Sd B5 White House 2 Of 2 Fdr- Draft Document Requests 476

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ument Request


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The briefing materialsifor and any records or summaries of the discussions at a n o r conclusions emerging from Principals and Deputies Committee meetings held from January 1, 1998, through September 20, 2001, that concerned: -A-

ti-- Al-Qa'ida, Usama bin Laden, and/or Afghanistan; — the policy and budget development, implementation, or review of the overall counterterrorism policies of the United States, including PDD-62 (1998), the Five Year Counterterrorism Plan, and any successor NSPDs; and/or — counterterrorism issues in relations with Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, other than materials that focus only on non-Muslim terrorist activities^Talestinian terrorist activities^or groupo such asj__ Hamao and Palestinian Islamiotftbadr: Principals meetings include any such meeting whether chaired by the President or by the National Security Adviser. This request applies to principals or deputies-level meetings addressing these topics wholly or in part regardless of the title used for the group or whether conducted in person or by SVTS, including meetings of the "Foreign Policy Team," the "Small Group," and the Counterterrorism Security Group (including CSG meetings chaired by the National Coordinator), as well as relevant meetings at Camp David. '

2. The President's Daily Diary for September 11, 2001, and logs from the White House Situation Room, the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), and the White House Military Office for September 11, 2001. Contemporaneous notes of individuals present in the PEOC or accompanying the President on September 11, 2001, including notes of White House officials other than the President. \tpVPrpquest/or notes of the Vice President, QVP officials, and Mrs. Cheney.]. The/briefing materials for and any records or summaries of the discussions at and/or conclusions emerging from meetings at the principals or deputies-level, including the Domestic Consequences Principals Committee, from September 11 through September 20,2001 that concerned domestic policy responses to the terrorist attacks upon the United States.


Information sufficient to describe life plans and procedures in effect as of September 11, 2001, regarding continuity of/gejze«H»entand the presidency, and emergency response measures for the White House complex. This includes relevant Presidential Directives and other documents providing guidance on the implementation of those directives, and products of the Continuity of Government and Presidency IWG and any successor interagency group. ormation sufficient to describe the activation and implementation of continuity of '\ overnmenfeand fean emergency responsejmoasuresvfbr v the White House complex on September 11,2001. 11,

Revised DRAFT Document Request 1. The briefing materials for and any records or summaries of the discussions at and/or conclusions emerging from Principals and Deputies Committee meetings held from January 1, 1998, through September 20, 2001, that concerned: , ;,

~ Al-Qa'ida, Usama bin Laden, and/or Afghanistan;


— the policy and budget development, implementation, or review of the overall counterterrorism policies of the United States, including PDD-62 (1998), the Five Year Counterterrorism Plan, and any successor NSPDs; and/or — counterterrorism issues in relations with Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, other than materials that focus only on non-Muslim terrorist activities, Palestinian terrorist activities, or groups such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Principals meetings include any such meeting whether chaired by the President or by the National Security Adviser. This request applies to principals or deputies-level meetings addressing these topics wholly or in part regardless of the title used for the group or whether conducted in person or by SVTS, including meetings of the "Foreign Policy Team," the "Small Group," and the Counterterrorism Security Group (including CSG meetings chaired by the National Coordinator), as well as relevant meetings at Camp David. 2. The President's Daily Diary for September 11, 2001, and logs from the White House Situation Room, the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), and the White House Military Office for September 11,2001. 3. Contemporaneous notes of individuals present in the PEOC or accompanying the President on September 11, 2001, including notes of White House officials other than the President. [OVP request for notes of the Vice President, OVP officials, and Mrs. Cheney.] 4. The briefing materials for and any records or summaries of the discussions at and/or conclusions emerging from meetings at the principals or deputies-level, including the Domestic Consequences Principals Committee, from September 11 through September 20,2001 that concerned domestic policy responses to the terrorist attacks upon the United States. 5. Information sufficient to describe the plans and procedures in effect as of September 11, 2001, regarding continuity of government and the presidency, and emergency response measures for the White House complex. This includes relevant Presidential Directives and other documents providing guidance on the implementation of those directives, and products of the Continuity of Government and Presidency IWG and any successor interagency group. = i! j


6. Information sufficient to describe the activation and implementation of continuity of government and emergency response measures for the White House complex on September 11,2001.

DRAFT Document Request - For Discussion

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DRAFT Document Request - For Discussion 1. 1>|The(fprmal or informaljbriefing materials for and any records or summaries of the discussions at Id/or conclusions emerging from Principals and Deputies Committee meetings held from January 1, 1998, through September 20, 2001 that concerned: — Al-Qa'ida, Usama bin Laden, or Afghanistan; ~ the policy and budget development, implementation, or review of the overall counterterrorism policies of the United States, including PDD-62 (1998), the Five Year Counterterrorism Plan, and any successor NSPDsj^.. \ x, — (an4/or)counterterrorism issues in relations with Malaysia, Pakistan, Saudi ArabiaVSudan, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen^ (ni^i/ LM/^ |ptl ^ (' I tfyiM^ibUbl ftA 6 VI 1*4 #Y)/ M'^^ltfliA Principals meetings include any such meeting whether chaired by the President or Irynthe National ' Security Adviser. This request applies to principals or deputies-level meetings addressing these topics wholly or in part regardless of the title used for the group or whether conducted in person or by SVTS, including meetings of the "Foreign Policy Team," the "Small Group," and the Counterterrorism Security Group (including CSG meetings chaired by the National Coordinator), as well as relevant meetings at Camp David. 2. The President's Daily Diary for September 11, 2001, and logs from the White House Situation Room, the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), and the White House Military Office for September 11, 2001. 3. Contemporaneous notes of individuals present in the PEOC or Accompanying the President on September 11, 2001, including notes of White House officialsvtmd Mr&. Gbeoey. a\\" %M




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4. [Fprrnal or informaljbriefing materials for and any records or summaries of the discussions at and/or conclusions emerging from meetings at the principals or deputies-level, including the Domestic Consequences Principals Committee, from September 11 through September 20, 2001 that concerned domestic policy responses to the terrorist attapks upon the United States. 5. Boettmejit^sufficient to describe the plans and procedures in effect as of September 11, 2001, regarding continuity of government and the presidency, and emergency response pleasures for the White House^pmplex. T^ inclndpg/PDD 62(^d-^icrdocumenTE prbyidfng giiid?*"™ ""JjEl— (frtand^^

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6. Dutumuiilt^eflectiligjthe activation and implementation of continuity of government and ency response measures for the White House complex on September 11, 2001.

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DRAFT Document Request - For Discussion

1 . Briefing packages and minutes or other documents that record or summarize discussions held and/or conclusions reached at Principals and Deputies Committee meetings related to Al-Qa'ida, Afghanistan, and/or Usama bin Laden from January 1, 1998, through September 20, 2001. 2. Briefing packages and minutes or other documents that record or summarize discussions held and/or conclusions reached at other meetings of principals or deputies, including meetings of the "Small Group," meetings of the Counterterrorism Security Group, and meetings at Camp David, related to Al-Qa'ida, Afghanistan, and/or Usama bin Laden from January 1, 1998, through September 20, 2001. 3. Logs from the White House Situation Room, the Presidential Emergency Operations Center (PEOC), and the White House Military Office for September 11, 2001. 4. The President' s Daily Diary for September 1 1 , 200 1 . 5. Contemporaneous notes of individuals present in the PEOC on September 11, 2001, including notes of White House officials and Mrs. Cheney. 6. Briefing packages and minutes or other documents that record or summarize discussions held and/or conclusions reached at meetings of the Domestic Consequences Principals Committee from its creation through September 20, 2001. 7. "Principal documents reflecting the plans and procedures in effect as of September 11, 2001, regarding continuity of government and emergency response measures for the White House and the EEOB. 8. Documents reflecting the activation and implementation of continuity of government and emergency response measures for the White House and EEOB on September 11, 2001.

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