Sed De Venganza 14-02-09

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 34,709
  • Pages: 156
Comentaristas del día: Marco Pérez Loko95 (Armando Hoyos)

*Empieza el comercial* En Sed de Venganza algo inesperado o mejor, diferente, pasará, las cosas ya no son como lo eran antes, pero queda un gran cambio por venir, pocos lo querran ver, pero sera la oscuridad la que lo decida...


...SED DE VENGANZA...! El único PPV del año en el que la venganza es una obligación , y sobrevivir a ella no es mas que una vaga opción.

-Se escucha Satsugai de Detroit Metal City!!-

Loko95: GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! GO TO DMC!! Marco Perez: y comensamos asi con este PPV y con esta banda japonesa Loko95: satsugai seyoooooo.. Marco Perez: FUCK! Loko95: después de cruzarme un rato con esta cancion comensamos con esta pelea que es el entremes de la noche!! Marco Perez: exacto, y me pregunto algo … entre los dos se entenderian? Es decir, Marocco habla en portugues y Cyclo Dragon en japones que hacemos? Loko95: eehh nose Marco Perez: bueno dale..

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway: "Introducing first, Marocco"! A drum roll is playing loud and clear A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Marocco makes his way to the ring a light shines over him on the ring Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, Cyclo Dragon"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Cyclo Dragon makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena with his lover who kisses him burning with passion smoke hides the whole ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Marocco prevails Marocco prepares his arm to strike the adversary Cyclo Dragon moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative Cyclo Dragon rushes drooping sideways to the rival Marocco moves and dodges a Forearm On Leg, starting to counter-attack Marocco holds his laying opponent's leg Cyclo Dragon moves to dodge a Knee on Leg and counterattacks Cyclo Dragon goes up to the lying opponent

and grabs an arm bending it applying an light Armbar!! Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Cyclo Dragon releases his grasp Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cyclo Dragon runs toward Marocco and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand Marocco breaks free from his opponent's Snapmare and regains the initiative Marocco grabs his opponent's head to make him fall on the ground with a somersault, performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! Marocco springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground Cyclo Dragon rolls out the way just in time, dodging the Springboard Corkscrew Splash and regaining the lead Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon and lunges himself on the ropes Cyclo Dragon waits for the running opponent hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!! Cyclo Dragon prepares the foot and hits Marocco with an light Angry Stomp!! Cyclo Dragon grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back Marocco avoids an Argentine Leg Lock and takes the initiative

Marocco gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! Marocco holds his laying opponent's leg Cyclo Dragon moves to dodge a Knee on Leg and counterattacks Cyclo Dragon takes a Marocco's arm and blocks him with a clinch performing an light Arm Lock!! Marocco escapes from the hold Cyclo Dragon bounces off the top rope with Marocco lying face up on the mat then leaps at him making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! Cyclo Dragon puts Marocco shoulder in a lever and submits him performing a light Modified Shoulder Lock!! Marocco escapes from the hold Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon and lunges himself on the ropes Cyclo Dragon throws his opponent over his head straight up and drops him backwards on the mat with a light Back Body Drop!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cyclo Dragon bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent Marocco suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative Marocco runs toward Cyclo Dragon and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Marocco grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair

Marocco and lunges himself on the ropes Marocco waits for the running opponent Cyclo Dragon avoids the a Hip Toss, gaining the initiative Cyclo Dragon grapples one of Marocco shoulders and submits him performing a strong Modified Shoulder Lock!! Cyclo Dragon keeps his ruthless submission hold Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Cyclo Dragon releases his grasp Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Cyclo Dragon is about to perform his taunt Cyclo Dragon executing The Thunder Pose Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco blocking his shoulder and puts it in traction executing a light Modified Shoulder Lock!! Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Marocco escapes from the hold Cyclo Dragon hooks his opponent's arm Marocco avoids the a Flipping Armbar easily, taking the initiative Marocco rises on the turnbuckle Cyclo Dragon dodges at the last moment avoiding a a Twisting Body Attack and takes back the initiative Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Cyclo Dragon hooks Marocco from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Marocco kicks out Cyclo Dragon gets close to his grounded opponent to hit him with a strong Knee Stomp!! Cyclo Dragon hooks his opponent's arm Marocco avoids the a Flipping Armbar easily, taking the initiative Marocco grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Marocco grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Marocco runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside Cyclo Dragon avoids the a Lariat and counterattacks Cyclo Dragon runs towards his opponent then he grabs him by the head to drive his face to the mat with a light One Arm Bulldog!! Cyclo Dragon is about to perform his taunt Cyclo Dragon executing The Thunder Pose Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's arm and locks his arms up executing an light Armbar!! Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Cyclo Dragon releases his grasp Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair

Cyclo Dragon grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cyclo Dragon bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent Marocco suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative Marocco grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Marocco grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Marocco runs towards his opponent Cyclo Dragon avoids the a Chin Breaker Cyclo Dragon runs towards his opponent with a tight arm and throws him down by wrapping the arm on his torso with a light Lariat!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cyclo Dragon stands behind Marocco to hit Marocco in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!! Cyclo Dragon springs off the top rope and leaps at his fallen opponent and executes a 180 degrees horizontal rotation before crashing on Marocco connecting with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cyclo Dragon bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent hitting him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!! Cyclo Dragon holding the ropes places a foot on Marocco's neck, the referee starts to count 1... 2... 3... 4... and interrupts light Foot Choke!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair

Cyclo Dragon grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Cyclo Dragon is about to perform his taunt Cyclo Dragon executing The Thunder Pose Cyclo Dragon bends down on Marocco Marocco avoids the a Chin Lock, gaining the initiative Marocco is about to perform his taunt Cyclo Dragon capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Marocco off guard! Cyclo Dragon tightens his rival's head under a shoulder to crash him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon tucks Marocco's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and pulls his own leg back, then kicks the leg forward quickly slamming it to the ground to build momentum to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, so he lands on his back, executing a strong Snap Suplex!! Cyclo Dragon takes a Marocco's arm Marocco avoids the a Arm Lock easily, taking the initiative Marocco gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together Cyclo Dragon suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative Cyclo Dragon climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward Marocco quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! Cyclo Dragon pulls Marocco still groggy, by his hair Cyclo Dragon puts his opponent in a front facelock, hooks his pants, and lifts his opponent up was executing a vertical suplex

and crush his head on the mat executing violent Cyclobomb!! MAROCCO HAS A CUT!!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Marocco kicks out Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon and lunges himself on the ropes Cyclo Dragon runs toward Marocco and jumps and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a light Running Arm Drag!! Cyclo Dragon gets besides the laying opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! Cyclo Dragon climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and jumps toward Marocco quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs both of his opponent's arms and hooks them, places his hands palm down flat against Marocco's upper back, then lifts Marocco up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Marocco down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting with a strong Tiger Suplex!! Cyclo Dragon hooks his opponent's arm Marocco avoids the a Flipping Armbar easily, taking the initiative Marocco grabs Cyclo Dragon's hair Marocco grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Marocco runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside Cyclo Dragon avoids the a Lariat and counterattacks Cyclo Dragon runs towards his opponent then he grabs him by the head to drive his face to the mat with a light One Arm Bulldog!! Cyclo Dragon gets on the top turnbuckle and jumps toward the head of Marocco with legs apart and grasps him backflipping with a violent Diving Hurracanrana, throwing him to the ground!! Cyclo Dragon grabs Marocco's hair Cyclo Dragon grabs one Marocco 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cyclo Dragon runs toward the opponent Marocco suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative Marocco lifts his opponent's leg Cyclo Dragon moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Cyclo Dragon hooks his opponent's arm and turns it to make him fall down performing light Flipping Armbar!! Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Marocco reaches for a rope and grabs it!! Cyclo Dragon releases his grasp Cyclo Dragon climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps toward the head of Marocco with legs apart and grabs him with his legs, performing a backflip to throw him to the mat pulling off a strong Diving Hurracanrana!! Cyclo Dragon comes close to Marocco and pushes down on the back of the oppenents arm executing an light Arm Lock!! Cyclo Dragon keeps his weak submission hold Marocco can't resist anymore and taps out!!


Marco Perez: a Ganado el japones!! Loko95: me parece o marocco desde que dejo de ser el guardia 1 no a ganado nada? Marco Perez: eso parece… -XMP se encuentra en un cuarto con una vela y viendo una fotografia.XMP: Maria price, yo les demostrare lo que me has enseñado, todo esto es por ti, no te decepcionare. -XMP sale del cuarto y un pasillo más se encuentra con Christo y Natalia, natalia se pone detras de Christo y se miran con odio.XMP: Mira, ebrio, tu puedes tomarte un whisky con vodka con alcohol etilico si quieres o fajarte a 1 o mil mujeres, no importa ahora, por hoy, estamos en la misma situación. A pesar de ser diferentes, a pesar de tener diferentes ideales, y a pesar que no nos podemos ver ni en pintura. A pesar de lo que me humillaste y a pesar que le queme la cara a una de las 100 novias que tienes........CREO que no eres tan tonto como para perder una oportunidad de ser campeón verdad?, digo, no tuviste compasión cuando hice pelear a ti y a tom bonecrusher por una oportunidad por un titulo. YO también no perderé la oportunidad de tener otra presea en mi historia, asi que, come,bebe,hazelo a tu mujer antes de la lucha, haz lo que quieras, solamente NO ME ESTORBES,si quieres llevate los aplausos del publico, festeja despues si quieres, simplemente tu disfruta sin hacer nada, yo sere quien derrote a los prisioneros practicamente solo entendiste? ChRiStO: (con gesto de equivocado) mmm... creo que estás equivocado pequeño casto. Aunque si aciertas en que yo no dejo perder una oportunidad, pero... en que ´tu vas a derrotar a los prisioneros???? Lo dudo..... Yo soy el que va a derrotar a los prisioneros, tú simplemente vas a ser el acompañante del campeón.... porque el campeón es el que conquista los cinturones... entientiendes???? o el líquido reproductor acumulado en tu cerebro no te deja captarme???? XMP: Primero el liquido reproductor no se encuentra en el cerebro se encuentra en..........bueno ni para que decir, que solamente dices tonterias con todas las neuronas quemadas y pegadas que tienes, el higado semi-desecho y con enfermedades venerias, tu crees que tu eres el que va a derrotar a los prisioneros?, pero bueno, no vaya a ser que salgas con la excusa que estas cansado, asi que ya quitate de mi vista hasta que sea la pelea y llevate de una buena vez esta ramerita.

-Christo y XMP se quieren agarrar a golpes pero natalia interviene.Natalia: YA BASTA!!!, Christo mejor vamonos si? ChRiStO: (Se ríe) Si eres pendejo.... ya ni los chistes los entiendes gracias a tu falta de... Natalia> CHRISTO!!! ChRiStO: Está bien.. ya nos vamos... pero antes... Maestrico casto, hagamos una apuesta. XMP: Apuesta??? ChRiStO: Sí... te la propongo antes de la lucha... en el ring... (se van) XMP: (Con sonrisa malévola) Vas a caer.... Marco Perez: me pregunto como les ira a ambos con esa pelea? Loko95: sera interesante ver a estos dos juntos

se ve a SERGINHO solo en el gimnasio haciendo pesas y a la vez hablando consigo mismo. SERGINHO: va a ser una lucha dificil, pero tengo que reconseguir mi titulo de una vez por todas. SERGINHO: destrozalo, no tienes que ganar el combate, tienes que triturar al killer. SERGINHO: pero yo lo que quiero es el titulo, no lesionar a nadie. SERGINHO: el titulo es lo de menos, tienes que dejar al killer tan destrozado que ni se le ocurra volver a acerte frente, si no fuera por mi serias un blandengue SERGINHO. SERGINHO: pero si tu tambien eres SERGINHO... ¿quien soy yo realmente? SERGINHO: dejate de gilipolleces, tienes que concentrarte al 100% en acabar con el, juntos lo conseguiremos. SERGINHO: de acuerdo, lo destrozare como me has dicho, al meos no estoy solo en esto

Marco Perez: esto? Esto esta mas raro aun..

Loko95: si … ahora viene Rey para su pelea contra Ferroki…

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway: "Introducing first, Ferroki"! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Ferroki makes his way to the ring two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, Rey Andrees"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring, wearing a white karate suit taking all the dirt with his giant ki, he arrives to the ring but he levitates to the top rope jumps on it making a huge backflip, he raises his ki in the middle of the ring and the ring s driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Rey Andrees gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Rey Andrees gets ready to hit Ferroki and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Rey Andrees loads the leg

Ferroki moves to the side avoiding a Middle Kick and goes to the counterattack Ferroki grabs his opponent's head Rey Andrees evades the Head Lock Takedown with great agility, counterattacking Rey Andrees grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then lifts Ferroki up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Ferroki down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting with a light Tiger Suplex!! Rey Andrees grabs his opponent's leg Ferroki dodges the Indian Death Lock and gains the initiative Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's leg and sits on Rey Andreess back and yards on it while leaning into Rey Andrees forming a light Argentine Leg Lock!! Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki climbs the turnbuckle and Rey Andrees moves at the last moment dodging a Flying Clothesline taking the initiative Rey Andrees resolutely climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps hitting Ferroki with a light Diving Elbow Smash in the face, knocking him down!! [Special Initiative activated for Ferroki] Rey Andrees grabs Ferroki's hair Rey Andrees grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Rey Andrees runs toward the opponent grasping his head Ferroki gets free from the opponent's Running DDT, taking the initiative Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's hair Ferroki grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes

Ferroki runs towards Rey Andrees and strikes his chin violently with a kick executing a light Chin Breaker!! Ferroki grabs his opponent's arm, then he flips behind him blocking the other arm with the legs throwing him on the mat with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Rey Andrees gets up and resolutely fights back Rey Andrees points to the opponent with decision Ferroki avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative Ferroki charges his arm and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!! Ferroki brings his foot up then drops it into Rey Andrees executing an light Axe Kick!! [Special Blocking activated for Ferroki] Ferroki grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground Rey Andrees easily dodges the opponent's Rushing Armbar, taking the initiative Rey Andrees grabs Ferroki's hair Rey Andrees grabs one Ferroki 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Rey Andrees grabs Ferroki from behind Ferroki suddenly dodges the Backslide Pin, and starts to counterattack Ferroki stalks his opponent and strikes him with a light Shoulder Block!!

Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's hair Ferroki charges the movement raising the elbow and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! Ferroki jumps on the turnbuckle throwing himself towards the rival hitting him with an arm executing a strong Flying Clothesline!! Ferroki charges his right leg executing a light Kick to Back!! Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's hair Ferroki grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ferroki throws Rey Andrees to the turnbuckle then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body Avalanche!! Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's hair Ferroki grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ferroki stands behind the opponent Rey Andrees dodges the Back Elbow Smash and counterattacks Rey Andrees charges his leg Ferroki avoids the Kick to Back taking initiative. Ferroki hooks Rey Andrees's legs who's laying prone on the mat causing him pain with a light Reverse Figure 4!! Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Rey Andrees escapes from the hold Rey Andrees quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Rey Andrees prepares his arm performing a light Punch!! Rey Andrees dives into the opponent with a clothesline Ferroki avoids the a Royal Tackle gaining the initiative Ferroki droops and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with light Forearm On Leg!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for Ferroki] Ferroki traps his opponent's leg with his own legs making it strangely twist to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's hair Ferroki and lunges himself on the ropes Ferroki raises his own leg into the oncoming opponent's face Rey Andrees bends and grabs the opponent's leg driving him down to the mat avoiding the a Pisoton Infernal Rey Andrees grabs the running adversary by the hands and throws him backwards with a light Monkey Flip!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees Stands In The Middle Of The Ring Hearing The Fans executing A Hearing The Crowds Rey Andrees jumps to hit his opponent with a knee Ferroki moves to dodge a a Knee on Leg and counterattacks Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's leg

and locks it in a light Leg Lock!! Rey Andrees escapes from the hold Rey Andrees quickly gets up and counterattacks! Rey Andrees gets next to Ferroki bringing down an arm and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Rey Andrees dives into the opponent with a powerful clothesline Ferroki avoids the a Royal Tackle gaining the initiative Ferroki prepares his arm and falls on Rey Andrees with his fist executing a light Fist But!! Ferroki lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a devastating Caos Total!! Ferroki gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together Rey Andrees suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative Rey Andrees puts his foot over his opponent's abdomen pulling a light Cocky Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki kicks out Rey Andrees grabs Ferroki's hair Rey Andrees kicks his opponent head making he fall down he goes to the top rop and jumps making 2 backflips on air landing with his back on Ferroki stomach executing devastating Andomegancy!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt

Ferroki capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Rey Andrees is faster and is not caught off guard! Rey Andrees hits the opponent with the back of his hand Ferroki dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Ferroki gets next to Rey Andrees bringing down an arm and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Ferroki hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits Rey Andrees with a light Gran Patada Diabolica!! Ferroki grabs his opponent's head from behind Rey Andrees avoids the a Headbutt to Back of Head and counterattacks Rey Andrees kicks Ferroki's belly then slams his shoulder into Ferrokis head, performing a violent Chop Breaker!! Rey Andrees grabs Ferroki's leg and sits on Ferrokis back and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! Rey Andrees keeps his ruthless submission hold Rey Andrees keeps his ruthless submission hold Rey Andrees releases his grasp Rey Andrees approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Ferroki capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Rey Andrees off guard! [Special Attack activated for Ferroki] Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees by an arm

hurling him on the ground executing an light Arm Drag!! [Special Damage activated for Ferroki] Ferroki lifts his opponent's leg Rey Andrees moves at last to dodge the a Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Rey Andrees grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a light Crucifix Armbar!! Rey Andrees keeps his weak submission hold Rey Andrees keeps his weak submission hold Rey Andrees releases his grasp Rey Andrees climbs the turnbuckle and throwing himself towards the rival hitting him with an arm executing a powerful Modified Flying Clothesline!! Rey Andrees takes an opponent's arm and twisting it he holds it among the legs Ferroki avoid the a Magistrale Cradle taking back the initiative Ferroki is about to perform his taunt Ferroki Se Pone A Dar Saltitos Alrededor De Su Oponente Intentando Ponerlo Nervioso executing A Jumpig Jump Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's hair Ferroki grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ferroki charges his elbow and hits Rey Andrees in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!! Ferroki climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and throws himself toward Rey Andrees hitting him with a strong Double Axe Handle!! Ferroki pulls Rey Andrees still groggy, by his hair

Ferroki grapples his opponent's chest and jumps onward dragging him and making him land on his back with a light Side Effect!! Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's arms and stretches them backwards stretching Rey Andrees performing a light Mexican Stretch!! Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki leans himself on the ropes placing his foot on his rival's neck and starts to push levering on the ropes performing a strong Foot Choke!! Rey Andrees interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Rey Andrees grabs his opponent's head Ferroki easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative Ferroki prepares his arm to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! Ferroki prepares to strike the rival hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!! Ferroki approaches the opponent and grasps him by his chest, Rey Andrees dodges a a Tie Up Knee Strike with a nice movement, taking back the initiative Rey Andrees seems ready to hit his opponent then he hits Ferroki with many kicks by executing a strong Kicking Combination!! Rey Andrees grabs Ferroki's hair Rey Andrees grabs one Ferroki 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Rey Andrees stops the running opponent grabbing his neck

crushing him on the ground performing an violent Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Ferroki capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Rey Andrees off guard! Ferroki puts Rey Andrees's head under his arm and raises him while falling forward, performing a strong Reverse Suplex!! [Special Resistance activated for Ferroki] Ferroki grabs Rey Andrees's hair Ferroki grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ferroki bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent Rey Andrees crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative Rey Andrees blocks his opponent holding his neck and moving forward he make his rival fall to the ground performing a violent Full Nelson Bulldog!!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees Prepares The Piledriver Oh No A Sit Down Powerbomb He Was executing An Andomancy Rey Andrees charges his right leg executing a violent Kick to Back!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees Prepares The Piledriver Oh No A Sit Down Powerbomb He Was executing An Andomancy Marco Perez: wouu!! Ahora Rey!! Cubre!! Loko95: bueno esta pelea a sido rapida… _----------------------------------------------------_

*Las luces del estadio se van por 3 segundos* Loko95: pero que?… Marco Perez: no veo nada.. esto debe ser obra de Ferroki…

* suena un estruendo similar a un rayo y pronto vuelve una luz azul oscura, el ring se pone neblinoso, al igual que la rampa, el titantron esta envuelto en llamas pero entre estas se ve a la mujer del poster del PPV hablando* Mujer misteriosa: *Al terminar se abre un camino de fuego en columnas, sale la mujer misteriosa con su cara llena de sangre y vestida de estilo gótico acompañada por Juan Olarte y Hardcore Kno, cada uno a un lado vestidos sombriamente. La mujer se dirige al ring mientras Ferroki mira con curiosidad el evento, Rey capitaliza la distracción con un Painmaker que lo deja frío en el suelo, cuando llega Juan Olarte lo arrojan al lado de Henry Rojas, el arbitro sale corriendo y suena otro estruendo esta vez desde el ring, un show de fuego desde los 4 esquineros empieza mientras los cuatro ocupantes del ring tienen un micrófono en la mano* Rey: La nueva era ha llegado, nada será como lo era antes, no más escoria obteniendo títulos, no más "luchadores" queriendo ser estrellas por gente patética como ustedes, ustedes no valen la pena pero al parecer ellos creen que si. Gente de papel, la oscuridad reina en este mundo de incognitas, y por queren una vida de luz nunca se podrán salvar de la ausencia de ella. Mujer Misteriosa: Es nuestro deber terminar con todo, y a todo me refiero ustedes, lo que gente mediocre considera "el alma del show", y la mejor forma de hacerlo es terminar con sus campeones de papel, con sus idolos mediocres y con lo que ustedes denominan "reinos" por los titulos, va siendo hora de que las viejas desgracias abran paso a la nueva generacion. Juan Olarte: Es por eso que gente como Santo Angel sufrió por su mediocridad, no valia la pena seguir con un perdedor con la percepcion de "fans" como lo mejor que le puede pasar a un luchador. Hardcore Kno: Y es por eso que seguiremos uno a uno, hasta no dejar sino a gente digna de luchar, no para ustedes, para ellos mismos, es la hora del cambio. Rey: Junto a Roxana, mi manager, y estas jovenes estrellas con pensamientos claros e inteligentes cerraremos esta etapa de estupidez y basura en LWC. Roxana: Y abriremos el capítulo de... La Conflagración! *Las luces vuelven. Rey, Juan y Hardcore van por Ferroki, lo meten al ring y lo ponen de pie, Rey aplica su devastador PainMaker otra vez, Hardcore aplica su Hardcore Bomb y Juan Olarte lo derriba con una silla en llamas. Rey toma uno de los microfonos del suelo y dice*

Rey: Bienvenidos al nuevo mundo en LWC *Se oscurece todo otra vez y queda como en el show de fuego. Suena Entrance Of The Conflagration de Trivium y los cuatro abandonan el ring en medio de la oscuridad y las llamas, se quedan debajo del titantron se voltean y alzan los brazos, las camaras dejan de enfocarlos despues de esto*

se ve a SERGINHO entrando en su camerino. SERGINHO: Nikol, he venido a despedirme de ti... porque en la pelea de hoy me dejare la vida por destrozar al killer si hace falta. Nikol: (con aspecto preocupado) pero cariño, es solo un combate. no te arriesgues por un maldito malentendido. Nikol se lanza a los brazos de SERGINHO. SERGINHO: tengo que acabar con esto de una vez por todas. SERGINHO se va del camerino. SERGINHO: la verdad es que me ha gustado el beso que nos ha dado, pero deberias dejarla ya es una distraccion. SERGINHO: callate aprovechao.

Se ve al ESB bajando de su auto para irse a los camerinos Fn Socko: TOnight........the road to glory begins.....tonight we are going to kick doesn't matter who is Mr. Chica's partner.....cause we are gonna break them souls......cause next wednesday we are gonna dominate LWC.....each member of ESBwill be a champ...... He-Man susurrandole a Kimi He-Man: Y este?...ahora kiere gobernar y ser un dictador en LWC? Kimi: Ya se le pasara cuando dejemos el efecto Chavez Fn Socko:WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????????? He-Man y Kimi: Fucking Mister Danger Fn Socko:

Marco Perez: ya llego el Elemental a la arena… que dira el Genei Loko95: o lo que sobra de ellos… Marco Perez: pero hoy tendran un nuevo integrante o sera Takeshi renovado? Loko95: nose, pero lo que si se es que ahí esta BloodRed -entra Bloodredsandman al ring con su respectiva cancion y un microfono en la manoloko95: parece ke va a decir algo....por primera vez en su vida marco perez: calla a ver que va a decir.... BLOODREDSANDMAN: lo ke a okurrido con FUERZA MAÑA KO es una terrible señor. pero en fin lo echo echo esta y ya no hay vuelta atras, yo no e evnido aki aora y en este mismo ring a hablar de la stable, es mas yo solo me e unido al grupo de los victoriosos, kon mi amigo del alma killer sale killer montxo en la pantalla de los videos d entrada KILLER MONTXO: venga vaaaaa di lo k kieras decir

loko95:pero bueno k impaciete es este tio BLOODREDSANDMAN: lo k keria decir eske en el combate del PPv luilli no tiene nada ke acer contra mi

NO TIENE NADA KE ACER........LUILLI ARE YOU DEAD YET? MONTXO: muy conmovedor, pero k muuuuy conmovedor aora ven aki aora mismo k no llego a la bottela de Smirnoff y no m kiero esforzar!!! ademas ven por qu...(se corta el video) BLOODREDSANDMAN va corriendo hacia el camerino de killer montxo BLOODREDSANDMAN: ¿que te has creido? killler montxo: traaaaaaaaaaaanquuuuuiiiiiiilo BLOODREDSANDMAN : tio me estas cansando killer montxo: y que...¿por qué no te tomas una copaza conmigo? o prefieres k te de un hostion killer levanta el brazo para pegar un ostión de pánico a BLOODREDSANDMAN pero... entra luilli y lo detiene marco pérez: que se ha creido un héroe loko 95: solo trataba de... marco perez: hacer el tonto killer: pero a ti que te pasa chaval BLOODREDSANDMAN : eso, me iba a " pegar" killer pone cara de pocos amigos luilli: eeey yo que tú me ocuparia preparate para tu combáte. tú eres mucho mejor que este tio dejale en paz ya le daras una paliza luego loko95: parece que le ha convencido marco pérez: a mi no... loko 95: tio siempre tienes la última palabra BLOODREDSANDMAN se va alejando del camerino killer: pero yo le kiero patear su gordo trasero

luilli:ya tendrás tiempo de pateárselo después luilli se aleja al ring luilli vuelve a cámara luilli: se me ovidaba marco pérez: hacer el memo luilli: para vosotros, señoras y señores niños y niñas eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii isssssssssssssssssss preparadoss PÚBLICO: SSSSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Mika Callaway: "Introducing first, luilli"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves luilli makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena

Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, BLOODREDSANDMAN"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! A red carpet is laid on the ramp from under the ‘Tron BLOODREDSANDMAN makes his way to the ring Wearing a red shirt and black shorts. And in his head wearing a golden mask a light shines over him on the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort luilli prevails luilli prepares the back of his hand hitting BLOODREDSANDMAN across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! luilli grabs a BLOODREDSANDMAN's arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! luilli charges his right leg executing a light Kick to Back!! luilli approaches BLOODREDSANDMAN and grasps his head squeezing his temples, performing a light Brain Squeezer!! BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN quickly gets up and counterattacks! BLOODREDSANDMAN open his arms ready to hit luilli and hits luilli on the face with the palms of the hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! BLOODREDSANDMAN prepares the leg and connects with a light Roundhouse Kick!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking luilli's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... luilli gets up and resolutely fights back luilli pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair luilli grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking BLOODREDSANDMAN's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... BLOODREDSANDMAN kicks out luilli stretches out his arms, opening his hands and grasps BLOODREDSANDMAN's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!! luilli keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN quickly gets up and counterattacks! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs luilli's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN and lunges himself on the ropes BLOODREDSANDMAN runs toward the opponent and jumps luilli dodges the Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative

luilli raises his own leg and drives the sole of his boot into his face with a light Big Boot!! luilli charges his right leg executing a light Kick to Back!! luilli approaches his laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! luilli open his arms in a threatening gesture and grasps his head squeezing his temples, performing a light Brain Squeezer!! BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold luilli grabs BLOODREDSANDMAN's hair luilli grabs one BLOODREDSANDMAN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well luilli makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, hitting him with his extended arm performing a light Clothesline!! BLOODREDSANDMAN pulls himself together and fights back BLOODREDSANDMAN approaches his rival loading his arm and executes a strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! BLOODREDSANDMAN turns against the adversary and hits hime with a violent Modified Mule Kick on the groin!! BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts up his opponet so luilli's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Modified Canadian Back Breaker!! BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his ruthless submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN releases his grasp

BLOODREDSANDMAN picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then applies a leverage with his opponent's body while pulling his arm and hyperextending his joints, executing a light Strangle Hold!! luilli escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs luilli's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts up his opponet so luilli's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Modified Canadian Back Breaker!! BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN releases his grasp BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat to perform a strong Head Lock!! BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN releases his grasp luilli interrupts his opponent attacks sequence luilli approaches his rival loading his arm and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!! luilli leaps toward the opponent BLOODREDSANDMAN doges the a Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN dives into luilli with a clothesline knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!! BLOODREDSANDMAN puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!!

BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt luilli capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but BLOODREDSANDMAN is faster and is not caught off guard! BLOODREDSANDMAN puts a hand on the opponent's face luilli shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative luilli lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary with an extreme power performing a light Powerful Knee Strike!! luilli lifts up his opponet so BLOODREDSANDMAN's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! BLOODREDSANDMAN escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN quickly gets up and counterattacks! BLOODREDSANDMAN gets next to luilli bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm luilli's jaw performing an strong European Uppercut!! BLOODREDSANDMAN dives into the opponent with a clothesline luilli avoids the a 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative luilli leaps toward BLOODREDSANDMAN and performs a strong Bicycle Kick hitting BLOODREDSANDMAN with two kicks!! luilli pone a su rival en sus hombros y lo suelta dandole un rodillazo y una terrible patada executing strong Luillibomb!! luilli pulls BLOODREDSANDMAN still groggy, by his hair luilli takes BLOODREDSANDMAN by an arm BLOODREDSANDMAN gets free from the hold avoiding an a Arm Dragon Screw, taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN gains speed bouncing against the ropes

and knocks luilli down while running, performing a strong Rope Drop Clothesline!! BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt BLOODREDSANDMAN Calm The Opponent executing A Super Calm BLOODREDSANDMAN put his legs around opponent s body strangle him very hard executing light Super Llave!! luilli escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN approaches his laying opponent tightening it with a light Head Lock!! BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold luilli escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt BLOODREDSANDMAN Calm The Opponent executing A Super Calm BLOODREDSANDMAN put his legs around opponent s body strangle him very hard executing light Super Llave!! BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold BLOODREDSANDMAN releases his grasp BLOODREDSANDMAN tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... luilli kicks out BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs luilli's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN turns and grabs luilli's head putting it under his armpit he lifts him up over his shoulder and drops him, letting him fall chin first on it performing a light

Rolling Cutter!! BLOODREDSANDMAN gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and leaps toward luilli quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe Handle!! BLOODREDSANDMAN is about to perform his taunt luilli capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching BLOODREDSANDMAN off guard! luilli tucks the opponent's head in his armpit BLOODREDSANDMAN avoids the a Modified DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs luilli blocking his shoulder and puts it in traction executing a light Shoulder Lock!! luilli escapes from the hold BLOODREDSANDMAN grabs luilli's hair BLOODREDSANDMAN lifts up his opponet so luilli's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! BLOODREDSANDMAN keeps his weak submission hold luilli can't resist anymore and taps out!! BLOODREDSANDMAN WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS LUILLI !!!!

se ve a henry rojas en los pasillos del estadio y llega al camerino de prision666 y toca henry rojas:Prision estas ahi???prision??? se asoma prision666 sin camisa con la puerta medio abierta tratando de esconder algo prision666:si??q paso henry??

henry rojas:todavia no estas listo??hoy tenemos lucha!!!!!! prision666:mmmmmm no estoy listo ahorita!!!esq le estoy dando un regalo a mi chava!!! tu sabes por san valentin!!! henry rojas:mmmmmmmmm y q le estas dando q estas sin camisa??? prision666:mmmm algo q recordara por el resto de su vida!!!creeme!!! henry rojas:pos sea lo estas haciendo termina ya!!!!ahi q prepararse para SED DE VENGANZA!!! prision666:no te preocupes estaremos listos!!!! henry rojas:recuerda quienes son nuestros adversarios!!!! prision666:por mas razon no te preocupes!!!esa pareja dispareja!!!christo y xmp no podran con nosotros ya q estaran tan ocupados peleandose entre ellos!!!no tiene oportunidad contra LOS PRISIONEROS!!!! henry rojas:lose!!!lose!!!pero no hay q confiarnos!!! prision666:ok!!ok!!solo dame 15min para terminar con ella!!..... !!!dijo para terminar de darle su regalo y entonces nos pondremos a trabajar ok!!! henry rojas:mientras q hare yo?? pasa una chava hermosa q saluda a prision666 prision666:tity el es henry!!henry ella es tity!!! tity:hola henry!!jiji henry rojas:hola tity

!!!!!ok prision pero no te tardes!!!mientras estare aqui con tity!! prision666:asi se habla henry!!!!no tardo!!!

prision666 se vuelve a meter a su camerino y henry se va con tity Marco Perez: creo que Prision y Henry Rojas estan tomando esto no muy en serio Loko95: no les veo futuro.. pero a XMP y a Christo tampoco… aunque prefero que ganen los Prisioneros Marco Perez: claro porque te quedas sin trabajo

[se le ve a EL_Méxicano muy molesto y apresurado en backstage] Marco Perez: a quien esta buscando el mexicano? EL_Méxicano: disculpa lo haz visto? ... oye tu lo haz visto? ... donde demonios esta ese maldito?! Marco Perez: vaya parece un maniático, sea quien sea a quien esta buscando no sera para saludarlo [se ve a lo lejos d el pasillo a Angel Arceo hablando por teléfono] EL_Méxicano: ahí estas hijo de tu "#$% ¡?!%& [Angel Arceo voltea y despreocupado ve que corre hacia el, en ese momento se desprende un poco de techo del pasillo sobre EL_Méxicano, aun con la fuerte contusión toma fuerzas para retirarse un poco de los escombros, solo para escuchar a Angel Arceo decirle] Angel Arceo: Méxicano espero que no pienses perder, aunque siguiendo la tradición de este dia lo mas probable es que lo hagas jajajajaja Marco perez: la mirada de el mexicano parece de un asesino, a su manager parece como si alguien lo protegiera de cualquiera daño, ira a participar en esas condiciones el mexicano? Marco Perez: pero que acabamos de ver? Loko95: eso la verdad no fue nada normal

Roxxie Henry: Aca estamos con Mascara Chilena, y Mascara Chilena ¿Que nos puedes decir de tu pelea contra El Mexicano y S-Pain? Mascara Chilena: Solamente te puedo asegurar algo, y eso es que vencere a ambos y me convertire en el contendor Nº1 del titulo Roxxie Henry: Pero S-Pain y El Mexicano son excelentes luchadores Mascara Chilena: Lo sé, pero de todas formas mi convicción es esa, no perdere Roxxie Henry: Que opinas del matrimonio de S-Pain?

Mascara Chilena: Nada mas puedo decir que felicitaciones pero tendra que irse sin ganar hoy, lo siento por el S-PAIN: Creo que me subestimas, Máscara Chilena, y no deberías. He hecho muchísimos progresos para el PPV y sólo vas a quedarte en el suelo con cara de sorprendido cuando haya ganado. Mascara Chilena: Eso se tendrá que ver. Soy evidentemente más fuerte y más ágil que tú y, no mientas, hoy estas flaqueando. S-PAIN: ¿Cómo? Serthand: ¡Hey! ¿Qué pasó aquí, wey? ¿Calentando para la pelea? Me hubiera gustado estar ahí tambien. Máscara y S-PAIN: ¡¡TÚ CALLA, HUEVÓN!!

Loko95: aun no me olvido de lo que acabo de ver Marco Perez: sabbes como olvidar eso… Loko95: como? Marco Perez: viendo la siguiente pelea entre la extraña pareja que a mi parecer te quitara el trabajo y mi compañero Henry Rojas y Prision… loko.. fue un gusto trabajar contigo Loko95: yo creo que retendran ellos..

Suena Toxicity de System of a Down.. se apagan todas las luces, se enciende la pantalla y sale el nombre ChRiStO ensangrentado.... explotan fuegos artificales al rededor de la pantalla... y aparecen los mejores movimiento de ChRiStO.. se abre la compuerta de abajo, y sale el ferrari rojo manejado por ChRiStO...

salen fuegos artificales al rededor de la caminería hacia el ring... la gente grita, aplaude.... el auto llega a los pies del ring.. ChRiStO se baja con una cerveza en la mano.. se sube al ring... se coloca en medio de este, salen fuegos artificales de cada una de las esquinas mientras se bebe la cerveza... va hasta las esquinas... se monta y saluda al público, haciendo un perrrdonnn de vez en cuando...Match Type: Tag Team

Suena wait and bleed de spliknot y entra XMP.

ChRiStO: Ok Maestrico…. Hablemos de la apuesta. XMP: Qué quieres apostar??? ChRiStO: Si yo hago la cuenta a 3 de alguno de los prisioneros, tú serviras de mesonero en mi cena romántica con Natalia… Público: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XMP: Y si yo gano??? ChRiStO: Dime tú qué quieres? XMP: Si yo hago rendirse a uno de los prisioneros, Natalia y yo vamos a tener una cena romántica a solas…. De acuerdo? Público: BBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ChRiStO: No… no voy a apostarte a Natalia. XMP: Entonces.. ni siquiera habrá lucha… ChRiStO: ¿Qué? XMP: Como oyes…. Si no hay apuesta, no hay lucha…

Natalia: ChRiStO, acepta… porque este perdedor nunca sería capaz de ganar. ChRiStO: Pero… Natalia… Natalia: Anda mi amor… apuesta ChRiStO: Está bien… (le extiende la mano) XMP: (Le da la mano) Apuesta en marcha (ENTRAN LOS PRISIONEROS) (A LA HORA DE COMENZAR LA PELEA, CHRISTO Y XMP SE MANTIENEN DENTRO DEL RING, EL RÉFERI LES PIDE QUE UNO DE LOS 2 SE SALGA, NINGUNO CEDE) Loko95: Ninguno de los 2 se quiere salir Marcos. Marcos Pérez: Debería irse ChRiStO, para que Maestro gane los títulos en parejas… Loko95: Y porqué ChRiStO? Que se vaya Maestro. Marcos Pérez: Si eres chupa medias. (EL RÉFERI SIGUE A LA ESPERA QUE UNO DE LOS 2 SE SALGA… CHRISTO Y XMP SE MIRAN FRENTE A FRENTE Y CHRISTO LO EMPUJA DICIENDOLE QUE SE SALGA DEL RING, XMP LE RESPONDE CON UNA CACHETADA, CHRISTO SE VOLTEA Y SE EMPIEZAN A AGARRAR A GOLPES… LOS PRISIONEROS SE QUEDAN INMOVILES VIENDO LO QUE PASA ENTRE CHRISTO Y XMP.. ENSEGUIDA, DECIDEN ATACAR A CHRISTO Y XMP, Y EN 2 MOVIMIENTOS TANTO XMP COMO CHRISTO LANZAN FUERA DEL RING A PRISION Y A HENRY….. CHRISTO Y XMP SE VUELVEN A VER LAS CARAS FRENTE A FRENTE Y DECIDEN BUSCAR UNA MONEDA, CARA PARA CHRISTO Y SELLO PARA XMP…………… LA LANZAN Y SALE…… CARA!!!!!! CHRISTO COMIENZA LA LUCHA) The opponents make their way to the ring as well, prision666 and Henry Rojas! ChRiStO and prision666 enter the ring. Maestro Xtremo and Henry Rojas are waiting in the respective corners The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort ChRiStO prevails ChRiStO open his arms

prision666 moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative prision666 flanks his opponent and prepares to strike and strikes his opponent right on his jaw, performing a light Side Mounting Punch!! prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a light Samoan Drop!! prision666 approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! prision666 pulls ChRiStO still groggy, by his hair prision666 grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking the opponent's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ChRiStO gets up and resolutely fights back ChRiStO gets ready to hit prision666 and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! ChRiStO jumps towards the opponent hitting him with two consecutive kicks performing a light Bicycle Kick!! prision666 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort prision666 prevails prision666 prepares to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!!

prision666 garbs his running opponent by the arm ChRiStO strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the Uraken and counterattacks ChRiStO lifts the opponent showing great strength and throws him backwards with a light Back Suplex!! Henry Rojas leans on the ropes to get the touch! ChRiStO pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair ChRiStO grabs his opponent's arm, then he flips behind him blocking the other arm with the legs throwing him on the mat with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 kicks out ChRiStO pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair ChRiStO jumps on the opponent's head, then with great agility performs a somersault to project prision666 in a light Hopping Sunset Flip!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 grabs the adversary with an arm meanwhile with the other one crashes him on the ground with a streched arm, performing a light Pepsi Twist!! prision666 grabs ChRiStO executing a backbreaker Henry Rojas bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a violent Backbreaker & flying legdrop!!

prision666 grabs ChRiStO's hair prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes prision666 runs toward the opponent ChRiStO dodges the Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative ChRiStO gains momentum by bouncing off the top rope, and leaps backwards on his opponent and lands on his opponent, performing a light Springboard Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 kicks out ChRiStO gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and leaps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a powerful La Sepultura De Christo!! ChRiStO jumps on the turnbuckle and jumps forwards, landing on him after a backflip in mid-air, connecting with a violent Skytwister Press!!!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (CHRISTO SE ACERCA A LA ESQUINA, Y XMP LO TOCA, ENTRA XMP, EL RÉFERI SACA A CHRISTO PORQUE NO SE QUIERE SALIR) Maestro Xtremo and ChRiStO lift prision666 by the neck and slam him violently to the ground executing a strong Double-chokeslam!! Maestro Xtremo bounces off the top rope with the opponent lying face up on the mat then leaps at him making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Tornillo Xtremo!! Maestro Xtremo charges the kick and hits the opponent with an light Angry Stomp!!

Maestro Xtremo springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground and executes a 180 degrees horizontal rotation before crashing on the opponent connecting with a light Tornillo Xtremo!! Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle Hold!! prision666 escapes from the hold prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand Maestro Xtremo ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back Maestro Xtremo gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! Maestro Xtremo stands firmly on the mat and hits the opponent with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's trunks prision666 moves out of the way, dodging the a Small Package and regains initiative prision666 gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! prision666 approaches his laying opponent Maestro Xtremo evades the a Prision Crossface, taking back the initiative Maestro Xtremo grabs the opponent's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2....

prision666 kicks out Maestro Xtremo gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and jumps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! Maestro Xtremo springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a light Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! Maestro Xtremo grabs prision666's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Maestro Xtremo throws the opponent to the ring's corner running toward him hitting him with his own body performing a strong Body Avalanche!! prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 charges his open hand Maestro Xtremo ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back Maestro Xtremo gets ready to hit prision666 and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm the opponent's jaw performing an strong European Uppercut!! Maestro Xtremo loads an arm towards himself and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!! Maestro Xtremo puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with powerful Voltereta Del Dolor!! Maestro Xtremo puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a strong Samoan Drop!! prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 prepares his arm to strike the adversary

Maestro Xtremo moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! Maestro Xtremo loads the leg hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!! Maestro Xtremo locks the opponent's head under his arm prision666 avoids the a DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Prision Samoan Drop!! prision666 puts his opponent on his shoulders Maestro Xtremo climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Samoan Drop regaining the initiative Maestro Xtremo hooks the opponent's neck performing a strong Neck Breaker!! Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt prision666 capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Maestro Xtremo is caught out! prision666 charges his open hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! prision666 grabs the adversary with an arm and makes him fall on the ground with a strong Modified Pepsi Twist!! prision666 grabs the adversary with an arm to crash him with the other one performing a light Pepsi Twist!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

prision666 gives the touch to Henry Rojas who enters the ring! Henry Rojas uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting with a light Snapmare!! Henry Rojas grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Henry Rojas and lunges himself on the ropes Henry Rojas runs toward the opponent and hooks his arm driving him down to the ground, performing a light Running Arm Drag!! Henry Rojas grabs the opponent's arm and bending it imprisons him in an light Armbar!! Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold Maestro Xtremo escapes from the hold Maestro Xtremo quickly gets up and counterattacks! Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! Maestro Xtremo bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting Henry Rojas Henry Rojas avoids the impact moving to the opponent's back Henry Rojas bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent's back grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a light Bulldog!! Henry Rojas grabs his laying opponent's leg and strikes his leg with a light Knee on Leg!! Henry Rojas ve a su oponente tirado en lona y Maestro Xtremo somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Maestro Xtremo jumps on the top turnbuckle

Henry Rojas dodges the a Diving Crossbody taking the initiative Henry Rojas kneels behind the opponent and grasps his arm holding it behind his head, choking him with a strong pressure against his neck performing a light Buffalo Sleeper Hold!! Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold Henry Rojas releases his grasp Henry Rojas pulls Maestro Xtremo still groggy, by his hair Henry Rojas flanks the opponent, clutching his head with his right arm Maestro Xtremo breaks free from his opponent's a Rock Lee and regains the initative Maestro Xtremo violently grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground performing an amazing light Rushing Armbar!! Henry Rojas escapes from the hold Maestro Xtremo locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 Henry Rojas dodges the a Figure 4 Pin and starts to counter-attack Henry Rojas jumps on the opponent's head, then with great agility performs a somersault to project Maestro Xtremo in a light Hopping Sunset Flip!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Maestro Xtremo kicks out Henry Rojas charges the leg Maestro Xtremo rolls over causing Henry Rojas to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative

Maestro Xtremo approaches his laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! prision666 leans on the ropes to get the touch! Maestro Xtremo le da una patada a su oponente y le cruza los 2 brazos y se sube a la 3ra cuerda (CHRISTO LE MUEVE LA CUERDA, Y XMP CAE A LA LONA) Henry Rojas climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and throws himself toward the opponent hitting him with a violent Double Axe Handle!! Henry Rojas pulls Maestro Xtremo still groggy, by his hair Henry Rojas grasps the opponent and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a light Body Slam!! Henry Rojas grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Henry Rojas grabs one Maestro Xtremo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Henry Rojas grabs Maestro Xtremo from behind hooking him by the arms sliding him across his back while falling performing a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Maestro Xtremo kicks out Henry Rojas hooks his opponent's arm and turns it submitting him performing a light Flipping Armbar!! Henry Rojas keeps his weak submission hold Henry Rojas keeps his ruthless submission hold

Henry Rojas releases his grasp Maestro Xtremo pulls himself together and fights back Maestro Xtremo approaches the opponent Henry Rojas droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Henry Rojas open his arms ready to hit the opponent and hits the opponent on the face with the palms of the hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! Henry Rojas brings his foot up then drops it into the opponent executing an light Axe Kick!! Henry Rojas lifts the opponent and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a light Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! prision666 leans on the ropes to get the touch! Henry Rojas grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Henry Rojas and lunges himself on the ropes Henry Rojas waits for the running opponent hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!! Maestro Xtremo pulls himself together and fights back Maestro Xtremo gets ready to hit Henry Rojas Henry Rojas shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative Henry Rojas prepares the back of his hand hitting the opponent with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Henry Rojas quickly lifts his left leg and hits his opponent with a light Karate Kick!! Henry Rojas flanks his opponents, and wraps one arm across his chest and sweeps the opponent's leg with his own leg to slam the other wrestler back-first, executing a

light STO!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Maestro Xtremo kicks out Henry Rojas grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a violent Cruceta Del Averno!! Henry Rojas keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! CHRISTO enters the ring hitting Henry Rojas and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Maestro Xtremo takes advantage of the situation! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (CHRISTO APROVECHA PARA TOCAR A XMP Y ENTRA) ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO holds his opponent by the neck to throw him down with a devastating Uranage!! ChRiStO grabs his opponent's leg making it strangely twist to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp Henry Rojas interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Henry Rojas open his hand

ChRiStO dodges the a Chop and gains the initiative ChRiStO holds his opponent and strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!! ChRiStO bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent's back slamming him down to the mat face first grasping his head, performing a light Bulldog!! ChRiStO grabs his rival's leg and lets himself fall over it with a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! Henry Rojas interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Henry Rojas prepares the back of his hand hitting the opponent across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Henry Rojas strongly grabs the head of the adversary ChRiStO lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative ChRiStO lifts the knee to hit the opponent and with a knee blow executes a light Knee Smash!! ChRiStO agarra las piernas del luchador y las cruza junto a las suyas formando un lazo executing violent Christominced!! Henry Rojas escapes from the hold ChRiStO tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head Henry Rojas performs a mid-air rotation, landing on his feet, dodging a a Suplex and regaining the initiative! Henry Rojas lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! Henry Rojas keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO escapes from the hold

ChRiStO quickly gets up and counterattacks! ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt ChRiStO Se Va A Una Esquina Se Monta Con Sus Dedos Dela Mano Derecha Forma Un Ovalo Que Se Lleva Al Ojo Y Grita Perrrrrrrrrrrdoooonnnn executing A The Compa S Salute (SE ACERCA A SU ESQUINA Y LE HACE PPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOO NNNNNNN A XMP Y LE SACA EL DEDO DEL MEDIO DE LA MANO XD) ChRiStO grabs Henry Rojas's hair ChRiStO grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! ChRiStO grasps the opponent and hits him on the face performing a strong Real Deal!!!!! ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt ChRiStO Agarra Una Lata De Cerveza De La Cava Que Esta En El Carro La Abre Toma Un Sorbo Y Se La Lanza A Su Oponente En La Cara executing A Strep Throat ChRiStO jumps against the opponent and hit his legs with a light Low Dropkick!! ChRiStO grabs the opponent's legs and locks them holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas kicks out Henry Rojas interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Henry Rojas charge his right arm ChRiStO dodges the a Chop and gains the initiative

ChRiStO holds his opponent's head and hits it with a dreadful series of knee strikes by executing a light Knees Lift!! ChRiStO agarra al luchador lo pone entre sus rodillas lo carga Henry Rojas somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Henry Rojas tightens his rival's head under a shoulder and crashes him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! Henry Rojas tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ChRiStO gets up and resolutely fights back ChRiStO hooks the opponent's neck performing a violent Tha Christos Way!! ChRiStO puts his opponent on his shoulder and makes him fall, striking his shoulder with his knee, executing a light Shoulder Breaker!! ChRiStO grabs his rival's fist and twists it by executing a light Fist Lock!! ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! PRISION666 enters the ring hitting ChRiStO and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Henry Rojas takes advantage of the situation! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Henry Rojas gives the touch to prision666 who enters the ring! prision666 releases his grasp

prision666 pulls ChRiStO still groggy, by his hair prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Samoan Drop!! prision666 grabs ChRiStO's hair prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes prision666 runs toward the opponent ChRiStO dodges the a Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative ChRiStO gains momentum by bouncing off the top rope, and leaps backwards on his opponent landing on him, setting for a pinfall with a light Springboard Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 gets up and resolutely fights back prision666 grabs ChRiStO's hair prision666 grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes prision666 bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent stretching his arm hitting his back with a light Clothesline to Back!! prision666 grabs ChRiStO's hair prision666 grabs one ChRiStO 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well prision666 charges towards a standing opponent ChRiStO somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! ChRiStO runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!!

ChRiStO approaches the opponent and grasps the opponent's head with a light Brain Squeezer!! ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO charges his leg to hit his opponent with a light Kick to Back!! ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt ChRiStO Agarra Una Lata De Cerveza De La Cava Que Esta En El Carro La Abre Toma Un Sorbo Y Se La Lanza A Su Oponente En La Cara executing A Strep Throat ChRiStO locks his rival's legs shaping a 4 and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... prision666 kicks out prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 grabs his opponent's head ChRiStO easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative ChRiStO gets ready to hit the opponent prision666 dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative prision666 draws back his arm rocking his body and connects with a light Big Punch!! prision666 lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Samoan Drop!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco prision666 grabs ChRiStO's hair prision666 and lunges himself on the ropes prision666 waits for the running opponent hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco prision666 pulls ChRiStO still groggy, by his hair prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward crushing him on the ground, connecting with a violent Samoan Drop!! prision666 approaches his laying opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! ChRiStO interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort prision666 prevails prision666 flanks his opponent and prepares to strike ChRiStO slips past the a Side Mounting Punch, catching his opponent off-guard and regaining the initative ChRiStO tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and pulls his own leg back ,then kicks the leg forward swiftly slamming it to the ground to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a strong Snap Suplex!!

ChRiStO goes up to the lying opponent and grabs an arm bending it applying an light Armbar!! ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO grabs prision666's hair ChRiStO grabs one prision666 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well ChRiStO grabs his opponent by the head with one arm making him fall performing an strong Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! ChRiStO pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair ChRiStO agarra al luchador lo pone entre sus rodillas lo carga prision666 somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! prision666 loads his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Samoan Drop!! prision666 approaches his laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! prision666 is about to perform his taunt prision666 Begins To Act Like A Madman Without A Remedy executing A The Loco prision666 gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together ChRiStO suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative ChRiStO grabs the opponent foot holding it parallel to the mat and brings him down to the ground pulling him with a strong Dragon Screw!! ChRiStO stands behind his rival

prision666 moves at the last moment and dodges a Face Stretch, taking the initiative prision666 puts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Samoan Drop!! prision666 climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together ChRiStO suddenly shifts dodging the a Double Axe Handle, taking the initiative ChRiStO grabs prision666's neck and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a light Falling Neck Breaker!! ChRiStO grabs prision666's hair ChRiStO grabs the opponent's neck performing a violent Tha Christos Way!! ChRiStO lifts the opponent and slams him down to the mat, holding him and slams him down to the ground twice performing a strong Double Powerbomb!!!! ChRiStO charges the leg and hits the opponent with an light Angry Stomp!! prision666 pulls himself together and fights back prision666 prepares his arm to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! prision666 moves sideways and charges his right hand landing an uppercut on his chin, executing a light Side Mounting Punch!! prision666 lifts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with strong Samoan Drop!! prision666 clutches his laying rival's head to perform a light Head Lock!! prision666 keeps his weak submission hold

prision666 keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! MAESTRO XTREMO enters the ring hitting prision666 and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! ChRiStO takes advantage of the situation! ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm the opponent's jaw performing an violent European Uppercut!! ChRiStO prepares his arm and falls on prision666 with his fist executing a light Fist But!! prision666 interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort ChRiStO prevails ChRiStO brings his foot up then drops it into the opponent executing an light Axe Kick!! ChRiStO lifts up the opponent from behind and throws him backwards with a strong Back Suplex!! ChRiStO pulls prision666 still groggy, by his hair ChRiStO grabs his opponent's head from behind and strikes him with a strong Headbutt to Back of Head!! ChRiStO blocks the opponent's arm tight and falls down with strong Falling Arm Breaker!! prision666 pulls himself together and fights back

prision666 prepares to strike the adversary performing a light Punch!! prision666 draws back his arm rocking his body and connects with a light Big Punch!! Henry Rojas leans on the ropes to get the touch! prision666 grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking the opponent's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ChRiStO gets up and resolutely fights back ChRiStO approaches his rival loading his arm and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!! ChRiStO charge his leg, getting ready for a full-force blow and folds him up with a strong Big Kick!! ChRiStO locks prision666's waist lifting him runs to the opponent grabbing his neck executing a devastating 3D!! ChRiStO approaches his laying opponent prision666 avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks prision666 gets besides the laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! prision666 grabs ChRiStO's hair prision666 grabs one ChRiStO 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself

as well prision666 charges towards a standing opponent jumps and brings his body parallel to the ground driving their shoulder into the opponent's mid-section tackling them and forcing them down to the mat executing devastating Prision Spear!! prision666 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ChRiStO gets up and resolutely fights back ChRiStO runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! ChRiStO puts his arms around one of his opponent's legs and begins twisting and clamping it, performing a light Side Leg Lock!! ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HENRY ROJAS enters the ring hitting ChRiStO and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! prision666 takes advantage of the situation! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! prision666 gives the touch to Henry Rojas who enters the ring! Henry Rojas releases his grasp

(CHRISTO INTENTA TOCAR A XMP PERO ESTE SE SEPARA DE LA ESQUINA) Henry Rojas flanks the opponent, clutching his head with his right arm slamming him on the mat flipping himself backwards, executing a violent Spanish Flip!!!!

Henry Rojas grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly ChRiStO easily avoids the a Cruceta Del Averno, counterattacking ChRiStO gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! ChRiStO springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground making a mid-air horizontal half-rotation, landing on him with a strong Springboard Corkscrew Splash!! ChRiStO grabs the opponent's legs and locks them holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas gets his shoulder up somehow ChRiStO gets up while his opponent is still on the ground ChRiStO grabs Henry Rojas's hair ChRiStO grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes ChRiStO takes a run-up on the ropes, runs towards his opponent Henry Rojas gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative Henry Rojas stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! Henry Rojas violently grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground performing an amazing light Rushing Armbar!! ChRiStO escapes from the hold (NATALIA DISTRAE A MAESTRO EMPUJÁNDOLO, Y CUANDO ÉL SE VOLTEA, CHRISTO APROVECHA Y LO TOCA… MAESTRO ENTRA)

Henry Rojas grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a light Crucifix Armbar!! Henry Rojas keeps his weak submission hold Maestro Xtremo escapes from the hold Henry Rojas ve a su oponente tirado en lona y Maestro Xtremo somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Maestro Xtremo climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and throws himself toward the opponent hitting him with a violent Double Axe Handle!! Maestro Xtremo rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on the opponent while performing a torsion with the body executing a light Twisting Body Attack!! Maestro Xtremo grabs the opponent's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas kicks out Maestro Xtremo lifts Henry Rojas up, still groggy Maestro Xtremo prepares to strike the rival hitting him with a light Middle Kick!! Henry Rojas interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Henry Rojas charges his open hand and slaps the opponent across the face, executing a light Slap!!

Henry Rojas stands firmly on the mat Maestro Xtremo bends dodging the a Back Spinning Wheel Kick Maestro Xtremo moves around his opponent raising a leg, and after a pelvis rotation smashes his face with a strong Shuffle Side Kick!! Maestro Xtremo picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then applies a leverage with his opponent's body while pulling his arm and hyperextending his joints, executing a light Strangle Hold!! Henry Rojas escapes from the hold Maestro Xtremo gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a violent Knee Stomp!! Maestro Xtremo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Henry Rojas kicks out Maestro Xtremo turns Henry Rojas still groggy up pulling his hair Maestro Xtremo kicks Henry Rojas's groin Henry Rojas smartly dodges a a Chop Breaker and gains the inititative Henry Rojas puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!! Henry Rojas grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Henry Rojas grabs one Maestro Xtremo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Henry Rojas stands behind the opponent striking him with an elbow performing a light Back Elbow Smash!! Henry Rojas is about to perform his taunt

Maestro Xtremo capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Henry Rojas is caught out! Maestro Xtremo loads an arm towards himself and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!! ChRiStO leans on the ropes to get the touch! Maestro Xtremo grasps the opponent and slams him down to the ground Henry Rojas easily dodges the opponent's a Rushing Armbar, taking the initiative Henry Rojas uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, Maestro Xtremo breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the initiative Maestro Xtremo grabs the opponent's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas kicks out Maestro Xtremo turns Henry Rojas still groggy up pulling his hair Maestro Xtremo grabs the opponent's head grabbing the opponet by his head with the arms, plunging him on the floor with an strong Arabian DDT!! Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt Maestro Xtremo Cruza Los Brazos Enfrente De Su Pecho Formando Una X executing The Xmp Maestro Xtremo locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting...

....1.... ....2.... Henry Rojas kicks out Maestro Xtremo turns Henry Rojas still groggy up pulling his hair Maestro Xtremo ataca a su oponente a espaldas le agarra un brazo y le cruza el otro sobre el cuello Henry Rojas somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Henry Rojas locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Maestro Xtremo gets up and resolutely fights back Maestro Xtremo gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!! Maestro Xtremo le da una patada a su oponente y le cruza los 2 brazos y se sube a la 3ra cuerda


Henry Rojas gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and jumps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! Henry Rojas tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting...


Maestro Xtremo jumps on the turnbuckle Henry Rojas moves at the last moment dodging a a Flying Clothesline taking the initiative Henry Rojas lifts and turns his opponent upside down facing his back and drops to a sitting position with the opponent's head falling between his legs down to the mat, connecting with a light Spike Piledriver!! Henry Rojas is about to perform his taunt Maestro Xtremo capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Henry Rojas is caught out! Maestro Xtremo stares at the opponent in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! Maestro Xtremo grabs Henry Rojas executing a backbreaker ChRiStO bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a devastating Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! Maestro Xtremo rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on the opponent while performing a torsion with the body executing a strong Twisting Body Attack!! Maestro Xtremo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... (EL RÉFERI SIGUE CAIDO… CHRISTO LE DA UNA PATADA EN LA CARA A MAESTRO, Y ESTE CAE…) CHRISTO AGARRA A HENRY ROJAS LO PONE ENTRE SUS RODILLAS LO CARGA Y LO TIRA A LA LONA CON MUCHA FUERZA EXECUTING A DEVASTATING GO TO HELL


CHRISTO E MAESTRO XTREMO WIN THE MATCH AND THE NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Marco Perez: nooo henry!.. estara bien mi buen amigo Loko95: espero que no para –con voz baja- quedarme aca Marco Perez: ahora los campeones son Christo y XMP miralos.. se estan retando con tan solo ver ambos los titulos..

*aparece Kubitschek a caminhar pelos pasillos de Latino Wrestling Championship Arena* cuando kubit mirra cruscifer caminado distante en pasillos tambiem ,kubit toma uma beiseball bat y parte en la dirección de cruscificer para golpea lo kubitschek:bastardo ... voy acabar contigo cruscifer tambiem mirra kubit corriendo a atacarte el y toma una steel chair y parte para atacar kubit

Cruscifer :Vea que yo mereco el título cuando los dos se acercan para se golpear , no camino deles se abre una puerta donde terryhenry aparece entre ellos terryhenry : que ???? narrador : Latino Wrestling Championship, rompendo las reglas.

Marco Perez: Y regresamos con la LWC y Sed de Venganza Loko95: es un alivio saber que Henry rojas esta con una lesion… Marco Perez: en realidad el de la lesion es Prision… Loko95: sipero en el corte comercial pues… se callo y se rompio la pierna -se ve un video donde se ve a Henry Rojas bajando unas escaleras y se ve a alguien con un peinado mohicano corriendo y empujandoloMarco Perez: pero que?? Ese tipo empujo a Henry esto no es posible yo pensaba no verte mas… ¿?... tu peinado y el de ahí.. -Loko agarra unas tijeras y se corta su peinado mohicanoLoko95: no.. no se parece en nada…

Roxxie henry: estamos aqui en la puerta del camerino de paulonovich, para preguntarle quien es su compañero de hoy... -Dentro del camerino se oyen vocesPaulonovich; que piensas de todo esto.. cees poder estar a la altura de las circunstancias? -Desconocido se disponia a hablar pero en eso se le escucha a Paulonovich de nuevopaulonovich: espera creo que ahi alguien afuera... -Paulonovich abre la puerta y rapidamente la cierraRoxxie Henry: hola Paul.. creo que dentro esta tu compañero ... y ya estamos a unos cuantosa combates apra que comiense tu pelea... nos podrias decir quien es?

Paulonovich: no lo creo Roxxie y no te digo otra cosa solo porque eres la prima de terry.. pero dejame decirte algo.. la persona que me acompañara ho sera sin duda un miembro honorable del genei de ahora en adelante.. y hoy veras el porque lo digo.. con el vencere a el Elemental y borrare del mapa el recuerdo de ellos.. Roxxie Henry: ok.. entonces no es takeshi? Paulonovich: takeshi? WTF!? ... aaa takeshi... nono.. el debe estar en un hospital .. perdido por ahi.. no lo e vuelto a ver.. es mas sigue siendo parte de la federacion? Roxxie Henry: y que me dices de Cruscifer?? -Paulonovich mira a Roxxie y entra nuevamente en su camerino y cierra la puerta violentamenteMarco Perez: ya quiero saber quien es su compañero... espero que sea un gran compañero para que haya sido admitido sin un requisito alguno en el genei.. Marco Perez: pronto sabremos quien es su compañero!! Loko95: ya me muero de la curiosidad de saber quien es Marco Perez: pero ahora tenemos otra pelea que tambien esta para una futura definición.. S-PAIN y Vicky aparecen por el titantron y se dirigen al ring mientras saludan al público. Marco Perez: Bueno, bueno. S-PAIN y Vicky hacen acto de presencia. Loko95: No me extrañaría que S-PAIN dé alguna sorpresa a su amada. Marco y Loko: JA JA JA JA. Vicky: Hoy estoy realmente feliz porque una gran amiga nuestra y del público ha vuelto tras un trágico accidente. ¡¡¡DAMAS Y CABALLEROS, QUE VENGA NATALIA!!! Natalia aparece toda sorprendida y el público enloquece aplaudiendo. Sube al ring y abraza a Vicky y a S-PAIN. Vicky: Natalia, cuando XMP te quemó temí quedarme sin una amiga con que compartir cosas. Pero ya que te has recuperado y has vuelto quiero darte un regalo muy especial. Esta canción iba a ser mi canción de entrada.

Y sale un video con el estribillo de Paper Planes de M. I. A. Vicky: Pero quiero que sea tu canción de entrada. Éste es mi regalo para ti. Natalia sonríe y con lágrimas en los ojos abraza y besa a Vicky. Vicky: Aún no he acabado. Quiero que todos los fans de la LWC vean mi nueva canción de entrada. Suena Toca Toca de La Mala Rodriguez. El público empieza a bailar y Vicky baila sensualmente pegada a S-PAIN. De repente se para la canción. S-PAIN: Es la canción perfecta, mi amor. Pero quisiera hacer algo antes de mi pelea contra Máscara Chilena y El Mejicano. (S-PAIN coge la mano de Vicky) Vicky, desde que te conozco has estado siempre a mi lado, pero no me has hecho feliz. Público: ¿QUÉÉÉÉ? S-PAIN: Me gustaría que me hicieras eternamente feliz si te casaras conmigo. Público: ¡¡¡OOOOHHHH!!! Marco Perez: No me lo puedo creer. S-PAIN le ha pedido matrimonio a Vicky. Esto no va a funcionar. S-PAIN: Y bién, Vicky. ¿Qué me dices? Vicky: ¡¡¡SSSSSSSSSIIIIIIIIIIIII!!! El público grita y Vicky y S-PAIN se abrazan. Natalia aplaude sonriente. Los tres se abrazan, Natalia les da la enhorabuena y se van del ring. Marco perez: wow es increíble que veamos decender por eses ring a EL_Méxicano, aunque se ve seriamente afectado por el incidente y vendado aun asi peleara

-En eso aparecen[se ve a el mexicano y a angel arceo arriba del titan tron] Marco Perez: que es esto?, que acaso nuestro evento no a finalizado? ... o no! EL_Méxicano acaba de arrojar a angel arceo desde la sima de la pantalla titanica, no ay forma de sobrevivir a eso!!!!

[Angel arceo ensangrentado y mal herido dice] Angel Arceo: Lo logre, lo logre, LO LOGRE JAJA!!!!! [se apagan las luces y solo una enfoca a el mexicano quien comienza a gritar de dolor] EL_Méxicano:haaaaaaaaaaa!!! [de repente la piel y el rostro de el mexicano comienzan a cambia es esta apariencia]

[y ese ser pronuncia estas palabras] Darkangel3997: el dolor es parte de el amor

Mika Callaway: "The following contest is scheduled for Triple Treat Match!" Mika Callaway: "Introducing first, S-PAIN"! Mika Callaway: "his opponent, Mascara Chilena"! Mika Callaway: "and his opponent, El Mexicano! S-PAIN gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!!

S-PAIN stares at the opponent Mascara Chilena avoids an Ear Slap and takes the initiative Mascara Chilena prepares to strike the rival S-PAIN moves to the side avoiding a Middle Kick and goes to the counterattack S-PAIN grabs his running opponent by the arm to make his face fall on the mat with an light Uraken!! S-PAIN grabs Mascara Chilena's hair S-PAIN charges a knee to hit the opponent Mascara Chilena avoids a Knee Smash and gains the initiative Mascara Chilena grabs both of his opponent's arms and hooks them, places his hands palm down flat against S-PAIN's upper back, then he raises S-PAIN and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming S-PAIN down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a light Tiger Suplex!! Mascara Chilena jumps to hit his opponent with a knee S-PAIN moves to dodge a Knee on Leg and counterattacks S-PAIN springs off the top rope and leaps at his fallen opponent at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on Mascara Chilena in the light Springboard Corkscrew Splash position.!! S-PAIN grabs his opponent's head while he's laying on the mat and performs a light Head Lock!! S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold (EL MEXICANO INTERRUMPE CON UN PATADON A LA CABEZA DE S-PAIN…) El_Mèxicano grabs the opponent's head while standing at his side and trips him up falling backward with a light Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down back first!! El_Mèxicano gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent's fist and twists it by executing a light Fist Lock!!

El_Mèxicano keeps his weak submission hold El_Mèxicano keeps his excruciating submission hold El_Mèxicano releases his grasp El_Mèxicano moves behind his opponent while he's sitting on the ground and wraps his hands around the opponents jaw, pulling straight back on the chin performing a light Chin Lock!! El_Mèxicano keeps his ruthless submission hold El_Mèxicano keeps his excruciating submission hold El_Mèxicano releases his grasp El_Mèxicano grabs Mascara Chilena s hair El_Mèxicano blocks the opponent holding him by his arm and drags him to the ground with violent Falling Arm Breaker making him hit badly his arm against the ground!! El_Mèxicano pulls Mascara Chilena still groggy, by his hair El_Mèxicano grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking the opponent's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light El Paquetito!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Mascara Chilena kicks out S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN grabs El Mexicano's hair S-PAIN hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent,

El_Mèxicano charges the leg to hit his opponent's head with an strong Overhead Kick!! El_Mèxicano grabs around his opponent's midsection and lifts him so that he is held upside down facing in the same direction as him

and drops to a sitting position with the opponent's head falling down to the mat, performing a strong Spike Piledriver!! S-PAIN avoids the Capture Suplex, gaining the initiative S-PAIN grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking Mascara Chilena's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... El Mexicano kicks out S-PAIN grabs Mexicano's hair S-PAIN tucks Mexicano 's head in his armpit falling backward slamming Mexicano's head into the mat with a light DDT!! S-PAIN grabs Mexicano's hair S-PAIN grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes S-PAIN makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, then he hits his back with his arm extended performing a light Clothesline to Back!! S-PAIN clutches his laying rival's head tightening it with a light Head Lock!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN open his arms in a threatening gesture and grasps Mexicano 's head in a light Brain Squeezer, squeezing it!! S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN gets besides the laying opponent to hit him with a strong Knee Stomp!! S-PAIN grabs the opponent's arm Mascara Chilena avoids the Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks Mascara Chilena takes an opponent's arm and twisting it he holds it among the legs jumps ahead on the rival rotating on himself pinning him with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN kicks out Mascara Chilena gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and jumps toward S-PAIN quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! Mascara Chilena gets closer to S-PAIN laying on the mat and strikes him with the elbow may times by performing a strong Elbow Crush!! Mascara Chilena applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs S-PAIN avoid the Magistrale Cradle taking back the initiative S-PAIN gets close to his grounded opponent to hit him with a violent Knee Stomp!! S-PAIN pulls Mascara Chilena still groggy, by his hair S-PAIN bounces against the ropes and runs toward Mascara Chilena's back and grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a violent Bulldog!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Mascara Chilena capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but S-PAIN is faster and is not caught off guard! S-PAIN gets ready to hit Mascara Chilena and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!!

[Special Attack activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN Charges his arm and strikes his opponent's face with violent Elbow Smash!! [Special Dodging activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN gets next to Mascara Chilena who is at the ropes and hits him to the eyes with an strong Eye Rake on Ropes!! S-PAIN locks Mascara Chilena's head under his arm then drops backwards smashing Mascara Chilena's head into the mat performing a violent DDT!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Mira Al Publico Y Eleva Su Mano Cerrada Al Cielo executing The Fist Of Victory S-PAIN gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together Mascara Chilena suddenly shifts dodging the a Tollina En La Cepa La Oreja, taking the initiative Mascara Chilena is about to perform his taunt Mascara Chilena Grita En Mapudungun executing A Invocacion Mapuche Mascara Chilena grabs S-PAIN's hair Mascara Chilena grabs one S-PAIN 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Mascara Chilena starts spinning and jumps towards his opponent nailing his heel into the jaw of his opponent, executing a strong Spinning Wheel Kick!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for S-PAIN] Mascara Chilena takes an opponent's arm and twisting it he holds it among the legs continuing twisting his arm he falls ahead on the rival and he pins him with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back

El_Mèxicano grasps the opponent's neck while running Mascara Chilena moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Mascara Chilena grabs MEXICANO's arm hurling him on the ground executing an light Mega Japonesa!! [Special Initiative activated for S-PAIN] Mascara Chilena grabs S-PAIN's hair Mascara Chilena grabs one Mexicano's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Mascara Chilena runs to this opponent, who is running too and jumps against him to execute a strong Lou Thesz Press Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... EL MEXICANO kicks out Mascara Chilena is about to perform his taunt Mascara Chilena Grita En Mapudungun executing A Invocacion Mapuche Mascara Chilena Levanta a su oponente S-PAIN somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! S-PAIN open his arms in a threatening gesture Mascara Chilena gets free from the hold avoiding a a Brain Squeezer, taking the initiative Mascara Chilena gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!! Mascara Chilena is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Mascara Chilena off guard! [Special Increased Pinning activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN approaches his rival loading his arm

Mascara Chilena droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Mascara Chilena approaches his rival loading his arm and executes a strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! Mascara Chilena prepares to strike the rival loading the leg S-PAIN moves to the side avoiding a a Middle Kick and goes to the counterattack S-PAIN raises his opponent and puts him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an violent Augmented Fireman Carry!!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Mascara Chilena capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching S-PAIN off guard! Mascara Chilena Golpea la cabeza S-PAIN somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! S-PAIN hooks his opponent's arms on his back while his bent over throwing Mascara Chilena behind himself and pinning him performing a strong Chicken Wing Suplex Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Mascara Chilena kicks out S-PAIN grabs Mascara Chilena's hair S-PAIN grabs one Mascara Chilena 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN grabs his opponent by the head with one arm making him fall ahead on his face performing an light Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The Time To Pain S-PAIN grabs Mascara Chilena's hair

S-PAIN grabs one Mascara Chilena 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter and hits his face with a powerful Dropsault!! S-PAIN grabs Mascara Chilena's hair S-PAIN grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes S-PAIN runs towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a violent One Arm Bulldog!! S-PAIN stretches out his arms, opening his hands and grasps Mascara Chilena's head with a light Brain Squeezer!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold MASCARA CHILENA IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Mascara Chilena capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but S-PAIN is faster and is not caught off guard! S-PAIN approaches Mascara Chilena and gives a blow to his throat executing a strong Throat Thrust!! [Special Mortal Submission activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat Mascara Chilena bends dodging the a Pain Kick Mascara Chilena grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking S-PAIN's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Paquetito!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2....

S-PAIN gets up and resolutely fights back S-PAIN opens wide his arms and hits Mascara Chilena on the face with the palms of the hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!! S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat and hits Mascara Chilena with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Pain Kick!! S-PAIN Lanza a Mascara Chilena entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE HA PASADO DE LARGO!! OH, NO!! S-PAIN SE AGARRA A LA ULTIMA CUERDA Y PEGA A SU OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!! S-PAIN grabs Mascara Chilena's hair S-PAIN grabs one Mascara Chilena 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN charges the back of his elbow striking him with an elbow performing a strong Back Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt Mascara Chilena capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching S-PAIN off guard! Mascara Chilena holds his opponent by the head S-PAIN easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative S-PAIN garbs his running opponent by the arm to throw him down with an violent Uraken!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Mira Al Publico Y Eleva Su Mano Cerrada Al Cielo executing The Fist Of Victory El_Mèxicano takes SPAIN's head from behind, locking him between his arm and his body clenching it in a light Dragon Sleeper!! El_Mèxicano keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Mascara Chilena enters the ring hitting El_Mèxicano and interrupting the submission manoeuvre

while the referee is distracted!! El_Mèxicano dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative El_Mèxicano stands in front of the opponent and hits his opponent with a strong Karate Kick!! El_Mèxicano gains momentum by bouncing off the top rope, and leaps backwards on his opponent and leaps on him, landing on him and covering him with a light Springboard Crossbody!! El_Mèxicano is about to perform his taunt El_Mèxicano Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola El_Mèxicano grabs the opponent's arms and legs making lever on them hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a strong Tabla De Surf Mexicana Ligera!! El_Mèxicano keeps his ruthless submission hold MASCARA CHILENA SHOW IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! El_Mèxicano prepares the back of his hand performing a strong Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! El_Mèxicano grabs Socko by an arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! El_Mèxicano jumps on the turnbuckle while the opponent is knocked out on the ground throws himself executing a strong Frog Splash! The impact has been hard for both wrestlers!! S-PAIN garbs his running opponent by the arm to throw him down with an violent Uraken!! EL MEXICANO DOWN!!!!! S-PAIN goes up to the lying opponent and bending it imprisons him in an strong Armbar!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp

S-PAIN tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Mascara Chilena kicks out S-PAIN pulls Mascara Chilena still groggy, by his hair S-PAIN Lanza a Mascara Chilena entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE HA PASADO DE LARGO!! OH, NO!! S-PAIN SE AGARRA A LA ULTIMA CUERDA Y PEGA A SU OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!! MASCARA CHILENA HAS A CUT!!! S-PAIN tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Mascara Chilena kicks out [Special Damage Resistance activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and leaps toward Mascara Chilena quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! MASCARA CHILENA IS BLEEDING!! S-PAIN gets on the top turnbuckle and throws himself across Mascara Chilena in a devastating Diving Crossbody, pinning him!!

El_Mèxicano gets on the top turnbuckle and leaps toward the opponent, hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming a powerful Modified Diving Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN kicks out

El_Mèxicano gains speed bouncing against the ropes and runs toward the opponent knocking him down with a strong Rope Drop Clothesline!! El_Mèxicano gets on the top turnbuckle SPAIN suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative S-PAIN Lanza a EL Mexicano entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE HA PASADO DE LARGO!! OH, NO!! S-PAIN SE AGARRA A LA ULTIMA CUERDA Y PEGA A SU OPONENTE CON AMBAS PIERNAS executing devastating 967!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... S-PAIN WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS MASCARA CHILENA AND EL MEXICANO!!!!

*S-PAIN baja rapidamente para celebrar con Vicki, ambos se besan y son aplaudidos por el publico* Loko95: ohh que bonito Marco Perez: mira a Mascara Chilena se quedo con las ganas de ganar.. y El Mexicano sigue tendido aunque un poco mas extraño que antes.. mira es Angel Arceo.. que querra? -Angel Arceo esta parado en la entrada del titantron viendo a El Mexicano sobre el y luego se vaMarco Perez: que raro que esta esto primero El Mexicano con un cambio de look? Y luego Angel Arceo que esta actuando de manera extraña últimamente..

suena SPOILIN FOR A FIGHT de AC/DC y SERGINHO sale al ring. PUBLICO: !!!BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, FUERA DE AQUI!!! loko95: como se nota que no estamos en zaragoza para tu idolo ¿no? juas juas juas Marco Perez: puede que ya no tenga al publico de su parte, pero no lo necesita para reconquistar su titulo. VASCOS: !!!BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, CAPULLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, TRAIDOOOOOOOOR!!! MAÑOS: !!!SERGINHOOOOOOOOOOOOO, SERGINHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO: montxo, hoy no vengo aqui a por tu titulo. loko95: ¿a no? SERGINHO: si hoy vengo aqui es para matarte. loko95: !!!¿¿¿QUEEEEEEEEEEEE???!!! SERGINHO: si de paso me puedo llevar el cinturon mejor, pero vas a pagar caro todo lo que me has hecho durante mi existencia. loko95: !!!PERO QUE SE LO LLEVEN, QUE ESTA LOCO!!! Marco Perez: juas juas, lo dijiste otra vez Armando. loko95: no me extrañaria que SERGINHO hablara consigo mismo. Marco Perez: que te calles ya, pelmazo. SERGINHO: nunca soportaste que tuviera yo mas logros que tu desde pequeño, pero hoy por fin llega el dia de mi venganza. asi que no me hagas esperar y ven ya. SERGINHO tira el microfono y da vueltas de lado a lado del ring esperando a que el killer salga. loko95: dios que locura. Marco Perez: parece ansioso, a ver si sale ya el killer. -La titantron se enciende-

Una noche antes del PPV Killer Montxo camina por las calles, buscando algun sitio donde ir a cenar algo... Va acompañado de sus dos cinturones y un par de chicas... De repente, El Killer recive una llamada algo siniestra... Killer Montxo coge el telefono, y se aleja de las chicas para tener algo mas de tranquilidad al hablar ¿?¿?¿?: (Con voz distorsionada) ... Killer Montxo, tu hora va a llegar.... Killer Montxo: Muy gracioso SERGINHO, pero ya puedes dejarlo... ¿?¿?¿?: Los astros no mienten Bi-Campeon, pronto vendras a nuestro reino, el reino de los muertos... Killer Montxo: ¿Que coño? ¿Desde cuando hablan los muertos? Venga, a tocarle los huevos a otro... ¿?¿?¿?: No, espe... Killer Montxo cuelga el telefono, y vuelve con las chcias... Chica1: Tengo hambre... Chica2: Pues ya somos dos... Eh, conozco un buen restaurante japones por los alrededores... ¿A alguien le apetece ir? Killer Montxo: Si, ir tirando, ahora mismo voy yo... Las dos chicas doblan la calle, y el Killer se queda a solas, revisando el listado de llamadas... Killer Montxo: Bah, llamada oculta... que tipico... A lo lejas, se empieza a escuchar una musica funebre, y a los pocos segundos, aparece una procesion. todos sus componentes van encapuchados y vestidos de negro, llevan estandartes y velas, se levanta una rafaga de viento, y por consecuencia un fuerte olor a cera... La procesion de animas se acerca hasta el Killer Estadea: ... ¿¿Eres tu el mortal conocido como Killer Montxo??

Killer Montxo: (Con los cojones en la garganta xD) ...Estoooo... Noo... Yoo.. yoo noo conozco a nadie con ese nombre... Estadea: Debe unirse a la procesion cuanto antes, le queda poco... Killer Montxo: (Tragando saliva) Emmm... Creo que trabaja de aparca coches... ¿Quienes sois? Estadea: La Santa Compaña... Sigamos la marcha, no podemos parar por cada uno que no encontremos... ¡¡¡¡ANDANDO!!!! La Santa Comapaña sigue su espectral caminata, y Killer Montxo, empalideciendo cada vez mas, echa a correr hasta llegar al restaurante... Chicas, a coro: ¿¿¿Estas bien??? Chico, ni que hubieses visto un fantasma... Killer Montxo: (Aun acojonado) ... Chica2: Mejos comamos algo, a ver si se tranquiliza... (Todos se sientan) Chica1: mmm Yo creo que voy a tomar un arroz tres delicias... Chcia2: Yo con unos rollitos de primavera me conformo... ¿Y tu, Campeon? Killer Montxo: Pescado... tengo bastante mal cuerpo... Chica1: Necesitas relajarte... Yo pedire por ti, camarero, añada una racion de pez globo... Mientras Tanto en la cocina.... Maitre: Han pedido pez globo... Cocinero1: Pues vamos bien, el cocinero-jefe acaba de irse a casa... Maitre: Seguro que por aqui hay algun japones, seria bastante normal El maitre sale, y despues de mirar de un lado a otro, ve a Takeshi... Maitre: Usted, ha sido seleccionado para cortar el exquisito pez globo, venga conmigo... Takeshi: Warakanai -.-

Despues de que hayan preparado todos los platos Chica2: Vamos Killer, aun no has probado bocado... Killer Montxo: En serio, no me encuentro bien... Chica1: Pero hombre, que lo hemos pedido por ti... Prueba un poquito... Killer Montxo: (Recordando las palabras del Estaeda y del personaje del movil) No creo que un poco me mate... Killer Montxo roza sus labios en el pez globo, y prueba un poco... Killer Montxo: Pues va a ser que esta b... (Al poco tiempo empieza a notar un cosquilleo en los labios, que se extiende rapidamente por todo el cuerpo) Chica1y2: Killer Montxo: ... (Pensando, ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡AYUDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (No puede mover ningun musculo a causa de los efectos del pez) Chica 1 y 2: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡AYUDA PORFAVOR, SE MUERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Poco despues, en el hospital, y siendo consciente en todo momento (Todo esto esta bajo la nublada percepcion del Killer, normal que haya saltos) Doctor: No se como ha podido.... ....Hay que intervenir cuanto... Enfermera: Es muy.... ... Dudo que pase de... Doctor: Ha comido poco... Hay que... ...Por todos los medios Enfermera: ...Alla entonces... Doctor: Rapido, quiero un... y un lavado de...

A la mañana siguiente El Killer esta recostado en la cama, sedado, casi en coma... Las dos chicas de la noche pasada estan a los lados de la cama... Doctor: No se como, pero, esta estable, grave, pero saldra adelante en un par de semanas... Chicas 1 y 2: Menos mal... Doctor: Si no es muy relevante... ¿A que se dedica? Chica2: no lo sabemos, lo conocimos a noche en un bar... Creo que es boxeador amateur o algo asi, en fin... Voy a ver la LWC, que se las prometia hoy en SDV... Killer Montxo hace un timido movimiento.... Mientras, la television ha sido encendida.... suena SPOILIN FOR A FIGHT de AC/DC y SERGINHO sale al ring. PUBLICO: !!!BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, FUERA DE AQUI!!! loko95: como se nota que no estamos en zaragoza para tu idolo ¿no? juas juas juas Marco Perez: puede que ya no tenga al publico de su parte, pero no lo necesita para reconquistar su titulo. VASCOS: !!!BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, CAPULLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, TRAIDOOOOOOOOR!!! MAÑOS: !!!SERGINHOOOOOOOOOOOOO, SERGINHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO: montxo, hoy no vengo aqui a por tu titulo.

Chica1: ¿Ha dicho Montxo? ¿No se llamaba este asi? Chica2: Casualidades... loko95: ¿a no? SERGINHO: si hoy vengo aqui es para matarte. Las constantes del Killer empiezan a aumentar... loko95: !!!¿¿¿QUEEEEEEEEEEEE???!!! SERGINHO: si de paso me puedo llevar el cinturon mejor, pero vas a pagar caro todo lo que me has hecho durante mi existencia. loko95: !!!PERO QUE SE LO LLEVEN, QUE ESTA LOCO!!! Marco Perez: juas juas, lo dijiste otra vez Armando. loko95: no me extrañaria que SERGINHO hablara consigo mismo. Marco Perez: que te calles ya, pelmazo. SERGINHO: nunca soportaste que tuviera yo mas logros que tu desde pequeño, pero hoy por fin llega el dia de mi venganza. asi que no me hagas esperar y ven ya. Las constantes del Killer se ponen por encima de los 200, y abre los ojos subitamente, a la vez que se pone en pies

Todos los que estaban en la sala: Killer Montxo se pone en pie, y con la bata del hospital, y con algun electrodo que otro en el pecho, sale del hospital, apartando a todo lo que se le pone en su camino, y gritando... Killer Montxo: SERGINHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Loko95: Dios, llevamos aqui una hora, y el Killer aun no ha aparecido, se ha rajado fijo... Marco Perez: Aparecera, ya ve... Suena Thousand Years Of Oppresion, y sale el Killer con la indumentaria con la que habia salido del hospital. Killer Montxo: (Fuera de si) ¿¿¿¿QUE ME VAS A MATAR???? ¿¿¡¡TU!!??... JAJAJAJAJA.... JAJAJAJAJAJAJAAAAAAAAAAA.... .... ... ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡HE ROZADO LA MUERTE ESTA NOCHE, HE VISTO COSAS CON LAS CUALES CUALQUIERA SE HUBIESE ECHADO ATRAS, Y MIRAME, ESTOY AQUI, PLANTADO DELANTE TUYO, DISPUESTO A DAR LO MEJOR DE MI, Y ANIQUILARTE, MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Killer Montxo se pone en posicion de combate, y la pelea comienza…

Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Killer Montxo"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Killer Montxo makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, SERGINHO7"!

it seems like a thunder has just stroke! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! SERGINHO7 makes his way to the ring con una chupa negra, unos pantalones pitillos negros, unas gafas de sol y unas botas negras driving a silvery '66 Aston Martin DB5 with his lover who kisses him burning with passion two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Killer Montxo gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Killer Montxo charges the hand and smacks his opponent's forehead with an light Overhand Chop!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for SERGINHO7] Killer Montxo taps on his opponent's shoulder, extends his arm out from the side of the body and parallel to the ground, knocking over him while running by with a light Standing Clothesline!! Killer Montxo grasps SERGINHO7's legs and head, kneeling on him rolling on his own back, levering on his knees and pulling them!! Killer Montxo keeps his weak submission hold Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo releases his grasp Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair Killer Montxo grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Killer Montxo grabs his opponent by the head with one arm SERGINHO7 avoids the movement pushing his opponent away SERGINHO7 charges his right leg to hit his opponent with a light Kick to Back!! SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair SERGINHO7 and lunges himself on the ropes

SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's head and with the other arm, hits his face performing a light Real Deal!!!! SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well SERGINHO7 runs to the rival Killer Montxo steps aside avoiding a Lou Thesz Press Pin and counterattacks Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair Killer Montxo grabs his opponent's head putting it under his arm and moves behind his opponent rolling as he lets himself fall with strong Swinging Neckbreaker!! Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair Killer Montxo grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Killer Montxo runs to his opponent to execute a strong Lou Thesz Press Pin jumping on him!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... SERGINHO7 kicks out [Special Dodging activated for SERGINHO7] Killer Montxo picks up his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then applies a leverage with his opponent's body while pulling his arm and hyperextending his joints, executing a light Strangle Hold!! Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's leg flipping him onto his stomach and yards on it while leaning into SERGINHO7 forming a light Argentine Leg Lock!! Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold

Killer Montxo keeps his weak submission hold Killer Montxo releases his grasp Killer Montxo goes behind the ropes and jumps and lands on the adversary performing a light Pescado!! Killer Montxo approaches his laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! SERGINHO7 pulls himself together and fights back SERGINHO7 prepares his arm to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! SERGINHO7 jumps towards Killer Montxo and performs a light Bicycle Kick hitting Killer Montxo with two kicks!! SERGINHO7 puts his opponent on his shoulders Killer Montxo climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Simphony Of Destruction regaining the initiative Killer Montxo grabs his opponet's arm then he throws him down to submit him with a light Ultimate Armbar!! Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo keeps his weak submission hold Killer Montxo releases his grasp Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair Killer Montxo grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Killer Montxo stops the running opponent from behind with an arm SERGINHO7 avoids the movement pushing his opponent away SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt Killer Montxo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard! SERGINHO7 open his hand

Killer Montxo dodges the a Chop and gains the initiative Killer Montxo approaches his rival loading his arm and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! [Special Attack activated for Killer Montxo] Killer Montxo charges the leg striking his head with an strong Overhead Kick!! Killer Montxo shoots his right leg and then lands a sole blow on his opponent's jaw, performing a light Super Kick!! Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair Killer Montxo grabs one SERGINHO7 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Killer Montxo stops the running opponent from behind with an arm making him fall performing an strong Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! Killer Montxo grabs his opponent's arm to make it turn executing a light Flipping Armbar!! Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold SERGINHO7 escapes from the hold SERGINHO7 quickly gets up and counterattacks! SERGINHO7 charges the hand Killer Montxo dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Killer Montxo approaches his rival loading his arm and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! Killer Montxo lifts his running opponent by grabbing his arm to make his face fall on the mat with an powerful Earthquake Punch!! [Special Power Body activated for Killer Montxo] Killer Montxo pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair Killer Montxo encircles his opponent's head with his right arm

and then grabs his own left arm's biceps locking in a light Sleeper Hold!! Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo releases his grasp Killer Montxo approaches his laying opponent and performs a light Head Lock!! Killer Montxo keeps his weak submission hold Killer Montxo keeps his ruthless submission hold Killer Montxo releases his grasp Killer Montxo pulls SERGINHO7 still groggy, by his hair Killer Montxo se coloca detras de SERGINHO7 que esta cegato despues de un piquete de ojos que se ha llevado cogiendolo y estampandolo fuera del ring y a continuacion le mete un ZAS EN TODA LA BOCA y le coloca una txapela en la cara para no mostrar al mundo el horrible rostro que se le ha executing MORTAL Euskera Fate Slam!! Killer Montxo gets on the top turnbuckle SERGINHO7 suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 gets on the top turnbuckle and dives toward Killer Montxo hitting him with his head, performing a strong Diving Headbutt!! SERGINHO7 pulls Killer Montxo still groggy, by his hair SERGINHO7 lifts his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a devastating Simphony Of Destruction!! SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt Killer Montxo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard! SERGINHO7 charges the hand Killer Montxo dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Killer Montxo open his arms

and hits SERGINHO7 on the face with the palms of the hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! Killer Montxo turns giving his shouldres to the adversary SERGINHO7 eludes the attempt of a a Mule Kick and he takes back the initiative SERGINHO7 tucks Killer Montxo's head in his armpit falling backward slamming Killer Montxo's head into the mat with a devastating S7 Ddt!! SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Killer Montxo gets his shoulder up somehow SERGINHO7 gets up while his opponent is still on the ground SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair SERGINHO7 and lunges himself on the ropes SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent's hips and turns him sideways then he hurls him making him land on his back, executing a violent Side Slam!! SERGINHO7 espera a que Killer Montxo se levante y le hace una spear que lo manda a la otra punta del ring executing devastating Infernus!! [Special Increased Pinning activated for Killer Montxo] SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair SERGINHO7 and lunges himself on the ropes SERGINHO7 prepares to strikes the adversary that is running against him and hits him with both the fists performing a light Polish Hammer!! [Special Submission Defence activated for SERGINHO7] SERGINHO7 leans himself on the ropes placing his foot on his rival's neck Killer Montxo escapes from a a Foot Choke and takes the initiative

Killer Montxo jumps to his rival executing a light Low Dropkick!! Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Killer Montxo is faster and is not caught off guard! Killer Montxo opens wide his arms SERGINHO7 moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative SERGINHO7 open his hand hitting his opponent with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! SERGINHO7 holds his opponent and fiercely strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!! SERGINHO7 kicks Killer Montxo's stomach then slams his shoulder into Killer Montxos head, performing a light Chop Breaker!! SERGINHO7 holds his laying opponent's leg Killer Montxo moves to dodge a a Knee on Leg and counterattacks Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt SERGINHO7 capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Killer Montxo is faster and is not caught off guard! Killer Montxo prepares the back of his hand performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Killer Montxo holds his opponent SERGINHO7 hits his opponent with a knee strike to evade the a Uppercut gaining the initiative SERGINHO7 gets ready to hit Killer Montxo performing a light Low Kick to his waist!! SERGINHO7 tucks Killer Montxo's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and uses both legs to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself,

slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a light Snap Suplex!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Killer Montxo has fallen out of the ring!!!! SERGINHO7 is about to perform his taunt Killer Montxo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but SERGINHO7 is faster and is not caught off guard! SERGINHO7 stays in the ring recovering and waiting for Killer Montxo SERGINHO7 Baila Break Dance executing The Break Dance Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Killer Montxo goes up again in the ring SERGINHO7 holds the opponent's leg Killer Montxo throws off balance the opponent and counterattacks Killer Montxo grabs his opponent's leg and pulls it on his way threading his head under his arm lifting SERGINHO7 over his head slamming him to the mat by performing a light Capture Suplex!! Killer Montxo is about to perform his taunt Killer Montxo Points To His Rival And He Starts To Shout To The Yells The Seconds Of Life That His Opponent Still Have For executing The Countdown Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair Killer Montxo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Killer Montxo runs toward the opponent grasping his head SERGINHO7 gets free from the opponent's a Running DDT, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 plunges his opponent sitting on the mat leaping on him and with a swift kick strikes him on his temple, performing a strong Shining Wizard!! SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well SERGINHO7 runs toward the opponent Killer Montxo suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative

Killer Montxo runs to this opponent, who is running too and he jumps onto him executing a light Lou Thesz Press Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... SERGINHO7 gets up and resolutely fights back SERGINHO7 prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! SERGINHO7 prepares to a kick and performs a light Toe Kick hitting his rival to his belly!! SERGINHO7 grabs his opponent, lifts him, and crashes him on the mat, executing a violent Shellshock!!!! SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair SERGINHO7 approaches the opponent and grasps him by his chest, Killer Montxo dodges a a Tie Up Knee Strike with a nice movement, taking back the initiative Killer Montxo puts his opponent on his shoulder and makes his shoulder hit the knee, connecting with a light Shoulder Breaker!! [Special Initiative activated for Killer Montxo] Killer Montxo grabs SERGINHO7's hair Killer Montxo puts the adversary's head between the legs to grab him and after grabbing the rival, perfomrs a strong Pulling Piledriver!! SERGINHO7 HAS A CUT!!! Killer Montxo gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump SERGINHO7 suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative SERGINHO7 gets on the top turnbuckle waiting for Killer Montxo to stand up and forward executing a violent Diving Rolling Elbow Smash!!

SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's hair SERGINHO7 grabs one Killer Montxo 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well SERGINHO7 hooks Killer Montxo from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Killer Montxo gets his shoulder up somehow SERGINHO7 gets up while his opponent is still on the ground SERGINHO7 pulls Killer Montxo still groggy, by his hair SERGINHO7 grabs Killer Montxo's neck and makes him crash violently to the ground executing a light Falling Neck Breaker!! SERGINHO7 espera a que Killer Montxo se levante y le hace una spear que lo manda a la otra punta del ring executing MORTAL Infernus!! SERGINHO7 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Loko95: ¡!!increible!!!, el killer a resistido. Marco Perez: no puede ser, SERGINHO lo tuvo. SERGINHO7 espera a que Killer Montxo se levante y le hace una spear que lo manda a la otra punta del ring executing MORTAL Infernus!! SERGINHO7 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting...

....1.... ....2.... ....3.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Loko95: ¡!!esto es increible, que fuerza de voluntad!!! SERGINHO7 espera a que Killer Montxo se levante y le hace una spear que lo manda a la otra punta del ring executing MORTAL Infernus!! SERGINHO7 tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Loko95: ¡!!SOBREHUMANO!!! Marco Perez: !!!PERO QUE SUERTE!!! Se ve a SERGINHO totalmente desesperado y se pone a hablar consigo mismo. SERGINHO: tienes que hacerlo, acaba con el de una maldita vez. SERGINHO: no, quiero el titulo dejame en paz, no quiero matar a nadie. SERGINHO: ¡HAZLO, HAZLO, HAZLO, HAZLO! SERGINHO: ¡AAAAGGGGGGGG! SERGINHO empieza a gesticular raro. SERGINHO: ¡DEJA EN PAZ A MI PERRO! Loko95: ¿pero que dice? Marco Perez: ¡callate! SERGINHO: ¡ESTO ES…………….ESPARTAAAAAAAAAAAA! Loko95: esta loco. Marco Perez: y lo dices tu jajaja

SERGINHO7 le hace un chokeslam a su oponente, luego coje una guitarra electrica y se marca un solo flipante, cuando acaba todo el mundo le aplaude y coje un par de botellas de vodka y se las bebe del tiron. el oponente empieza a levantarse, cuando va borracho SERGINHO le dice al arbitro: mira el GG Vincent intenta quemar tu contrato, el arbitro se despista y SERGINHO le da un guitarrazo a su oponente que lo deja KO luego intenta el conteo executing a LEGENDARY Guitar Hero Loko95: ¿pero que hace? Marco Perez: ya lo tenia, ¿porque SERGINHO porqueeeeeeee? El arbitro ve a SERGINHO y lo descalifica KILLER MONTXO WINS THE MATCH BY DQ AND DEFEATS SERGINHO7!!!!

Mica Callaway: Here is your winner and still Champion ¡KILLER MONTXO! Loko95: exalto a SERGINHO. Espera, SERGINHO esta cogiendo un bate de beisbol. SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits killer montxo skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! KILLER MONTXO HAS A CUT!!! SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits killer montxo skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! KILLER MONTXO IS BLEEDING!! SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits killer montxo skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! KILLER MONTXO IS BUSTED WIDE OPEN!!! SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits killer montxo skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! KILLER MONTXO IS A CRIMSON MASK!!! BLOODREDSANDMAN se da cuenta de que el killer esta en apuros y corre al ring a ayudarle. SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits BLOODREDSANDMAN skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! BLOODREDSANDMAN HAS A CUT!!!

Loko95: !!!QUE ALGUIEN LO PARE!!! SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits killer montxo skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! Loko95: !!! Y VUELVE A CENTRARSE EN EL KILLER!!! Marco Perez: jojojo nunca habia visto a SERGINHO tan enfadado. SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits killer montxo skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! KILLER MONTXO FALLS AND IS KNOCKED OUT COLD!!!!! salen las asistencias medicas y van hacia el ring. SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits las asistencias medicas skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! Loko95: !!!ESTA LOCO A GOLPEADO A LAS ASISTENCIAS!!! Marco Perez: jojojo, lo dijiste otra vez armando. SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits killer montxo skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! KILLER MONTXO IS DEAD!!! Loko95: no puede ser, lo ha matado. Loko95 se lanza hacia SERGINHO con gesto de rabia. SERGINHO7 grabs a baseball bat and hits loko95 skull executing a LEGENDARY baseball bat shot!! LOKO95 HAS A CUT!!! Marco Perez: jojojo la que ha montado SERGINHO se va dando tumbos debido al cansancio y al dolor, de repente se tropieza con la valla y cae del lado del publico. SERGINHO: uffff al menos ya estoy a salvo. lo que no se da cuenta es que cae en el lado de los vascos. VASCOS: ¡HAS MATADO AL KILLER, EZ ZAITEN GARAI! y patean a SERGINHO bestialmente, pero este finalmente consigue escapar al vestuario arrastrandose.

Salen las asistencias y ayudan al killer.

Marco Perez: esperemos que se solucione el problema de Serginho y sobretodo de Killer quien quedo seriamente lastimado Loko95: yo hoy que m…. Marco Perez: ni lo pienses… Loko95: pero… Marco Perez: calla Loko95: nono.. mira el jefe.. En las Oficinas del Gg esta Vincent hablando con BBM y aparece terry Terryhenry: BBM... puedes dejar que hable con mi hermano... sin molestias. BBM: terry que esperas que haga? que me haga a un la.. Gg Vincent: dejanos solo BBM, solo sera un momento. BBM se retira mientras terryhenry cierra la puerta. Terryhenry: hermano escuchame, todo fue una trampa... deber entenderlo. Gg Vincent: terry, ya no me puedes engañar, kubit me hizo ver lo evidente, solo te interesa esa presea que creaste Y NO TU FAMILIA!!! Terryhenry: pero hermano? es una artimaña de kubit, preguntale a paulonovich el tambien lo sabe. Gg Vincent: paul.. no tiene nada que ver en esto, me defraudaste, confie en ti... pero la verdad es que no cambiaras. siempre sera ese tipo MATERIALISTA que conosco. nos vemos terry. no esperes nada de mi, me da verguensa ser tu hermano... Terryhenry: HERMANO!!! Gg Vincent: haz manchado el nombre de la familia... largate... AHORA!! terry mira a su hermano y sale por la puerta y al salir la golpea tan fuerte que se rompe el cristal de la puerta. Gg Vincent: genei ryodan.... era solo una ilucion.

Marco: y llego el momento mas esperado … una de las peleas mas esperadas de la noche, el momento donde dos grupos poder... Loko: de que dos grupos hablas!!!si el unico grupo que hay ahora es el Elemental!!! el genei ya no existe Marco: no seas ignor.... Loko: oe que hablas compadre, el ignorante eres tu, el genei esta partido, Takeshi destruido, Vincent desilusionado se alejo, Henry pensando en su titulo y la pelea con sus hermano y Paulonovich que esta totalmetne alejado del Genei que no se le ha visto ayudar a Henry en alguna de sus luchas y la pareja que el tendra ahora no es del Genei es un invitado... Marco : en parte tienes razon pero... Loko: Pero nada Marco, que no te ciegue tu hinchaje por los rudos; mira al Elemental, es un grupo en todo sentido de la palabra, funcionan como un relojito, especialmente Socko y He-Man, han peleado juntos varias veces y sinceramente son super demoledores y si a eso le sumamos la fuerza de Kimi estan imparables, ademas hay otro factor, psicologicamente Mr. chi.. perdon Paulonovich esta derrotado.... En eso se apagan todas las luces y se escucha una voz decir: EL LEON DEL RITMO EN VIVO Y EN DIRECTO JUNTO AL ELEMENTAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Loko: DIOS MIOS MIRA SON LOS FABULOSOS CADILLACS TOCANDO LA CANCION DEL ELEMENTAL!!!!!! El ESB hace una espectacular entrada mientras los Fabulosos siguen tocando y los saludan mientras tanto fuegos artificiales, papel picado, y una gran ESB formada por rayos lasers iluminan el resinto, el público esta enloquecido, miles de carteles se ven en el recinto de la lucha He-Man: hey hey, esperen esperen FAbulosos vuelvan a tocar la musica que nosotros tambien traemos un compañero sorpresa!!!!! Fn SOcko: Laaaaadiesss and gentlemannnnnnnnn, the ESB presently to you : the best young wrestler at the wooooooooooooorllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllldddddddddddddddddd the real HARDCORE CHAMPIONNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! Kimi: PEDRITO!!!!!!! Los Fabu vuelven a tocar y sale el "adorable" Pedrito con un palo envuielto en alambre de puas. Publico: YEAAAAAAAAAHHH PEDRITO RULZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ He-Man: Hoy no la hacemos larga, que salga Mr.Chica y su nuevo novio, no me vas a

sorprender PUES YO SI SE QUIEN ES Y ME SORPRENDE QUE TE UNAS A ESE GRUPETE!!!! -En eso aparece Paulonovich sin musica algunaLoko95: pero que?.. el Elemental entra con bombos y platillos y con entrada en vivo y Paulonovich miembro del genei entra hasta sin musica? Marco Perez: no es que no tenga musica es que tu no puedes escucharla Paulonovich: es un gusto estar frente a ustedes.. Elemental.. y mas gusto sera cuando hoy los derrote Publico: buuuu!!! Paulonovich: claro hoy no estare solo y para eso e venido con el nuevo miembro del Genei Ryodan.. con él, se le pasara toda la rabieta a Vincent y nosotros seremos invencibles.. porque esto solo pasa una vez cada 100 años.. los heroes se vuelven en contra… Marco Perez: de que habla? Paulonovich: es un honor presentarles a el nuevo miembro del Genei.. CUANDO HAY QUE VACIAR EL MAR














Marco Perez: si… es el hasta ahora unico invicto en la federación!!! Publico: buuu!!! Mas vendidos!!! Marco Perez: esto es fenomenal.. Loko95: pero .. pero .. como pudieron .. como pudo Superhéroe unirse a ellos.. si era el heroe de los debiles y de el publico.. porque!! -SuperHeroe avanza y acompaña a Paulonovich hasta llegar al ring-He-Man, Kimi y Socko dentro del ring miran con asombro este cambio de Superhéroe a SuperVillano-

paulonovich and SuperHeroe walks in the ring between thunderous applauses! The opponents make their way to the ring as well, Kimi, He-Man Show and Socko! paulonovich and He-Man Show enter the ring. SuperHeroe and Socko are waiting in the respective corners He-Man Show gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! He-Man Show prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! He-Man Show prepares to strike the rival hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!! He-Man Show uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, pulling the opponent above his shoulder performing a Snapmare and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a light Snapmare!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back

paulonovich holds his opponent by the head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! paulonovich holds his opponent and hits him with the forearm by performing an light Uppercut!! paulonovich grasps the opponent and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a light Body Slam!! paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's hair paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's neck twisting it irregularly executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich releases his grasp paulonovich charges the kick and hits the opponent with an light Angry Stomp!! He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! He-Man Show prepares to hit the rival and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!! He-Man Show grasps the opponent and slams him down to the mat performing a strong Body Slam!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!!

paulonovich grabs He-Man Show by an arm hurling him on the ground executing an light Arm Drag!! paulonovich clutches his laying rival's head to perform a light Head Lock!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich releases his grasp paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's hair paulonovich and lunges himself on the ropes paulonovich raises his own leg into the oncoming opponent's face performing a light Big Boot!! paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's hair paulonovich grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent stretches his arm hitting him with a light Clothesline!! He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show charges his arm striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! He-Man Show grabs paulonovich executing a backbreaker Socko bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a violent Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! He-Man Show pulls paulonovich still groggy, by his hair He-Man Show loads his opponent on his shoulders paulonovich climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Modified Samoan Drop

regaining the initiative paulonovich grabs the opponent's neck firmly snapping it to the side executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich releases his grasp paulonovich grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides then he raises the opponent and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming the opponent down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a strong Tiger Suplex!! paulonovich pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair paulonovich grabs his opponent's leg and pulls it on his way threading his head under his arm He-Man Show avoids the a Capture Suplex, gaining the initiative He-Man Show puts his hand on the opponent's head and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an light Elbow to Back of Head!! He-Man Show pulls paulonovich still groggy, by his hair He-Man Show bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent's back grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a light Bulldog!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt He-Man Show Riendo Y Mirando Al Oponente Que Esta En El Suelo executing An Are You Kidding Peque O Idiota He-Man Show bounces on the ropes performing a clothesline to the knee lifting paulonovich Socko bounces on the ropes executing a clothesline to paulonovich's neck performing a violent Clothesline & clothesline on the knee back!! He-Man Show pulls paulonovich still groggy, by his hair

He-Man Show hooks his opponent's leg threading his head under his arm lifting him up and falling backwards, executing a strong Capture Suplex!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! paulonovich gives the touch to SuperHeroe who enters the ring! SuperHeroe lifts the opponent on his shoulders paulonovich climb the turnbuckle performing a flying clothesline on the opponent executing a violent Doomsday device!! SuperHeroe grabs He-Man Show's hair SuperHeroe grabs the opponent's head while standing at his side and trips him up falling backward with a light Russian Leg Sweep, driving him down back first!! SuperHeroe gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! SuperHeroe grabs his opponent's fist and twists it by executing a light Fist Lock!! SuperHeroe keeps his weak submission hold SuperHeroe keeps his excruciating submission hold SuperHeroe releases his grasp SuperHeroe moves behind his opponent while he's sitting on the ground and wraps his hands around the opponents jaw, pulling straight back on the chin performing a light Chin Lock!! SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold

SuperHeroe keeps his excruciating submission hold SuperHeroe releases his grasp SuperHeroe grabs He-Man Show's hair SuperHeroe blocks the opponent holding him by his arm and drags him to the ground with violent Falling Arm Breaker making him hit badly his arm against the ground!! SuperHeroe pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair SuperHeroe grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking the opponent's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light El Paquetito!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... He-Man Show kicks out SuperHeroe gets ready and hits the opponent with a low kick at the back of his legs, performing a strong Back Kick On Leg!! He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show charges his arm SuperHeroe dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative SuperHeroe charges the leg to hit his opponent's head with an strong Overhead Kick!! SuperHeroe grabs around his opponent's midsection and lifts him so that he is held upside down facing in the same direction as him and drops to a sitting position with the opponent's head falling down to the mat, performing a strong Spike Piledriver!!

SuperHeroe puts his own hands under the opponent's armpits, who is prone on the mat and locks them behind his back performing a light Butterfly Lock!! SuperHeroe keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SOCKO enters the ring hitting SuperHeroe and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! He-Man Show takes advantage of the situation! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! He-Man Show gives the touch to Socko who enters the ring! Socko releases his grasp Socko gets ready to hit El_Mèxicano and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with light Forearm On Leg!! Socko grabs El_Mèxicano's hair Socko grabs one SuperHeroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Socko throws the opponent to the ring's corner then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body Avalanche!! Socko pulls SuperHeroe still groggy, by his hair Socko Toma un brazo del oponente y lo derriba para darle elbows strikes SuperHeroe somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! SuperHeroe grasps the opponent's neck while running and swings driving him down to the ground performing a strong Running Swinging Neckbreaker!!

SuperHeroe runs toward the opponent and jumps Socko bends dodging the a Running Crossbody and starts a counterattack Socko crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat causing him pain with a violent Reverse Figure 4!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko keeps his weak submission hold Socko releases his grasp Socko grabs El_Mèxicano's hair Socko Locks his oponnet neck and spins 180 degrees crushing the mat executing violent Fn Cutter!! Socko tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... SuperHeroe gets up and resolutely fights back SuperHeroe grabs his opponent's head to crash him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! SuperHeroe is about to perform his taunt Socko capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but SuperHeroe is faster and is not caught off guard! SuperHeroe charges his open hand Socko ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back Socko gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm the opponent's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!!

Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival SuperHeroe moves and dodges a a Forearm On Leg, starting to counter-attack SuperHeroe grabs Socko's hair SuperHeroe hooks the opponent's neck Socko escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Socko tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head then leaps down onto his back, swinging his legs forward, bending the opponent, and driving him down to the mat face first, performing a light Snap DDT!! Socko pulls SuperHeroe still groggy, by his hair Socko brings the opponent nearer, hugging him to the chest and throws him backwards with a violent El Fn' Suplex!! Socko puts the opponent's head beneath his arm and lifts him SuperHeroe dodges a Falcon Arrow easily and he starts the counter-attack SuperHeroe grabs the opponent's neck firmly twisting it irregularly executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold SuperHeroe releases his grasp SuperHeroe moves behind his opponent while he's sitting on the ground Socko avoids the a Chin Lock, gaining the initiative Socko lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold

Socko releases his grasp Socko is about to perform his taunt SuperHeroe capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Socko is caught out! SuperHeroe stares at the opponent in front of him Socko avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative Socko turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! Socko puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then he jumps down, swinging his legs forward, bending the opponent, and driving him down to the mat face first, connecting with a violent Modified Snap DDT!! Socko grabs the opponent's head and lifts him up in a vertical position and falls down, dropping the opponent on the mat head first performing a light Brainbuster!! Socko grabs El_Mèxicano's hair Socko grabs one SuperHeroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Socko stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent SuperHeroe moves out of the way avoiding the a Shoulder Block, taking the initiative SuperHeroe prepares to a kick hitting him straight to his belly executing a light Toe Kick!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SuperHeroe gives the touch to paulonovich who enters the ring! paulonovich hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent, Socko easily eludes a a Tiger Suplex, retaking the initiative Socko hooks both of his opponent's arms while standing behind his opponent

then he lifts him up, flipping the opponent and dropping him on his back while falling to a sitting position with a light Tiger Bomb!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... paulonovich kicks out Socko catches his opponent's legs and locks them painfully with his own to form a violent La Fn' Figura 4!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko keeps his weak submission hold Socko releases his grasp Socko cross his opponent's legs, rolling and connecting with a strong Sharpshooter!! Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko releases his grasp paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich grabs his opponent's head Socko easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative Socko gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Socko takes the opponent's head

performing a light Dragon Sleeper!! Socko keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold paulonovich quickly gets up and counterattacks! paulonovich prepares to strike the adversary Socko moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Socko puts a hand on the opponent's face and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Socko rushes drooping sideways to the rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Socko takes paulonovich's head from behind, locking him between his arm and his body paulonovich breaks free from the a Dragon Sleeper easily, taking the initiative paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich and lunges himself on the ropes paulonovich runs toward the opponent and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a light Running Arm Drag!! SuperHeroe leans on the ropes to get the touch! paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich charges the movement raising the elbow Socko shifts and avoids an a Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking Socko applies a front facelock and tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm

around the head and rolls placing himself behind him and letting himself fall down with a strong Swinging Neckbreaker!! Socko takes the opponent's head paulonovich breaks free from the a Dragon Sleeper easily, taking the initiative paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich grabs one Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich charges the back of his elbow striking him with an elbow performing a strong Back Elbow Smash!! paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes paulonovich runs towards his opponent and he snaps his foot into the opponents chin with a light Chin Breaker!! paulonovich grabs his opponent's leg and pulls it on his way threading his head under his arm lifting him up and falling backwards, executing a strong Capture Suplex!! paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich grabs one Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich runs toward the opponent

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! paulonovich grabs Socko's hair paulonovich grabs one Socko 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich throws the opponent to the turnbuckle running toward him hitting him with his own body performing a strong Body Avalanche!! Socko pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort paulonovich prevails paulonovich charges his arm Socko dodges the a Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann, taking the initiative Socko tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head then leaps down onto his back, swinging his legs forward, bending the opponent, and driving him down to the mat face first, performing a light Snap DDT!! Socko lifte his opponent on his back while headed down paulonovich evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative paulonovich grabs the opponent's legs and locks them and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Socko kicks out paulonovich prepares the foot Socko rolls over causing paulonovich to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the

initiative Socko grapples one of paulonovich shoulders and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!! Socko keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold paulonovich quickly gets up and counterattacks! paulonovich pulls Socko still groggy, by his hair paulonovich loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!! paulonovich grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HE-MAN SHOW enters the ring hitting paulonovich and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Socko takes advantage of the situation! Socko releases his grasp Socko is about to perform his taunt Socko executing The Recatate Socko stands behind his rival paulonovich moves at the last moment and dodges a Face Stretch, taking the initiative paulonovich thread his opponent's head under his own arm after hooking his leg lifting the opponent over his head slamming him to the mat by performing a violent Capture Suplex!! paulonovich grabs Socko's hair

paulonovich grabs the opponent's neck firmly twisting it irregularly executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! Socko escapes from the hold Socko quickly gets up and counterattacks! Socko is about to perform his taunt paulonovich capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Socko is caught out! paulonovich gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand and slaps the opponent across the face, executing a light Slap!! paulonovich stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! He-Man Show leans on the ropes to get the touch! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! He-Man Show touches Kimi suddenly entering the ring! He-Man Show gives the touch to Kimi who enters the ring! Kimi releases his grasp Kimi gets ready to hit El_Mèxicano and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Kimi rushes drooping sideways to the rival and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with light Forearm On Leg!! Kimi grabs El_Mèxicano's hair Kimi grabs one SuperHeroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Kimi throws the opponent to the ring's corner

then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body Avalanche!! Kimi pulls SuperHeroe still groggy, by his hair Kimi Toma un brazo del oponente y lo derriba para darle elbows strikes SuperHeroe somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! SuperHeroe grasps the opponent's neck while running and swings driving him down to the ground performing a strong Running Swinging Neckbreaker!! SuperHeroe runs toward the opponent and jumps Kimi bends dodging the a Running Crossbody and starts a counterattack Kimi crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat causing him pain with a violent Reverse Figure 4!! Kimi keeps his ruthless submission hold Kimi keeps his weak submission hold Kimi releases his grasp Kimi grabs El_Mèxicano's hair Kimi Locks his oponnet neck and spins 180 degrees crushing the mat executing violent Fn Cutter!! Kimi tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... SuperHeroe gets up and resolutely fights back SuperHeroe grabs his opponent's head to crash him on the ground with a somersault, by performing a light Head Lock Takedown!! SuperHeroe is about to perform his taunt

Kimi capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but SuperHeroe is faster and is not caught off guard! SuperHeroe charges his open hand Kimi ducks and evades the a Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back Kimi gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm the opponent's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! Kimi rushes drooping sideways to the rival SuperHeroe moves and dodges a a Forearm On Leg, starting to counter-attack SuperHeroe grabs Kimi's hair SuperHeroe hooks the opponent's neck Kimi escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Kimi tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head then leaps down onto his back, swinging his legs forward, bending the opponent, and driving him down to the mat face first, performing a light Snap DDT!! Kimi pulls SuperHeroe still groggy, by his hair Kimi brings the opponent nearer, hugging him to the chest and throws him backwards with a violent El Fn' Suplex!! Kimi puts the opponent's head beneath his arm and lifts him SuperHeroe dodges a Falcon Arrow easily and he starts the counter-attack SuperHeroe grabs the opponent's neck firmly twisting it irregularly executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold SuperHeroe releases his grasp

SuperHeroe moves behind his opponent while he's sitting on the ground Kimi avoids the a Chin Lock, gaining the initiative Kimi lifts up his opponet so the opponent's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! Kimi keeps his ruthless submission hold Kimi keeps his ruthless submission hold Kimi releases his grasp Kimi is about to perform his taunt SuperHeroe capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Kimi is caught out! SuperHeroe stares at the opponent in front of him Kimi avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative Kimi turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! Kimi puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then he jumps down, swinging his legs forward, bending the opponent, and driving him down to the mat face first, connecting with a violent Modified Snap DDT!! Kimi grabs the opponent's head and lifts him up in a vertical position and falls down, dropping the opponent on the mat head first performing a light Brainbuster!! Kimi grabs El_Mèxicano's hair Kimi grabs one SuperHeroe 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Kimi stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent SuperHeroe moves out of the way avoiding the a Shoulder Block, taking the initiative SuperHeroe prepares to a kick

hitting him straight to his belly executing a light Toe Kick!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! SuperHeroe gives the touch to paulonovich who enters the ring! paulonovich hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent, Kimi easily eludes a a Tiger Suplex, retaking the initiative Kimi hooks both of his opponent's arms while standing behind his opponent then he lifts him up, flipping the opponent and dropping him on his back while falling to a sitting position with a light Tiger Bomb!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... paulonovich kicks out Kimi catches his opponent's legs and locks them painfully with his own to form a violent La Fn' Figura 4!! Kimi keeps his ruthless submission hold Kimi keeps his weak submission hold Kimi releases his grasp Kimi cross his opponent's legs, rolling and connecting with a strong Sharpshooter!! Kimi keeps his ruthless submission hold Kimi keeps his ruthless submission hold Kimi releases his grasp paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich grabs his opponent's head

Kimi easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative Kimi gets next to the opponent bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! Kimi rushes drooping sideways to the rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Kimi takes the opponent's head performing a light Dragon Sleeper!! Kimi keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold paulonovich quickly gets up and counterattacks! paulonovich prepares to strike the adversary Kimi moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Kimi puts a hand on the opponent's face and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Kimi rushes drooping sideways to the rival and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Kimi takes paulonovich's head from behind, locking him between his arm and his body paulonovich breaks free from the a Dragon Sleeper easily, taking the initiative paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich grabs Kimi's hair paulonovich and lunges himself on the ropes

paulonovich runs toward the opponent and grabs his arm driving him down to the mat with a light Running Arm Drag!! SuperHeroe leans on the ropes to get the touch! paulonovich grabs Kimi's hair paulonovich charges the movement raising the elbow Kimi shifts and avoids an a Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking Kimi applies a front facelock and tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head and rolls placing himself behind him and letting himself fall down with a strong Swinging Neckbreaker!! Kimi takes the opponent's head paulonovich breaks free from the a Dragon Sleeper easily, taking the initiative paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich grabs Kimi's hair paulonovich grabs one Kimi 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich charges the back of his elbow striking him with an elbow performing a strong Back Elbow Smash!! paulonovich grabs Kimi's hair paulonovich grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes paulonovich runs towards his opponent and he snaps his foot into the opponents chin with a light Chin Breaker!! paulonovich grabs his opponent's leg and pulls it on his way threading his head under his arm lifting him up and falling backwards, executing a strong Capture Suplex!!

paulonovich is about to perform his taunt paulonovich Le Dice Mira Mira A The Opponent No Ya No Y Mientras The Opponent Esta Distraido Lo Ataca Con executing A Amakakeru Rio No Hirameki paulonovich grabs Kimi's hair paulonovich grabs one Kimi 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich runs toward the opponent and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! paulonovich grabs Kimi's hair paulonovich grabs one Kimi 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich throws the opponent to the turnbuckle running toward him hitting him with his own body performing a strong Body Avalanche!! Kimi pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort paulonovich prevails paulonovich charges his arm Kimi dodges the a Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann, taking the initiative Kimi tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head then leaps down onto his back, swinging his legs forward, bending the opponent, and driving him down to the mat face first, performing a light Snap DDT!! Kimi lifte his opponent on his back while headed down paulonovich evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative paulonovich grabs the opponent's legs and locks them and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Kimi kicks out paulonovich prepares the foot Kimi rolls over causing paulonovich to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative Kimi grapples one of paulonovich shoulders and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!! Kimi keeps his weak submission hold paulonovich escapes from the hold paulonovich quickly gets up and counterattacks! paulonovich pulls Kimi still groggy, by his hair paulonovich loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with violent Samoan Drop!! paulonovich grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back and pulls up the leg while sitting down executing an light Argentine Leg Lock!! paulonovich keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HE-MAN SHOW enters the ring hitting paulonovich and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Kimi takes advantage of the situation! Kimi releases his grasp Kimi is about to perform his taunt Kimi executing The Recatate

Kimi stands behind his rival paulonovich moves at the last moment and dodges a Face Stretch, taking the initiative paulonovich thread his opponent's head under his own arm after hooking his leg lifting the opponent over his head slamming him to the mat by performing a violent Capture Suplex!! paulonovich grabs Kimi's hair paulonovich grabs the opponent's neck firmly twisting it irregularly executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! Kimi escapes from the hold Kimi quickly gets up and counterattacks! Kimi is about to perform his taunt paulonovich capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! taking Kimi is caught out! paulonovich gets ready to hit the opponent with his right hand and slaps the opponent across the face, executing a light Slap!! paulonovich stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! He-Man Show leans on the ropes to get the touch! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! He-Man Show touches Kimi suddenly entering the ring! He-Man Show hugs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! He-Man Show holds his opponent and fiercely strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!!

He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado paulonovich somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! paulonovich grabs the opponent raising him up onto his shoulder so the opponents head is down his back then grabs his opponents head under his arm and drops him onto his head from an incredible height with strong Air Raid Siren!! paulonovich grabs He-Man Show's hair paulonovich grabs one He-Man Show 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well paulonovich hooks He-Man Show from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... He-Man Show kicks out paulonovich turns He-Man Show still groggy up pulling his hair paulonovich grasps the opponent and slams him down to the mat performing a powerful Golpe Izquierdo Del Diablo!! paulonovich grasps the opponent and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a strong Body Slam!! paulonovich pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair paulonovich lifts up the opponent from behind and throws him backwards with a light Back Suplex!! He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show charges the hand and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand

Chop!! He-Man Show catches the rival's head and makes him fall with a twist in a strong Neckbreaker Cutter!!!! He-Man Show grabs paulonovich's hair He-Man Show and lunges himself on the ropes He-Man Show waits for the running opponent hooking his arm to the the rival's arm to throw him down with a light Hip Toss!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich prepares his arm He-Man Show moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative He-Man Show holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! He-Man Show prepares to hit the rival and strikes him with his forearm executing a light Forearm Smash!! He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado corre hacia las cuerdas se impulsa y volando por los aires con sus piernas enganchando la cabeza del contrincante estampandola contra la lona executing light La Marca Del Loco!! He-Man Show tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... paulonovich kicks out He-Man Show lifts paulonovich up, still groggy He-Man Show grabs the opponent lifting him sideways to himself and he makes him whirl behind his body to slam his back on the ground with a strong Tilt A

Whirl Side Slam!! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich stares at the opponent He-Man Show avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative He-Man Show prepares to strike the rival loading the leg lifting his own leg and hitting him with a light Middle Kick!! He-Man Show uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, pulling the opponent above his shoulder performing a Snapmare and kneels down, throwing the opponent forward, flipping him down, slamming him on the mat back first, executing a light Snapmare!! He-Man Show prepares the foot and brings it down to hit the opponent with an light Angry Stomp!! He-Man Show is about to perform his taunt paulonovich capitalizes his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but He-Man Show is faster and is not caught off guard! paulonovich pulls himself together and fights back paulonovich charges his open hand and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a light Slap!! paulonovich swings his whole body back and connects with a strong Gran Taladro Gurren Lagann!! paulonovich stands firmly on the mat He-Man Show bends dodging the a Back Spinning Wheel Kick He-Man Show loads his opponent on his shoulders and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Samoan Drop!! He-Man Show grabs paulonovich's hair

He-Man Show grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes He-Man Show Lanzandolo hacia las cuerdas corre hacia el oponente barriendolo y enganchando sus piernas palanqueandolas executing violent La Hemanator!! He-Man Show keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SUPERHEROE enters the ring hitting He-Man Show and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! paulonovich takes advantage of the situation! paulonovich releases his grasp paulonovich bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent and he hits his back with his arm taut performing a strong Clothesline to Back!! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! paulonovich gives the touch to SuperHeroe who enters the ring! SuperHeroe grabs He-Man Show executing a backbreaker paulonovich bounces on the top rope executing a flying legdrop performing a devastating Backbreaker & flying legdrop!! SuperHeroe takes He-Man Show's head from behind, locking him between his arm and his body clenching it in a light Dragon Sleeper!! SuperHeroe keeps his weak submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SOCKO enters the ring hitting SuperHeroe and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! He-Man Show takes advantage of the situation! He-Man Show releases his grasp

He-Man Show charges his arm SuperHeroe dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative SuperHeroe stands in front of the opponent and hits his opponent with a strong Karate Kick!! SuperHeroe gains momentum by bouncing off the top rope, and leaps backwards on his opponent and leaps on him, landing on him and covering him with a light Springboard Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... He-Man Show kicks out SuperHeroe is about to perform his taunt SuperHeroe Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola SuperHeroe grabs the opponent's arms and legs making lever on them hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a strong Tabla De Surf Mexicana Ligera!! SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold HE-MAN SHOW IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! SOCKO enters the ring hitting SuperHeroe and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! He-Man Show takes advantage of the situation! TOOOOOOUUUUCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! He-Man Show gives the touch to Socko who enters the ring! Socko releases his grasp

Socko crosses in a figure 4 the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat SuperHeroe easily avoids a a Reverse Figure 4, taking the initiative SuperHeroe kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands and squeezes performing a light Choke Hold!! SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! HE-MAN SHOW enters the ring hitting SuperHeroe and interrupting the submission manoeuvre while the referee is distracted!! Socko releases his grasp Socko raises a hand putting it on the opponent's forehead SuperHeroe shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative SuperHeroe prepares the back of his hand performing a strong Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! SuperHeroe grabs Socko by an arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! SuperHeroe jumps on the turnbuckle while the opponent is knocked out on the ground throws himself executing a strong Frog Splash! The impact has been hard for both wrestlers!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Socko kicks out SuperHeroe is about to perform his taunt SuperHeroe Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola SuperHeroe gets on the top turnbuckle

and leaps toward the opponent, hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming a powerful Modified Diving Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Socko kicks out SuperHeroe gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and jumps toward the opponent quickly lowering them, performing a strong Double Axe Handle!! SuperHeroe is about to perform his taunt SuperHeroe Camina Despacio Y Con La Mirada En El Suelo Para Despues Levantar La Mirada Y executing A Sonrisa Malevola SuperHeroe tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Socko kicks out SuperHeroe springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground Socko rolls out the way just in time, dodging the a Springboard Corkscrew Splash and regaining the lead Socko grabs one of the opponent's legs, and places the opponent's ankle between his own thighs, and lying on top of him wraps his arms around his chin, performing a light STF!! Socko keeps his weak submission hold Socko keeps his weak submission hold Socko releases his grasp Socko pulls SuperHeroe still groggy, by his hair

Socko Toma un brazo del oponente y lo derriba para darle elbows strikes SuperHeroe somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! SuperHeroe gains speed bouncing against the ropes and runs toward the opponent knocking him down with a strong Rope Drop Clothesline!! SuperHeroe gets on the top turnbuckle Socko suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative Socko cross his opponent's legs, rolling and connecting with a light Sharpshooter!! Socko keeps his weak submission hold Socko keeps his weak submission hold Socko releases his grasp paulonovich leans on the ropes to get the touch! Paulonovich ataca a He-Man quien se encontraba en la otra esquina y empiesan a enfrentarse fuera del ring.. kimi ayuda pero Paulonvich hace aparecer a alguien que estaba escondido por bastante tiempo… Paulonovichito quien hace FOUL!!! Contra Kimi.. He-Man esta 1 vs 1 contra Paulonovich.. Socko gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump SuperHeroe suddenly shifts dodging the a Diving Headbutt, taking the initiative SuperHeroe grabs his opponent's fist and twists it abnormally with light Fist Lock!! SuperHeroe keeps his ruthless submission hold Socko can't resist anymore and taps out!! GENEI RYODAN WINS THE MATCH!!

Loko95: no puedo creerlo… SuperVillano sigue con su emblema de Invicto…

Marco Perez: lo bueno que ahora lo hizo a costa de Elemental Salty Biscuit Paulonovich y SuperVillano salen del ring He-Man intenta reanimar a Socko que callo inconciente después del Fist Lock

Suena Step Up - Drowning Pool Marco Perez: Y AQUI VIENE EL CAMPEON!!! Loco96: con los problemas que tiene, dudo que gane en el evento principal de la noche Marco Perez: le tienes poca fe a nuestro campeon? como te atreves!!! Loco96: seria la primera vez que lucha sin ayuda externa o sin probabilidad de una trampa, esta lucha ya esta regalada para Kubit. Marco Perez: espera un momento... y donde esta el campeon? En la pantalla se ve a terryhenry en un ring. Terryhenry: no tengo tiempo para ustedes, porqueria de fanaticos. El publico lo abuchea Terryhenry: voy al grano.... KUBIT!!! TRAE TU GRASOSO TRASERO PARA AQUI!!! tengo algo que decirte antes de nuestro combate mas tarde. El Publico se rie de terryhenry Terryhenry: PERO QUE DEMONIOS!!! Se ve a 2 boxeadores entrando al ring, un anunciador se acerca a terryhenry y le dice algo Terryhenry: COMO QUE ESTE LUGAR NO ES LA LWC ARENA?!!! El publico se rie a carcajadas... Terryhenry: y ustedes de que se rien!!! YA NADIE PUEDE COMETER UN ERROR????! terryhenry tira el microfono y sale de ring con la risa de los


Suena Step Up - Drowning Pool y Aparece terryhenry Loco96: dicen que se equivoco de arena Marco Perez: como seria eso posible si estaba en la oficina de terryhenry. Loco96: promo grabada de dice algo? Terryhenry sube al ring con la risa de los fanaticos Terryhenry: de que se burlan ignorantes, yo soy el campeon de esta federacion. el publico se rie aun Terryhenry: MALDITOS BASTARDOS!! esta noche les demostrare que aun estando solo derrotare a Kubit!!! se los puedo ase... Marco Perez :soló falta kubit Loko95: kubit esta noche puede establecerse como la primera de bi campeones mundiales * Luces se borran para el delirio de los aficionados e empieza a tocar el tema KILLING IS MY BUSINESS de MEGADEATH Marco Perez : ai vem ele ... Publico :

Weeeeee weeeeeee WEEEEEE!!!!!!

Loko95:este luchador que vino de la nada para el main event e lograr ser un de los gran nombres desta empresa ... las luces se encienden y parece llevar Kubitschek usando Bermudas y camisa negros com uno craneo con un manchada de rojo y con los pies descalzos caminar en el comienzo de la rampa de entrada al ring va mirando todo el escenario para un segundo antes de una fa pero despos segue su camino ate el ring sube en la parte superior de una de las esquinas con Puno planteado cerrado HABLANDO a los fans pelo microfono

Kubitschek:señoras y señores ,esta noche en el evento principal,tenemos que luchar por el destino de esta empresa,e s posible que un luchador sin talento or habilidad, que lograra su titulo graças a su hermano y graças a Gnei Ryodan ?? un luchador que levanta por encima del deseo de todos, ahora sólo tiene en cuenta su propia voluntad para decidir que debe ser el campeón....que se es posible que un luchador seguirá al mando de esta empresa... entonces .... TerryHenry:que usted cree que es para mí decir lo que es correcto y lo incorrecto o lo que , ni eres um LWC original , tu no estaba aqui no comenzar desta fed , yo construyó esso todo tengo el direto de hacer lo que quiero con esta fed Kubitschek :al contrario yo ni soy um LWC original , pero ,pero he luchado mucho y probado el lugar más alto de la fed debe ser mi ,todos sempre diceram que christo fuera el mayor campeon da history de LWC!!! , pero fuera yo a quitar lhe el titulo mundial , yo gane el mejor campeon entonces yo debo ser el mejor!! e Obtener mi título de nuevo para lograr me el primer bi campeon mundial .... se tu Triple Henry ... achas que puedes hacer lo que quieres esta engado .. usted puede ter construido esta fed pero fuera yo que fizera crescier esta fed Publico : KUBIT

, KUBIT , KUBIT !!!!

Marco Perez : son palabras fuertes las de kubit ....

Kubitschek : esta noche terminarei mi venganza ,,, custe lo que custar ..... Genei ryodan acabou .... tu hermano te odia , ahora tu devolveras lo que es mio , el cinturon mundial *kubit tira el micrófono y el referi comienza a pelea ...pero kubit y terrhenry solo se mirran Loko95:tenemos esta lucha el campeón del mundo y el futuro desta fed ... kubit or TerryHerry .. talento or poder .... Publico : kubit publico2 : fuera



-En eso entra CrusciferMarco Perez: que? Porque entra con una silla.. Cruscifer: con reglas extremas todo vale y que comiense la pelea!! Terry y Kubit se miran mientras Cruscifer con su silla intimida a ambos..

Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, kubitschek"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves kubitschek makes his way to the ring bermuda and shirt with a skull and a blood stained Four lightnings hit the ringposts Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Cruscifer"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow Sparks are showering “Elpadrino” TerryHenry makes his way to the ring Con su pantalon negro y un saco del mismo color con una calavera atras botando fuego de los ojos followed by his nurse smoke hides the whole ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Kubitschek prevails Kubitschek garbs his running opponent by the arm to make his face fall on the mat with an light Uraken!! Kubitschek jumps quickly over his laying opponent to hit him with a light Elbow Drop!! Kubitschek grabs Cruscifer's hair Kubitschek grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Kubitschek enraged, charges his opponent “Elpadrino” TerryHenry just moves aside, countering the Sling Blade and promptly striking back “Elpadrino” TerryHenry runs towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's arm and bending it imprisons him in an light Armbar!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his ruthless submission hold “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold “Elpadrino” TerryHenry releases his grasp “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's hair “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs one Kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes,

then lunges himself as well “Elpadrino” TerryHenry charges the back of his elbow to hit Kubitschek in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! The match cannot end with a pin fall “Elpadrino” TerryHenry kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands trying to submit him with an irregular choke, executing a light Choke Hold!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his weak submission hold “Elpadrino” TerryHenry releases his grasp “Elpadrino” TerryHenry charges the kick and brings it down to hit Kubitschek with an light Angry Stomp!! Kubitschek pulls himself together and fights back Kubitschek charges his arm “Elpadrino” TerryHenry dodges the Hook Punch and counters “Elpadrino” TerryHenry charges his arm and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry charges violently the leg to perform a light Karate Kick!! [Special Submission activated for Cruscifer] “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Kubitschek lifting him and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a light Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's hair “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs one Kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well “Elpadrino” TerryHenry hooks Kubitschek from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! The match cannot end with a pin fall “Elpadrino” TerryHenry holding the ropes places a foot on Therion's neck, and starts to push levering on the ropes performing a light Foot Choke!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry pulls Kubitschek still groggy, by his hair “Elpadrino” TerryHenry moves behind Therion and performs a Roll Up, pinning him!! The match cannot end with a pin fall Kubitschek pulls himself together and fights back Kubitschek gets ready to hit Cruscifer “Elpadrino” TerryHenry shifts and avoids an European Uppercut, taking the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry gets his hand ready hitting his opponent with the palm with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry prepares to hit the rival and tosses it towards the rival executing a light Forearm Smash hitting him with his forearm!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry flanks Therion, clutching his head with his right arm and pulls him on the mat, landing on the back, by falling backwards with a strong Rock Lee!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry locks his opponent's leg by blocking it against his own shoulder and locks his leg against the shoulder to execute a light Koji Clutch!! Kubitschek escapes from the hold

Kubitschek quickly gets up and counterattacks! Kubitschek hits “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with the back of his hand hitting “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with a strong Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Kubitschek angrily prepares his leg and folds him up with a light Big Kick!! Kubitschek grabs his adversary from a leg “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with a hit in the abdomen, eludes the movement and takes back the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry uses the right hand to grab Therion's head, pulling Kubitschek above his shoulder performing a Snapmare and kneels down, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat, back first connecting with a light Snapmare!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching “Elpadrino” TerryHenry off guard! Kubitschek grabs the adversary and lifts him in the air and after a spin, crashes him on the ground with a powerful Mosh Dance!!!! Kubitschek pulls “Elpadrino” TerryHenry still groggy, by his hair Kubitschek grapples his opponent, putting him on his shoulders crashing him on the ground, executing a LEGENDARY Poetic Slam!! Kubitschek grabs Cruscifer's hair Kubitschek grabs the adversary and puts him under the legs and drags him in a light Pulling Piledriver!!!! Kubitschek grabs Cruscifer's hair Kubitschek grabs one “Elpadrino” TerryHenry 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Kubitschek runs toward Cruscifer and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry interrupts his opponent attacks sequence “Elpadrino” TerryHenry prepares his arm to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry loads the leg hitting the adversary with a light Middle Kick!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry puts his hand on Therion's head and raises the other hand to hit him with an elbow to the nape executing a light Elbow to Back of Head!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a strong Cruceta Del Averno!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his excruciating submission hold Kubitschek escapes from the hold Kubitschek quickly gets up and counterattacks! Kubitschek hugs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a strong Knee on Head!! Kubitschek droops quickly sideways to his rival “Elpadrino” TerryHenry moves and dodges a a Forearm On Leg, starting to counterattack “Elpadrino” TerryHenry stands firmly on the mat and hits Kubitschek with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning

Wheel Kick!! [Special Damage Resistance activated for Cruscifer] “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Kubitschek lifting him and makes him whirl in front of himself making him slam his back on his knee with a strong Tilt A Whirl Back Breaker!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's hair “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes “Elpadrino” TerryHenry runs towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching “Elpadrino” TerryHenry off guard! Kubitschek turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and hits hime with a violent Mule Kick on the groin!! Kubitschek hooks the opponent's neck “Elpadrino” TerryHenry escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry puts his hand on Therion's head and connects with a light Elbow to Back of Head on the rival's head!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is faster and is not caught off guard! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry charges his arm and hits his opponent with a light Hook Punch!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry lifts Kubitschek on his shoulders horizontally slamming him to the ground performing a light Fireman Carry!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching “Elpadrino” TerryHenry off guard! Kubitschek grabs his opponent's head “Elpadrino” TerryHenry easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry draws back his arm rocking his body Kubitschek dodges the a Big Punch, taking the initiative Kubitschek taps on his opponent's shoulder, and knocks him down on the mat with a light Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!! Kubitschek jumps with ability from the turnbuckle striking “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with a strong Mad Splash!! Kubitschek springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on “Elpadrino” TerryHenry in the light Springboard Corkscrew Splash position.!! [Special Power Body activated for Cruscifer] Kubitschek pulls “Elpadrino” TerryHenry still groggy, by his hair Kubitschek grabs the opponent's neck “Elpadrino” TerryHenry eludes the adversary's a Neck Wrench gaining back the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grasps Kubitschek and slams him down to the ground performing an amazing light Rushing Armbar!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his ruthless submission hold Kubitschek escapes from the hold

“Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's hair “Elpadrino” TerryHenry and lunges himself on the ropes “Elpadrino” TerryHenry awaits his running opponent and spins in a circle to gain strength hitting Kubitschek with his extended arm, performing a strong Discus Clothesline!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a strong Cruceta Del Averno!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his weak submission hold “Elpadrino” TerryHenry keeps his weak submission hold “Elpadrino” TerryHenry releases his grasp “Elpadrino” TerryHenry retrieves a lead pipe from under the ring and hits Kubitschek forehead executing a powerful lead pipe shot!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry slips an arm under the neck of the laying opponent and grabs his other arm in a light Rear Naked Choke!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching “Elpadrino” TerryHenry off guard! Kubitschek gets his hand ready “Elpadrino” TerryHenry dodges the a Chop and gains the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry puts a hand on Therion's face and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's arm and swings him to the ground with an light Arm Drag!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry ve a su oponente tirado en lona y hace un movimiento extra o de verdad muy muy raro y executing devastating Bleach Destroyer!! The match cannot end with a pin fall “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's hair “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs one Kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well “Elpadrino” TerryHenry runs toward Therion and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry pulls a sledgehammer from under the ring and swings it laterally into Therions midsection executing a violent sledgehammer blow!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Therion's hair “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs one Kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs Kubitschek from behind hooking him by the arms sliding him across his back while falling performing a light Backslide Pin!! The match cannot end with a pin fall “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt “Elpadrino” TerryHenry Va De Una Cuerda A La Otra Y Asi Se La Pasa 6 Veces Hasta Que Por Fin Se Da Cuenta Que Debe Golpear A The Opponent Y executing A Bankai Kubitschek pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Kubitschek prevails

Kubitschek prepares his arm hitting him with a strong Punch!! Kubitschek dives into the opponent with a clothesline “Elpadrino” TerryHenry avoids the a 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry clutches his opponent's head under a shoulder taking him on his knees to connect a series of fistbuts, performing a light Head Lock & Punch!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching “Elpadrino” TerryHenry off guard! Kubitschek lifts “Elpadrino” TerryHenry on his shoulders with “Elpadrino” TerryHenry facing up He walks forward a few steps then lifts “Elpadrino” TerryHenry high into the air and slams them down on their face executing LEGENDARY Poetic Justice!! Kubitschek grabs his opponent by the neck to throw him by performing a light Uranage!! Kubitschek is about to perform his taunt “Elpadrino” TerryHenry capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Kubitschek is faster and is not caught off guard! Kubitschek hits “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with the back of his hand hitting “Elpadrino” TerryHenry across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Kubitschek prevails [Special Resistance activated for Cruscifer] Kubitschek raises a hand putting it on Cruscifer's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an light Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Kubitschek grabs Cruscifer's neck and makes him fall with a twist in a light Neckbreaker Cutter!!!! Kubitschek locks his opponent's leg by blocking it against his own shoulder then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!! Kubitschek keeps his weak submission hold “Elpadrino” TerryHenry reaches for a rope and grabs it!! Kubitschek releases his grasp Kubitschek is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek Stands In The Middle Of The Ring And Screams At The Top Of His Lungs executing The War Cry “Elpadrino” TerryHenry interrupts his opponent attacks sequence “Elpadrino” TerryHenry charges his open hand and slaps Kubitschek across the face, executing a light Slap!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry takes the adversary's head and and strikes him with unheard strength with a strong Hard Headbutt!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs his head, standing side-to-side and slightly behind with Therion slamming him on the mat flipping himself backwards, executing a violent Spanish Flip!!!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching “Elpadrino” TerryHenry off guard!

Kubitschek dives into “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with a clothesline knocking him down executing a strong 3 Point Stance Charge!! Kubitschek grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking Cruscifer's far leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Small Package!! The match cannot end with a pin fall Kubitschek grabs Cruscifer's hair Kubitschek grabs one “Elpadrino” TerryHenry 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Kubitschek grabs his opponent by the head with one arm making him fall performing an light Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! [Special Blocking activated for Cruscifer] Kubitschek charges the leg and hits “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with a kick executing an strong Angry Stomp!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry interrupts his opponent attacks sequence “Elpadrino” TerryHenry hugs his opponent's head Kubitschek easily avoids a a Knee on Head and gains the initiative Kubitschek points to “Elpadrino” TerryHenry with decision and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! Kubitschek takes the Cruscifer's arm “Elpadrino” TerryHenry avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry gets ready to hit Therion performing a light Low Kick!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a strong Snapmare!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry ve a su oponente tirado en lona y Kubitschek somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and jumps toward “Elpadrino” TerryHenry quickly lowering them, performing a devastating Double Axe Handle!! Kubitschek jumps on the turnbuckle “Elpadrino” TerryHenry moves out of the way just in time, dodging the a Skytwister Press and taking the initative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and dives toward Kubitschek hitting him with his head, performing a violent Diving Headbutt!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry ve a su oponente tirado en lona y Kubitschek somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Kubitschek grabs his opponent and lifts him to catapult him behind with a violent Uranage!! Kubitschek is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek Kubitschek Moves To A Corner And Begins Stomping His Feet Slowly At First But Then Picking Up Speed Thus executing The Kubitschek Stomp Kubitschek grabs Cruscifer's hair Kubitschek grabs one “Elpadrino” TerryHenry 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Kubitschek stretches in flight with his feet held togheter

hitting him with a powerful Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the ground!! Kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and throws himself toward “Elpadrino” TerryHenry hitting him with a powerful Double Axe Handle!! Kubitschek moves towards “Elpadrino” TerryHenry and jumps to hit him with a violent Elbow Drop!! “ELPADRINO” TERRYHENRY HAS A CUT!!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry interrupts his opponent attacks sequence “Elpadrino” TerryHenry open his arms ready to hit Therion and hits Kubitschek on the face with the palms of the hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! -En eso se ve a Vincent bajando por la rampaCruscifer lo detiene pero este lo empuja.. Cruscifer sin mas opción lo golpea pero terryhenry va al salve y aplica su Damage Chaotic!! Kubit nuevamente contra el!! kubitschek grabs his running opponent by the arm to make his face fall on the mat with an devastating Black Spiral!! kubitschek grabs a baseball bat and hits "Elpadrino" TerryHenry on his nose executing a devastating baseball bat shot!! -Ambos caen sobre la lona sin mas y Vincent sube con una sillaPublico: dale!! Mata a tu hermano!! Marco Perez: Terry no te levantes.. no quiero ver esto.. Loko95: si pero deja de tocarme… Kubit y Terry se empiesan a levantar.. Vincent mira a Terry y con un fuerte golpe.. le revienta la cabeza a Kubit!! KUBITSCHEK HAS A CUT!!! Vincent carga a Cruscifer… Publico: buuu!!!! Loko95: no otra vez!! Asi no ¡! Cruscifer se despierta pero se rehusa a contar… Vincent lo empuja y este lo trata de golpear pero Terry con la silla deja inconciente a Cruscifer!!

Marco Perez: ahora no hay arbitro!! Vincent le saca el polo de arbitro a Cruscifer y realia el conteo.. …1… …2… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! Kubit reacciona!!! En eso aparece He-Man!!! Pero es recibido por Takeshi!!! Volvio Takeshi!!! SuperVillano y Paulonovich llegan al ring para proteger que nadie entre… TerryHenry y Kubit siguen peleando!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry gets ready to hit Therion performing a light Low Kick!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a strong Snapmare!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry ve a su oponente tirado en lona y Kubitschek somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and jumps toward “Elpadrino” TerryHenry quickly lowering them, performing a devastating Double Axe Handle!! Kubitschek jumps on the turnbuckle “Elpadrino” TerryHenry moves out of the way just in time, dodging the a Skytwister Press and taking the initative “Elpadrino” TerryHenry gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and dives toward Kubitschek hitting him with his head, performing a violent Diving Headbutt!! “Elpadrino” TerryHenry ve a su oponente tirado en lona y Kubitschek somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Kubitschek grabs his opponent and lifts him to catapult him behind with a violent Uranage!! Kubitschek is about to perform his taunt Kubitschek Kubitschek Moves To A Corner And Begins Stomping His Feet Slowly At First But Then Picking Up Speed Thus executing The Kubitschek Stomp Kubitschek grabs Cruscifer's hair Kubitschek grabs one “Elpadrino” TerryHenry 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Kubitschek stretches in flight with his feet held togheter hitting him with a powerful Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the ground!! Kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and throws himself toward “Elpadrino” TerryHenry hitting him with a powerful Double Axe

Handle!! Kubitschek moves towards “Elpadrino” TerryHenry and jumps to hit him with a violent Elbow Drop!! Kubitschek cubre!! Vincent se mira y mira al publico… Publico: cubre cubre cubre cubre!! Loko95: cubre ya jefe HDP!! Marco Perez: no lo hagas es tu hermano!!! -un arbitro se ve corriendo pero SuperVillano lo golpeaVincent finalmente realiza la cuenta.. …1… …2… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Vincent se seca el sudor.. Terryhenry y Kubit nuevamente en pie.. ambos… Marco Perez: que gran pelea.. ninguno se da por vencido.. pro los del Genei al menos no interfieren Loko95: y que me dices de Vincent?? Kubitschek lifts the opponent on his shoulders and slams his column against his knee DEVASTING final death!! Terryhenry revierte y aplica su Damage Chaotic!!! Vincent hace el conteo!! …1… …2… Cruscifer hace el salve!!! Loko95: siii!! Gracias Cruscifer!!! Marco Perez: maldito que haces ahí!! Sal..sal sal!!!! Vincent mira a Cruscifer con una rabia incomparable… Terryhenry cansado se lenvata y bota a crucsifer..

TerryHenry lo levanta a Kubit para aplicar su Damage Chaotic!! pero ¡! Kubit revierte y aplica su Guilhotina !!!! Hace el pin!! …1… …2… NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Terryhenry se salva!! Publico: Kubitschek clap clap clap Kubitschek clap clap clap Kubitschek clap clap clap!! Loko95: saaaaaaabee Marco Perez: noo ese publico esta hablando incoherencies.. terry tu puedes!! Terryhenry y Kubit nuevamente de pie.. ambos corren contra la cuerda contraria.. kubit con un lazo al cuello pero terryHenry se agacha y hace un paquetito!!!! Loko95: Kubit ¡!! Maroc perez: Terry!! Publico: Kubitschek clap clap clap!!! Terry cubre!! …1… …2… …3… TERRYHENRY WINS THE MATCH AND STILL LWC WORLD HEAVIGHWEIGHT CHAMPION!! Marco Perez: eso es!!! Terry sigue siendo el campeon de la LWC.. y ahora con este nuevo integrante el genei es invencible.. que te parece Loko95!! Loko95: no puedo creerlo kubit estubo tan cerca… Marco Perez: bueno esto es todo amigos.. un saludo a todos y disculpenpor la demora.. Loko95: de que demora hablas? Marco Perez: cosas mias (xD) Loko95: bueno… aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatagana!!!

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