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Seismic Design of Structures with Viscous Dampers Article · January 2002





1 author: Jenn-Shin Hwang National Taiwan University of Science and Technology 53 PUBLICATIONS   853 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE

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International Training Programs for Seismic Design of Building Structures Hosted by National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering Sponsored by Department of International Programs, National Science Council

Seismic Design of Structures with Viscous Dampers Jenn-Shin Hwang1

1、 、 Introduction In addition to the loads due to the effects of gravity, earthquake loading must be considered when designing structures located in seismically active areas. The philosophy in the conventional seismic design is that a structure is designed to resist the lateral loads corresponding to wind and small earthquakes by its elastic action only, and the structure is permitted to damage but not collapse while it is subjected to a lateral load associated with moderate or severe seismic events. As a consequence, plastic hinges in structures must be developed in order to dissipate the seismic energy when the structure is under strong shakings. The design methods based on this philosophy are acceptable to account for the needs for both economic consideration and life safety. However, the development of the plastic hinges relies on the large deformation and high ductility of a structure. The more ductility a structure sustains, the more damage it suffers. Besides, some important structures such as hospitals and fire stations have to remain their functions after a major earthquake, the aforementioned design philosophy (life-safety based) may not be appropriate. These structures should be strong enough to prevent from large displacement and acceleration so that they can maintain their functions when excited by a severe ground motion. Structural passive control systems have been developed with a design philosophy different than that of the traditional seismic design method. These control systems primarily include seismic isolation systems and energy dissipation systems. A variety of energy dissipation systems have been developed in the past two decades, such as friction dampers, metallic dampers, visco-elastic dampers and viscous dampers. A structure installed with these dampers does not rely on plastic hinging to dissipate the seismic energy. On the contrary, the dissipation of energy is concentrated on some added dampers so that the damage of the main structure is reduced and the functions of the structure can then be possibly preserved. This article will focus on the seismic design of structure with supplemental “viscous dampers”. The effect of the supplemental viscous dampers to a structure in resisting seismic force can be clearly illustrated from energy consideration. The event of a structure responding to an earthquake ground motion is described using an energy concept in the follows. The absolute energy equation (Uang and Bertero, 1988) is given by: E I = Ek + E s + Eh + Ed


where E I is the earthquake input energy, E k is the kinetic energy, E s is the recoverable elastic strain energy, E h is the irrecoverable hysteretic energy, and E d is the energy dissipated by the inherent structural damping capability and/or the supplemental viscous dampers. The 1

Professor, Department of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Also, Division Head, The National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering of Taiwan.

right hand side is basically the energy capacity or supply of the structure and the left hand side is the energy demand by the earthquake ground motion on the structure. For a structure to survive the earthquake, the energy supply must be larger than the energy demand. In conventional seismic design, the energy supply relies mostly on the hysteretic energy term, Eh , which results from the inelastic deformations of the structure. For a structure with viscous dampers, the energy dissipation capacity of the system will increase due to the addition of E d , and the system will normally be designed to allow for an early engagement of the viscous dampers in dissipating the input energy prior to the inelastic deformation of the primary structure. In other words, the primary frame will be better protected, and the performance of the structure subjected to a ground motion can be improved. In September 1996, the Federal Emergency Management Agency of the United States published the ballot version of the NEHRP Guidelines and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, which is known as FEMA 273 and 274 (Federal Emergency Management Agency of the United States, 1997). The guidelines have more documentation on the seismic design with energy dissipation devices than any other design codes published earlier. In this article, the mechanical properties of fluid viscous dampers are introduced. Besides, the derivation of the effective damping ratio of a structure implemented with linear and nonlinear dampers are summarized. They revised load combination factors, CF1 and CF2 (Ramirez et al., 2000) recommended by FEMA 273 are also presented. These factors are used to calculate the force of a viscously damped structure at the instant of the maximum acceleration. Finally, a design example of an elastic structure with linear viscous dampers is illustrated.

2、 、Mechanical properties of fluid viscous dampers Since pure viscous behavior may be brought by forcing viscous fluid through orifices (Soong and Constantinou, 1994), fluid viscous dampers have been extensively applied to the seismic protective design of important structures (Whittaker and Constantinou, 2000). The devices were developed for various applications to the military and heavy industry. More recently, they have played an important role in seismic structural control after the cold war. Viscous dampers have been used as energy absorbers not only in seismic isolation system to prevent the system from a large deformation but also in energy dissipation system throughout the whole building to reduce its response subjected to wind forces or seismic loadings. Figure 2-1 contains two typical longitudinal cross sections of fluid viscous dampers. They both consist of a stainless steel piston with an orifice head and are filled with viscous liquid, such as silicon oil. One of them has an accumulator while the other has a run-through rod instead. The difference of the pressure between each side of the piston head results in the damping force, and the damping constant of the damper can be determined by adjusting the configuration of the orifice of the piston head. When it comes to a pure viscous behavior, the damper force and the velocity should remain in phase. However, for a damper setup shown in Figure 2-1(a), the volume for storing the fluid will change while the piston begin to move. Thus a restoring force, which is in phase with displacement rather than velocity, will be developed. Configuration of an accumulator or a run-through rod is used to solve the problem. However, for high frequency motions, the accumulator valve may operate inaccurately, and the restoring force will occur.




Figure 2-1 Longitudinal Cross Section of A Fluid Damper (a) Damper with An Accumulator (b) Damper with A Run-Through Rod (Seleemah and Constantinou, 1997)

The ideal force output of a viscous damper can be expressed as FD = C uD sgn (uD ) α


where FD is the damper force, C is the damping constant, uD is the relative velocity between the two ends of the damper, and α is the exponent between 0 and 1. The damper with α = 1 is called a linear viscous damper in which the damper force is proportional to the relative velocity. The dampers with α larger than 1 have not been seen often in practical applications. The damper with α smaller than 1 is called a nonlinear viscous damper which is effective in minimizing high velocity shocks. Figure 2-2 shows the force-velocity relationships of the three different types of viscous dampers. This Figure demonstrates the efficiency of nonlinear dampers in minimizing high velocity shocks. For a small relative velocity, the damper with a α value less than 1 can give a larger damping force than the other two types of dampers. Line 1: FD=CN1Vα, Nonlinear Damper with α<1

Damper Force, FD

Line 2: FD=CLV, Linear Damper α Line 3: FD=CN2V , Nonlinear Damper with α>1

Line 1

Line 2

Line 3

Velocity, V

Figure 2-2

Force-Velocity Relationships of Viscous Dampers



Figure 2-3(a) shows the hysteresis loop of a pure linear viscous behavior. The loop is a perfect ellipse under this circumstance. The absence of storage stiffness makes the natural frequency of a structure incorporated with the damper remain the same. This advantage will simplify the design procedure for a structure with supplemental viscous devices. However, if the damper develops restoring force, the loop will be changed from Figure 2-3(a) to Figure 23(b). In other words, it turns from a viscous behavior to a viscoelastic behavior. (a)





Figure 2-3


Hysteresis Loops of Dampers with Pure Viscous and Viscoelastic Behavior

3、 、The effective damping ratio of structures with linear viscous dampers Considering a single degree of freedom system equipped with a linear viscous damper under an imposed sinusoidal displacement time history u = u 0 sin ωt


where u is the displacement of the system and the damper; u 0 is amplitude of the displacement; and the ω is the excitation frequency. The measured force response is P = P0 sin (ωt + δ )


where P is the force response of the system; P0 is amplitude of the force; and the δ is the phase angle. The energy dissipated by the damper, WD , is

WD = ∫ FD du


where FD is the damper force which equals to Cu ; C is the damping coefficient of the damper; and u is the velocity of the system and the damper. Therefore,

WD = ∫ CuDdu = ∫ 02π ω CuD 2 dt = C u 02 ω 2 ∫ 02π cos 2 ω t d (ωt )


= π C u 02 ω Recognizing that the damping ratio contributed by the damper can be expressed as ξ d = C / C cr , it is obtained W D = π C u 02ω = πξ d C cr u 02ω = 2πξ d Kmu 02ω = 2πξ d Ku 02

ω ω = 2πξ d W s ω0 ω0






where C cr , K , m , ω 0 and Ws are respectively the critical damping coefficient, stiffness, mass, nature frequency and elastic strain energy of the system. The damping ratio attributed to the damper can then be expressed as

ξd =

WD ω 0 2πWs ω


WD and Ws are illustrated in Figure 3-1. Under earthquake excitations, ω is essentially equal to ω 0 , and Eq. (8) is reduced to

ξd =

WD 2πWs



WD Ws Displacement

Figure 3-1

Definition of Energy Dissipated WD in A Cycle of Harmonic Motion and

Maximum Strain Energy Ws of A SDOF System with Viscous Damping Devices

Considering a MDOF system shown in Figure 3-2, the total effective damping ratio of the system, ξ eff , is defined as

ξ eff = ξ 0 + ξ d



Figure 3-2

A MDOF Model of A Structure with Viscous Dampers

where ξ 0 is the inherent damping ratio of the MDOF system without dampers, and ξ d is the viscous damping ratio attributed to added dampers. Extended from the concept of a SDOF



system, the equation shown below is used by FEMA273 to represent ξ d


ξd =



2π W Κ

where ∑ W j is the sum of the energy dissipated by the j -th damper of the system in one cycle; and WK is the elastic strain energy of the frame. WK is equal to ∑ Fi ∆i where Fi is the story shear and ∆ i is the story drift of the i -th floor. Now, the energy dissipated by the viscous dampers can be expressed as

∑W j = ∑ πC j u 2j ω 0 = j


2π 2 T

∑C u j

2 j



where u j is the relative axial displacement of damper j between the two ends. Experimental evidence has shown that if the damping ratio of a structure is increased the higher mode responses of the structure will be suppressed. As a consequence, only the first mode of a MDOF system is usually considered in the simplified procedure of practical applications. Using the modal strain energy method, the energy dissipated by the dampers and the elastic strain energy provided by the primary frame can be rewritten as

2π 2 T

∑W j = j


∑C φ j

2 rj

cos 2 θ j



WK = Φ 1T [K ]Φ 1 = Φ 1T ω 2 [m]Φ 1 = ∑ ω 2 miφ i2 = i

4π 2 T2


∑m φ

2 i i


where [K ] , [m] , Φ 1 are respectively the stiffness matrix, the lumped mass matrix and the first mode shape of the system; φ rj is the relative horizontal displacement of damper j corresponding to the first mode shape; φ i is the first mode displacement at floor i ; mi is the mass of floor i ; and θ j is the inclined angle of damper j . Substituting Eqs. (11), (13) and (14) into Eq. (10), the effective damping ratio of a structure with linear viscous dampers given by

ξ eff = ξ 0 +

2π 2 T

∑C φ j

2 rj

cos 2 θ j


4π 2π 2 T


∑m φ

2 i i


= ξ0 +

T ∑ C jφ rj2 cos 2 θ j j

4π ∑ miφ i2



Corresponding to a desired added damping ratio, there is no substantial procedure suggested by design codes for distributing C values over the whole building. When designing the



dampers, it may be convenient to distribute the C values equally in each floor. However, many experimental results have shown that the efficiency of dampers on the upper stories is smaller than that in the lower stories (Pekcan et al., 1999). Hence an efficient distribution of the C values of the dampers may be to size the horizontal damper forces in proportion to the story shear forces of the primary frame.

4、 、The effective damping ratio of structures with nonlinear viscous dampers Considering a SDOF system with a nonlinear viscous damper under sinusoidal motions, the velocity of the system is given by uD = ωu0 sin ωt


Recognizing FD = C u α and substituting Eqs. (2) and (16) into Eq. (5), the energy dissipated by the nonlinear damper in a cycle of sinusoidal motion can be acquired. 2π ω

WD = ∫ FD du = ∫0 2π ω

= ∫0

CuD 1+α dt

= C (ωu 0 )

1+α 2π ω 0

Let ωt = 2θ and dt =

FD uDdt

(17) sin 1+α ωt dt

2 dθ , Eq. (17) is rewritten as ω

WD = C (ωu 0 )

2 π 1+α ∫ sin 2θ dθ ω 0 1+α π 2 = 2 2+α Cω α u 0 ∫0 2 sin 1+α θ cos1+α θ dθ 1+α

= 2 2+α Cω α u 0



Γ 2 (1 + α 2 ) Γ(2 + α )

where Γ is the gamma function. Following a similar procedure to that of the SDOF with linear viscous dampers, equivalent damping ratio of the SDOF system contributed by nonlinear dampers can be obtained

λCω α −2 u 0 α −1 ξd = 2πm in which

λ = 2 2+α

Γ 2 (1 + α 2) Γ(2 + α )



For the convenience of practical applications, the values of λ are tabulated in FEMA 273 based on Eq. (20). It is worthy of noting that the damping ratio determined by Eq. (19) is 130



dependent of the displacement amplitude u0 . For a MDOF system with nonlinear dampers shown in Figure 3-2, Eq. (10) and (11) are used to represent the effective damping ratio of the whole system, and the damping ratio attributed to the added nonlinear viscous dampers is derived in the follows. Considering the first mode only, the elastic strain energy is WK = ω 2 ∑ mi u i2



Assuming that all dampers of the whole building have the same α and substituting Eqs. (19), (20) and (21) into Eq. (11), the damping ratio contributed by the dampers is obtained as

∑ λC u j

ξd =

1+α rj

cos1+α θ j


2πω 2−α ∑ mi u i2



where u rj is the relative displacement between the ends of damper j in the horizontal direction. Since only the first mode is considered, the displacement response may be expressed as u i = Aφ i (23) where φ i is the first modal displacement of the i -th degree-of-freedom and A is the amplitude. Finally, substituting Eq. (22) and (23) into Eq. (10), the effective damping ratio of the structure with nonlinear dampers is obtained

∑ λC φ j

ξ eff = ξ 0 +

1+α rj

cos1+α θ j


2πA1−α ω 2−α ∑ miφ i2



5、 、The loading combination factors, CF1 and CF2, of FEMA 273 Since the force of viscous dampers and the displacement response of the frame are out of phase, it is difficult to determine the internal force of each member of the frame through the static procedure. Therefore, when the rehabilitation of buildings is executed with velocitydependent devices, FEMA 273 suggests engineers to check the actions for components of the buildings in the following three stages of deformation, and the maximum action should be used for design. 1. Stage of maximum drift: which is represented by point A of Figure 5-1. 2. Stage of maximum velocity and zero drift: which is represented by point B of Figure 5-1. 3. Stage of maximum floor acceleration: which is represented by point C of Figure 51.




-u 0 u 0 cos δ



K .α . F=Ku +C|u | sgn(u )

Figure 5-1

Force-Displacement Relationship of A Structure with Viscous Dampers

u u0

Time at max. acc. π/ωn





. u T




Figure 5-2

Harmonic Motion of A Structure with Viscous Dampers

Furthermore, FEMA 273 recommends a procedure to calculate the member force at the instant of the maximum acceleration. The procedure indicates that design actions in components should be determined as the sum of “actions determined at the stage of maximum drift” times CF1 and “actions determined at the stage of maximum velocity” times CF 2 , where

CF1 = cos tan −1 (2ξ eff )







CF2 = sin tan −1 (2ξ eff

in which ξ eff is given by Eq. (10). However, the two load combination factors are inappropriate for structures with nonlinear viscous dampers. The revised formulas have been proposed by Ramirez et al. (2000) and are implemented in NEHRP 2000. The follows are the derivation of the revised load factors. For a linear elastic structure with a nonlinear viscous damper under a harmonic vibration at its natural frequency, ω n , the displacement and velocity may be expressed as 132




u = u 0 cos ω n t u = −ω n u 0 sin ω n t

(27) (28)

F = Ku + C u sgn (u )


The force response should be α

where K is the stiffness of the system and is equal to mω n2 . Figure 5-1 shows this forcedisplacement relationship. Substituting Eqs. (19), (20), (27) and (28) into Eq. (29), it yields 2π F = cos ω n t − ξ d sin α ω n t 2 λ mω n u 0


where λ is given by Eq. (20) and ξ d is given by Eq. (19). It should be noted that Eq. (30) is obtained based on the assumption that the velocity is negative. In other words, the considered cycle of motion shown in Figure 5-2 is within the interval 0 ≤ ω n t ≤ π . The maximum acceleration will occur when the force response reaches its maximum value, Fmax . The time when the maximum acceleration occurs can be determined simply by taking the first derivative of the right hand side of Eq. (30) with respect to t and setting the derivative to zero. sin 2−α ω n t * 2παξ d =− * λ cos ω n t


where t * is the time when the maximum acceleration and Fmax occur. Since there exists a phase lag δ (shown in Figure 5-1 and 5-2) between the occurring instances of the maximum acceleration and the maximum displacement, it is obtained

ω nt * = π − δ


Eq. (30) and (31) can then be respectively rewritten as Fmax = mω n2 u 0 cos δ + Cω nα u 0α sin α δ


sin 2−α δ 2παξ d = cos δ λ


It should be noted that, in Eq. (33), mω n2 u 0 is the force response at the stage of maximum drift and Cω nα u 0α is the force response at the stage of maximum velocity. Therefore, the load combination factors should be

CF1 = cos δ and



CF2 = sin α δ


δ can be solved using Eq. (34); however, it can’t be solved exactly unless α equals to 1. An approximate solution is then adopted by assuming the phase lag, δ , is small. The phase angle can then be calculated using 1

 2παξ d  2−α δ =   λ 


It should be noted that when δ becomes larger, Eq. (37) will introduce more errors. For the case of linear dampers ( α = 1 ), Eq. (34) can be solved exactly

δ = tan −1 (2ξ d )


which is adopted by FEMA 273 for linear dampers.

6、 、A design example of a structure (under elastic condition) with linear viscous dampers This section presents a design example of a structure with linear viscous dampers. The primary (gravity) frame of the structure is assumed to remain elastic when subjected to a design earthquake. The damping constant of the dampers will be determined by using the formula of effective damping ratio. The earthquake responses of the building in three stages proposed in FEMA 273 will also be calculated to illustrate the FEMA procedure. Description of the structure and the damping system A


2.25m H125X60





2.0m 2.0m
















Typical Floor Plan

Elevation Frame 1, 3

Figure 6-1 Typical Plan and Elevation of the Designed Structure

A three-story steel structure as shown in Figure 6-1 is a scale-down model. The linear viscous dampers will be installed with a diagonal brace configuration in frames 1 and 3. Each floor will contain two linear dampers. The inherent damping ratio of the structure is assumed to be 2%, and the effective damping ratio resulting from all added dampers is expected to reach 18%. That is to say, the total effective damping ratio of the whole system is designated at 20% of critical. Table 6-1 lists some necessary parameters of the structure for designing the viscous damping system.



Design of linear viscous damping system Assume that all the dampers have the same value of damping constant, which can be determined from Eq. (15). (Note that it may be more practical to assume the damping constant of the damper such that the damper force to be proportional to the story shear force along the height of the structure.) Table 6-1

Geometric and Modal Properties of the Designed Structure

Floor no.

Mass (kg)

cos θ ∗

First mode Period (sec)

3 2 1

8155 9378 9378

0.87 0.87 0.83


First mode mode shape 1 0.805 0.494

 Modal drift between floors  1 − 0.805  0.195 {φ r }1 = 0.805 − 0.494 =  0.311   0.494 0.494      Effective damping ratio contributed by dampers 2 × 0.33 × C 0.87 2 × 0.195 2 + 0.87 2 × 0.3112 + 0.83 2 × 0.494 2 ξ d = 0.18 = 4π 8155 × 12 + 9378 × 0.805 2 + 9378 × 0.494 2 Therefore, the damping constant of each damper can be determined to be C = 210 (kN − s m )





Calculation of response in design basis earthquake--first mode response Design coefficients of design basis earthquake As mentioned earlier, the gravity frame will stay in elastic condition when subjected to a design basis earthquake (DBE). According to the seismic design specifications of building structures in Taiwan, the spectral acceleration of DBE for this structure could be calculated with the following coefficients: Seismic zone factor, Z = 0.33 Importance factor, I = 1.0 Elastic design spectral acceleration normalized to a PGA of 1.0g for a 5% damping ratio, C sa = 2.5 Since the damping ratio has been raised to 20%, the damping modification factor, C D , can be obtained by using the following formula: 1.5 1.5 CD = + 0.5 = + 0.5 = 0.67 40 × ξ eff + 1 40 × 0.2 + 1 Therefore, the design spectral acceleration of DBE for the first mode of the system will be S a1 = ZIC sa C D = 0.33 × 1 × 2.5 × 0.67 = 0.553 ( g )


is the inclined angle of damper


Response at stage of maximum displacement 

The modal participation factor of the first mode, PF1 ∑i miφ im 8155 × 1 + 9318 × 0.805 + 9378 × 0.494 = = 1.23 PF1 = ∑ miφ im2 8155 × 12 + 9318 × 0.805 2 + 9378 × 0.494 2 i

 Floor acceleration, Ai1 Ai1 = PF1φ i1 S a1

 1   0.68      Ai1 = 1.23 ⋅ 0.805 ⋅ 0.553 = 0.548 0.494 0.336    

(g )

 Design lateral force, Fi1 Fi1 = mi Ai1

 8.155 ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 0.68  54.4     Fi1 = 9.378 ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 0.548 = 50.4 (kN ) 9.378 ⋅ 9.81 ⋅ 0.336 30.9      Design story shear force, Vi1

54.4    54.4      Vi1 =  54.4 + 50.4  = 104.8 (kN ) 54.4 + 50.4 + 30.9 135.7     Response at stage of maximum velocity  Floor displacement, ∆ i1 2

 T  ∆ i1 =   Ai1  2π 

 0.68  18.4 2      0.33  ∆ i1 =   ⋅ 9810 ⋅ 0.548 = 14.8 (mm )  2π  0.336  9.1       Floor drift between floors, ∆ ri1

∆ ri1

18.4 − 14.8 3.6     =  14.8 − 9.1  = 5.7 (mm )  9.1  9.1 

 Velocity between ends of dampers, ∇ di1  2π  ∇ di1 =   ∆ ri1 cosθ i  T  3.6 ⋅ 0.87   59.6      2π  ∇ di1 =  5.7 ⋅ 0.87 =  94.4  (mm s )  0.33      9.1 ⋅ 0.83  143.8



 Damper force, Fdi1 Fdi1 = nC i ∇ di1 , where n is the total number of dampers in floor i


 59.6 / 1000   25      = 2 × (210) 94.4 / 1000  = 39.7 (kN ) 143.8 / 1000 60.4    

 Horizontal component of damper forces, Vdi1


 25 ⋅ 0.87  21.8     = 39.7 ⋅ 0.87 = 34.5 60.4 ⋅ 0.83 50.1    

(kN )

Figure 6-2 shows the design forces of these two stages. 21.8kN






50.4kN 104.8kN 30.9kN



15.6kN 135.7kN


Stage of Maximum Displacement

Figure 6-2


Stage of Maximum Velocity

Seismic Design Forces at Stages of Maximum Displacement and Velocity

Response at stage of maximum acceleration  Coefficient CF1 CF1 = cos(tan −1 (2ξ a )) = cos(tan −1 (2 ⋅ 0.2 )) = 0.93  Coefficient CF2 CF2 = sin (tan −1 (2ξ a )) = sin (tan −1 (2 ⋅ 0.2 )) = 0.37  Maximum floor acceleration, Amax,i1 For linear dampers, the relationship shown below can be derived from Eq. (33) by letting α = 1. Amax,i1 = (CF1 + 2 ⋅ ξ eff CF2 )Ail (41) Thus,


 0.68  0.73     = (0.93 + 2 ⋅ 0.2 ⋅ 0.37 )0.548 = 0.59 0.336 0.36    

(g )



 Maximum story shear, Vmax,i1 Vmax,i1 = CF1 ⋅ Vi1 | Max.


Disp .

+CF2 ⋅ Vdi1 | Max. Vel .

 54.4  21.8  58.7        = 0.93104.8 + 0.37 34.5 = 110.2 (kN ) 135.7  50.1 144.7      

Higher mode responses may be calculated through the same procedure. Design forces thus could be obtained by combining results of all modes with SRSS or CQC rules.

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