Scoph Session Day 2

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  • Words: 3,100
  • Pages: 92
PAMSA Regional Meeting

Panama City, Panama

SCOPH Session Regional Assistant: Knakita

Objectives 1. To learn more about the activities of SCOPH in the Americas 2. To gain further knowledge on the following topics – Vaccination Week in the Americas – Mental Health Initiative Project – SCOPH Exchanges

1. To develop greater insight into the small working group topics and to come up with practical project ideas 2. To learn management skills related to having a successful SCOPH and in project management 3. To form networks with other NPOs so as to increase the sharing of information and resources!

Agenda • • • • • •

Welcome and Introduction NMO and RA report How to set up and develop SCOPH in your NMO Small working group meetings Small working group presentations Group photo shoot!

Background  ACEM is 2 years old, though just in

november 2008 we were registered with legal rights and obligations.  SCOPH is one year old!  Baby SCOPH!!

Location + numbers…

Universidad de Costa Rica You are here!

Our NMO has only one member University, thus, only one local committee! The amount of SCOPHians is uncertain… Everyone does everything around here! We are about 250 members and around 30 SCOPHians 

Future Projects  World Days:  World Health Day! April 7th  World No Tobbaco Day! May 31st  World Enrironment Day! June 5th  World Day of Older Persons! October

1st  We would also like to start working on


 World Food Day! October 16th  We are planning a huge activity

targeting different aspects: right to have good food, eating disorders and an iniciative of 5 fruits a day. There is going to be various stands with information, medical consultation and FRUITS! There is also going to be a fund raising in order to help a children’s “soup kitchen”.

Past Projects Tobacco Initiative • World No Tobbacco Day • Smoke Free areas in our campus • Strong partnership with RENATA

(National Network Against Tobacco)

Teddy Bear Hospital

Assistance in Free Clinics: ISL  We assist International Service Learning’s free clinics. It is a project from the USA, they come to CR with medical or nursing students to attend underserved population. We assist with translation and other logistics. World Diabetes Day  On 2008, we gave this day an educational approach. 2009, will be a more “hand’s on” activities!

World No Tobbaco Day!

Teddy Bear Hospital

National Public Health Officer + Assistant  NPO  María Beeche  [email protected]

 NPO Assistant  Cristina Meza  [email protected] We are soooo sorry we couldn’t make it being soooo close to Panama….!!! Any questions or comments contact us!

PAMSA Regional Meeting

Panama City, Panama

SCOPH RA Report Regional Assistant: Knakita

Plans and Action

SCOPH Development

Plan To determine the status of each NMO SCOPH within the region. This would be done through a status report form which would be sent out to each NMO. The purpose of this is to identify which NMOs actually have SCOPHs, to determine how active these SCOPHs are, and to do problems/needs assessment. This will enable us to identify our areas of difficulties and strengths, which groups need help, and which groups are doing well and are more able to offer support to other NMOs.

Action • PAMSA has 22 NMOs – Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia (x2), Peru (x2), Brasil (x2), Jamaica, Chile, El Salvador, Panama, Bolivia, USA, Canada (x2), Mexico, Ecuador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago

• PAMSA has 17 SCOPH groups – Brazil (IFLMSA), Costa Rica, Colombia (x2), Peru (x2), Jamaica, Chile, El Salvador, Panama, Bolivia, USA, Canada (x2), Mexico, Ecuador, Venezuela

Action • I was in contact with 13 NPOs Prior to the regional meeting – Brazil (IFLMSA), Brasil DENIM (hopefully to start a new group), Costa Rica, Colombia (ASCEMCOL), IFMSA Peru, Jamaica, Chile, El Salvador, Panama, USA, Canada-Quebec, Mexico, Venezuela – Regular contact through emails and msn messenger to keep track of SCOPH activities, give advice when needed, and to source informational resources from the SCOPH international team

• At this meeting contact was made with 3 more – Bolivia, Peru - APEM, Columbia – ACOME

Action • The status report was sent out however only 7 NPOs sent in reports 

Plan • To form a group page which would provide a medium whereby SCOPH members from all over the region will be able to communicate with each other and share project ideas, group concerns, fundraising ideas, and publications.

Action Before it was [email protected]

Now it is

[email protected]

Plan • To provide resource packages for SCOPHs which would include information on international SCOPH campaigns, project management and committee development information, marketing strategies, fundraising ideas, and promotional publication templates.

Action • Information and documents given to NPOs during contact based on expressed needs • Resource documents and links on some projects posted on the yahoogroup • Resource package initially was to be given out at the regional meeting… • However SCOPH International will be doing a similar package for the general assembly

Project Development

Plan • To encourage SCOPHs to adopt at least one international campaign. • To encourage NMOs to come up with national campaigns/projects which address issues particular to their societies.

Action • Based on the reports received and dialogue with NPOs, most SCOPHs participate in at least 1 SCOPH international project and all have unique projects developed based on the specific needs of their societies • New SCOPHs were encourage to choose projects based on their local health situation. However many of our health issues are the same as all over the world and so they were also encouraged to participate in international campaigns • Project support was promoted for the World Mental Health Day and World Diabetes Day

Plan • To have a regional project which would be chosen by the NMOs, and which each would be expected to support.

Action • To be discussed at the regional meeting • Steps already taken to start dialogue on projects unique to our region – Eg. Projects in SCOPH exchanges and vaccination week in the Americas

• Project could be based on any health theme or world health day

Plan • To encourage student exchange (through SCOPH’s exchange program) so as to get groups to share in large projects and for members to gain cultural exposure.

Action • Presentation done in SCOPH session at the regional meeting • Small working group during the meeting formed to discuss formation of a SCOPH exchanges project in PAMSA


Plan • Each SCOPH would be asked to submit regular reports so as to assess the progress of each group and to formulate a report on the overall activity of the region which will be submitted to the SCOPH-D and the regional coordinator.

Action  Still awaiting status reports from NPOs! Regular monthly reports dependent on consensus of group at the meeting

Further Plans

Plans • Maintain contact with NPOs and strengthen relationships amongst NPOs • Establish contact between NPOs • Source more resources for NPOs to use in projects. • Work with the SCOPH-D and Liaison Officer to establish contacts with externals so as to gain more resources for NPOs • To do more PAMSA promotion for certain health days • To be more active on the PAMSA and SCOPH server to raise awareness of SCOPH Americas activities • What else?

Business meeting with the NPOs

How to start SCOPH in your NMO

How to set up SCOPH in your NMO

1. Appoint an NPO and LPOs. 2. Make a plan of action 3. Inform your NMO, your faculty, and university about your new group and your plans 4. Recruit members 5. Start projects

The NPO and LPO • NPO = National Public Health Officer • LPO = Local Public Health Officer • The backbones to SCOPH in your NMO • They must be accessible, approachable, reliable, and responsible

Plan of Action • Important to decide what you want to do during your tenure. • What is your vision for SCOPH and its impact in your community

Make your Presence Known! • It is important to let people know your group exists and what your plans are and what you have done in the past • The Students (your NMO) • The Faculty • The University

Recruit Members • The body of SCOPH! El mas inportante! • To get people it is important to make them interested in your group • For SCOPH this is easy!

Recruit Members • Many different means of doing this: – Introduce your group at the Local Meeting – Promote within your LMO with announcements, invitations to meetings, invitations to participate in projects, posters, flyers, and stickers to promote the group – Your work!

Start Projects • Once you have a work force (even if its just you and a few) its time to start working! • Ensure projects are well planned and executed

Advice From Some Veterans

Project Planning

What are the needs? • Projects must be chosen based on whether they are important or not • Is the issue relevant to the populations being targeted? • Do a needs assessment to determine this

Set Goals • The project must be well defined • What do you want the project to achieve, both short and long term • Goals represent the ideals of the project

Plan of Action • Define target population • Define the mens of delivery. Must be based on the target group

Plan of Action • Resources: – Equipment – Financial – Time – Human resources • Define organisation of workers & responsibility!!

Detailed Project Plan • Outline exactly how you will carry out the project • Delegate delegate delegate! • Ensure that roles are well defined to avoid confusion and omission

Externals • Establish Contacts with other groups: NGOs, Ministry of Health, individuals etc with particular interest in your project

Fundraising • How will the project be funded?

Promotion • Promote the project in your NMO, the University and the community • Many ways of doing this: – Flyers – Posters – Stickers – Announcements – etc

Have the Project! • Motivate members and make sure that everything is on track • Delegate delegate delegate! • Follow the plan but be open to changes when necessary

Evaluate the Project • Were the objectives met? • What difficulties were faced and how can you overcome them? • How can you improve the project? • How can you get more people involved in the project?

Sustainability • Monitor the effectiveness and progress of the project • Monitor the use of resources • Always look for ways to improve • Report

Reporting • It is important to record what you have done and share it with others. Report everything that was planned, any challenges and recommendations • This will help garner more awareness to your group and more support for the project

Writing a Project Proposal

Small Working Groups



Mariana Freitas (IFLMS – Brazil) Christian Becker (APEMH – Peru) Max Velasco Zaragoza (IFMSA - El Salvador) Cristiane Martin (IFMSA Panamá) Maryorie Bonilla (IFMSA Panamá) Ítalo Erio Rodrigues (APEMH – Peru)


Why? 

Provide our students an opportunity to know different Public Health realities (and then, make them able to question their own realities!) Support PAMSA’ s projects that need volunteers for keep working Integrate America with the other countries that already have SCOPH exchange activities Promote the reconnaissance of local projects (they are going to be an IFMSA SCOPH Exchange’s project =D)

Let”s try to imagine

Project 1: Better houses, less Chagas Illness Chorrera – City of Panamá - Panamá 



Reduce Chagas illness affected. 1. Develop in people an awareness of preventive measures of the Chagas Illness. 2. Contribute with people in the construction of better houses.



Management of Funds Educative Meetings Campaign about prevention Construction of houses


Infrastructure -

When? January 2009




Housing and Food: homes of studiants of the Medical Faculty of Panama University.


Documents: - Form

- Motivational letter

- Acceptance letter -

- Photos

Schedule: Mon





Campaign Houses Managemen Managem Houses planning construction t of funds ent of construction and funds evaluation Educative Meeting

Medical work day

Medical work day

Educative Promotion Meeting campaign



Project 2: Cooperation Project APEHMH - Peru 


- Improve screening and detection of low sight and preventable blindness - Improve public awareness to ocular health - Involvement and appropriate training for medical students in Primary Eye Care - Reduce vision problems that keep children in elementary school - Make people recognize ocular warning symptoms (early diagnosis!)



Theoretical classes

(red eye, glaucoma, catarata, refractive

problems) -




Organize the “Surgical and Eye Care” campaigns Screen all attendants, do the Auto Refraction test, ready the patients to see the ophthalmologist Waiting area: short and easy lectures in Basic Eye Care and other general health topics Train teachers and health personal in the school to take the visual acuity test to their students Do lectures for the children on redeye and conjutivitis

Infrastructure -

When? April or October Unilateral Board and lodging: Hostel and 2 meals per day


Documents: -

Application Form - Motivation Letter - Photos


Time Schedule

Yes, PAMSA, my project can be part of SCOPH exchanges’ network! REGULARITY





How can I do the application for this?

Difficulties in the Exchange… 

Management of funds


“Tabues” in city

Select a exchange coordinator

Thanks! Gracias! Obrigado! Merci!


Mental Health Intiative Project

PAMSA 2009 Grupo de trabajo

Misión  El Grupo de Trabajo de Salud Mental busca promover la educación entre los estudiantes de Medicina en problemas de salud mental y proyectos estudiantiles a nivel local e internacional.

Objetivos generales  Eliminar los mitos y el estigma hacia las personas y de las personas que sufren de enfermedades mentales.  Reconocer la importancia de la colaboracion multidisciplinaria acerca de los problemas de salud mental y promover la colaboracion entre todos los profesionales que trabajan en este campo.  Enfatizar la importancia de la salud mental en la agenda de salud mundial y promover la equidad de acceso a los recursos de salud mental.  Apreciar la influencia de los factores culturales en los problemas de salud mental, incluyendo la presentacion, actitud y el significado que dan las difrentes culturas a las experiencias y temas relacionados con la mente.

Specific objectives: International action 1  Present a lecture on post-traumatic stress disorder and war traumas during the next March Meeting whose theme will be Conflict and Health.

Specific objectives: International action 2  Achieve a transnational status for the MHIP during the next GA  Support local actions and facilitate communication between mental health initiatives

Specific objectives : Local action  Panama  Colombia  Chile  Canada-Québec  Jamaica

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YAHOOGROUP FACEBOOK IFMSA’s Mental Health Initiative

Vaccination Week in the Americas Knakita Clayton-Johnson - RA Natalia Lucía del Carmen Lizárraga Tamayo – IFMSA Peru Johanna Sauta Tarea Ortez – IFMSA Peru Christian Becker - APEM

Vaccination Week in the Americas This year SCOPH Americas would like to get involved in this very important venture. We feel that as medical students we have a very important role to play in limiting the incidence of vaccine preventable diseases in our communities.

Vaccination Week in the Americas

We decided that an educational campaign would be the most feasible and effective way for us to make a difference. We decided to target 3 main populations: New parents, Younger Children and their Parents, and University students.

New Parents

-We will teach new mothers about the importance of vaccinations in antenatal clinics by giving small talks along with the staff. - We will have individual patient visits on postnatal wards to stress the importance of vaccinations. - Discussions must be carried out using appropriate language and visual aids. - Custom designed pamphlets will also be given out to the new parents. We will also leave copies of same with the hospital staff for them to distribute to patients on their own. This is to ensure that even after VWA has passed, there will be some continuity of the educational campaign.

Younger Children

- Children will be targeted through Teddy Bear Hospital. They will learn to overcome their fear of needles and be taught the importance of doing vaccinations. We will also give out stickers and posters to further reinforce our message. - Before the TBH, letters should be sent out to the parents informing them of our planned activities. Included in this letter should be information about vaccines and we will also send a pamphlet to these parents with information about the vaccination schedule. - In this way, 2 target groups are reached through one project.

University Students These students will be targeted through a poster campaign. Posters will be posted giving information about vaccinations and vaccination schedules and giving advice on where these vaccines can be acquired.

How will we achieve -A letter should be sent to this? our Hospital Administrators giving information about VWA, and what our recommendations and plans are. Our recommendations are: "Patients should be educated on the benefits and side-effects of vaccinations, in the antenatal and postnatal periods, in a manner appropriate to their level of understanding and that is not intimidating. Patients should be given the vaccination schedules, and the importance of booster shots should be stressed"

How will we achieve - Come up with a slogan forthis? our campaign. One suggestion we have so far is, "Its not enough to feed them, you must vaccinate them" - Create an index card giving information about vaccinations and with the country's vaccination schedule to be given to new mothers. Do a general brochure on the importance of vaccinations. We will also need to design posters to use in our campaigns. - Before students can educate others on vaccinations, a small workshop may need to be held for SCOPH members so that the information they give is accurate and so they will know how best to deliver it.

What we need from - Your commentsYOU! and suggestions about our

plans. - Please review our recommendation to hospital administration and give corrections and ideas - Come up with ideas for a slogan - Come up with designs for posters and brochures

Closing Session Photo shoot!!!

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