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Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

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Low Carb Friends ( - Beyond the Lowcarb Realm - THE PLAYGROUND ( - - I just saw a woman and man that I work with (


08-09-2009 07:19 PM

I just saw a woman and man that I work with at a local restaurant. She is actually one of the secretaries for my group, my office is right next to her cubicle. They both live far away from here. They are married.

...but not to each other. LETS JUST SAY it was a little bit uncomfortable for them. :D I just said hi and chatted away for a minute.

I wonder if she will say something at work.


08-09-2009 07:20 PM



08-09-2009 07:21 PM

Busted!!! :laugh:


08-09-2009 07:22 PM

ahhh the best laid plans of mice and men

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

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08-09-2009 07:22 PM

I'd smile and wink at her on Monday! LOL


08-09-2009 07:22 PM



08-09-2009 07:26 PM

That happened to me once, ...saw a woman from my work gym with a gym worker that was not her boyfriend that she works out with... she always gives ME the evil eye like *I* did something wrong... I just kind of chuckle to myself.


08-09-2009 07:29 PM

Whoops! Work meeting? :D


08-09-2009 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by rose1 (Post 12328642) Whoops! Work meeting? :D

most likely. ;)

I wonder if she is worried about me. I would not even mention this to even one soul at work, but I think most would spread it like wildfire.

Tammy I can't believe she acted mad at YOU!!!


08-09-2009 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by senorina (Post 12328665) most likely. ;)

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

3 of 11

I wonder if she is worried about me. I would not even mention this to even one soul at work, but I think most would spread it like wildfire.

Tammy I can't believe she acted mad at YOU!!!

I bet they are both in a major panic. Wonder what excuse they'll come up with? You will update, won't you, for us nosy peeples?


08-09-2009 07:44 PM



08-09-2009 07:45 PM

Yikes. Wonder what will be said tomorrow.


08-09-2009 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by rose1 (Post 12328687) I bet they are both in a major panic. Wonder what excuse they'll come up with? You will update, won't you, for us nosy peeples?

you know I will....I HAVE to tell someone, don't I?? :D


08-09-2009 07:46 PM

Just smile at them knowingly. I'd make them as uncomfortable as hell. But, that's the way I roll - I'm kinda mean like that :D


08-09-2009 07:47 PM



08-09-2009 07:49 PM

Hmm, I don't know the logistics of cheating, but going to a local restaurant? Oops. Reread OP. Restaurant is not local for them.

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

4 of 11


08-09-2009 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by talithasuya (Post 12328716) Hmm, I don't know the logistics of cheating, but going to a local restaurant? Oops. Reread OP. Restaurant is not local for them.

yup!! I commute over 40 miles to work, and she lives about 30 miles the other way from work.


08-09-2009 08:00 PM

Guess they won't be having dinner there again anytime soon!


08-09-2009 08:13 PM

Just say Good Morning to them tomorrow and smile.


08-09-2009 08:19 PM

ask them if they enjoyed their dinner


08-09-2009 08:20 PM

Whoops! :D

Lisa Marie

08-09-2009 08:37 PM

Rut roh. You can bet they're both pretty nervous right about now. Good thing for them it was you and not an office gossip hound that caught them!!


08-09-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by Lisa Marie (Post 12328885) Rut roh. You can bet they're both pretty nervous right about now. Good thing for them it was you and not an office gossip hound that caught them!!

She's only gonna tell us. :D

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

5 of 11


08-09-2009 08:49 PM

I had that happen once except I was out with a group of People from work and we run into our newly married manager and another employee we had suspected they were seeing each other. What I thought was bad besides the cheating He had just married his GF after living together for 12 years. I am not sure if anyone told but after that they did not bother hiding it and he left his wife. Personally I hate knowing this kind of stuff about people I am sorry they have put you in the situation of knowing more then you ever wanted to know.


08-09-2009 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by talithasuya (Post 12328716) Hmm, I don't know the logistics of cheating, but going to a local restaurant? Oops. Reread OP. Restaurant is not local for them.

Yeah, they probably figured they were so far away from anyone who knew them they would be safe from running into anyone they knew or anyone recognizing them! I'll bet they're squirming now.


08-09-2009 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by quiggley (Post 12328942) I had that happen once except I was out with a group of People from work and we run into our newly married manager and another employee we had suspected they were seeing each other. What I thought was bad besides the cheating He had just married his GF after living together for 12 years. I am not sure if anyone told but after that they did not bother hiding it and he left his wife. Personally I hate knowing this kind of stuff about people I am sorry they have put you in the situation of knowing more then you ever wanted to know.

aw you are so nice to say that... I was thinking that if word ever got around work they would think it was me, but I would just not say a thing. do NOT want to be involved. What do you think YOU guys are for????? Rose??? :D

I actually saw a fax come through years ago, it was for a big boss.. he was too important to know my name. There were bad words on it like abuse and neglect...I had heard he was getting divorced. I didn't read the thing, just grabbed it off of the fax, I went into his office past his secretary and handed it to him. I said this was on the fax, it looks personal.

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

6 of 11

I never said a word to anyone. things you don't want to get inolved with, you know?


08-09-2009 08:56 PM


08-09-2009 08:56 PM

The ways of people who cheat with co-workers! There are all kinds of gossipy tales about folks around my various jobs over the years. What was funny/sad was the husband who was cheating on the wife (wife number 5 I think) who had an 'official' work girlfriend (the one who went to conferences and on other trips with him) and the work girlfriend with whom he was cheating on the first girlfriend with... and first girlfriend did not have a clue despite HUGE levels of gossip. I mean... a cheater will cheat, at least one who is that well known for it. Don't pin your heart to someone like that! Oh.. and just don't cheat in the first place!


08-09-2009 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by AriAnne (Post 12328982)

love that!!!! :rofl:


08-09-2009 09:00 PM

I think it was pretty nervy of you going to that restaurant.


08-09-2009 09:00 PM


8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

7 of 11

Originally Posted by Su11 (Post 12328983) The ways of people who cheat with co-workers! There are all kinds of gossipy tales about folks around my various jobs over the years. What was funny/sad was the husband who was cheating on the wife (wife number 5 I think) who had an 'official' work girlfriend (the one who went to conferences and on other trips with him) and the work girlfriend with whom he was cheating on the first girlfriend with... and first girlfriend did not have a clue despite HUGE levels of gossip. I mean... a cheater will cheat, at least one who is that well known for it. Don't pin your heart to someone like that! Oh.. and just don't cheat in the first place!

There was a recent letter to Ask Amy or Anne Landers or one of those from a woman who was having an affair with a married man and she was concerned he was cheating on her. I was like :stars:. Gee, do you suddenly think he's got any sort of loyalty to you?


08-09-2009 09:02 PM



08-09-2009 09:03 PM



08-09-2009 09:08 PM

It does put you in a heck of a spot. Depending on what they say, I'm sure you will handle it appropriately.


08-09-2009 09:52 PM

Well of all coworkers to see them I'm glad it was you. Peoples personal lives no matter what we think of them isn't office gossip fodder.


08-09-2009 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by senorina (Post 12328693) you know I will....I HAVE to tell someone, don't I?? :D

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

8 of 11

Of course you do:p That's a pretty juicy tidbit


08-09-2009 10:47 PM

time to blackmail them into doing your work for you


08-09-2009 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by senorina (Post 12328610) ... I just said hi and chatted away for a minute. ...

I would not have said hi and chatted.


08-09-2009 11:25 PM

how did they act when you chatted?? did they ask if you live nearby??


08-10-2009 08:36 AM

I would honestly hate to be put in that position but sounds like you handled/are handling it very well. I had a little bit of a different situation...I was lunching with my re-married ex-husband at a really nice place, he was facing the door and she walked in with a group of her co-workers! LOL...we weren't doing anything but catching up and I had brought pictures of the kids and grandkids he was looking at, but she absolutely hated me. As luck would have it, her group was seated just a table over from us. My ex just said "Uh oh...well, I'd better go over and say hello." He got up and walked to their table, chatted with her and the coworkers he knew, then came back and sat down. I heard that he never was able to live that one down.


08-10-2009 08:40 AM

Reminds me of the time I was in a McDonald's in a neighboring town with DS#1, who was about 18 months old. We walked in and there was our next door neighbor with a man who was definitely not her husband. My son calls out "Aunt Becky, Aunt Becky", as I quickly carried him out of there. Never found out if she saw/heard us.


08-10-2009 08:44 AM

Quote: Quote: Originally Posted by Bonnie (Post 12329493)

I would not have said hi and chatted.

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

9 of 11

Originally Posted by Edin (Post 12329514) how did they act when you chatted?? did they ask if you live nearby??

I saw her first, and was excited to see her outside of work. I was walking over and saying hello when saw him...and my mind didn't even go "there" right away. When I realized what MIGHT have been going on, I wouldn't just start ignoring them and walk away. He didn't say anything besides hello. She did comment oh yea, you live in this area, and acted pretty casual.

Update - she called in sick today.


08-10-2009 08:47 AM

So she called in sick? How's HE acting toward you?


08-10-2009 08:48 AM

"Update - she called in sick today." that what "guilty" sounds like! :)


08-10-2009 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Brenda (Post 12330131) So she called in sick? How's HE acting toward you?

I haven't seen him...I see her every day, sometimes I don't run into him.


08-10-2009 09:43 AM

Juicy. I'm sure they're on egg shells now but if they know the type of person you are, they may assume you'd keep it to yourself :dunno: I ran into two married (not to eachother) people at the movies, we were all leaving and I saw them. For some reason, I got so uncomfortable and tried to bolt out of there AS IF I WAS THE ONE CHEATING :laugh:. They did see me but I never mentioned it to anybody since they were not close

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

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friends or anything like that. But that was such an awkward moment for me and I didn't even do anything :laugh:

Nancy Pancy

08-10-2009 09:50 AM

I'm wondering what you care? I mean, this means nothing to you and if they are up to the ole hanky panky they will get caught or confess, either way. Doesn't really matter to you.


08-10-2009 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Dreams (Post 12330348) But that was such an awkward moment for me and I didn't even do anything :laugh:

I hear that.

I should mention tat I was having dinner with my cousin and his family, they had brought along afriend with a special needs son, Tyler, 16 years old. He barely talked the whole time, but smiled a lot and seemed to enjoy himself. When we all piled into the car, I said that couple I saw were not married to each other...and everyone kind of went hmmmmmmm. Tyler piped up: "THIS can't be good". It was SO funny!


08-10-2009 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by Nancy Pancy (Post 12330371) I'm wondering what you care? I mean, this means nothing to you and if they are up to the ole hanky panky they will get caught or confess, either way. Doesn't really matter to you.

No it doesn' is just like ...... an uncomfortable moment.


08-10-2009 09:56 AM

This reminds of that episode from the show, "The Office". Everyone in the office (except Randy, the fiance') knew Angela and Dwight were having an affair. Until Phyllis blurted it out during the Christmas party.:laugh::laugh::hyst::hyst:

8/10/2009 3:56 PM

Low Carb Friends - I just saw a woman and man that I work with

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8/10/2009 3:56 PM

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