Supply Chain Management
Done By: Mohammad Rizwan (081646S)
What is SCM?
The combination of art and science that goes into improving the way a company finds the raw components it needs to make a product or service and deliver it to consumers.
P üStrategic portionlan for SCM.
üManaging resources to meet customer demand üDevelop a set of metrics to ensure §Efficiency §Costs effective §Delivers high quality and value to consumers
Sourc üChoose suppliers to e deliver the goods and
services üSCM Managers develop a set of §Pricing §Delivery §Payment processes with suppliers üSCM managers can put together processes for §Managing their goods and services inventory
M üManufacturing step ake üSupply chain managers schedule activities for §Production §Testing §packaging §preparation for delivery üAllow companies to measure §Quality levels §Production output §Worker productivity
Deliv er
üLogistics üCompanies §Coordinate the receipt of orders from customers §Develop a network of warehouses §Pick carriers to get products to customers §Set up an invoicing system to receive payments
Retur üProblematic part n
üSupply chain planners have to create a §Responsive and flexible network for receiving defective and excess products back from their customers §Support customers who have problems with delivered products