Senior Cookbook

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 22
Q uick Co ok ing

by Cai t Huntsman D elic i o u s re c i p e s w i t h e a s y to use i n s t r u c t i o n s. Adap te d f ro m f a m i l y t ra d i t i o n and we l l - l ove d co o k b o o k s, b u t simp l i f i e d fo r t h e u n s e a s o n e d cook .

Table of Contents Sim ple Sn ac ks Mu d dy Buddies


H o t and Spic y Chex M ix


Chili and Chees e D ip


S avor y Pes to and Cream Ch eese D ip


D e l i c i o u s D es s er t s Easy Entrees Swe et and S our Stew


Chicken Tor t illa S oup


Co ld S es am e N oodles


Ko rean B ar becue Chicken


Swe et and S our M eat bal ls


Te m pt ing Thai Chicken


Chicken Tet razzini


Ch o co late Chi p Cook i e s


Pean u t B u tte r Cook i e s


B an an a B rea d


Ho mest yle Ap p l e Pi e


Pu mp k in Pie


Simple Snacks

Mu d d y B uddi e s


t’s six o’clock, and guests will be arriving any second now. There’s no time to bake any goodies, and no time for a quick trip to the grocery store. Luckily, you have Muddy Buddies. 9

cups Chex® cereal (any variety)


cup semisweet chocolate chips


cup peanut butter


cup butter or margarine


teaspoon vanilla

1 1/2

cups powdered sugar

Measure cereal into a large bowl, set aside. In 1-quart microwavable bowl, stir together chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter. Microwave uncovered on High 1 minute; stir. Microwave about 30 seconds longer or until mixture can be stirred smooth. Stir in vanilla. Pour mixture over cereal, stirring until evenly coated. Pour into 2-gallon resealable food-storage plastic bag. Add powdered sugar. Seal bag; shake until well coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Store in airtight container in refrigerator.

As th i s re ci p e re q u i re s n o ovens and has ver y lit t le wa i t i n g t i m e, yo u c a n p re p are M uddy Buddies for an o n - th e - f l y g e t to g e th e r. Ju s t ser ve in a p o p co r n b owl.

Recipe courtesy of


H ot and Spic y Ch ex M i x

T his traditional holiday snack gets a special pep when you add some south-of-the-border seasonings. Feel free to make in gargantuan proportions. 3

cups Corn Chex cereal


cups Wheat Chex cereal


cup pretzels


tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

2 to 3 teaspoons red pepper sauce 3

cups Rice Chex cereal


cup mixed nuts


cup bite-size cheese crackers


cup margarine or butter

1 1/4 teaspoons seasoned salt Heat oven to 250 degrees F. Melt margarine in large roasting pan in oven. Stir in seasonings. Gradually stir in remaining ingredients until evenly coated. Add o r sub t rac t c ayenne pepper a s you r tas te bu ds requ ire.

Bake 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes. Spread on paper towels to cool. Store in airtight container.


Ch i li a nd Che e s e D i p

D on’t be intimated by this dish: it’s easier than it looks. You can use leftover chili from the previous night’s meal, or even a canned chili. 1

can of pre made chili


container of regular cream cheese

Combine ingredients. Serve in a dish with tortilla chips. Garnish with red pepper and grated cheese.

G a r n i s h w i th re d p e p p e r a n d grated c heese.


S avor y Pesto and Crea m Ch e e s e D ip


simple basic dip! This recipie was created with an italian bruscetta in mind. You can make your own pesto, but we found that the pesto fresh from the grocery store deli provides stomach-pleasing results. 2

cups pesto - either from the deli or freshly made


containers of whipped cream cheese

Combine ingredients. Serve in a bowl with toasted bread rounds or crackers.

You can play with the ratio of pesto to cream cheese. However, we fo un d that the ratio lis ted prov ided the b es t ba lance of flavors.


Easy Entrees

Sweet a n d S our Stew


othing beats a warm, hearty stew after a long day. This fix-it-and-forget it dish is so low maintenance that you could literally dump everything in a pot, ignore it for an hour, and open the lid to find a steaming pot of perfection. 1 1/2

lb. stew meat, cut into one-inch cutes

dash of pepper 2

teaspoons salt


cup catsup


tablespoons butter or margarine


tablespoons packed brown sugar


tablespoons red wine vinegar


cup water


potatoes cut and peeled


tablespoon Worchestershire sauce


medium onion cut in large pieces


bag baby carrots from deli

Feel free to add chopped fresh parsley for an elegant g ar nis h.

In a deep 3 to 4 quart pan, melt butter over medium high heat. Add meat and brown well on all sides. Combine catsup, brown sugar, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce and water. Add to meat. Add onions and simmer, covered for 1 hour and fifteen minutes, stirring once or twice. Add carrots and potatos and cook for 40 minutes more, or until meat and vegetables are spoon tender.


Ch i cken To r t i l l a S o up

T he cookbook that this recipe was originally published in calls this dish “nachos in soup form”. This is very true - the versatility of the dish lets anyone garnish and mix however they please, proving to be a sure crowd-pleaser. 2

skinless, boneless chicken breasts


teaspoon olive oil


cup frozen chopped onions


tablespoon bottled lime juice


teaspoon bottled minced garlic


teaspoon chili powder


teaspoon ground cumin


cans chicken broth


cup bottled salsa (Safeway brand Chipotle is best)


cup frozen corn kernels

Tortilla chips Shredded cheese To co m p l e m e nt t h e s o u p, ser ve with the option of a d d i n g cru s h e d to r ti l l a ch i ps, o li ves, jalep eno s, dif fere nt k i n d s o f ch e e s e s, a n d c r ushed red p ep p er.

Defrost chicken if needed. Cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces, and add them to a heavy pot as you cut. Raise heat to high, and cook for two minutes while stirring occasionally. Add onions, lime juice, garlic, chili powder, and cumin. Cook two minutes. Add broth, salsa, and corn. Stir to mix. Cover the pot and bring the broth to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-high and continue to boil 8 to 10 minutes to develop the flavor. Meanwhile, crush the tortilla chips slightly. Placed the crushed chips in 6 soup bowls. Ladle soup into the bowls. Sprinkle each portion with cheese and serve. Recipe courtesy Desperation Dinners.


Col d S e sa me Noodles

T he original recipe calls for these noodles to be served cold. However, none of the testers could wait long enough for that to happen! Whether this noodle dish is right out of the pot or from the fridge, everyone can appreciate a good peanut butter noddle. 1

lb. uncooked pasta


cup chicken broth


cup peanut butter


tablespoons soy sauce


tablespoon sesame oil


tablespoon rice vinegar


tablespoon brown sugar


teaspoon ground ginger


teaspoon red pepper flakes

Cook pasta in boiling salted water, drain and rinse. Combine remaining ingredients in saucepan; cook until thickened and bubbly (3-4 minutes). Pour over pasta and mix well. Serve at room temperature, garnished with cucumber and onion.

No t p i c t ured: a gar nis h of cu cu mber and red onion. .


Ko re a n B ar b e c ue Chi c ke n

T ired of the same old burgers and steaks off the grill? This chicken is a wonderful surprise to anyone who is looking to expand their culinary horizons. 2

lbs chicken thighs (boneless, skinless)


bunch green onions, finely chopped

2 or 3 cloves minced garlic 1

cup soy sauce


cup sugar


teaspoon sesame oil


teaspoon black pepper

Score thighs. Mix other ingredients and pour over chicken. Marinate in refrigerator for at least four hours, but no longer than 24 hours. Cook over red hot goals, gas grill, or six inches from broiler until meat is white inside.

Co m p l i m e nt th e ch i ck e n wit h a b ed o f salted and bu tte re d r i ce. Fre s h f ru i t i s also a great addit io n.


Sweet a n d S our M eatb a lls


ace it: meatballs are rather boring. Generally speaking, they seem to be all the same - a ground meat in a ball shape. Some of the worst recipes attempted ended up tasting bland and lifeless, while others were so packed with herbs and spices that the mind couldn’t catch up with the tongue. We think that this is a delicious compromise. Meatballs: 1 1/2 lbs lean ground beef 3/4

cup rolled oats


eggs, lightly beaten


cup finely chopped onion


cup milk


teaspoon salt


teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

Combine all ingredients, mix well. Form into about 12 balls, 2” in diameter. Place in casserole, pour sauce over, and bake, covered, at 350 F for about 30 minutes. Sauce: 1

cup brown sugar


cup vinegar


teaspoons prepared mustard


cup barbecue sauce


teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

S er ve t he m eat b alls on r ice with the ex tra s au ce. A salad i s als o recommended.

Combine ingredients and bring to a boil. Pour over meatballs.


Te m pt i n g Thai Chi c ke n


uthentic Thai food is a real pain to cook. Between soaking the noodles and adding the oodles of spices to a delicately balanced sauce, preparing an actual satay chicken can end up being a three hour ordeal. This faux satay chicken is not only appealing to those with more American tastes, but proves to also satisfy those with more of a penchant for the Orient. 2 1/2 cups rice 4

skinless, boneless chicken breast halves (fresh or frozen)

Spicy Peanut Sauce (recipe follows)

Th e gre e n o n i o n s p i c t u re d are an optional gar nish.


teaspoons vegetable oil


tablespoon bottled minced garlic


tablespoon bottled chopped ginger


tablespoon reduced-sodium soy sauce


tablespoon dry sherry (or substitute water)


teaspoon sugar


bunch green onions (optional)

Cook rice according to instructions on bag or with rice cooker. If needed, defrost chicken. Make peanut sauce while chicken defrosts.

Spicy Peanut Sauce: 1 1./2

tablespoons creamy peanut butter


tablespoons vegetable oil


tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce


tablespoons sugar

Heat oil in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over high heat. Cut the chicken into short strips about 1/2 inch wide, adding them to skillet as you cut. Add garlic and ginger and cook until the chicken is no longer pink, about 5 to 7 minutes, stirring frequently.


tablespoons rice wine vinegar or white vinegar

While chicken cooks, cut green onions for garnish if using.


teaspoon sesame oil


teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

When chicken is no longer pink, add peanuts, soy sauce, sherry and sugar. Stir well, then add sauce and stir well again.

Whisk until well combined.


Recipe courtesy Desperation Dinners.

Chic ken Tetraz z in i

P asta was never so easy as it is for this casserole. A quick alfredo-esque sauce and frozen vegetables into a casserole

pan created one of the most delicious meals two pots could put together. 9

tablespoons butter


tablespoons olive oil


deli rotisserie chicken


pound white mushrooms, sliced


large onion, finely chopped


cloves garlic, minced


tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves


cup water


cup all-purpose flour


cups whole milk, room temperature


cup heavy whipping cream, room temperature


cup chicken broth


teaspoon ground nutmeg


ounces linguine


cup frozen peas


cup chopped fresh Italian parsley leaves


cup grated Parmesan

Melt 3 more tablespoons butter in the same pan over medium-low heat. Add the flour and whisk for 2 minutes. Whisk in the milk, cream, broth, nutmeg, remaining 1 3/4 teaspoons salt, and remaining 3/4 teaspoon pepper. Increase the heat to high. Cover and bring to a boil. Simmer, uncovered, until the sauce thickens slightly, whisking often, about 10 minutes.


cup dried Italian-style bread crumbs

Cook the linguine, and mix with prepared sauce.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Shred the deli rotisserie chicken into bite-sized chunks. Meanwhile, add 1 tablespoon each of butter and oil to the same pan. Add the onion, garlic, and thyme, and saute until the onion is translucent, about 8 minutes. Add the water and simmer until it evaporates, about 2 minutes. Transfer the onion mixture to the bowl with the chicken.

The breadcrumb and par mesan topping lends itself to be a crunchy addition. For a spic y t wist, you can add a dash o f c ayenne pepper to the breadcru mbs.

Transfer the pasta mixture to the prepared baking dish. Stir the cheese and breadcrumbs in a small bowl to blend. Sprinkle the cheese mixture over the pasta. Dot with the remaining 3 tablespoons of butter. Bake, uncovered, until golden brown on top and the sauce bubbles, about 25 minutes. Recipe courtesy


Delicious Desser ts

Chocol ate Chip Cook ie s


veryone’s favorite dessert is back in a time - tested recipe. The combination of brown and white sugar leads to a much richer cookie than other recipes afford. 2 1/4 cups all purpose flour 1

teaspoon salt


teaspoon baking soda


pound butter


cup brown sugar


white sugar


large eggs


teaspoon vanilla extract


teaspoon water


cups semisweet chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 275 F. Whisk flour, salt, and baking soda together in medium bowl; set aside. Cream together butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Scrape sides of bowl with rubber spatula. Add eggs, vanilla, and water. Beat until combined. Scrape sides of bowl.

Chocolate chip cook ies are fantastic hot off the cook ie sheet o r a few ho ur s later on a plate. The long er you wait, t he fir mer they are.

Add dry ingredients and beat at low spread until just combined. Add chocolate chips and nuts and stir until combined Drop batter by tablespoons onto ungreased cookie sheets, spacing pieces of dough about 1 inch apart. Bake, reversing position of cookie sheets halfway through baking until cookies are light golden brown, about 8 to 10 minutes. Cool before transferring to cooling racks with wide spatula.


Pea n u t B ut te r Co o k i e s

T he lesser-known cousin to the chocolate chip cookie, peanut butter cookies are a delicious treat when there’s

already too much chocolate in the house. (As if there’s such a thing...)

To s h a p e t h e to p o f t h e co ok ies, you can use a for k m ov i n g i n a c r i s s - c ro s s p at ter n. I t ’s also possible to u s e th e bo tto m o f a g l a s s, b ut t ho se co o k i es tend to b e m o re dense.

2 1/2

cups all-purpose flour


teaspoon baking soda


teaspoon baking powder


teaspoon salt


pound salted butter, softened


cup brown sugar packed


cup granulated sugar


cup extra-crunchy peanut butter, preferably Jif


large eggs


teaspoons vanilla extract


cup roasted salted peanuts, ground in food processor to resemble bread crumbs

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Whisk flour, baking soda, baking powder, and slat together in medium bowl; set aside. Beat butter until creamy. Add sugars; beat until fluffy, stopping to scrape as necessary. Beat in peanut butter until fully incorporated, then eggs, then vanilla. Gently stir dry ingredients into peanut butter mixture. Add ground peanuts, stir gently until incorporated. Working with generous 2 tablespoons each time, roll dough into two inch balls. Press each dough ball twice with dinner fork dipped in cold water to make crisscross design. Bake between 10 and 12 minutes. Cookies will not look fully baked. Cool for four minutes on sheets, then transfer to wire racks.


B anana Bread

Y ou’ve got a few old, brown bananas that your family didn’t eat. With a few extra ingredients and a bit of time, you can turn those bananas into a warm treat to share. 2

cups sugar


cup butter


very ripe bananas


large eggs

2 1/2 cups cake flour 1

teaspoon salt


teaspoon baking soda

Cream together butter and sugar. Add bananas and eggs. Sift together cake flour, salt, and baking soda. Pour into two greased and floured loaf pans. Bake at 350 F 50-60 minutes.

The tex ture of the bread is vital. I f you don’t bake it well eno ugh, t he ce nter is mu s hy a nd does n’t hold for m. I f you over bake the bread, it will be too dr y and c r us t y to s lice well.


Ho m e st y l e Ap p l e Pi e


othing beats comfort food like a slice of a great apple pie. This pie is known for its exceptionally flaky crust and sweet apples. Crust: 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt 2/3 cup plus two tablespoons shortening 4 or 5 tablespoons ice water Place flour and salt in bowl. Cut in shortening until it resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle ice water over surface (1 tablespoon at a time). Mix lightly until it holds together. Do not over-mix. Cut in half, wrap in plastic and keep in refrigerator until ready to roll. Filling: 6 cups apples, peeled, cored and sliced very thin 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg

Th i s i s a n ex a m p l e o f a co mm o n vent i ng tec hni que. I t d o e s n’t re a l l y m atte r w h at yo u do, as lo ng as t he i nte gr i t y o f th e pi e i s no t co m p ro m i sed.

1/8 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup all-purpose flour 3 tablespoons butter, cold Heat oven to 425 F. Prepare pastry. Stir together sugar, flour, nutmeg, cinnamon and salt; mix with apples. Roll dough out to extend 1 inch beyond pie pan. Turn into pastry-lined pie pan, dot with butter. Cover with top crust which has slits cut in it; seal and flute. Cover edge with aluminum to prevent excessive browning; remove foil last 15 minutes of baking. Bake 40 or 50 minutes or until crust is brown and juice begins to bubble through slits in crust. Recipe courtesy Betty Crocker’s Cookbook.


Pu m pk in Pie

T his pie uses canned pumpkin for an easier preparation, but does not sacrifice quality. Crust: 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup plus one tablespoon shortening 2 or 3 tablespoons ice water Place flour and salt in bowl. Cut in shortening until it resembles coarse meal. Sprinkle ice water over surface (1 tablespoon at a time). Mix lightly until it holds together. Do not over-mix. Cut in half, wrap in plastic and keep in refrigerator until ready to roll. Filling: 3 eggs 2 3/4 canned pumpkin 1 cup sugar 3/4 teaspoon salt Whipped cream, either from a can or homemade, is a co m m o n to p p i ng fo r pu mpk in pie. You can a ls o top it wit h p e cans or cranber r ies.

1 1/2 teaspoons cinnamon 3/4 teaspoon ginger 1/2 teaspoon cloves 2 1/4 evaporated milk or light cream Heat oven to 425 F. Prepare pastry. Beat eggs slightly; beat in remaining ingredients. Roll dough out to extend 1 inch beyond pie pan. Pour into pastry-lined pie pan. Bake fifteen minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 F. Bake 45 minutes longer. Cool. Recipe courtesy Betty Crocker’s Cookbook.


Created for BHS C P 2008

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