School Discipline And Exclusions

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 3
School discipline and exclusions

Your child's school must have a written policy which sets out the standards of behaviour it expects. It will outline what the school will do if your child’s behaviour falls below these standards.

Promoting good behaviour All pupils in a school benefit when behaviour is good. High standards of behaviour are important in helping children to feel safe and learn well and parents and carers can play a key part. The government advises that schools focus on promoting positive behaviour which helps to build self-discipline and encourages respect for others. Schools also need sanctions to deter pupils from misbehaving. Sanctions Sanctions a school might use include:

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a reprimand a letter to parents or carers removal from a class or group loss of privileges detention

Behaviour policies Schools should review behaviour policies at least once a year and publicise them to parents, staff and pupils. Many schools also have a code of conduct for pupils. Conduct rules can apply before and after school as well as during the school day. They set expectations for how pupils will behave in corridors, in bus queues and at lunch and break times, as well as in the classroom.

More about behaviour and discipline (opens new window)

If your child gets a detention Detentions can take place during school hours, at lunchtime or after school. If your child fails to attend without a reasonable excuse, the headteacher may give a more severe punishment. You are entitled to 24 hours’ written notice of a detention that takes place outside normal school sessions, so you can make arrangements for transport or childcare. The notice should tell you why the detention was given and how long your child will have to stay at school.

If your child cannot attend the detention, you may explain your reasons to your child’s teacher or headteacher. They may reconsider the detention in certain circumstances, such as:

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the detention falls on an important religious day for your family you’re concerned about the length and safety of the route between school and home • you can’t reasonably make alternative arrangements for collecting your child from school Discuss school behaviour and discipline with other parents on Parentscentre (opens new window)

Temporary exclusions A child who gets into serious trouble at school can be excluded for a fixed period of time. Schools can exclude a child if:

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they have seriously broken school rules; or allowing them to stay in school would seriously harm their education or welfare, or the education or welfare of other pupils. Some other points to bear in mind are that:

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only the headteacher or acting headteacher can exclude a child your child can't be given fixed period (non-permanent) exclusions which total more than 45 school days in any one school year • if your child is excluded for longer than one school day, the school should set work for them and mark it • the school should call you on the day an exclusion is given and follow up with a letter including information on the period of exclusion, the reasons for it and who to contact if you’d like to give your views Information and guidance on dealing with fixed period exclusions (opens new window)

Permanent exclusions A school will usually only permanently exclude a child as a last resort, after trying to improve the child's behaviour through other means. However, there are exceptional circumstances in which a headteacher may decide to permanently exclude a pupil for a ‘one-off’ offence. If your child has been permanently excluded, be aware that:

the school’s governing body is required to review the headteacher’s decision and you may meet them to explain your views on the exclusion • if the governing body confirms the exclusion, you can appeal to an independent appeal panel organised by the local authority • the school must explain in a letter how to make an appeal • all local authorities have made a commitment to provide suitable full-time education for children who have been permanently exclude dfrom day 16 of the exclusion - they should discuss the options with you Information and guidance on dealing with permanent exclusions (opens new window)

More useful links • • •

Download the leaflet 'Formal meetings with teachers' (opens new window) Guidance on exclusion from schools and pupil referral units (opens new window) Pupil behaviour and attendance: guidance on Teachernet (opens new window) In this section...

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Pupil health and safety Making a complaint to your child's school Truancy and your child Protecting your child from abuse: your school's role Access to education for children and young people with medical needs

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