Script 2

  • December 2019
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Good afternoon everyone! And welcome to the first ever episode of Lucy Listens, the show where I listen to you, so your friends don't have to! In a nut shell, I am lucy. And with the help of some of my nearest and dearest, we are here to answer some of the questions on the topic in hand. Today we're looking and listening to your problems about school!


Guests 1 and 2


Guest 1


Guest 2


Woo! Yay school!

Haha! As you just heard, I have two lovely guests with me. We have the wonderful Bradley Smith.


Thankyou Bradley, always nice to have you and your wisdom around. And of course, we have the lovely Katie Dove with us, Katie say hi!


Lovely. Now to get into the very first show, we thought we would delve straight in and look at some of the questions all you lovely people listening had

about school, since we’ve all gone through it and have learnt some vital lessons from it, both in the classroom and out! But before we look at some of your questions, I wanted to ask Katie and Bradley, what do you think about school? What do you like? What do you not? Give us the if, buts and maybes all about your experiences at school.

Guests 1 and 2



Seems like you two have had quite the time at school, hopefully some of your wisdom will help to give all you who are listening an idea to making your time at school that little bit better. Right! So, our first question comes from a chap called Harry.

Guest 2

Hi Harry if you’re listening!


Thankyou Katie. Harry says, “I’m sitting my GCSE’s in a few months, but I’ve been struggling to revise, do you have any good ways to revise?”. Well firstly, we’ve all been there, and all been in the same boat. Some of us are still in that same boat, but Bradley, what were your go-to ways to get some revision done?

Guests 1


Guest 2

Personally I left all my revision to the last minute – TALK ABOUT PROCRASTINATION


I think it is important to consider having rewards for yourself and making revision enjoyable. I hated revision! Sitting in my room in the evening trying to teach myself the quadratic formula was completely useless. But in doing that, I discovered I was fully motivated by food. So, if I finished a block of revision, I was able to eat an entire bag of Haribo’s, or half a bar of chocolate. Unhealthy, yet motivational.

Guest 1

Good to know we support health

Host, Guest 1 and 2 LAUGHS

STING (3 seconds)


Okay guys, so the next problem comes from a girl called Jessica

Guest 1 and 2 Hello Jessica!


Oh I’m glad this is becoming a thing. Anyway, the next question comes from Jessica and she says “I feel like teachers pick on me in lesson, is there something wrong with me and do they not like me?” Well Jessica I used to think the exact same thing

Guest 2

Me too!


And apparently so did Katie, so I think it is important to point out that you are not alone in thinking this. I always felt through my years of secondary school that one particular teacher used to really dislike me, but in reality, they didn’t and if anything they thought I was probably just brilliant, which in the end showed with the grade I got in that lesson. But my point is that teachers will only have an issue with you if you have one with them, and if you do maybe voice it with them and get the issue resolved.

Guest 1

I think you just need to man up a bit. Who cares if someone is looking or picking on you, it’s just school. In a few years from now it won’t even matter. Just get the work you need get done, done.

Guest 2

Well it’s not the nicest to think that you’re being picked on by your teacher. But at the end of the day like Bradley said if you get what you need to get done, done, everything should be peachy. After all, you could end up being the next billionaire, like Steve Jobs.

Guest 1

Or Kylie Jenner!


Exactly! Who cares if someone’s picking on you a bit, if you’ve got an issue

bring it up, or just ignore it. Now, the next question comes from an anonymous sender. They say “what do I do when I finish my GCSE’s”

Guest 2

Hello anonymous!


Thankyou. Katie and Bradley, what did you do when you finished your GCSE’s?

Guest 2


Guest 1



Whatever you decide you want to do, just make sure you’re happy with your choices.


Guest 2

Before you start with another question, I wanted to ask you both, what were your funniest memories from school?


One of my favourite and funniest memories was from way back in year 7 when Katie and I had just become friends, and we were walking through the quad.

Guest 2

LAUGHS No! Don’t tell the world that story!


We were walking across the quad and all of a sudden I saw out of the corner of my eye Katie fall flat on her face. And when I say flat, I mean forehead and nose into the concrete floor. I don’t think I have laughed so hard in my entire life, and as you can tell Katie still lives with the shame from it as we a still talk about it to this day.

Guest 2

One of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever done

Guest 1


Host, Guests 1 and 2 LAUGH


Guest 1

Now to look back at some of the questions that were sent in, another anonymous question we received says “will I lose my friends when we all leave year 11?” Bradley, do you have any advice for keeping friendships?



Good advice, Katie do you have any friends outside school that you have kept in touch with?

Guest 2

One of my best friends goes to a different college to me, so we don’t get to see each other much, but we talk all the time. We try to go out often to get food, or go shopping,

or go watch a film together. It’s nice to see them when you haven’t seen them in a while.


How nice! It’s good to keep those friendships going. Talking about friendships, we wanted to give some special mentions to some of nearest and dearest.

Guest 1

Yes, I’d like to give a special mention to [GUEST RESPONDS]

Guest 2

And I’d like to say hi to [GUEST RESPONDS]


And I would like to give a special hello to that special friend I have, Megan Hubbard. Megan wanted to ask the question to us “How can I try not to fight a teacher on a daily basis?”

Guests 1 and 2 LAUGH


Well Megan, I would suggest yoga. You sound like you enjoy a good stretch. This may be good to relieve pent up anger, as I know what you’re like when you’re feeling passionate about something.

Guest 1

Or have a snickers

Guest 2

You’re not you when you’re hungry



Only the best quality of advice from us.



We are going to round this up now by answering one more question. This comes from someone called Ryan, everyone say hi to Ryan

Guest 1 and 2 Hi Ryan!


Ryan says “What is Sixth Form like?” Katie, take it away

Guest 1


Guest 2



I would say that one of the best things about 6th form is the atmosphere. It’s so much more chilled and relaxed compared to year 11, and you’re in charge of your own learning, allowing you to decide what you want to do and when. The dress up days and money raising events are cool too. We were the SuperTroopers in the schools Lipsync battle.

Guests 1 and 2 and we came second!

Guest 1

What an achievement. Honestly.


Exactly, I think the moral of the story is to have fun and

enjoy school, but to make sure you stay on top of what you need to do and when. School is temporary but it shapes the future for you, so make sure you at least try a bit. That is all we have time for today on the first episode of Lucy Listens. Did you guys have fun?

Guest 1


Guest 2

I don’t know about you but I had a swell time


Good! And I hope you enjoyed listening to us answer some of your questions. If you would like us to answer your questions about the topic about relationships, email us at [email protected].


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