School Official Letter

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Superintendent of School XYZ School District Anywhere, USA, 1234 Today’s date, 2009 In re: Risks and Dangers of “ Swine Flu” Vaccines and Vaccination Program Dear Superintendent __________ The WHO (World Health Organization) has declared a worldwide H1N1 influenza “Pandemic level 6”, even while stating the disease is neither highly communicable nor, for most people infected, causing other than mild symptoms from which most recover in a few days. The WHO has also warned us about the dangers of using untested, experimental and uninsurable vaccines for which neither safety nor effectiveness have been proven, nor cost-effectiveness even considered. In addition, the WHO has stopped utilizing laboratory data to confirm the number of “swine flu” cases. Instead they are using unconfirmed cases and non-validated historical data extrapolation exaggerating the number of cases, thus continuing to fan public hysteria. The military is poised to invade our communities and schools to control “vaccine riots”. Under emergency health declarations, State authorities can refuse to honor medical and religious vaccine exemptions and can mandate vaccines or forcibly quarantine those who decline. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is mobilizing schools as mass vaccine clinics. Are schools capable of doing comprehensive medical screenings? Will schools monitor long-term health affects from vaccines? The clinical research trials exclude virtually all but the very healthy from participating. Will the school clinics provide effective informed consent to parents indicating diabetics, asthmatics, many children under psychiatric care and pregnant women were excluded from participating in clinical trials? Perhaps one of the greatest issues to fly in the face of safety is that contrary to manufacturer’s warnings and FDA findings, the WHO recommends all pregnant women be vaccinated. What are we, in our communities to do? Maybe WE need to be asking the questions? Are vaccines effective? There is abundant research indicating that all flu vaccines are of limited to no benefit to most population groups. In fact, there is a high probability that the current vaccine will not even be a match to rapidly mutating strains. Influenza Vaccine: Review of Effectiveness of the U.S. Immunization Program, and Policy Considerations – Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, Vol. 11, No.3, Fall 2006 “The runaway 100% effectiveness that's touted by proponents was nowhere to be seen…What you see is that marketing rules the response to influenza, ….” - Rosenthal Elisabeth. "Two Studies Question the Effectiveness of Flu Vaccines." The New York Times. September 21, 2005


“…despite intensified vaccination distribution and the increased financial resources used to promote vaccination, the incidence of influenza had not been decreased by the national flu shot campaign.” Are vaccines safe? Swine flu strategy ‘risky’ “Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease: Leaked letter reveals concern of neurologists over 25 deaths in America” German Health Expert’s Swine Flu Warning - Does virus vaccine increase the risk of cancer? Cancer causing potential of vaccines phoma_Rise.asp, Most disturbingly, H1N1 vaccine is already being manufactured even though safety trials have just begun! Thimerosal (mercury) and squalene: HHS Secretary Sebelius tells us the vaccines will contain thimerosal (mercury), stating that her scientists say mercury in vaccines is safe. However, Congressional reports and numerous scientists have long reported a list of symptoms and disorders that occur at mercury exposure levels far lower than in these vaccines, www. Over $ 6 million worth of the dangerous oil adjuvant (additive), squalene (not licensed in the US), has been purchased and will likely be in these vaccines. In laboratory studies, squalene has caused severe auto-immune disorders in 100% of animals. It is also implicated in Gulf War Syndrome. Mercury ref. www. , Squalene ref. Pregnancy: - Product labels: Novartis: Controlled studies on FLUVIRIN® have not been conducted to demonstrate safety in pregnant women Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with FLUVIRIN®. It is also not known whether FLUVIRIN® can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman or can affect reproduction capacity. FLUVIRIN® should be given to a pregnant woman only if clearly needed. (All manufacturers’ labels have similar warnings.) Why are doctors and nurses refusing to be vaccinated themselves? New York, Canada, UK ?lnk=raot, Israel So….If vaccines are neither effective nor safe, what is driving the rush to vaccinate every person on the planet? As always, follow the money. In alignment with the revolving door politics of the legislature, CDC / FDA and the pharmaceutical industry, the Federal government has already appropriated more than seven billion dollars, enriching vaccine manufacturers at public expense. More disturbingly, the PREP Act now protects the drug companies from


ANY liability incurred through vaccine injury or death. If the vaccines were indeed “safe and effective” as the FDA mandates, why would this law be necessary? These companies, once on the financial fringe of the pharmaceutical industry have become new profit centers. British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is set to reap billions as fear of the swine flu pandemic grows. GlaxoSmithKline: A Swine Flu Windfall? Flu Slowing in Most Parts of U.S; Vaccine Makers Get $1 Billion GSK hopes ‘unprecedented’ order for flu treatment will generate £600m I pray this information raises your concerns to the level that you investigate these serious public health issues. We are fast approaching the point of no return on this issue where many people will be injured, neurologically maimed, or even killed from these vaccines and drugs. The federal PREP Act exempts vaccine manufacturers from any financial liability for damage done to those injected with the experimental and uninsurable H1N1 vaccine.? Many people I have spoken to personally do not want to be forced to have flu vaccines. On the following CDC link,, the question, “Will vaccination against the new H1N1 influenza be mandatory?” is asked. A whole paragraph is written and specifically AVOIDS answering the question! I along with several citizens’ groups are hereby requesting a personal meeting with you to discuss the issue of a citizens’ pandemic flu advisory and advocacy group. Extensive documentation and references are available at . Please advise us of a date and time where we may meet with you on this most important topic. Sincerely, Xxxxxxxx Yyyyyyyy


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