Section 3.02 Microsoft Notes

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 785
  • Pages: 4
Section 3.02 Microsoft Word Class Notes 1. Design Principles- rules for creating effective publications. What makes a publication stand out, elicit emotion, and produce a reaction? 2. Alignment- the arrangement of text and objects on a page. Arrange text in a logical flow (left to right) to enhance readability. 3. Use a consistent alignment for text throughout- left or right justified or centered. Titles centered and text left justified. 4. Color Scheme- maintain a consistent color scheme throughout a publication that is appropriate for the intended mood and behavior response from the audience. 5. Energizing and emotional colors are used to excite and promote action a. Sensual and mysterious b. Blue – inspirational c. Green- youthful, fresh d. Orange- adventurous and open e. Purple- Creative f.

Red- fast, intense, passionate

g. Yellow- idealism

6. Calming and spiritual colors are used to reduce the level of excitement and promote subdued, serous , or passive behaviors and emotions. a. Blue- healing b. Green- renewal c. Pink- non-violence, passive behavior d. Purple- reflection e. White- innocence

7. Symbolic colors re used to evoke culture-specific responses. a. Black- affluence, formality, evil (bad guys always wear black)

b. Blue- integrity(“True Blue”) c. Green- honesty and sincerity d. Pink- think about breast cancer awareness e. Red- power f.

Red, white, and blue- pride, solidarity

8. Font scheme- selects a uniform style, size, and effect for all headings and another for the body. a. Use a serif font for headings and a sans serif for the body or visa versa to make a distinction between them b. The use of all capital letters decreases readability. c. Use a font that is appropriate for the message of the publication. 9. A comic sans font is more appropriate for a birthday party publication the one on rules of conduct. 10. Graphics- use a consistent format throughout the publication. Use either all cartoonlike images or all high quality photo images, etc. graphics include clip art and photographic images. 11. Contrast- where is the reader’s attention focused first? Emphasize the most important objects of the publication with color and size. 12. A distinct contrast of appearance should separate the headings from the body. 13. Is the text color sufficiently lighter or darker than the background color so that it is easy to read and stands out? 14. Proximity/unity- Are the objects grouped appropriately? Graphics should be placed in close proximity to the text they support. 15. White Space- the negative or blank space in a publication should be uniform Consistent and uniform margins help organize the information 16. The Target Audience- Knowledge of the target audience is critical to effective communication through publications. The indentifying characteristics of the target audience provide the “hooks” for grabber their attention by appealing to their age, ability, special interests, and group membership. a. What is the general age of the target audience? b. What is the general educational background of the target audience? c. Does the audience share common interests

d. Does the audience share similar group memberships

17. Business card- A business card is a publication that contains contact information a. Distributed and used to help recipients remember you b. Readability and professional appearance important c. Usually printed on card stock 1) Typically used to convey information that is temporary 2) Advertises a single event 3) Usually contains such info as the name, date, time, and location 18. Letterhead stationery- implies the use of a heading at the top or at the bottom of a letter a. Used by businesses to communicate a message and relay contact information b. Letterhead stationery adds a sense of professionalism c. Usually includes the name and logo of the company d. The color scheme and graphics should be consistent 19. Flyer- used to advertise a one-time upcoming event a. A one-page document used by a business or individual b. Distributed by posting on bulletin boards or handed out 1) Typically used to convey information that is temporary 2) Advertises a single event 3) Usually contains such info as the name, date, time and location 20. Brochure- used to provide information, educate, or advertise a specific topic a. Advertise or provide information b. A more long-term nature than that of a flyer c. A short publication generally printed on higher grade paper than a flyer d. May be in single-sheet form, they are printed front and back for bi-fold or tri-fold

e. Examples of uses of brochures include brochures for travel destinations 21. Newsletter – used to provide informational updates to a specific club a. Created by a business, organization or a regular bases 1) Used to present information and updates for specific club A brochure is more of an advertisement Purpose of Publication

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