School Handbook 09 10

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 3,199
  • Pages: 14
3375 Cheney NE

• Grand

Rapids, Michigan 49505 •Phone: 616.819.2848 •Fax: 616.819.2849 Jerry Bentley, Principal E-Mail: [email protected] Rick Noel, Asst. Principal E-Mail: [email protected]

Learner’s Guide ©


North Park Schools’ Staff Position


Room Number

Principal Asst. Principal Secretary Custodian

Jerry Bentley Rick Noel Terri Schmitt Cindy Salois

Office Office 040

Kathy Freewind Pat Pott Sharon Andree Susan Hendricks Jennifer Hall Nikki Jones Joe Uzarski Johanna Morrissey Mary Stahl Dave Huyser Pamela Lee TBD Sharon Attar Barb Dahlman Mandi DeGroot Anita VanZoeren Beth Diekema Mary Guidry Mary Sherman Obe VanderTol Lucia Zapata

008 009 124 126 121 123 125 103 113 206 203 102 204 004 105 122 101 104 200 202 202

Teachers PreK/Kindergarten PreK/Kindergarten Kindergarten 1st Grade 1-2-3 Montessori 1-2-3 Montessori 1-2-3 Montessori 2nd Grade 3rd/4th Grade 4th / 5th Grade 4-5-6 Montessori 4-5-6 Montessori Speech Physical Education ASD Teacher ASD Teacher ASD Teacher Resource Room Speech Vocal Music Art

Support Staff Michelle Conley Barb Denhof Robin Geahan Pam Hall Sue Lockwood Kurt Meyer Sue Prendergast

Attendance Regular attendance is essential in school. We cannot teach an “empty seat” and an absence further compounds a child’s difficulty when they return to class due to lost instructional time. It is critical to begin developing “life-long” skills of punctuality and attendance that will carry over into a child’s world of work as an adult.

Absences Students should attend school daily, unless they are truly ill. If your child is ill please call the school office at 819-2848 before 9:00 AM. It is critical for us to know that your child is safe. If we do not hear from you, we are required to contact you at home or work. As a courtesy to our office staff, we would truly appreciate a phone call. If absences become excessive, a report is automatically made to the proper authorities and you will be notified by those authorities.

Tardiness A student is considered tardy if he/she arrives to school after 9:15 AM. A student that arrives late, must report to the school office so that attendance records can be updated.

Early Dismissal The parent / guardian or a designated responsible adult must sign out their child in the school office. No student is to leave the school grounds without permission from the principal’s office. No student is released without verified parent / guardian approval. This policy exists to keep your child safe and accounted for at all times. We ask for your cooperation that all medical, dental and other appointments be made outside of school hours to prevent an interruption in the instructional time of your child. The parent / guardian assumes responsibility for their child’s daily attendance and assumes accountability as well.

Information Changes Please be vigilant in keeping your parent / guardian information accurate and up to date in the school office. It is critical that in an emergency we have accurate information to reach you or your designee.

Homework Homework is still considered an essential part of the learning process. The goal is to reinforce and support learning that is taking place within our classrooms and to develop a “life-long skill” of responsibility and accountability. Create a special place and time for your child to complete their work. If you deem the work they do as important – they will internalize that feeling for themselves and develop the skills and work ethic that is so critical to their future success. Homework takes many shapes; from a written assignment, reading activities, creative projects and long-term research projects. In addition to their regularly scheduled homework your child may bring home incomplete assignments that must be completed and returned to school. We expect parents to sign ALL homework assignments as partners in your child’s learning. Hold you child(ren) accountable to complete their work on time – EVERY time!

Homework Timeframes: Grade Level

Expected Time Requirement

Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade

10-15 Minutes 10-15 Minutes 10-20 Minutes 30 Minutes 30-40 Minutes 30-40 Minutes 40-45 Minutes

Your child’s teacher will communicate specific homework and project expectations with their classroom schedules.

School Security and Safety Procedure Our first priority in everything that we do is to keep your child safe - all day – every day! With this in mind we have policies adopted to ensure that is a reality. All exterior doors are locked during the day. Please use the main entrance (Cheney St.) to enter the building. All visitors MUST SIGN IN at

the main office upon entry to the building – there are no exceptions to this critical safety issue. Volunteers and visitors must wear the appropriate badge while in the building. To volunteer in our school in any capacity (classroom assistance, field trips, classroom visits, etc) you must complete a background check – if you do not complete this critical check or do not receive the appropriate clearance – you may NOT participate in school related activities – no exceptions – please help by cooperating with this important initiative to keep your child safe.

Grand Rapids Public Schools Student Policy Handbook The GRPS Student Handbook provides specific information regarding policies and procedures for all Grand Rapids Public Schools. This handbook should be read thoroughly and the information shared with your child(ren).

North Park Schools supports and enforces the GRPS Zero Tolerance Philosophy

Health Procedures If your child becomes ill during the course of the day, parents are called. Please make sure that your contact information is accurate so that we may reach you in a timely fashion for the sake of your child. If your child is ill, they should be kept home until they are fully recovered. It is in the best interests of everyone to help mitigate the spread of germs and virus within our school community. Upon their return to school they will be expected to participate in all activities (including outside recess) unless we receive written directions from your child’s physician to the contrary. No medication can be given at school unless it is prescribed by a physician and in its original container. The physician must complete the appropriate form that includes method of administration, time of administration and dosage. For your convenience that form can be faxed directly from your physician’s office to us at 819-2849. Additionally, parents must complete a form at the school office for medication to be administered to a student. A child may not bring medication to school. Let’s do everything that we can to adhere to this important State Law.

GRPS Head Lice Policy Children with evidence of live lice are not permitted to be in school and will be sent home immediately for treatment to minimize exposure to other students. If your child is found to have nits (lice eggs) they are permitted to remain for the rest of the day, but are not allowed to return until treated and all evidence is removed. This is a sensitive and embarrassing issue, but one that does happen periodically when children are playing and working closely together. We will help you in any way possible to reduce your anxiety, embarrassment and fears regarding lice issues here at school.

Severe Weather Information Tornado Watch Procedures Our school is notified of watch conditions. School will remain in session during a tornado watch and monitor conditions continually. Please monitor school news on the radio and television – do not call the school – we strive to keep our phone lines open for weather updates. Parents / guardians are always welcome to pick up their children during watch conditions – although it is not encouraged. Parents must follow the normal check out procedures by signing their child out at the office. If the watch is still in effect at dismissal time, school staff will monitor and ensure that children are out of the building and on their way home. Tornado WARNING Procedures During a tornado warning students will remain in the building and take shelter in our designated locations. Should the warning occur at dismissal time, students will be held here at school until the ALL CLEAR is given.

Severe Weather updates are broadcast on all radio, television, and internet stations.

North Park Schools’ Services and Programs North Park Schools is a GRPS Elementary School that proudly houses a traditional K-5th grade program, Montessori PreK-6th grade program and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Classrooms. We are a proud and strong member of the Grand Rapids Public Schools!

Special Education Resource Room This program is designed to meet the needs of children with minimal learning problems. Students receive instruction in reading and/or math. This instruction can happen right in a child’s general education classroom or may take place in a smaller group setting. An Individualized Educational Planning Committee (IEPC) which includes the teacher, parent(s), resource teacher, reading coach, school psychologist, speech pathologist, social worker and principal meet to share student’s strengths and area(s) of challenge. Student assessment occurs to determine eligibility and the necessary course of study for each child. Speech Services Students identified in their IEPC requiring assistance in articulation and language skills are eligible for services from a speech and language pathologist. Autism Spectrum Disorder Program (ASD) Students who have been identified through an IEPC as being Autistic receive services from this program. We strongly support and encourage students from the ASD Program to participate in our general education programs, activities and events where possible. At-Risk Students Students demonstrating a difficulty with Grade Level Content Expectations (GLCEs) will receive additional support through our intervention process.

Specialized Instruction Instrumental Music Vocal Music Physical Education Art Education Computer Lab Safety Patrol

Peer Buddy Program Lunchroom Assistants Room Helpers Assemblies Character Education Library – each child must have the permission slip signed and returned!

North Park Schools’ Conduct It is the expectation that your child will follow general school and classroom rules. We expect North Park Students to represent their school, community and families everywhere they go! Three (3) Simple Rules: • • •

Take Care of YOURSELF! Take Care of EACH OTHER! Take Care of YOUR SCHOOL!

Three Way to Handle Conflict • • •

Talk (politely tell the person to stop – give your reasons) Walk (remove yourself from the situation) Get Help! (Sometimes you need to ask an adult to help!)

It is the expectation that children of North Park Schools will show respect and act appropriately at all times.

Citizenship Every member of the North Park Schools Community (principal, teachers, staff, parents, volunteers, visitors) will demonstrate respect for themselves and others. Watch for classroom communication regarding your child’s classroom contract for behavior. v Act responsibly v Respect other’s right to learn v Exhibit good behavior at all times!

Zero Tolerance • • • • • • • •

NO ROUGH play (pushing, kicking, hitting, jumping on each other – if it looks like fighting – IT IS FIGHTING!) Excessive Noise Running in the school building Playing in bathroom or halls Disrespect for our wonderful building, materials or equipment Inappropriate Language Sexual Harassment Discrimination

It is the student’s responsibility to know the expectations and to follow them each day – every day! Playground All students are expected to attend daily recreation breaks with their class. Supervision is provided on the playground areas. This recreation break is an important part of your child’s physical, social and mental wellbeing. During inclement weather or on very cold days this recreation break will occur indoors. All students are expected to respect the playground rules, supervising staff and our playground boundaries. Supervising staff members will supervise students, help resolve conflicts and issue appropriate consequences. Very serious or habitual offenses will be referred to the principal and may result in your child attending an alternative recreation break. On our playground we…… • • • • •

play within boundaries and designated areas use equipment safely and appropriately keep our hands to ourselves listen to and respect supervising adults follow classroom rules should we be indoors due to inclement weather

Cafeteria Breakfast Breakfast will start at 8:50 AM and end at 9:10 AM. Students transported by bus will eat upon arrival – late bus riders will always eat! Students should enter through the cafeteria door. Please help us to keep your child(ren) safe by not sending anyone to school before the 8:50 AM Breakfast Schedule – there is no supervision for children before 8:50 AM. Lunch We expect our lunch room to look similar to a nice restaurant with appropriate behavior choices. During lunch we will see….. • • • • •

children remaining orderly in the hall, on the stairs and in the lunchroom using inside voices at all times children seated during meals healthy habits of cleanliness; washing hands and disposing of trash properly clean tables and floors

Our hot breakfast and lunch program begins on September 8 and prices are as follows: Breakfast: Full Price $0.75

Lunch: Full Price $1.00

Federal guidelines determine which students are eligible for free meals. Milk may be purchased at $0.30 for those students eating a sack lunch. Menus will be sent home in your Parent Homework Packet and monthly throughout the year. You and your child may choose any or all of the school breakfasts and lunches as long as we know what to plan for your child. Please send $ in an envelope to pay by the week or by the month (YES!), labeled with your child’s name, classroom number, teacher’s name and what days and meals for which you are paying – there is also an online pay option (more information. Simply dial (866) 700-1741 or log on ( and use a credit or debit card to add money to your child’s account.

Lunch Aides supervise children during the lunch period and recreation time. Students are given approximately 20 minutes to eat their lunch (individual students may be given more time if necessary). We encourage students to eat their entire lunch, if this becomes an issue we will contact you as soon as possible. As your child’s first teacher you know them best, please let us know if there is something that we need to know about your child’s eating habits.

Bus Rules / Field Trips When a student rides a bus, all rules and regulations of the Uniform Discipline Code apply. Failure to comply with these rules and regulations could result in removal of transportation services for your child. Be sure that your child is at their stop 5 minutes before their pickup time. To insure the safety and efficiency of transportation for our students, the following rules must be observed: • • • •

students board the bus in an orderly manner students remain seated during the entire bus ride head, hands and feet remain inside the bus food and beverages are not allowed on the bus

The bus driver is the responsible adult and it is their duty to maintain safety and order on the bus. The authority of the bus driver must be respected at all times. The permission slip in the back of the discipline code book includes a trip permission slip that must be returned to school in order for your child to participate in class trips. Prior to each trip, your child’s teacher will communicate all necessary information to you – including, but not limited to the date, departure and return time, destination and what assistance they will require from you with supervision / chaperoning.

Walkers Students who walk to school are expected to model good school behaviors from the moment they leave their house. Walking to school is such an amazing privilege, make every effort to maintain this privilege! • • • •

obey all safety rules respect our neighbor’s lawn by walking on the sidewalk ONLY use cross walks use a route supervised by a safety whenever possible

There are no bicycles allowed at North Park Schools.

Safeties Safeties are on their corners every morning before school and at dismissal throughout the school year for the safety and protection of all students. Students are expected to come and go from school promptly while safeties are on duty. For safety, we at North Park Schools….. • • • • • •

cross only at designated corners obey and respect safeties do no not talk to strangers walk only on the sidewalk go directly to school and directly home after school use the route supervised by the safeties

Dress Code The GRPS Student Policy Book contains a section on student dress. Please review this section with your child. At North Park Schools, parents and students are encouraged to make certain that students dress appropriately every day for classroom activities held and weather / temperature conditions. Our recreation breaks are outdoors daily except during inclement weather. Headgear shall not be worn in the school building except when approved by the building principal. Gym shoes are required for participation in physical education. School dress is to be neat, clean and appropriate for a learning environment. If it is keeping your child or another child from learning – you will be notified!

Parent / Visitors / Volunteers Family involvement is critical to the educational process. We not only welcome your participation – we truly need it to achieve our desired goals for your child(ren). This is your school, and as such you are welcome here any time – North Park Schools has an open door policy.

Background Checks To volunteer in our school in any capacity (classroom assistance, field trips, classroom visits, etc) you must complete a background check – if you do not complete this critical check or do not receive the appropriate clearance – you may NOT participate in school related activities – no exceptions – please help by cooperating with this important initiative to keep your child safe. We want and need your help and assistance. Once the background check is completed and we have received your clearance – there will be a volunteer badge kept for you on site. This badge lets our community know that you are safe and strong member of the North Park Team!

PTA The PTA is a national organization that advocates for children. We are proud to have a “Super Hero” PTA at North Park Schools! It is the assistance and collaboration of our PTA that has helped to make North Park such a special place! We encourage you to become a member. Watch for membership information and meeting information included in our school newsletter. Our Executive Board: President: Matthew Patulski (Montessori) Vice President: Cathy Cardosa (Traditional) Treasurer: Sue Cleland (Montessori) Corresponding Secretary: Amanda Brown (Traditional) Recording Secretary: Mary-Ann Faulkner (Montessori) Grand Rapids Public School Board Meetings GRPS School Board Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Plan to attend, get involved and lend your voice of support as we transform our schools for the next century.

Questions It is our hope that with this Learner’s Guide and our GRPS Student Policy Handbook – all of your questions have been answered. ☺ If you have additional questions, remember that this is your school and we are here to assist you. Always, start with you child’s teacher or contact the school office if that is more appropriate.

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