Final Practicum English Pedagogy 2009. SELF EVALUATION RUBRIC
Number of Blog Entries
4 Entries that are posted contain a complete variety of types of artifacts. All of them are in direct relation with given portfolio format. All links work and creativity is evident. Layouts of the words, links, and visuals, etc., are clear and well displayed on each page.
Organization and Presentation
The blog Portfolio lacks organization.
Quality of Reflective Writing
Little interpretation of personal learning in relation to the Knowledge Base Strands. Knowledge Base Strands are not explicitly addressed.
The blog Portfolio is well organized with all links clearly displayed/label ed and easily accessible.
Evidence of Growth and Understandin g
Professionali sm
The Portfolio displayed in the blog, shows little evidence of growth and understanding of course learning, practicum placements, personal inquiry, and professional reading. Positive and constructive when discussing challenging experiences and/or teachers’ practices and beliefs. Avoid judging or criticizing others, and avoid generalizing about others.
GUIDELINES Please see description of indicators in each of the categories. Levels go from 1 to 4 Level 1: Poor. Level 2: Needs improvement Level 3: Good Level 4: Very good Taken and adapted from CTEP, OISE University of Toronto, 2008.