviuduals she saw engaging in the behavior that she thinks is going on. My goodness, she is not a robot! I am having a similar situation like this where I work. But, it's not just out at restaurants I am seeing the couple(which I am), it is in her office after work hours with the office door closed! And yes, you better believe that makes me EXTREMELY uncomfortable. I have to stay late at work a lot, and every day this woman works, her "boy toy" is practically connected to her like a magnet. And I feel like I can't even move around the open office area freely because I feel they might hear me! :confused: Can you imagine? I'm the one who is doing work, and I'm worried about what they think of me. :dunno: That's how uncomfortable they make me, and it ain't right. It may not be any of my business as some have suggested here, but, frankly, I find it disgusting. And

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

2 of 13

they kind of have made it my business by blatantly rubbing it in my face. I'm sure they are not rubbing it in my face deliberately, but everywhere I turn, THERE THEY ARE! If they want to cheat, then fine. But it sure has lowered my respect level for them. But, when they start hanging out in her office which is directly across from my office after work with the DOOR CLOSED, that is just all sorts of wrong, and I'm sorry to say it becomes my business since I am the only other employee working late on my floor usually when they are "together". Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I'm in Human Resources too. So, I took this info to my boss and told her how uncomfortable it was making me, and also to tell her how the rest of the office is engaged in a lot of gossip over this. She had a conversation with the woman employee (as they are friends) and the woman employee had the nerve to get annoyed and say to my boss, "If we were both woman, these rumors would have never have been started." :doh: I swear, this woman is clueless. I still think it would have been weird if they were both woman (the amount of time they spent together during work and AFTER work, especially when she has a husband and daughter at home). But, whatever, I digress.

:p And Senorina-my halo is out for polishing too. In fact, I don't remember ever getting to wear it because I think it's on backorder and never was shipped to me to begin with! :laugh:


08-10-2009 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jager (Post 12331462) What do you mean, "it really wasn't her business"? She's the innocent party here who stumbled upon an awkward situation who now is put in another awkward situation at work.

:clap: :clap: :clap: This is what I was trying to say in my long-winded post above.


08-10-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jager (Post 12331462) What do you mean, "it really wasn't her business"? She's the innocent party here who stumbled upon an awkward situation who now is put in another awkward situation at work.

^ This! It's not like senorina was seeking them out, reading their e-mails, listening to their phone calls, following them around, or any other type of nefarious behavior. She went to a restaurant with a group of people and was presented with a difficult and embarassing situation to deal with. She is the one who is innocent, and it's not fair that she has to be involved. But she is.


08-10-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Happycat21 (Post 12331531)

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

3 of 13

:clap: :clap: :clap: This is what I was trying to say in my long-winded post above.

That's OK, I'm reading your LONG-WINDED post right now. :laugh: :p :cool:


08-10-2009 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Happycat21 (Post 12331521) Wow---for the couple of posters here who have gotten all "holier than thou", spare us. :rolleyes:

No need to bring out the rolly eyes. So we would have handled it differently. Doesn't mean we think we are holier than thou. Like there has never been a difference of opinion on the PG before.


08-10-2009 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Magicsmom (Post 12331536) ^ This! It's not like senorina was seeking them out, reading their e-mails, listening to their phone calls, following them around, or any other type of nefarious behavior. She went to a restaurant with a group of people and was presented with a difficult and embarassing situation to deal with. She is the one who is innocent, and it's not fair that she has to be involved. But she is.

Actually I think S should have reached into her Coach bag, walked past their table, gave them a big 'ole wink, tossed a couple of packets of trojans, rollieeyed them, THEN came back here and told us all about it. But that is just my opinion. *tossed head to the left, humpfed and sneered. Sheesh.


08-10-2009 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Screamer (Post 12331580) Actually I think S should have reached into her Coach bag, walked past their table, gave them a big 'ole wink, tossed a couple of packets of trojans, rollieeyed them, THEN came back here and told us all about it. But that is just my opinion.

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

4 of 13

*tossed head to the left, humpfed and sneered. Sheesh.

Looks like you never had a halo, Missy, polished or dull!


08-10-2009 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jager (Post 12331589) Looks like you never had a halo, Missy, polished or dull!

nope. or if I did it's in a landfill somewhere. :D


08-10-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by MistyLoo (Post 12331665) It took you 4 pages to come up with this bit 'o wisdom? :dunno:



08-10-2009 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by MistyLoo (Post 12331665) It took you 4 pages to come up with this bit 'o wisdom? :dunno:



08-10-2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by senorina (Post 12331682) :laugh:

*pinch* you little gossiper you.:welcome:

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

5 of 13


08-10-2009 02:15 PM

Add me to the list. :laugh: then add this one: :hyst:


08-10-2009 02:17 PM

am I going to have to get a whole set of halo's manufactured while I get mine polished???


08-10-2009 02:18 PM

I think some folks have their halos on a little to tight.:stars:

Nancy Pancy

08-10-2009 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by senorina (Post 12331354) Do you think it was morally wrong for me to feel uncomfortable? And worried that work might be uncomfortable for me AND her? Or just wrong for me to tell my friends that I was uncomfortable and worried?

No, not at all. Although, I can understand "why" you would feel uncomfortable you were not 'caught' by anyone, so try to keep relaxed. Is it wrong to tell your friends? Who knows. While, this news can "interesting", spreading the word certainly qualifies as gossip, IMO. Please know, that I'm not saying that I wouldn't share this with other interested parties and speculate what these two were doing, it's still gossip. So I guess that depends on your gossip morals. I was only putting another spin on this, not judging you. I truly do believe it's none of "our" business and only that of the two peeps and their partners.


08-10-2009 02:20 PM

I am not grasping how coming to the PG with something like this makes her a gossip or snooping or whatever.

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

6 of 13

It isn't like she took cell phone camera video and has it running on a loop on all the office computers. Or even telling her coworkers.


08-10-2009 02:20 PM

What does the guy do for your company? Stuff like this can have a bad influence on the workplace so technically, it is your business.

Nancy Pancy

08-10-2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Jager (Post 12331462) What do you mean, "it really wasn't her business"? She's the innocent party here who stumbled upon an awkward situation who now is put in another awkward situation at work.

I only mean it's not our business who has dinner with whom. It really isn't. Senorina is not in an awkward position at work. She wasn't dining with another's hubbie.


08-10-2009 02:24 PM

*cough* Troll *cough*


08-10-2009 02:25 PM

As the Playground Turns :stars:


08-10-2009 02:27 PM

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

7 of 13

I am not vilifying anything that you said. I'm vilifying you. :rolleyes: Plus, I'm not the one that said "This is the playground. Get over it."


08-10-2009 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Jager (Post 12331755) Oh oh, you didn't have dinner in Massachusetts on Sunday night, did you?:eek:

BEST quote E V E R !


08-10-2009 02:29 PM

Anyone else reminded of the good old days on the playground when you couldn't wait to see what was said next? ;)


08-10-2009 02:29 PM

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

8 of 13


Originally Posted by dmvgirl (Post 12331785) Anyone else reminded of the good old days on the playground when you couldn't wait to see what was said next? ;)

The refresh button is your friend. :laugh:


08-10-2009 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Weedydidi (Post 12331778) She most-certainly does have a halo. A pretty shiny one!

The horns just hold it up straight. :p


08-10-2009 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Screamer (Post 12331580) Actually I think S should have reached into her Coach bag, walked past their table, gave them a big 'ole wink, tossed a couple of packets of trojans, rollieeyed them, THEN came back here and told us all about it. But that is just my opinion. *tossed head to the left, humpfed and sneered. Sheesh.

Quoted to add: rollied eyed them, taken a cell phone video THEN came back her to tell us all about it.


08-10-2009 02:32 PM

Now I'm sure of it. :rolleyes:


08-10-2009 02:32 PM

It really doesn't sound like him at all.


08-10-2009 02:33 PM


8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

9 of 13

Originally Posted by Nancy Pancy (Post 12331724) No, not at all. Although, I can understand "why" you would feel uncomfortable you were not 'caught' by anyone, so try to keep relaxed. Is it wrong to tell your friends? Who knows. While, this news can "interesting", spreading the word certainly qualifies as gossip, IMO. Please know, that I'm not saying that I wouldn't share this with other interested parties and speculate what these two were doing, it's still gossip. So I guess that depends on your gossip morals. I was only putting another spin on this, not judging you. I truly do believe it's none of "our" business and only that of the two peeps and their partners.

I know, I shouldn't feel uncomfortable....not sure why I do. And by friends, I think you got that I meant you guys, I would not bring this up at work around anyone who knows them. I don't really know their situations. Just posted because it was a "wow, that was awkward" thing.


08-10-2009 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by CurveControl (Post 12331809) It really doesn't sound like him at all.

Yep, exactly what I was thinking.


08-10-2009 02:33 PM



08-10-2009 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by CurveControl (Post 12331796) The horns just hold it up straight. :p

yup!!! :)

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

10 of 13


08-10-2009 02:35 PM

:rofl:OMG let us add some extra drama to a already interesting thread.


08-10-2009 02:36 PM

*snort*. misty loo's stats say 130 pound! down right FAT I tell you.

yeah, um, think we may have a hacker on our hands.

I also don't see the issue of senorina posting. it's not like she told us names, addresses and/or phone numbers. gossip? probably so, but isn't that pretty much what the pg is filled with? I don't see the harm in that post since no names are given anyway.

Nancy Pancy

08-10-2009 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by senorina (Post 12331811) I know, I shouldn't feel uncomfortable....not sure why I do. And by friends, I think you got that I meant you guys, I would not bring this up at work around anyone who knows them. I don't really know their situations. Just posted because it was a "wow, that was awkward" thing.

We are all bound to feel uncomfortable in situations we don't like to be in. Maybe, if you run into these people try to picture them in their unders (you know like you would if you were giving a speech), then you'll be so busy laughing you won't have time to feel uncomfortable.


08-10-2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by stews (Post 12331834) *snort*. misty loo's stats say 130 pound! down right FAT I tell you.

yeah, um, think we may have a hacker on our hands.

I also don't see the issue of senorina posting. it's not like she told us names, addresses and/or phone numbers.

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

11 of 13

gossip? probably so, but isn't that pretty much what the pg is filled with? I don't see the harm in that post since no names are given anyway.

Hey! You did leave out the good parts~ Spill!


08-10-2009 02:38 PM

I come to the playground all the time to read stuff that is none of my business. It's what i do! :up: good times.


08-10-2009 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by CurveControl (Post 12331841) Hey! You did leave out the good parts~ Spill!



08-10-2009 02:39 PM

this place would be boring if we didn't have any none of our business stuff to read.


08-10-2009 02:39 PM

What the heck was that!:stars:


08-10-2009 02:40 PM

And actually I'm down to 120 as of this morning. ;)


08-10-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Nancy Pancy (Post 12331839) We are all bound to feel uncomfortable in situations we don't like to be in. Maybe, if you run into these people try to picture them in their unders (you know like you would if you were giving a speech), then you'll be so busy laughing you won't have time to feel uncomfortable.

lol i think that would make me even more uncomfortable.

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

12 of 13

do ppl really imagine ppl in their underwear? do you imagine them hairy and fat or all ripped and stuff? I can't bring myself to imagine things like this LOL


08-10-2009 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by MistyLoo (Post 12331858) And actually I'm down to 120 as of this morning. ;)



08-10-2009 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by MistyLoo (Post 12331858) And actually I'm down to 120 as of this morning. ;)

:clap::clap::clap: go change your stats!


08-10-2009 02:42 PM

:hyst: I'm not changing my stats because DH has been working in NV and as soon as he gets home I'll be cooking again and gain it all back. :eek:


08-10-2009 02:43 PM

Did you hear about the man who was downloading porn in Florida and blamed his cat? Maybe the cat's at work here too.


08-10-2009 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Jager (Post 12331887) Did you hear about the man who was downloading porn in Florida and blamed his cat? Maybe the cat's at work here too.



08-10-2009 02:44 PM

8/10/2009 3:57 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

13 of 13

I hope I can be as 'fat' as Misty some day. That is all.


08-10-2009 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Jager (Post 12331887) Did you hear about the man who was downloading porn in Florida and blamed his cat? Maybe the cat's at work here too.


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8/10/2009 3:57 PM

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