
  • November 2019
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  • Words: 471
  • Pages: 5
private class searchbykeys{ arraylist<string> searchlist; string searchcolumn,searchkey=""; jtable tabletobesearched; long keypresstime; boolean canbesearched; treemap<string, integer> searchmap = new treemap<string, integer>(); sortedmap<string, integer> resultmap,tempmap; iterator<string> keysettoselect; int rowindextoselect; boolean canresetiterator = true; private searchbykeys(jtable tab ) { tabletobesearched = tab; tabletobesearched.addkeylistener(new keyadapter(){ public void keypressed(keyevent e){ try { char ch = e.getkeychar(); if(character.isuppercase(ch)) ch = character.tolowercase(ch); character.isspacechar(ch)){

if( character.isletterordigit(ch) || long systime = system.currenttimemillis(); if(systime - keypresstime > 400 ){ searchkey = ""+ch; searchkey = searchkey.trim();//remove starting

space if(resultmap!=null && resultmap.size() > 0 ){ if(searchkey.length() != 0 ){ string firstkey = resultmap.firstkey(); if(firstkey.charat(0)!= ch){ resultmap = searchmap.submap(searchkey,((char)(searchkey.charat(0)+1))+""); keysettoselect = resultmap.keyset().iterator(); system.out.println("########## rebuilding result map for "+ch+" #########"); } } } else if(searchkey.length()!=0){ resultmap = searchmap.submap(searchkey,((char)(searchkey.charat(0)+1))+""); keysettoselect = resultmap.keyset().iterator(); } keypresstime = systime; } else{


searchkey = searchkey + ch ; keypresstime = systime;

canbesearched = true; }

else canbesearched = false; } catch (runtimeexception e1) { } system.out.println("constructed search key is: "+


} public void keyreleased(keyevent e) { try {

if (searchlist != null && canbesearched) { string k = resultmap.firstkey(); if (searchkey.trim().length() == 1 && (k.charat(0) == searchkey.charat(0))) { if (keysettoselect.hasnext()) { string key =; rowindextoselect = resultmap.get(key); system.out.println("inside 1st condn for single key : key being searched by iterator :" + key + " . row index: " + rowindextoselect); } else { system.out.println("inside the else part of single key operation"); keysettoselect = resultmap.keyset().iterator(); if (keysettoselect.hasnext()) { string key =; rowindextoselect = resultmap.get(key); system.out.println("inside else for single key : key being searched by iterator :" + key + " . row index: " + rowindextoselect); } }

canresetiterator = false; tabletobesearched.changeselection(rowindextoselect, 0, false, false); canresetiterator = true; } else if (searchkey.trim().length() > 1)

{// if // condition // for // starting // space

// resultmap = // searchmap.submap(searchkey,((char)(searchkey.charat(0)+1))+""); tempmap = resultmap.submap(searchkey,((char) (searchkey.charat(0) + 1)) + ""); if (tempmap != null && tempmap.size() > 0) { string firstkey =


if (searchkey.trim().length() <= firstkey.length()) { if



equalsignorecase(searchkey.trim())) { rowindextoselect = tempmap .get(firstkey); tabletobesearched.changeselection( rowindextoselect, 0, false, false); }


} }


} } catch (exception e1) { // todo auto-generated catch block // e1.printstacktrace(); }

}); tabletobesearched.getselectionmodel().addlistselectionlistener( new listselectionlistener(){ public void valuechanged(listselectionevent e) { // listener*****");

if(canresetiterator && resultmap!=null){ system.out.println("****inside list selection int row = tabletobesearched.getselectedrow(); if(row != -1){ int i; keysettoselect = resultmap.keyset().iterator(); for (i=0; i <= row ; i++){ if(keysettoselect.hasnext()); } system.out.println("value changed listener: "+i); } }

} } ); } void constructsearchmap(arraylist<string> list){ if(tabletobesearched!=null && list!=null/* && searchcolumn!=null*/ ){ // searchlist = tabletobesearched.getmodel(). resultmap=null; searchlist = list; rowindextoselect = 0; for(int i=0; i < list.size();i++ ) searchmap.put(((string)list.get(i)).trim().tolowercase(),i);

} //

system.out.println("constructed map is: "+searchmap); } public string getsearchcolumn() { return searchcolumn; } public void setsearchcolumn(string searchcolumn) { this.searchcolumn = searchcolumn; } public jtable gettabletobesearched() { return tabletobesearched; } public void settabletobesearched(jtable tabletobesearched) {

this.tabletobesearched = tabletobesearched; }

} // ends here

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