Script Within The Shadows 1

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,450
  • Pages: 8
Within' the Shadows Khalil Howard

FADE IN: EXT. - COUNTRY PARK - EVENING The park is completely empty and obviously closed until morning. You start to hear a shuffle of noises to the right as the camera pans from the playground on the left to the lone tree, where we watch the KILLER push someone off the ledge. As the person fights for their life while hanging in the noose, the KILLER climbs down the tree and watches the person die as he makes a phone call. The phone has a dialing tone, final someone picks up. The Killer is a 6 foot 3 inch male, strong build and huge hands. Not easy to tell much over his black hoodie and sweatpants. KILLER The bird fell out of the nest. It looks to be dead. CONTRACTOR #1 (O.S.) Make sure you leave it there. Park Security will pick it up in the morning. KILLER The vet fees are expensive. It sucks they don't give you time to pay. They always want it right then. CONTRACTOR #1 (O.S.) They just got my fax. KILLER hangs up the phone and begins walking away. After a few moments they get a phone call. KILLER Hello? CONTRACTOR #2 (O.S.) I'm looking for Thaddeus Rush. KILLER What can I do for you? CONTRACTOR #2 (O.S.) I need Ashley Miller taken out. Preferably in a bloody and painful way. KILLER $4,000 now. $4,000 after.

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CONTRACTOR #2 (V.O.) Okay. Get it done quick. Call ends. DISSOLVE TO INT. - DILLARD'S - DAY ASHLEY is walking around the mall with her boyfriend, JAXSON BURRIS, and her best friend and roommate, KAYLA SMITH. ASHLEY is a 19 year old, 5 foot 7 inch girl. She has a medium build and t-shirt and leggings on. JAXSON is a 5 foot 11 inch guy, with swooshy brown hair and black jeans. KAYLA is a 5 foot 8 inch girl wearing something a little reveling. The KILLER lurks in the background of the store. He is listening to their conversations and trying to pick up and anything that could be useful. ASHLEY notices him in the corner and they make eye contact. ASHLEY Guys...I don't know how to say this but... The KILLER disappears around the corner. KAYLA & JAXSON What... ASHLEY Nothing...let's get out of here and grab some food. CROSS DISSOLVE INT. - FOOD COURT - DAY ASHLEY, KAYLA and JAXSON are sitting at a table eating together. ASHLEY is eating spicy chicken, KAYLA is eating Chick-fil-a, and JAXSON is eating pizza. The KILLER is sitting at the table behind them, listening to them talk while he also eats spicy chicken. KAYLA You guys are so cute together. How do you make it work? JAXSON It's all on her. I honestly don't know

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3. why she dates me. ASHLEY Because you're super cute and super sweet. Besides you make me happy so what else do I need? The KILLER coughs loudly, almost sounding like a laugh. ASHLEY then notices that it is the same man from inside Dillard's ASHLEY Hey guys, I think it's time to go. Let's start walking. KAYLA Why? We haven't even finished eating. ASHLEY Let's just go please. JAXSON Babe? You okay? ASHLEY gets up and walks away from the table. KAYLA and JAXSON follow her. JAXSON Babe, what's wrong? ASHLEY I think there is a guy following us. The KILLER gets up, throws his stuff away and begins to slowly follow them. KAYLA What? KAYLA begins to laugh ASHLEY I'm being serious. I kept seeing him stare at me in Dillard's and then he was behind you (pointing at KAYLA) when we were eating. KAYLA I think you are over reacting sweety. I'm sure he doesn't care about us.

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4. ASHLEY Then they is he following us now? JAXSON Alright. Let's just go. We've had enough time here for today. DISSOLVE TO EXT. - GAS STATION - DAY After leaving the mall, ASHLEY heads home. Along the way she stops for gas at her normal gas station. She gets out of her car and enters the building, shortly followed by the KILLER. They both walk over to the soda machine and begin to make drinks. Here ASHLEY realizes this is the KILLER next to her. The KILLER spills his drink on her. ASHLEY HEY!! KILLER Sorry! I didn't mean to. ASHLEY Yeah, sure whatever! KILLER Her let me clean that you. ASHLEY No! Don't touch me! ASHLEY runs out of the store scared that he may be following. She gets in her car and drives away. DISSOLVE TO INT. - COFFEE SHOP - EVENING It's the next day and Ashley is walking into Screaming Beans, a local coffee shop that is open late near the campus. She orders a cup of coffee and a pastry and sits down. The KILLER is already seated across the room before she even enters. She begins pulling her stuff out when she hears the KILLER loudly sipping his drink. ASHLEY stands up and barges over. ASHLEY Who the hell are you!? Why are you following me!?

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5. KILLER Excuse me? ASHLEY WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT? KILLER Please do not yell at me. ASHLEY turns around, grabbing her stuff and leaving quickly. SLIDE LEFT TO INT. - CAR - EVENING ASHLEY is sitting in her car crying, on the phone with JAXSON. ASHLEY I don't know who he is. He just keeps appearing where ever I go. JAXSON Babe, just come back to campus, if you're worried about it. I think you are over reacting. It could just be a coinicende that he was also there and now you just look crazy. ASHLEY I'm not crazy. I know what I'm talking about. JAXSON Okay babe. Just come back to campus now, please. DISSOLVE TO EXT. - PARKING DECK - NIGHT ASHLEY has just parked her car and is grabbing her stuff out of the trunk. A car horn starts to blare as the KILLER drives straight at her. She grabs her bag and takes off running. The KILLER slams his car into the back of her's, barely missing her. ASHLEY pushes the button for the elevator as the KILLER tries to climb out of the wrecked car. The elevator opens and ASHLEY gets in. As the door closes, you see the KILLER start running towards the elevator. ASHLEY reaches the bottom floor and takes of running all the way to her room, where she comes

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6. busting thru the door, scaring KAYLA awake. KAYLA What the literal fuck Madison? ASHLEY (scared and stuttering) The guy is back...the stalker guy...he's back...he tried to hit me with his car... KAYLA Okay calm down. You're fine. I'm right here. ASHLEY is sobbing into KAYLA's arms. KAYLA rocks her back and forth trying to calm her down. KAYLA You're fine, I promise. I'll keep you safe. Here, just lie down and I'll get Jaxson to come over. ASHLEY (still crying) Okay ASHLEY gets into bed and KAYLA tries calling JAXSON. He doesn't answer so she leaves a voicemail. KAYLA Hey Jaxson, it's Kayla. Ashley is a little distraught, can you come over and help me calm her down? I think she'd be happy to have you stay the night with her. Just come over when you get this. Bye. (To Ashley) He didn't answer, but I'm sure he'll hear my voicemail soon and come over. Till then, try to get some sleep. ASHLEY Okay...thank you...I'm sorry for waking you up. KAYLA It's okay. Just get some rest and calm down before Jaxson comes over. TIME LAPSE A FEW HOURS

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7. The KILLER slowly opens the door to ASHLEY and KAYLA's room. He slowly walks over to ASHLEY and covers her face with a towel and begins to stab her many times in her stomach and chest. ASHLEY is screaming and trying to fight back but is failing. KAYLA wakes up and starts screaming. The KILLER quickly turns around and fires two shots out of a silenced pistol into her head. He turns back around to ASHLEY, who is slowly bleeding out, and fires one shot into her chest, killing her. ASHLEY's phones begins ringing. It's a call from JAXSON. The KILLER answers it. JAXSON (O.S.) Babe? The KILLER sets down the phone on her bed and walks out of the room on the phone. Closing the door behind him. KILLER It's been done. JAXSON (O.S.) Hello? Are you okay? Ashley? Babe, can you hear me? SLOWLY FADE TO BLACK WITH JAXSON'S VOICE IN THE BACK GROUND

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