Schroeder Project Pdf

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  • Words: 1,243
  • Pages: 11
Lesson Title:

Civil War Dictionary web-mapping


Mrs. Schroeder

Subject: Grade Level: Time Required:

Social Studies Grade 5


Civil War

 Students will continue work on this through entire unit.

Essential Question:

Prerequisites (Prior knowledge)

 Computer knowledge  Students have learned how to create a PowerPoint presentation.  

Stage 1 – Desired Results Content Area Standard(s) (include complete standard, not just standard #)

Art Standard 2: Knowing and using Arts Materials and resources. S.S. Standard 2: World History S.S. Standard 3: Geography ISTE: NETS 1. Creativity and Innovation 2. Communication and Collaboration 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making 6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Intended Learning Outcome (Should define what students will know and be able to do and at what level of mastery they should be able to do it.)

Students will create and complete a Civil War visual dictionary using a mapping platform such as mindmeister or webspiration.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 1

Students will know…

Student will be able to…

 How to create a paper civil war dictionary.  Students will to take notes.  How to use the computer.  How to navigate on mindmeister or kidspiration/inspiration.  How to present information to the class.

 Create a visual web map.  Students will use information from their paper civil war dictionaries to create visual web map.  Use mindmeister or webspiration to create a map of the civil war dictionary information. Present their web map to the class and explain how it works.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 2

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Students will demonstrate their learning/understanding in the following way(s):

Teacher-Created Assessments  Students will be assessed using a 4 point rubric. The rubric will define what students need to include on the web from their paper civil war dictionary.


(Performance Assessments: ) Students will be assessed on the content of their web map presentation. (Other Assessments: Peer, Self)

(Assessment Adaptations)  If there are students who needs modifications the teacher will manipulate materials to accommodate the student.  

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 3

Stage 3 – Learning Plan Learning Activities

 Each day during social studies, students will use their paper dictionaries that have been created as their notebook.  Any new information such as dates, names of battles, vocabulary terms, etc. will be added to the correct page of dictionary.  Students will use the information to create a web map using mindmeister or webspiration.

Instructional Strategies/Learning Activities: e.g., demonstration, discussion, small groups, role play, etc.

 We have already begun the unit on the civil war.  Students have already created their paper dictionary.  Students will be given time each week to use the computer lab to begin their web- mapping presentation for their civil war dictionaries.  This can be as creative as they choose. 

Introducing the lesson: (capturing students’ attention, activating students’ prior knowledge).

 I will begin the lesson with a webmapping presentation of the civil war.  During the web-mapping presentation, I will point out areas that I thought were important enough to include.  I have done two web-maps, one using mindmeister  The second map was done using webspiration  I will show students how I have embedded links to other site.  I will explain that they may add graphics or embed things on their own presentation.  Ask if students have questions about how to embed objects or add links.  Answer questions.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 4

Instructional Sequence: (representing the content: teaching/learning activities, connecting to students’ prior knowledge, etc.)

Teacher activity (The teacher is doing….) Student activity (The student is doing…) Teacher activity:

Student activity:

 Teacher continues with lesson throughout the week.  Teacher may be doing group work, showing video clips or reading.  Teacher points out areas of interest that are important to know.  Teacher takes students to the computer lab.  Teacher will demonstrate how to use mindmeister and webspiration.  Adaptations to the Instructional Sequence to Differentiate:

 Student has paper civil war dictionary on desk and is adding notes during lesson.  Student listens and observes teacher.  Student writes down any information the teacher says that may be important to include in the civil war dictionary. Students begin to create web map using information from paper civil war dictionary.

 Instruction will only be differentiated if the teacher sees a student is struggling.  Teacher may pair students up if a student is having a difficult time.  Students will all be working on this at the same time.

Discussion and Assessment of Learning: (Pointing out to students how what they are learning is related to the driving question; assessing students’ learning as a result of the lesson)

 A rubric will be handed out so students know exactly what is expected of them and how the web-map will be graded.  Students will understand that this is a way for them to show what they have learned about the civil war.


 This lesson will be complete when unit is over and students have presented their web-map to their peers.

Extensions for early finishers:

 All students will be working throughout the unit on this project.

Alternate strategies for struggling students or those who learn differently:

 If a student is struggling, a peer tutor will be assigned.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 5

Procedures: (already established procedures to be used and procedures to be taught for this lesson)

 Civil war unit has already been introduced.  Civil war dictionary with paper has already been created.  Question and answer time for students to talk about web-mapping.  Students have learned how to create a web-map during computer lab.  During computer lab time, students will refer to their paper civil war dictionary and add on to their map until unit is over and map is complete.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 6

Lesson Development Resources Technology Tools and Materials: (classroom set-up, preparations, resources, etc.)        

Computer lab Construction paper Lined paper Pencils Colored pencils Sentence strips for time line in dictionary Copies of any maps to staple into dictionary Website for students to choose from and

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 7

(Teacher Resources)

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 8 Photo of paper civil war dictionary:

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 9

(Contact Information)  If students have any questions of difficulties, they will contact me or the computer lab instructor.

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 10

© Gradel & Jabot 2009 (adapted from Jabot, Maheady, Rey 2005 (adapted from UbD, Wiggins & McTighe)) 11

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