Scheme Of Delegation To Officers

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  • Words: 4,995
  • Pages: 16

Alex Haswell Director Chief Executive Service

March 2004




Pages 1


Delegations to Officers

1, 2


Statutory Appointments of Officers

2, 3, 4, 5


Powers Delegated to Officers 4.1 4.2

Stipulations Rules Regulating Use of Delegated Powers

5 6


Delegations to Chief Executive



General Delegations to Corporate Directors

8, 9, 10,


Director of Finance

10, 11


Chief Constable

11, 12


Chief Fire Officer

12, 13

10. Interpretation of and Amendments to the Scheme 14 ____________________________________________________ Updates: Paragraph 29 March 2005 New Para 2.4 30 August 2005 References to Firemaster changed to Chief Fire Officer and Dumfries and Galloway Fire Brigade to Dumfries and Galloway Fire and Rescue Service 30 May 2006 Insertion of additional clauses under section 3 in respect of s189 and s191 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and sub para 1 of para 4 of the Requirements in Writing (Scotland) Act 1995 16 September 2008 Under section 3, affirmation of the position of the Director Chief Executive Service as Proper Officer under Sections 43 and 50 A-J of and Schedules 7 and 7A to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 with regard to meetings of the authority and its Committees and Sub Committees

Scheme of Delegation to Officers 1.



Dumfries and Galloway Council's approach to delegation is informed by the Council's main aim which is to make Dumfries and Galloway one of the best places to live, learn, work and grow in Scotland.


To achieve this, the Council is committed to setting and securing the highest standards in decision making.


Dumfries and Galloway Council is only permitted to do what statute empowers it to do. In the absence of a decision by the Council to the contrary, all powers are exercisable by the Council.


Such a requirement, however, is unworkable. The Council has therefore chosen to exercise its powers under Section 56 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to discharge any of its functions by Committee, Sub-Committee or Officer. Those delegations to Officers contained in this Scheme are empowerments to these Officers in accordance with the policies of the Council.


Under the terms of the Local Government in Scotland Act 2003, the Council also has the power to promote well-being, ie it can do anything which it considers is likely to promote or improve the well-being of its area and persons within that area.


Certain of the Council's powers cannot be delegated and these are detailed separately in the Council's Standing Orders and Scheme of Administration and Delegation to Committees as powers reserved to the Council.


This Scheme of Delegation to Officers provides the framework and guidance for the powers given to Officers.




Officers can be granted delegated powers by the Council, a Committee, a SubCommittee or another Officer.


In terms of this Scheme, delegations are to the Chief Executive, Corporate Directors: Executive Director Community and Support Services; Corporate Director of Planning and Environment Services; Service Director Schools Services; Service Director Social Work Services; Director of Finance; Corporate Director of Combined Services; Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer. Delegated authority granted to these Officers may be further delegated to Group Managers and Area Managers but requires the delegator to provide a written record of this. These delegations will be added to this Scheme at a later date.


Exceptions to the above arise through statutory appointments. Occasionally, Officers so appointed are other than the Chief Executive or a Director. Officers appointed to perform these statutory roles are empowered to take such action as is implicit in their roles. The statutory appointments made by the Council are detailed in the following section.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 2.4

In so far as is permitted by law, Proper Officers may delegate their powers to other specified Officers in writing either on a general or a specific basis. Where such powers are not so delegated they may be exercised, in the absence of the Proper Officer, by the Group Manager, Corporate Support and Governance.


Delegations that have been agreed for the Corporate Directors, Director of Finance and the Corporate Director of Combined Services are a mix of general delegations (all Officers are similarly empowered) and specific delegations to Director of Finance, Chief Constable and Chief Fire Officer.


When exercising any delegated authority, Officers are bound to have regard to a variety of stipulations that the Council has decided should govern and influence the exercise of powers delegated to Officers. Details of these general and specific delegations, and of the stipulations relevant to them, are in the sections following.



In terms of various statutes, the Council is required to appoint Officers for a variety of particular purposes. Officers so appointed are empowered to take such action as is implicit in their role. The statutory appointments agreed by the Council are as follows:Statutory Provision



Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 s.33A

Proper Officer to receive delivery of Councillors' declaration of acceptance of office.

Chief Executive


Officer before whom the declaration of acceptance of office may be made.

Chief Executive


Proper Officer for receipt of Councillors' resignations.

Chief Executive


Proper Officer for receipt of general notices from Councillors in respect of pecuniary interests and for recording of Councillors' disclosures of pecuniary interests.

Director Chief Executive Service

Sections 43 and 50 A-J and Schedules 7 and 7A

Proper Officer with regard to meetings of the authority and its Committees and Sub-Committees.

Director Chief Executive Service

s.43 and schedule 7 para 1(4)

Proper Officer for receipt of requisition for special Council meeting.

Director Chief Executive Service


Scheme of Delegation to Officers s.43 and schedule 7 para 2(1)

Proper Officer to sign summons to special Council meetings.

Director Chief Executive Service


Proper Officer for dealing with the transfer of securities.

Director of Finance


Proper Officer for the administration of the Council's financial affairs.

Director of Finance


Proper Officer in respect of Ordnance Survey applications.

Group Manager – Sustainable Development


Proper Officer to institute legal proceedings

Executive Director Community and Support Services


Proper Officer for service of legal proceedings, notices etc on the Council.

Executive Director Community and Support Services


Proper Officer to sign any claim on behalf of the Council in any sequestration, liquidations and other such proceedings in which the Council is entitled to make a claim.

Executive Director Community and Support Services


Proper Officer to sign notices, orders etc.

Director with responsibility for the relevant functions to which the notice, order etc relates.


Proper Officer in respect the use of Director Chief Executive the Council's seal. Service


Proper Officer to authenticate byelaws and deliver copies to other relevant authorities.

Director Chief Executive Service


Proper Officer to certify entry in register of byelaws.

Director Chief Executive Service


Proper Officer to provide certificate as evidence of byelaws.

Director Chief Executive Service


Scheme of Delegation to Officers s.206


Proper Officer in respect of the keeping of a register of persons admitted as freemen of the Council's area. Proper Officer to make application to the Sheriff on questions arising from the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973.

Director Chief Executive Service

Director Chief Executive Service

Local Government (Scotland) Act 1994 s.45

Chief Social Work Officer

Service Director Social Work Services

Local Government (Scotland) Act 1975 s.28 and 29

Proper Officer in respect of reports by the Ombudsman

Director Chief Executive Service

District Courts (Scotland) Act 1975 s.7

Clerk to the District Court

Director Chief Executive Service


Clerk of the Peace

Director Chief Executive Service

The Requirements of fWriting Writibng (Scotland) Act 1995 Sub para 1 of para 4

Proper Officer for the signing of documents

Director Chief Executive Service

Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976 Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 s.113

Proper Officer in respect of evidence of management rules.

Director Chief Executive Service

Representation of the People Act 1983 s.41

Returning Officer

Chief Executive


Notification of matters relating to election agents.

Chief Executive


Officer before whom declaration as Chief Executive to election expenses may be made.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers s.131(1)

The provision of accommodation for the election count.

Chief Executive


The seeking of repayments of expenses of the election count at the discretion of the court.

Chief Executive

schedule 5 para 6

Retention of a list of rooms for use for parliamentary election meetings.

Chief Executive

Local Government and Housing Act 1989 s.2

Proper Officer in respect of lists of politically restricted posts.

Chief Executive


Head of Paid Service

Chief Executive


Monitoring Officer

Director Chief Executive Service

Ethical Standards in Public Life, etc (Scotland) Act 2000 (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003 r.3

Proper Officer for receipt of notices Director Chief Executive of Councillors’ interests and Service maintenance of records.

Local Authorities (Contracts) (Scotland) Regulations 1997 r.4 Proper Officer for certification purposes.





Director Chief Executive Service

The exercise of powers delegated to Officers is subject to:4.1.1 The Standing Orders of the Council; any policies as embodied in a formal document; the Council's financial regulations and any other guidance issues in connection with the exercise of a particular function. 4.1.2 The right of an Officer to consult with the Chief Executive on any matter, even though specifically delegated to them, or to refer the matter to the appropriate Committee of the Council.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 4.1.3 The observation by Officers of the principles of corporate management. 4.1.4 Officers must use the authority delegated to them in the interests of Dumfries and Galloway Council. 4.1.5 In exercising the authority delegated to them, Officers must consult: (a)

the Chief Executive, Executive Director Chief Executive Service, Director of Finance and Director Chief Executive Service in respect of matters which are sensitive or complex, or where legal, administrative or other advice or guidance is necessary


the Chair/Vice Chair of the appropriate Committee in respect of matters which are sensitive, complex or otherwise warrant such consultation.

4.1.6 Officers must record, and publish if required, details of arrangements made by them for the exercise of delegated powers granted to them. 4.2

Rules Regulating Use of Delegated Powers

4.2.1 Where a Director has delegated authority, the principle of subsidiarity should be applied and decisions should be further delegated to as close to the point of service delivery as is appropriate in the circumstances. Each Director must prepare a Scheme of Delegation for their Service which details those decisions which have been delegated to Group, Service and Operational Managers within their Service and also to Area Managers 4.2.2 A Director may arrange for powers delegated to them to be exercised by staff in other Services. When powers are delegated to another Service both Directors must retain a written record of the delegated powers in question. 4.2.3 All delegated powers must be exercised subject to adequate budgetary provision being available and having regard to the terms of the Council’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders. 4.2.4 An Officer must not make any decision or take any action in accordance with powers conferred by this Scheme or any Service Scheme of Delegation if the decision or outcome could create the perception that an employee is not strictly adhering to the seven principles of public life as set out in the Council’s Code of Conduct for Employees. These principles are selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. Delegated powers must not be used where either the interests of the employee, the matter to which the decision relates or the identity of any other person involved could lead a member of the public to conclude that the powers had been used to avoid scrutiny by the Council or a Committee of the Council. If an Officer is in any doubt as to whether they should make use of delegated powers then they should seek guidance from their Head of Service.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 5.


The Chief Executive is authorised:5.1

To act as the head of the Council’s paid service in terms of section 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.


To give a direction in special circumstances that any Officer shall not exercise a delegated function.


Where considered to be in the interests of the Council, to approve the provision of reasonable hospitality to representatives of other authorities, organisations, Officers of the Council or others; to make visits and to authorise visits by Officers of the Council or others (excluding elected Members) representing the Council outwith the UK; to deal with all issues relating to the extension of civic hospitality.


To approve attendance at conferences outwith the UK of Officers, in cases where it is considered to be in the interest of the Council.


To deal with and, in appropriate circumstances, to approve applications by employees charged with offences in the course of their employment for assistance with legal expenses of their defence and report as necessary to the appropriate Committee of the Council.


To deal with, and in appropriate circumstances, to approve applications by employees convicted of and fined in respect of offences committed whilst acting in the course of their employment, for full or part payment of the fine imposed and report as necessary to the appropriate Committee of the Council.


To deal with, and in appropriate circumstances, to approve applications from employees for reimbursement of reasonable legal expenses, in part or in whole, incurred in defending actions raised against them personally, providing that they were acting:(a) (b) (c)

within the course of their employment; in accordance with Council/Service procedures; and in good faith.


To secure the efficient and effective implementation of the Council's programmes and policies, the deployment of resources towards that end, and also the maintenance of internal and external relations being actions of a routine nature implicit in the day to day management of affairs and all steps ancillary thereto, not involving a change of policy or the incurring of serious expenditure and for which there is adequate provision in the estimates.


To deal with any operational matter not otherwise delegated in the period between the last meeting of the Council and prior to the setting up of a new Council following statutory elections.


In consultation with the Group Manager Human Resources, to approve special leave for Directors in accordance with the provisions of the appropriate scheme of salaries and conditions of service and guidelines issued by the Council.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 5.11

Following consultation with the Director of Finance, to decide in terms of the Council's defalcation procedures whether to refer any particular case to the Police.


Following consultation with the Group Manager Human Resources to exercise all discretions available to the Council in terms of the Local Government Pension Scheme (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2000 and the Local Government (Discretionary Payments and Injury Benefits) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2000.



General Delegations The Executive Director Community and Support Services, Corporate Director of Planning and Environment Services, Service Director Schools Services, Service Director Social Work Services, Director of Finance and Corporate Director of Combined Services are authorised:6.1

Subject to there being the appropriate provision in the Council's budget, to deploy resources as they think fit for the best execution of functions under their management.


Subject to Committee approval, to deploy monies received from Scottish Executive funding subject to the provisions of the Council’s agreed policy on deployment of such monies.


To ensure that all activities undertaken are within the legal powers of the Council and in the event of doubt to consult with the Director Chief Executive Service.


To sign all documents on behalf of the Council relevant to the functions for which the Chief Executive/Director is responsible and to authorise other Officers to do so, excluding always any specific provision made for documents in terms of primary or subordinate legislation, statutory direction, the policies of the Council in this or other Administrative Schemes.


To take any actions necessary on any emergency situation that is within the remit of their own post or the Service for which they are responsible.


To make decisions regarding complaints made under the Council's complaints procedure.


Following consultation with the Director Chief Executive Service, to lodge objections with the Licensing Board under section 16 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 1976 where one of the grounds for objection under the Act exists.


To submit responses to consultation documents which concern operational issues.


To organise safe working processes within current Health & Safety policies.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 6.10

Where thought to be in the interests of the Council, to approve the provision of reasonable hospitality to representatives of other authorities, organisations, Officers of the Council and to others in relation to any one occasion.


To approve the attendance of Officers at conferences within the United Kingdom where considered to be in the interests of the Council.


To authorise the attendance of Officers in full-time or part-time courses of study and the payment of appropriate fees.


To appoint within their respective departments, all staff up to Chief Officer grade within the authorised establishments, except where the Council determines otherwise. The appointment of employees who are in receipt of occupational pensions, other than teachers, may only be made following consultation with the Group Manager Human Resources.


To exercise the powers given to Chief Officers in the various conditions of service so far as the discipline and efficiency of their Services are concerned.


To apply the Council's conditions of service as affecting employees within their Service.


To authorise the working of overtime by appropriate grades of Officers and manual/craft employees and the payment of overtime or compensatory leave or honoraria in accordance with criteria laid down by the Council.


To sign and issue (a) authorisation to Officers of the Council to exercise statutory powers (including the right to enter land and premises in connection with the discharge of their duties) and (b) identity cards. To make recompense in respect of damage to or loss of an employee's personal property in respect of any one incident up to an amount not exceeding £100 and up to £500 with the agreement of the Director of Finance.


To permit any member of staff to absent themselves occasionally and temporarily during business hours to attend to duties or services of a civic, honorary, charitable, academic or social nature in accordance with the Council's special leave policy provided that these do not interfere with the efficient discharge of the functions of the Council.


To allow reasonable unpaid leave of absence to any employee to attend to public duties as defined in section 50(1) and 2 (2) of the Employees Rights Act 1996 or approve leave of absence in accordance with the Council's special leave policy.


To appoint temporary staff where the appointments are fully funded by external agencies or as replacements for established employees on long-term absence through sickness, maternity or special leave.


In consultation with the Group Manager Human Resources, to appoint temporary staff on appropriate grades additional to the formal establishment to address exceptional workload peaks, such appointments to be for periods not exceeding 6 months or such longer period as may be agreed with the Chief Executive and subject to funding being met from existing budgets.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 6.22

In consultation with the Group Manager Human Resources and, subject to the exigencies of the Service, to approve the secondment of staff between Services of the Council and between the Council and other Councils or other organisations such appointments to be for periods not exceeding 12 months.


To take all necessary action of a routine nature in terms of their appointment, to implement the policies, practices and procedures previously agreed by the Council and also to take such action implicitly in all matters ancillary thereto, including the incurring of expenditure of a minor or recurring nature and for which adequate provision has been made in the estimates.


To exercise delegations in terms of the Standing Orders relating to contracts adopted by the Council and to issue orders for the supply of goods and services for their departments required for normal working and for which there is provision in the estimates in accordance with the purchasing policy of the Council.


To exercise delegations in terms of the Financial Regulations adopted by the Council.


To maintain proper security for staff, buildings, stocks stores, furniture, equipment and similar items under their control. Where special arrangements are considered necessary they shall consult with the Director of Finance.


To authorise the payment of accounts due by the Council for goods and services properly supplied and for which there is adequate provision in the estimates.


To advise the Director of Finance about any extraordinary financial obligation which will affect the Council.


To advise the Director of Finance about any extraordinary risk with will affect the insurances held on behalf of the Council.


To terminate on behalf of the Council any contract which the Council is entitled to terminate under the appropriate conditions of contract after consultation with the Executive Director Community and Support Services, if satisfied that it is in the interests of the Council.


To exercise the powers given to the Council by Section 1 of the Local Authorities (Goods and Services) Act 1970.



The Director of Finance is authorised:7.1

As Proper Officer for the administration of the Council’s financial affairs.


To determine the systems of accounting control and the form of accounts and supporting records, arrange for the publication of the annual accounts and the statutory audit.


To make arrangements for the collection, payment and, where appropriate, recovery of all income due to or to be collected by the Council including the council tax, rates and community charge income.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 7.4

To make changes to budgets during estimate preparation to reflect service adjustments without specific reference to Committee, subject to an account of such adjustments being available to the Council and may supplement budgets from contingencies or other reserves in respect of national pay awards and price inflation when funded without reference to the Council.


To make all executive decisions on borrowing, investment or financing.


Responsibility for the Council's banking arrangements.


Must be consulted before a final decision is reached on action proposed into investigations into frauds or irregularities conducted under the direction of a Chief Officer.


To make provision for doubtful debt as considered appropriate and may write-off debts considered uncollectable up to the individual value of £5,000 with out reference to Committee.


To approve the creation of any reserve and any expenditure made.


To approve any ex-gratia payment of more than £50 to be made to a third party for loss or damage to property.


To be the Proper Officer in terms of Section 92 of the 1973 Act and able to authorise the transfer of Securities and in terms of Section 191 of the 1973 Act may sign on behalf of the Council any claim in sequestration, liquidation or other proceedings.


To grant early retirals on the grounds of efficiency in conjunction with the Group Manager Human Resources consistent with the Scheme of Retirals adopted for the time being by the Council.


Responsibility for Insurance Matters within the Council.



The Chief Constable is authorised:8.1

As sole authority in respect of operational police matters.


In discharging the statutory authority of direction and control in respect of Force Support Staff, to exercise routine personnel management of all force support staff in respect of appointments, pay, conditions of service, discipline, superannuation and other personnel matters.


To exercise routine personnel management of all Police Constables in respect of appointments, pay conditions of service, discipline, superannuation and other personnel matters, except where otherwise provided for in this scheme.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 8.4

Subject to the provisions of the Schemes of Financial Regulations, Financial Codes and Standing Orders relating to Contract, agreed by the Council, and to the functions in these Schemes delegated to specified Force Support Staff employed by the Council as Police Authority and under the direction and control of the Chief Constable, to exercise routine financial management and administration of Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary and exercise routine control of all aspects of property management of police property vested in the Council as Police Authority.


To routinely manage, in accordance with Police pension regulations and in conjunction with the Pensions Manager the management of all pension issues for Police Constables.


To enter into agreements with the occupiers of premises on behalf of the Council as Police Authority in terms of Section 13(2) of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967 (Watching of premises or land).


To discharge, if the Council as Police Authority is requested to do so, the functions of the Policy Authority under Section 19 (Appointment of Inspectors) of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 for the purpose of the enforcement of the Explosives Acts of 1875 and 1923 insofar as they relate to the licensing, registration land regulation of stores or registered premises.


To approve secondments, below Chief Officer rank, from Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary to Central Service posts or other posts outside the Force under section 38 of the Police (Scotland) Act 1967 or other applicable legislation, subject to prior consultation, in the case of Divisional Commanders or other Officers whose working relationship with the community or the Council has been significant, with the Chair of the Police and Fire Committee and the relevant Chair of the Area Committee.



The duties delegated to the Chief Fire Officer are also delegated to the Brigade Managers and may be sub-delegated to any other Officer under the direction and control of the Chief Fire Officer whom the Chief Fire Officer may, by written notice, nominate, and copy of any notice thus served shall be submitted to the Fire Authority for information. In exercising any delegated function the nominating Officer will take account of any appropriate Fire and Rescue Service practices and procedures, of any managerial instruction given and of any similar consideration. The Chief Fire Officer is authorised:9.1

In accordance with Section 19(2) of the Fire Services Act 1947 to be directly responsible for the management of all executive, administrative and operational aspects of the Fire and Rescue Service.


To discharge the duties of the Fire Authority under the various Acts, Orders, Rules, Regulations and Byelaws relating to Fire Safety, Health and Safety etc as approved by the Authority and to authorise any Officer who is, in his/her opinion,


Scheme of Delegation to Officers suitably qualified so to act, to carry out any such duties aforesaid and including, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, authority to sign on behalf of the Authority, such Fire Certificates, Notices, Licences or other documents as may be required to be issued in connection therewith. 9.3

In consultation with the Director of Finance to determine, within a policy laid down by the Authority, charges for special services, courses and other services provided by the Fire and Rescue Service, and the waiving and modification of any such charges.


In discharging the statutory authority of direction and control with regard to Fire and Rescue Service Staff, to exercise routine personnel management of all Staff in respect of appointments, pay, extension of sick pay arrangements, conditions of service, discipline, superannuation and other personnel matters.


To deal with the discharge of all employees on medical grounds.


In consultation with the Council, to institute on behalf of the Authority any proceedings in the Courts in connection with any offences under fire safety legislation for the time being in force.


To determine, in such cases where an employee of the Fire and Rescue Service has accepted an unsolicited gratuity, which charity the gratuities shall be given.


To consider and determine applications from employees regarding secondary employment in accordance with the policy of the Authority.


To operate the following schemes in consultation with the Director of Finance, having due regard to the rate of inflation to determine charges and allowances: (a) The Assisted Car Purchase Scheme (b) The scheme for reimbursement of medical/optical charges (c) The Car Allowance Scheme (d) Telephone allowances (e) Payment of honoraria and planned overtime


To grant paid leave of absence in relation to meetings and membership of those public bodies referred to in the Conditions of Service.


Subject to the provisions of the Schemes of Financial Regulations, Financial Codes and Standing Orders relating to Contract, agreed by the Council, and to the functions in these Schemes delegated to specified Brigade Support Staff employed by the Council, to exercise routine financial management and administration of Dumfries and Galloway Fire and Rescue Service and exercise routine control of aspects of property management of Fire and Rescue Service property vested in the Council as the Fire Authority.


Scheme of Delegation to Officers 10



Any reference in this Scheme to a particular Act or statutory provision is, unless the contrary intention appears, a reference to that Act or statutory provision as amended.


All matters of interpretation of the Scheme are to be determined by the Director Chief Executive Service.


The Director Chief Executive Service is authorised to supply any omission in or necessary amendment to or to correct any error arising in this Scheme of Delegation which is of an administrative nature.


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