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SECURITY COUNCIL Topic: Somalian Crisis Calcutta Girls' High School USA Somalia is a country torn apart by civil war that is ongoing since 1991. Somalia has been in turmoil since the overthrowing of former president Siad Barre in 1991,when the country lost an effective central government.The transitional government of Somalia was created in 2004 . It has been a power struggle with Islamic militants since then.The conflict has caused destabilization and instability throughout the country,with the current phase of the conflict seeing the Somali government losing substancial control of the state to the rebel forces.Piracy off the Somali coast has been a threat to international shipping being situated at such a vital connecting route . The U.S. provided about $177 million in aid to Somalia. Officials say there are now plans to provide less than $10 million to help build the security forces, including the delivery of about 40 tons of arms. U.S. officials are planning to work with Djibouti to help train Somalia's rudimentary police and military.The U.S. considers al-Shabab a terrorist group with links to alQaida, which al-Shabab denies. The group controls much of Somalia and its fighters operate openly in the capital.The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on November 2008 that was proposed by Britain to introduce tougher sanctions against Somalia over the country's failure to Prevent a surge in sea piracy;the US circulated the draft resolution that called upon countries having naval capacities to deploy vessels and aircraft to actively fight against piracy in the region. My country beleives that we can only bring law and order by establising a central government which possesses total power over the nation,and it is the only way to save further harm to the innocent citizens.The country is shaken by violence and is inefficient in controlling itself so it is upon the countries to provide aid and save it from further demolition.We will support the government to build a stable democracy and bring in some decorem in the state..Somali being situated at such a crucial sea-route, the piracy must be stopped and conscious efforts should be taken for the cause. Don Bosco Liluah Somalia Somalia has yielded some of humanity’s oldest traces and is called ‘The Horn of Africa’. The “very dire" humanitarian crisis in Somalia is the worst in Africa for many years. is one of great concern for the global community. Years of fighting between rival warlords, famine and disease have led to the deaths of up to one million people. Somalia was created in 1960 since then its development has been slow as compared to other developing nations. The 9 million souls on this land have to struggle to have a morsel of food for themselves. The chronic crises in Somalia and sub-Saharan Africa in general have been caused by a succession of repressive regimes and their disastrous domestic policies. Flawed economic and political models have led to dismal growth in per capita income, falling rates of food production, periodic famines, systematic disregard of basic liberties, institutionalized corruption, and ongoing civil wars. Now is the time that the transition to free and prosperous societies will have to thrive in Africa. Famines have been occurring with depressing regularity in Africa in recent years, and African economies have been in dismal shape. We thank all the nations who supported us with the food aids and I hope they will continue to do so. Somalia values its sovereignty and respects the sovereignty of other nations. Although droughts have played havoc with agricultural production, the food supply has been far more threatened by never-ending armed conflicts .The government has been constantly been striving and never giving up in its attempt to restore peace. It is true that external factors, including the colonial legacy, the Cold War, and other foreign meddling in African affairs, have played a role in creating the region's problems.

Somalia has had strained relations with its neighbours in the past. The policy of territorial expansion of its neighbours had been a cause of concern also leading to frequent wars and tension with the loss of life and drain on economy. The punt land dispute over the territories of Sool, Cyan and Sanaag has caused a lot of tension in the local environment. The situation became worse in 2006 when Union of Islamic Courts and the AIAI merged to form the Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC). .Both these organizations are against the policies of the Transitional federal government of Somalia.The Islamic Courts Union (ICU) (Somali: Midowga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga, Arabic: Ittihād almahākim al-islāmiyya) was a group of Sharia Courts who united themselves to form a rival administration to the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia, with Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as head of the ICU. They are also known as the Joint Islamic Courts, Union of Islamic Courts (UIC), Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC)[ or the Supreme Council of Islamic Courts (SCIC)[2]. Western media often refer to the group as the Somali Islamists. Al-Itihaad al-Islamiya or AIAI (Arabic: Islamic Union) is a defunct Islamist militant group in Somalia with alleged ties to al-Qaeda. January 2009, Ethiopian troops withdrew from Somalia following a two year insurgency which led to loss of territory and effectiveness of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) and a power sharing deal between Islamists splinter group led by Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed's Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia Djibouti faction (ARS-D) and TFG Prime Minister Nur Hassan in Djibouti. Piracy in and around Somali waters has also been a subject of International discussion. Precise data on the current economic situation in Somalia is scarce but with an estimated per capita GDP of $600 per year, it remains one of the world's poorest countries.[16] Millions of Somalis depend on food aid and in 2008, according to the World Bank, as much as 73% of the population lived on a daily income below $2 which has made conditions ripe for piracy . They have money; they have power and they are getting stronger by the day. There are four main groups operating off the Somali coast : National Volunteer Coast Guard" (NVCG), The "Marka group", Puntland Group", The "Somali Marines". The pirates are well armed; their weapons are predominantly AKM assault rifles, RPG-7 rocket launchers and semi-automatic pistols such as the TT-30. Somalia wants that the pirates should not have any safe heavens. The pirates do not represent any religion or cause. Additionally, given the particular origin of their weaponry, they are likely to have hand grenades such as the RGD-5 or F1. Foreign wastes are dumped in Somali waters which have had an adverse effect on the fisheries and the biological environment of Somalia which has also forced some of the fisherman to become pirates. Somalia promises to encourage and seek cooperation with the world community in any steps it takes to curb the piracy going on in the gulf of aden and the nearby regions. Somalia would like to achieve the following goals: ¨Coperation among the African nations to combat common problems social or cultural. ¨Somalia would appreciate assistance without interference. ¨Expansion in industrial growth based on local resources through periodic foreign aids. ¨A unified approach to curb the growth of anti governmental organisations in Somalia. ¨To establish political stability in Somalia. Somalia has complete faith in the functioning of the UNO and therefore it hopes that just as UNO has shown its concern on this subject in the past It will also take suitable steps to combat the adverse keeping in view the current state of affairs in Somalia and the wellfare of the people of Somalia and the World in general.

Don Bosco Park Circus Germany The crisis in Somalia is a blot on the human aspirationsof the 21st century.Long years of civil and sectarian strife have robbed this land of the wealth it once possessed .The failure of the UN to establish a secure state in Somalia must be viewed as a failure of the world as a whole. The rise of sectarian ,religious and otherwise decisive forces all stem from the fact that economic security is in short supply in the country.The rise of absolutist agendas is thus a natural result-the attendant issue of piracy and territorial infighting all stem from this. This situation cannot be alleviated without extensive international support and cooperation in the region. The country of Canada had,at the time of writing ,maintained a largely neutral stance on the issue.Out of natural humanitarian concern over the deterioration of the situation in the region and the repeated failure of the Somalian goernment in resolving the issue,we would like to propose that the UN resolve to take firm measures to end the crisis and hereby establish a unified country. DPS Newtown Republic of China Despite the difficulties encountered in integrating the north and the south, the most important political issue in postindependence Somali politics was the unification of all areas populated by Somalis into one country--a concept identified as pan-Somalism, or Greater Somalia. Politicians assumed that this issue dominated popular opinion and that any government would fall if it did not demonstrate a militant attitude towards neighboring countries occupying Somali territory. Somalia refused to acknowledge in particular the validity of the Anglo-Ethiopian Treaty of 1954, recognizing Ethiopia's claim to the Haud or, in general, the relevance of treaties defining Somali-Ethiopian borders. Somalia's position was based on three points: first, that the treaties disregarded agreements made with the clans that had put them under British protection; second, that the Somalis were not consulted on the terms of the treaties and in fact had not been informed of their existence; and third, that such treaties violated the self-determination principle. Ethiopia, Kenya and China concluded a mutual defence pact in 1964 in response to what both countries perceived as a continuing threat from Somalia. This pact was renewed in 1980 and again on August 28, 1987, calling for the coordination of the armed forces of both states in the event of an attack by Somalia. Most OAU members were alienated by Somali irredentism and feared that if Somalia were successful in detaching the Somali-populated portions of Kenya and Ethiopia, the example might inspire their own restive minorities divided by frontiers imposed during the colonial period. In addition, in making its claims, the Somalis had challenged two of Africa's leading elder statesmen, President Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya and Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia. Australia, Bahrain, Britain, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, Japan, Jordan, the Netherlands, Pakistan, Portugal, Russia, the Seychelles, Spain, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the U.S. and Yemen have all contributed to the effort to safeguard international sea trade. Currently that involves 25 warships, scores of surveillance planes and tens of thousands of sailors. China has also actively taken part as an UN security council member since 2003 regarding the somalian conflict. DPS Ruby Park Ethiopia Somalia is the only country in the world without a functioning government. Fighting between Islamic militias and the remnants of a U.N.-backed national government threatens to leave half

a million people stranded and engulf much of the horn of Africa in war. The chronic crises in Somalia and sub-Saharan Africa in general have been caused by a succession of repressive regimes and their disastrous domestic policies. Flawed economic and political models have led to dismal growth in per capita income, falling rates of food production, periodic famines, systematic disregard of basic liberties, institutionalized corruption, and ongoing civil wars. Ethiopia as a neighbour of Somalia has good interests of it at heart and would never like its neighbour to be in a crisis like it is now in. Ethiopia is involved in Somalia and has troops there, in large part because it views the rise of the Courts as a very dangerous security threat on a number of levels. One is the prospect of having a radical Islamist movement controlling Somalia. Ethiopia is country which splits roughly 50-50 between Muslims and Christians and doesn’t want a radical Islamist movement on its borders. More immediately, the Courts have made claims to Somali-inhabited territory in eastern Ethiopia and northern Kenya. This is unacceptable to Ethiopia. As long as the Courts are making these claims, Ethiopia will view their ascendance to power as a security threat. Piracy off the Somali coast has been a threat to international shipping since the beginning of Somalia's civil war in the early 1990s. Since 2005, many international organizations, including the International Maritime Organization and the World Food Programme, have expressed concern over the rise in acts of piracy.[2] Piracy has contributed to an increase in shipping costs and impeded the delivery of food aid shipments. Ethiopia is greatly concerned about this issue also and suggests some resolutions to improve the situation and reduce the threat. Regarding the Somaliland-Puntland dispute, the stand of Ethiopia is neutral. Ethiopia has good economic relations with Somaliland and receives a considerable number of sea imports via the port of Berbera, north of Hargeysa. At the same time, Ethiopia has backed Puntland militarily against the advancing UIC militias in mid 2006, and continues to underpin Cabdullahi Yusuf’s fight for power in Mogadishu. In this sense, the conflict between Somaliland and Puntland is a conflict between two ‘client states’ of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is not interested in taking sides here because it does not want any more dispute and bloodshed over this problem and hopes that peace will be established between them. SUGGESTED RESOLUTIONS In the end, we as the delegates of Ethiopia would like to suggest some possible resolutions to solve the crisis, establish peace in its neighbouring country Somalia and improve its foreign relations: Ethiopia feels that the Somalian crisis can only be ended by establishing a proper stabilised government there, which brings a stop to all the wars which Somalia is involved at present, by proper mutual understanding. Only then it can work towards bringing peace and stability inside the country by the joint effort of its own, its neighbours and the U.N. The fight against piracy must involve efforts on land and not only on seas. The pirates do not always live in the seas and come ashore to keep their loots. Their tracks have to traced by a combined effort of all the countries of world and only then a point of eradicating piracy can be taken up. Ethiopia is always ready to help its neighbour to the best of its ability. It considers that to improve the present crisis in Somalia U.N. peacekeepers and other social organisations should be sent to the country, at least to provide basic necessities to the people like food, shelter etc., as almost the whole country is in complete chaos at present. La Martiniere for Girls Russian Federation History The Republic of Somalia is a country located in the Horn of Aden, in Africa, and is bordered by Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, the Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. The region first broke down when the government headed by political leader Siad Barre was overthrown 1991 following serious factional fighting, leading to violence and anarchy, although the country had started to

disintegrate from the time British Somaliland was merged with Italian Somaliland. The instability has continued since then. After the government collapsed, religious institutions took over, and the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) came to power in 2005, and an Islamist takeover has been threatening the country since then. Several refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) have also been affected by the border dispute with Ethiopia. Today, the internal conflict in the country is mainly between the ICU and the United Nations, Ethiopia -backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG), who is the governing body of the Republic; and the territorial disputes between the self-proclaimed autonomous regions of Somaliland and Puntland. The situation in the country has also given rise to piracy in the Gulf of Aden, which not only threatens international peace and commercial ships, but also prevents humanitarian aid from reaching the region. Russian Involvement The Russian Federation supports efforts of the Transitional Federal Government of the Republic of Somalia to restore law and order, achieve national compromise and provide for the State’s sovereignty in Somalia. We continue to provide assistance in support of the Somali peace process, as we believe that progress and peace will help resolve most aspects of the conflict, including piracy. Russia believes that all the parties involved in the conflict should take the initiative to hold a national conference and is willing to provide all its support with regard to this matter. Meanwhile, the Russian Federation supports the United Nations efforts to plan, mandate and manage further peace-keeping operations in the region, and commends the African Union for developing peace and security, and will continue to provide full support to it. Russia supports the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) and looks to strengthen it and encourages full deployment of troops. Russia was a co-founder of the Contact Group on Piracy Off the Coast of Somalia, and believes that due to the devastating effects of piracy, both internationally and to the country, piracy is an issue which should be tackled by the international community. While reinforcing the success of international counter-piracy patrolling missions, we still maintain that the solution to piracy is through the strengthening of maritime law, promotion of maritime security and shipping and reduction of poverty, ongoing conflicts and regional instability. Possible Solutions The Russian Federation believes that increased support – technical, military and economical – will help ensure a degree of peace and stability in the country, which will improve poverty, health conditions, and further progress. Russia also believes that humanitarian crises should be looked into; border and maritime security, strengthening of state authority in Somalia, development of legal frameworks, port security improvements, and trafficking in drugs, arms & persons should be addressed by the international community. The Russian Federation believes in increasing efforts for a better and more secure Somalia, and look to prevent any further unrest in the already troubled country; and calls on all other nations to do the same. Lakshmipat Singhania Academy United Kingdom Somalia has been the archetypal failed state since 1991, and over the last few years the situation has deteriorated into one of the worst humanitarian and security crises the world has ever witnessed. Despite the Ethiopian military intervention, successive transitional governments have remained on the brink of collapse, being overtaken by an Islamist insurgency that has left the country in a perpetual state of insecurity. Some imminent facets of the Somalian crisis include Piracy off the Somali coast, the Ogaden War, the 1982 Ethiopian-Somali Border War, and the Somali Civil War.

British Somaliland was proclaimed a British protectorate (i.e. an autonomous territory diplomatically or militarily protected against third parties by a stronger state) in 1887, and was bordered by French Somaliland, Ethiopia, and Italian Somaliland. Italy briefly occupied British Somaliland from 1940 to 1941, but British re-occupied it in 1941. In 1950, the neighbouring Italian Somaliland became an UN trust territory under Italian control and in 1956, it was renamed Somalia and granted internal autonomy. In 1960, the British and Italian parts of Somalia merged and became the independent United Republic of Somalia. It adapted the policy of non-alignment, and received major economic assistance from the US, Italy, Germany, Soviet Union and China. In 1963, Somalia severed diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom till 1968, since UK supported Kenya’s opposition to self-determination by Somali inhabitants of its Northern Frontier District. In 1991, the former British protectorate of Somaliland declared unilateral independence, following the fall of the Siad Barre regime. Since then, there has been no formal diplomatic links between the UK and Somalia. Somalia’s political stability and internal security can only be restored by urging the leaders of the international community to reach out to the insurgent groups. A strong UN backed naval and military force is required to negotiate and work out a comprehensive ceasefire. Also, a political process needs to be developed based on diplomacy and international co-operation to restore the legitimacy of the government of Somalia.

Loreto Day School, Dharamtala India Somalia is the archetypical failed state. Somalia has not had a functioning government since 1991 and has been plagued by waves of violence between the rival warlords. The United Nations and the United States of America have made efforts to resolve the problem. There is a conflict between the rival Islamic Courts Union and the more extremist Al Shabbab that has links with Al Qaeda. Somalia’s strategic position in the Horn of Africa has made it a prime spot for pirates to prey on busy shipping lines. Somalia’s chaos has damaged agriculture and it faces a widespread food shortage. India is playing an active role to combat piracy in the Somali waters. Piracy off the coast of Somalia is a major threat to the international shipping industry since the 1990s. India along with several other countries is patrolling the Gulf of Aden, one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes which connects the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean. India has made an informal agreement with the Somalian Government to take the battle right to the pirate hideouts in the high seas of Somalia. The near daily piracy crisis in the Gulf of Aden continues. After encountering suspicious vessels that turned out to be Somali pirates, an Indian warship sank the pirates’ “mother ship”. Due to this the Somali bandits terrorizing the busy routes around the Horn of Africa suffered a rare setback. Thus India has helped tackle piracy in the Somali waters to a certain extent. India and Somalia have enjoyed an excellent political and economic relationship until the collapse of the previous regime in 1991. The Indo-Somali bilateral relations aim at solving the humanitarian crisis in Somalia. At the Asian-African Summit on April 23, 2005, the Somalian Foreign Minister sought India’s help in diverse areas including reconstruction, education, fisheries and the energy sector. Loreto House Ukraine


Today we confront some of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. Somalia has been drifting towards a new war since the TFG was formed in late 2004 but the trend has recently accelerated dramatically. The stand off between the TFG and Ethiopian ally on one hand and the ICU which control Mogadishu on the other threatens to escalate into a wider conflict that would consume much of the south, destabilize peaceful territories (Somaliland and Punt land) and possibly involve terrorist attacks in neighboring countries unless urgent efforts are made by both sides and the international community to put together a government of national unity. SOLUTION The TFG should agree to resume dialogue with the ICU immediately without any pre-condition and should indulge in bilateral talks. ETHIOPIAN SOMALIA CONFLICT The Ethiopian Somalia conflict and tension has a background in territorial and political disputes. Animosity between Ethiopia and Somali’s dates back a few centuries with wars and conflicts. In recent years, tensions caused two wars ( The Ogaden war 1977-1978 and the Ethiopian border war 1982). SOLUTION As delegates of Ukraine we would like to introduce confidence building measures for the betterment of the Ethiopians as well as they Somalians. They could also engage in bilateral talks, which have been a success in the past, and will hopefully be successful in the future. SOMALIA PUNT LAND CONFLICT The Punt land-Somali land dispute is a territorial dispute over the Somali regions of SSC (sool, sanaag and cayn) between the 2 autonomous Somaliland and Puntland. The delegates of Ukraine would like both states to agree uncondintionally on withdrawing their forces from the disputed regions of sool, sanaag and cayn, should resolve not to engage in any military activity for a certain time period as sanctioned by the international community. SOLUTIONS Ukraine feels that there is an urgent need for both Somaliland as well as Punt land to engage in a system of collective security and understand that threat or use of force as a means of solving inter-state problems cannot be used. As delegates of Ukraine we would like Punt land and Somaliland to form a committee which will be engaged in a decisive conflict resolution. SOMALIAN PIRACY Ukraine condemns the aggressive acts of the pirates. In the light of recent events (2007) including the hijacking of our Ukrainian ship MV Faina; the delegates of Ukraine are of the opinion that the international community will have to take a firm stand against the pirates. The piracy problem is an offshoot of the Somalian crisis due to the absence of a strong government since 1991.There have been increasing acts of illegal fishing as well as dumping of toxic wastes. SOLUTION The delegates of Ukraine are of the opinion that—“Illegal fishing has to be stopped”, toxic waste dumping should be banned, the European companies responsible for these acts should be punished and the waters should be made clean.”

Pratt Memorial School (1) Uganda Somalia, the bordering country of the Horn of Africa is facing an acute crisis which stems in the country from 1991 ever since the country’s long time leader, Siad Barre of the Darod clan was removed which led to anarchy and violence in Somalia. Though several attempts have been made to bring the situation under control including the formation of an interim government, the Transitional Federal Government led by President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime Minister Ali Mohammed Geedi in Arta in August 2000.Several factions have had risen which opposed this government. The Union of Islamic Courts expressed its opposition against this government and heavy violence broke in 2006 between UIC and TFG. UIC seized control over many parts of Somalia including Mogadishu. The UN Security Council authorized six months AU peacekeeping mission (AMISOM) in February 2004.Uganda expressed her support and pledged deployment of troops financial support to EU, US and UK to fight the extreme situations of violence in Somalia. Ugandan Troops were deployed in Mogadishu continuously as a part of AMISOM amid the violence even though Sheikh Aweys of UIC, the considered enemies of AU launched attacks on Uganda. Uganda even is trying to resolve matters regarding the Ethiopia-Somalia Border dispute, Piracy problems near Gulf of Aden and the region around the Gulf, Puntland and Somaliland disputes by providing financial support to the TFG and deploying troops in Somalia. On July 09,2009 Member of Parliament of Somalia Prof.Gedi welcomed any nation that will provide any sort of aid in order to protect the Somalian Government and people from an expected Humanitarian crisis. Ugandan Government expressed its support towards Somalian Government in this meeting. Therefore, Uganda is trying her best to protect the state of Somalia and helping the state to recover its political and economic condition. Pratt Memorial School (2) France Sohini Bose, Security Council, PMS, the delegate of France puts her stand on the Somalian crisis against it and supports the Ethiopian government from all points of view. There are various disputes in the land of Somalia. First and foremost there is a border conflict over the Ogaden region. In spite of Ethiopia being granted the Ogaden region legally Somalia attacked Ethiopia for want of the Ogaden region in GREED of a greater Somalia. Such violent attack was not required for when a resolution could have ended the dispute. The world can surely deal without another atrocious policy of LEBANSRAUM. It looks as if Somalia is walking on the footprints of HITLER. Apart from the Somalia Ethiopian crisis Somalia is also subjugated to the crime of piracy in the Somalian waters. Piracy off the Somali coast has been a threat to international shipping since the beginning of Somalia's civil war in the early 1990s. Since 2005, many international organizations, including the International Maritime Organization and the World Food Program, have expressed concern over the rise in acts of piracy. Piracy has contributed to an increase in shipping costs and impeded the delivery of food aid shipments. Ninety percent of the World Food Program's shipments arrive by sea, and ships have required a military escort. The coastal waters off Somalia, which has not had an effective central government for more than 17 years and is plagued by insecurity, are considered to be among the most dangerous waterways for shipping in the world. Last year more than 25 ships were seized by pirates in Somali coastal waters despite US navy patrols. The International Maritime Bureau advises merchant ships to stay at least 200 nautical miles from the Somali coast. The

seizure came two days after a Paris court charged six Somalis with taking the crew of a French luxury yacht hostage earlier this month. The six were captured by French Special Forces, along with 200,000 dollars (125,000 euros) of suspected ransom money, after they released the 30-strong crew of the yacht on April 11. They had held the group hostage for a week.Following the outbreak of the 2006 Somali War on December 21, 2006, by December 24, direct Ethiopian intervention in the conflict in support of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) was no longer denied by the Ethiopian Government. The Eritrean government denied any involvement despite Ethiopian claims to the contrary. A number of regional and international expressions and efforts, such as by the UN and EU, have attempted to stem the tide of war. Other efforts, such as by the ICRC, seek to alleviate the humanitarian suffering and ameliorate the crisis caused by the conflict. Thus the Somalian government should first stabilize its own government and people before inflicting attack on the territory of another country. The Puntland–Somaliland dispute is a territorial dispute over the Somali regions of Sool, Cayn and Sanaag between the two autonomous Somaliland and Puntland macro regions of Somalia. The dispute escalated into armed clashes on October 15, 2007The dispute between Somaliland and Puntland stems from 1998, when Puntland formed and declared the region as part of its territory. Prior to that, it had been claimed by Somaliland since the 1991 events of the Somali Civil War. Somaliland claimed the territory as part of the original bounds of British Somaliland. Fighting between the two forces led to casualties and captured prisoners, who were later exchanged. As a related contention, in 2005 Puntland tried to sell off mineral rights to foreign investors, including the disputed territories of Sool and Sana. the French government takes a diplomatic stand over this issue and claims that the dispute should be resolved by the means of a peace treaty. As a member of the UN Security Council the France delegate would like to take a partial diplomatic stand over the issue of the Somalian crisis in order to restore world peace by means of a peaceful conference and not violent warfare. St James School (1) Kenya As the representative of Kenya, we have a strong viewpoint on this issue. We believe that Somalia has done practically nothing to alleviate the miseries of thousands of Somalis or people from neighbouring countries like Ethiopia. It has made no effort to solve the crises related to piracy, or the civil war, or the Puntland issue or the problems with Ethiopia. In the Ethiopia issue, we find that Somalia has been unhappy from the time when the land of Ogaden was awarded to the Ethiopians in 1948.they have made quite a few attempts to reunite Ogaden with Somalia in order to reunite the Somali people living in Ogaden. This has obviously led to dispute with Ethiopia, as it would with any other country, when an invasion occurs out of the blue for something that has been rightfully awarded to oneself. Thus Somalia has only made matters worse and is itself to blame for this. Puntland is a province, which considers itself to be autonomous within Somalia. In 1969, after the coup in which the Somali government was toppled, Somalia invaded Ethiopia, but unsuccessfully. The Soviet Union withdrew their support from Somalia and extended a helping hand to Ethiopia. Years of violence and chaos followed as Somalia continued to be bereft of a stable government. Then, we find that Somaliland, a province in Somalia, declared itself autonomous, and all hell broke loose. Puntland , unlike Somaliland, does not seek complete independence from Somalia. Indeed, Somalia’s weak leadership since the time of Siad Barre, has led to this issue being treated very stupidly, with the very sensitive issue being escalated to a situation where one cannot expect any solutions in the near future.

The Somalian civil war is another issue where the Somalia government has failed to act sensibly. The top order of Somalia has completely failed to produce the goods with the Islamic Courts Union walking into Mogadishu and wresting its control away from the ARCPT. It is an issue where Kenya feels that Somalia has failed to prove itself worthy of negotiation and maintaining its internal security. It is an issue which has worried the world regarding how long this country will continue to exist, in view of the self consuming attacks that it is already having to deal with. The other issue is the piracy that is so rampant on the Somalian coastline. Somalia already boasts of a strategic location with regards to the African coastline- it is also known as the Horn of Africa. The Somali pirates are mostly obstructing ships coming to the Kenyan port of Mombasa, which, as delegates of Kenya, we can say that it is causing a lot of problems to the trade and commerce of Kenya. Of course, all countries of the world have united to eradicate this problem, and the support of countries like the USA has to be lauded in this respect. But, we cannot ignore the fact that without the support of Somalia, nothing can be done to eradicate piracy, as these pirates are functioning freely without any restrictions, with all the latest technologies available to them at the drop if a hat. They have been seen using laptops and satellite phones, akin to any sub-continental terrorist group, and these pirates are a huge problem with respect to international relations of Somalia and the other countries of the world. Kenya, believes that the solutions to these problems lies in the leadership of Somalia, which has not had a stable government for the past four decades, since the days of the Soviet invasion. Issues such as Puntland and Somaliland are ones, which the Somali government itself has to deal with very strongly. Even with piracy, we find that the world has already extended a lot of support to Somalia, but if the government does not co-operate, nothing is possible. Somalia is a country torn by internal strife, and international relations at this time, with countries like Ethiopia, are strained. Kenya is looking to extend all possible support to Somalia, and is willing to help in the creation of a strong government in Somalia. We hope that we will be able to contribute in the development of Somalia and Kenya also looks forward to a better Africa and a better Somalia. St James School (2) Holland Somalia’s descent into chaos and lawlessness did not occur overnight . The Societal breakdown and the famine that accompanied it were results of the political and economic problems common to most sub Saharan African countries.Somalia needs a new global deal on human rights – not paper promises but commitment and concrete actions from the government is required. The Somalian crisis encompasses four sub crisis – The Ethiopia- Somalia Border conflict- This conflict started in the 16th century when Ahmad Ibn Ibrihim Al – Ghazi who was the islamist leader of adal carried on its jihad against the Ethiopians.the main problem here is that in 1948 Ogaden was legally granted to Ethiopia but this decision was resented by the Somalians as they wanted Ogaden to be a part of Somalia.Another thing which is of grave concern is that the ICU (Islamic Courts Union added another side to the war as they stormed in Mogadishu After which the Ethiopians collided with the weak interim government of Somalia in order to overthrow ICU. SOLUTIONS WE CAN PROVIDE: In 1948 Ogaden was legally granted to Ethiopia. Thus what is to be noticed here is that Somalia’s attempts to capture ogaden is totally baseless and our aims over here should be to stop the Somalian refugees from even entering Ogaden and creating unnecessary issues

especially wars. For this Holland is ready to send its troops for greater patrolling of the border to reduce cross border transference which will prevent Somalian refugees from entering the Ethiopian lands. Moreover this is a long drawn affair and cannot come to an end instantly so humanitarian relief should be provided to the common masses affected due to these wars and since the ICU is creating a lot of problems by adding another side to the war , the commn people should be encouraged not to follow the Sharia laws introduced by the ICU and launch a non violent mass struggle against the ICU to weaken and threaten their perspectives. The Puntland – Somaliland dispute- this dispute is a territorial dispute over the SSC( Sool , Sanaag , and Cyan ) regions of Somalia between two autonomous macro regions of Somalia namely PUNTLAND and SOMALILAND. SOLUTIONS WE CAN PROVIDE: Puntland and Somaliland can have their own local self government but this government shall not be recognized outside Somalia. In other words these local self governments shall work under the somalian government keeping them under the countries administration as Puntland is not a recognized state they have no right to sell trade rights to foreign investors as of now.The already sold rights must be taken as invalid and if necessary the investors shall be given back their money. As far as SSC is concerned they will be taken as provinces of Somalia as a whole. If they want to be govrnd by any of the other two provinces an election can take place as to which local self government they want to be under. Puntland and Somaliland should not have much say in these matters it is basically the Somali govt duty. Civil War in Somalia: The Somali Civil war is an ongoing war that started in 1991. This war was given a new dimension when the ICU conquered Mogadishu from the Alliance for the restoration of peace and counter terrorism ( ARPCT). This conflict has caused destabilisation and instability throughout the country .Against them are posed the transitional federal government , the breakaway region of Puntland, plus other individual warlords and tribes.Since the Common masses massively affected, steps must be taken to stop it . SOLUTIONS WE CAN PROVIDE: The UNSC is requested to send peace keeping forces against the ICU as their presence is only increasing poverty in the region they have power Taking into consideration that an African man cannot give up his gun as it is a very important part of his livelihood,the UN must think of ways to unite the tribes first. Especially after the arms embargo has failed repeatedly. Uniting the tribes under one enemy shall help in solving the problem Barring these steps medical aid and food must be sent to the affected areas and the UN must take steps against the western nations who are taking advantage of this crisis. All foreign investment must be stopped for some time now Piracy in the Somali WatersPiracy in the Somali waters is a very important global concern and reslolving this crisis can resolve the problems of various countries. Warships , food aid shipments , cargo ships are all being hijacked in and around the Somali waters , eventhough it started in the gulf of aden but is now spreading in the nearby water bodies also. Piracy is making one of the poorest countries of the world even poorer as its interfering in trade. Moreover help from different nations cannot be availed . SOLUTIONS WE CAN PROVIDE: Holland is actively involved in solving this crisis. It has set up tribunal courts along with Russia in order to punish the pirates involved in this heinous crime.

Since most of the pirates are fishermen and are carrying out piracy as their livelihood is threatened by the foreign ships illegally fishing in the Somalian waters. To Solve this Fishing rights should be strictly banned for any foreign ships and stringent actions must be taken if illegal fishing is going on. The pirates themselves don’t like to be engaged in such activities , they do it only if they have certain necessities and problems as they know the amount of risk involved in piracy and since the conditions in Somalia is not good people also involve themselves in piracy thinking that they might earn a livelihood by getting ransoms from the hijacked ships. In order to solve this the money collected by the Somalian Government for relief must be used to open new employment centres so that the pirates can be given jobs according to their capabilities . As this will improve their standard of living which will prevent them from involving themselves in activities like piracy. Hollland is ready to provide financial assistance for this. If these Humanitarian measures are unable to solve this crisis then sturdy action should be taken against the pirates by using aerial viewing to locate the hideout places of the pirates.

The Heritage School The Republic of Burundi The Republic of Burundi is deeply concerned about the continuously deteriorating security situation in Somalia as a whole and especially in its capital Mogadishu. We strongly condemn the atrocities committed by the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) against Ethiopian and Somali forces and call on all parties to immediately cease hostilities and enter in a political process to promote stability and national reconciliation. Meanwhile the Republic of Burundi urges all parties and combatants to respect the rules of discrimination in order to protect the civilian population. The Republic of Burundi emphasizes the need for a new Security Council Resolution, which provides the peacekeeping forces with a strong mandate to protect its members, its affiliates and the civilian population. We are also convinced that the long-term goal of any AU or UN deployment in Somalia has to be the disarmament of the militias and the warlords. In this respect the Republic of Burundi calls on the United Nation to step up its efforts in establishing a U.N. mission to Somalia and underlines that thoroughly-prepared Demobilization, Disarmament and Reintegration (DDR) process has to be part of any such mission. We regard this as an absolutely crucial requirement for lasting peace and development. If these conditions are met by the Security Council, AU member states could be far more easily convinced to provide troops for the operation. The Republic of Burundi respects the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia. In our point of view it is absolutely essential for the future political stability of Somalia that the transitional federal government (TFG) builds a broader base of support that includes the voices of a wider range of Somalis. All important fractions of civil society (including moderate Islamists) need to be brought into the government. The Republic of Burundi expresses its strong support for the efforts of the African Union (AU), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS). The Republic of Burundi calls on all member states of the United Nations to respect Somalia’s national sovereignty. Welland Gouldsmith School Brazil The ongoing crisis in Somalia is becoming a global issue.Many problems are simultaneously going on in Somalia resulting in a crisis. Somalia is one of the poorest countries in the world

with the capital of Mogadiscio.Therefore ,it is not able to handle the situation due to monetary and other hindrances. From the very past relationship between Somalia an Ethiopia have not been very congenial regarding border disputes over Ogaden region . The Puntland –Somaliland dispute is a territorial dispute over the somali regions of Sool,Cayn and Sanaag between the two autonomous states of Somaliland and Puntland.also,a civil war is going on in Somalia in which the Islamic Court Union had risen against the government. These disputes possess many threats for the international community as many times it had escalated to clashes and casualties. The piracy crisis off the coast of Somalia is another example of the breakdown of the will of nations to act decisively in an era of political correctness and pursuit of ‘’human rights’’ even in the face of a serious security breakdown affecting billions of dollars in international trade. It is obvios that the Somali pirate kingdom ,centered on the lawless port city of Eyl,cannot be approached via the wringing of hands ,thought conclusions about ''complexity'' of international law and UN committees issuing toothless resolutions. Thus, keeping the situation in mind, Brazil is ready to provide monetary as well as humanitarian aid to Somalia ,so as to overcome this crisis at the earliest possible time . Also, Brazil would request all the nations , to cooperate and assist the Somalia government to fight the rebels and pirates an bring about stability and peace in Somalia Brazil would also request all the member states to form an international committee under the aegies of UN consisting of experts from all nations to assist the Somalian government to resolve the crisis and come to a conclusion.Also,Brazil is ready to aid the TNG with food for soldiers. raising funds and other sorts of help as may be required. Frank Anthony Public School (Not submitted) Our Lady Queen of the Missions (Not submitted)

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