Seli's Article - Law

  • May 2020
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HUKUM LAW Komnas HAM Dukung Keluarga David National Commission of Human Rights supports David’s Family Tanah Abang, Warta Kota, Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia (Komnas HAM) berencana mendorong Departemen Luar Negeri untuk lebih berperan aktif mendampingi proses hukum terhadap kasus tewasnya David Hartanto Wijaya (21), mahasiswa Indonesia yang tewas di kampusnya di Singapura. Tanah Abang, Warta Kota, National Commission of Human Rights planned to encourage the Foreign Department to be more active to participate to accompany the law process to the death case of David Hartanto Wijaya of 21, Indonesian student passed away in his campus in Singapore. Sub Komisi Pemantauan dan Penyelidikan Komnas HAM, Nurkholis, kepada wartawan rabu (6/5) mengatakan, pihaknya telah menerima pengaduan dan berkas-berkas dari keluarga korban. Sub-Commission of Monitoring and Investigating of Human Rights Commission, Nurkholis to the reporter / journalist, Wednesday (6/5) said, his side / party had accepted the complaint and bundles from the victim’s family. “Diduga hak warga negara Indonesia ada yang terabaikan, dan perlu ditindaklanjuti”, ujarnya di gedung Intiland Tower, Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jakarta Pusat. “Suspected the Indonesian citizen right there are ignored, and needing to be followedup”, his statement in the Intiland Tower building, on / in Jendral Sudirman street / road of Center Jakarta / the Center of Jakarta. Menurut Nurkholis, pihaknya segera memberi rekomendasi kepada Menlu untuk menggunakan fungsi dan perannya lebih maksimal, bukan hanya penerjemah dan pemandu, tetapi juga pendamping hukum. Selain itu, Komnas HAM juga tengah mempertimbangkan untuk mengundang pemerintah Singapura, melalui duta besarnya untuk mengklarifikasi meninggalnya David. According to Nurkholis, his party / side gave the recommendation to the Foreign Minister to use the function and his profession / occupation to be more maximal immediately, it was not just / only the translator and guide, but also the lawyer / barrister / attorney. Besides that, the National Commission of Human Rights also considered to inviting the Singapore government, through / by / over its ambassador to clarify the David’s death. Persidangan koroner kasus tewasnya David Hartanto akan dilanjutkan pada 20 sampai 26 Mei mendatang. Pada sidang tersebut, akan dihadirkan 16 saksi yang akan memberikan keterangan. Namun, pihak keluarga David khawatir 16 saksi itu akan membenarkan bahwa David bunuh diri. A coronary assembly of the David Hartanto’s death case would be continued on next May 20th until 26th. On that session would be presented the 16 witnesses who would give the information. Nevertheless, David’s family party worried about the 16 witnesses would justify that David was suicide.

Berdasarkan aduan keluarga, lanjutnya, ada sangkaan kuat bahwa David tidak bunuh diri. Namun, Komnas HAM mengalami beberapa kendala teknis, antara lain tidak adanya lembaga HAM di Singapura. Dia mengaku khawatir adanya penguburan fakta di lapangan yang tidak dibawa ke persidangan. Ada beberapa kejanggalan, yaitu jarak pisau dengan tempat David jauh lebih dari 100 langkah, ceceran darah pada tangga hanya terdapat di lantai, tidak ada di pegangan dan dinding, ceceran darah pada atap kanopi yang mencurigakan, proses kremasi terkesan dipercepat, gagang pisau hilang, kematian salah satu asisten dosen lima hari setelah kejadian. Based on of the family’s complaint, furthermore, there was a strong suspecting / suspicion that David was not suicide. Nevertheless, the National Commission of Human Rights experienced some technical obstacles / hindrances, among others: there was not the Human Rights institution in Singapore. They admitted worried about the existence of fact burial in the field that was not brought to the assembly. There were some gaffes like, knife range with David’s place are farther than 100 steps, blood spreading on the stairs was just found on the floor, there was not on the handgrip and wall, blood spreading on canopy roof was suspicious, the cremation process seemed to be hurried / fastened, the knife handle was gone, one of the lecturer’s assistant death was five days after the incident. ”Prinsip umum pengadilan harus dijalankan, antara lain ada saksi dari dua belah pihak dan barang bukti. Seharusnya itu tugas polisi, tapi yang mencari saksi justru keluarga”, tuturnya. “The court / trial public principal must be operated / worked, among others there are the witnesses from both of sides and the evidence material. It should be the police’s duty, but it is exactly who searches the witness is the family then”, he said. Pihak keluarga masih belum menemukan saksi alternatif untuk membantu agar kasus ini bisa dilanjutkan menjadi persidangan kasus pidana. Ketua tim verifikasi kasus David, Iwan Piliang mengatakan, pihaknya kemungkinan akan mendatangkan empat saksi yang bisa membantu mengungkapkan kejanggalan-kejanggalan seputar tewasnya David. Salah satunya, Profesor Chang Chong Wah, yang ruang kerjanya berada di sebelah ruangan Chan Kap Luk. The family’s party had still not found the alternative witness to help in order/ so that the case could be continued to be/come become the criminal case assembly. The chief of the David’s case verification team, Iwan Piliang said, his party was probability to invite the 4 witnesses who could help to reveal the gaffes were around of the David’s death. One of them is, Professor Chang Chong Wah, that his workroom is beside Chan Kap Luk’s room. Di Singapura, setiap kematian yang janggal, harus melalui pengadilan kononer, sebelum diputuskan bunuh diri, kecelakaan ataupun dibunuh. Dalam sidang yang terbuka untuk umum, Profesor Chan Kap Luk, yang diyakini sebagai satu-satunya orang yang berinteraksi dengan korban di saat-saat menjelang kematiannya, harus hadir. Selain itu, Rektor Universitas Teknologi Nanyang (NTU) tempat David berkuliah akan diminta hadir menjadi saksi. In Singapore, every clumsy death had to pass the / a coronary court, before being determined to be suicide, the accident or being killed. In the opened session for public, Professor Chan Kap Luk was convinced as the one person who interacted with the victim when by his death, had to be present. Besides that, the Rector of the Nanyang Technology University (NTU) was the place of David’s lecture would be demanded to be present to be / become the witness.

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